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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hazel couldn't help but stare. "Wow....you're beautiful." She gasped and lied down on her bed. "I can make your bed out of that chair over there or something. Or I can just make you a cot on the floor. It's whatever." She said with a shrug.

@Sombra Arcana
She immediately reacted and blushed at Hazel's comment. She was very flustered from what she said, since she kind of did it for her to tease Ashley, but she didn't expect it to make her heart beat so fast. Um. Thank you. But, I still think I am a little bit lacking. She makes a hand gesture over her bosom area and giggles. She looks at Hazie and shrugs. I can sleep wherever as long as I...She brings out her huge doggie plushie she hid inside the candy suitcase. Sleep with him.
Hazel laughs. "Nah. You're perfect the way you are." She put her hands underneath her own breasts and bounced them up slightly. "Not everyone is as lucky as me." She giggles. "I'm kidding." She looked at her bed. "Well my bed is big enough for two to comfortably sleep without bumping into each other." She suggested.

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley giggled at her comments, but her gaze surely was stuck on Hazel's bosom when she did her maneuver. Your skin is so smooth and you're beautiful. She mutters in a low whisper-like tone of voice. As Hazie said they both could sleep together, Hazel could see a shadow coming from above, as the doggie plushie was launched towards the bed and Ash was pouncing towards HAzel, to give her a tight hug, roll around and land on the empty side of the bed. She drew out a thumbs up card from inside the dog plushie
Hazel laughed at her antics. "Nice. Ten out of ten." She nodded and rolled over onto her side, facing Ashley. With a yawn, she spoke...."Wow I'm tired." She smiled and leaned towards Ash, kissing her on the nose before turning onto her other side and drifting to sleep.

@Sombra Arcana (I'm off to bed now.)
Before she could turn, Ash gave her a kiss on the forehead and rolled towards the other side, hugging her huge Dog plushie. I am tired too. She said following with a huge yawn. Good night, Hazie. Sleep tight and sweet dreams. She said as she drifted to sleep.

(good night. Get some rest. Cya ;) ) @NeoClassical
Hazel woke up and stretched, yawning as she did so. She looked around the room and smiled when she saw Ashley. She got out of bed slowly went to talk a shower.

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley felt when Hazel got up and frowned as she couldn't feel her close anymore. She was a light sleeper, but she liked to nap so much. She rolled to the other side, and made a movement to see if she could hug Hazel from behind, but she was not there anymore. Au~ She mumbled as she rolled over again and hugged her plushie
Hazel got out of the shower, dressed in her underwear and a shirt that was too big, going down to her knees. She yawned again as she dried her hair with a blue towel that matched the walls. She sat on the foot of the bed

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley rolled to the other side of the bed and opened her eyes slowly with a yawn. She rubbed her teary eyes, just in time to see Hazel coming towards the footing of the bed. Good morning, beautiful. She said in a tender, yet teaseful voice. Is it gummy time yet? She rolled onto her back and staired at the ceiling. SHe didn't want to get up that comfortable bet filled with Hazel's scent and she didn't want to take a bath either.


(just woke up from my nap, sorry)
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"Gummy time?" Hazel looked at Ashley quizzically. "No....it's around 8." Shed said as she pointed to the grandfather clock in the corner of the room. It wasn't there until she pointed at it and it quickly disappeared seconds later, leaving no trace of it being there.

@Sombra Arcana
Oh? It's past gummy time. She pulled a card with a sad face from her doggie plushie. She rolled out of the bed and fell over Hazel. She looked at her eyes and giggled as she gave her a hug. Where is your bathroom? I need to takey a bathy. She said with a childish tone and a giggle afterwards.

(For reference gummy time is around 7, when she eats the first gummy bear of the day)
Hazel pointed to a white door on the other side of the door. It stood out against the blue toned walls and rainbow ceiling. "Right there." She smiled. "Sorry you missed your...uh....gummy time." She giggled and began to brush her hair.

@Sombra Arcana
It's okay. I missed gummy time because I was with my friend. She gave her a hug and stood up. She began to walk, tumbling towards the bathroom as she was half asleep. She grabbed a new pait of undergartments from her suitcase. She decided to pick on the light cyan patching pair and turned on the hot water. She got into the shower and began to quietly enjoy the feeling of the water falling upon her skin as she took her time bathing.
Hazel got tired of brushing her hair and just shook her head. Her hair fell perfectly into place (the style in the appearance photo). She pulled a pack of gummy bears from her pocket and threw it on the bed. She opened her closet and changed into a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. She smiled to herself and began to get her lesson plans together.

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley got out of the shower and dried herself. She put on her cute cyan underwear and looked for the dress she was going to use that day. Little did she know, that she forgot to take it out from the suitcase, so she made a dash for it. When she got out of the bathroom, her eyes locked on Hazels' and froze. She blushed and grabbed the dress quickly and went into the bathroom again to change. When she got out, she already had a lolipop on her mouth and looked at Hazel flustered. Can I borrow your hairbrush?

She grabbed the hairbrush and then looked at Hazel with a smile. She looked at the pack of gummy bears on the bed. For me? She immediately hugged Hazel and sat down next to her, brushing her hair to be ready for the next day, where she probably would be giving classes. What sounds better for today? Playing games, doing art, napping or free class? She was curious and wanted a suggestion.
Hazel shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not that creative. I would be a horrible recreational teacher." She put her hand underneath her chin. "Just remember to do something that will make their powers improve in some way. They are here to get stronger. Some more than others." She smiled.

@Sombra Arcana
That means work. Ash shrugged as she wanted to get off napping that afternoon. So if it means exploring and improving their ideas and powers, I think that games and art using their powers would make them improve a little bit. As she said this, she bega to eat the gummy bears, while swinging her legs from the bed's edge.
Hazel shrugged. "You're the one who decided to teach. Sometimes it includes work." She smiled and looked at herself in a mirror. "I, personally, enjoy work. It makes it more rewarding when you put a lot of time and effort into things. And there's nothing more important to me than the success of these students."

@Sombra Arcana
I do like working, but I am lazy. She said as she stood up as she finished combing her straight brownish hair. You look gorgeous and perfect, Hazie. She said as she stood up to have a look at herself in the mirror. She was wondering if she should be carrying around her small teddybear plushie with her to give herself a more childish look.
Hazel smiled and blushed. "Aw, thanks, Ashley. You look cute as well." She giggled and sat on her chair. "Do you know what time your class starts. I know there aren't any set schedules but do you have any idea?"

@Sombra Arcana
I know it starts when Tyr's ends, which by the nicks of it, seems like it's still going on. Poor children. She said as she went over to Hazel and sat on her lap. I wonder when I will be giving my first class. I am anxious to see the students reactions to my cards. She said with a cute look at Hazie.
Hazel winced aloud. "Oh, I would recommend you keeping your powers to yourself until you need to use them. This school isn't about the teachers' abilities but about the students." She nodded. "Only use them if it has a lesson with it."

@Sombra Arcana

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