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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You're not okay! Ashley said as she kept hugging closely Hazel. Please smile truly or cry if you need to. You can always to with me about anything. She was truly worried of her newly found friend, even though her stomach was grumbling and craving for sweets. She used sweets to fill the void left behind from boredom and loneliness.
Hazel laughed. It was a sweet laugh. A laugh that would calm the darkest demons. "Honestly. I'm fine. It happens every once in awhile." She heard Ashley's stomach growl and she laughed again. "Come on. Let's go eat."

@Sombra Arcana
Admittedly, what her peer was saying and especially how he was saying it felt like a breath of fresh air to Celeste. It was likely quite stupid of her to feel this way, but it was a relief to see that there was at least one person who wasn't the carbon copy she had grown used to.

"Very well," she replied, "this should be quite fun."
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Ashley did not let her go. She was like a child clinging to her mother. Are you really, really, really sure? Would you promise me under the fact that if you lie, I will pick the card personally that would get you naked and dancing! She said with a cute pout as she snuggled Hazel until she was laughing and giggling and having an actual true and heartwarming smile.
Amadaeus nodded. "Yes, fun." He sat down on the ground near Celeste's feet. "Very fun....knives are fun." He began to mutter incoherent words that seemed to mumble jumble under his breath.

@Warden Click

Hazel giggled. "Naked?" She shook her head. "No, no need for that. I'm fine." She headed towards the double doors. "Now come, I told them to make apple cobbler."

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley smiled and got up almost instantly, as she began hopping and prancing next to Hazel as the walked towards the area where the both of them would eat. Are you afraid of getting naked? She asked in a childish tone
Hazel gave a confused look. "Afraid?" She shook her head. "Nah, I sleep naked." She said matter-of-factly. "I just don't want be naked in front of other people. It's never happened before and I wish to keep it like that."

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley giggled and walked with her until they reached the table. I am just pulling your leg. Well, one of the cards can actually do that, so I am not sure myself if we are safe from that? She brought out a card from her purse that seemed to be a smiley face with a sweatdrop.
Hazel nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know." She opened the double doors, revealing a grand dining hall. There was a large chandelier hanging from the center. The room was about the size of the school courtyard, which should have been impossible. At the back of the room was another set of double doors, leading to the kitchen. In the center of the large room was a small square fold up table with two metal chairs on each side. "Fancy right?" She giggled.

@Sombra Arcana
Yes, her peer was definitely not a carbon copy, much to her relief. He seemed to be a little unhinged, but it was better than being typical! While he was muttering his incoherent nonsense, Celeste waited for him to finish, trying to pick apart some of the mumbling.

(I need to go to bed soon, T_T)
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Amadaeus slowly rocked back and forth on the floor, continuing his muttering. Hey man, you aight? "No, I'm not aight." He said aloud, very loud. Hey, be quiet. People can hear you. "I don't care. You wanted chaotic. You got it." He shouted as he continued his rocking. "Knives.....knives good...." He resumed muttering. "Innocence....no, no innocence." Could be heard in between his random mumbles.

@Warden Click
Celeste sighed. From what she could pick apart, it seemed that her peer was most certainly unhinged. While that wasn't that much of a problem, it did mean that it would be that much harder to calm him down. "Hey," Celeste said to her peer, "could I please know your name?"

It was a long shot, but Celeste hoped it would be enough to briefly take her peer's mind off of what was troubling him.

(Now I must go to bed T_T)
Just too fancy! She said as she began hopping towards her chair. She sat down and stared at the silverware, the chairs, the decorations, the table and the food. I love it! I'm in love with your tastes! She giggled. You're so classy!
Amadaeus looked at the girl, confused. "My name?" He looked hopelessly confused. "What is my name?" He snapped his fingers. "Adam." He nodded. Amadaeus. "Oh that's wrong. I'm Amadaeus." He smiled. "Why did I say Adam. That's not my name." He giggled. "I'm so silly." @Warden Click

Hazel nodded. "I guess you can say that." She motioned towards the room. "I just like to show off." The food was brought out. First, it was a big bowl of salad.

@Sombra Arcana
Well, I love that part of you. I do not care if you're showing off! Ashley said with a huge smile as she saw the salad and pouted a bit,since salads aren't sweet. She said nothing about it and started to eat it gracefully
Hazel watched Ashley eat. She could tell that this girl wasn't enjoying the salad. It was expected though. Salad was not candy; quite the opposite actually. "Sorry about the food. I like to eat healthy. Although I do not need to, I like the feeling of being healthy." She smiled sympathetically. "The sweets will come later." She gave a slight, subtle wink.

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley's face lighten up bright with the sound of candy coming later. I know, I know. I too eat healthy, but I can't get the taste of grass off my mouth. She said with a cute pout. I mean, I need to keep this wonderful (flat) body of mine! I have to have my appeal! She said as a joke as she finished her salad.
Hazel nodded. "I guess that's true." She said, trailing her eyes across Ashley's body. "Tantalizing." She muttered before finishing her salad and calling over the waiter who cleared their plates and later came back with a bowl of pasta for each of them. "This has a little more flavor." She giggled.

@Sombra Arcana
Oh! I love pasta! Ashley said as she began to eat it quietly and as she had been taught in the orphanage. It was a lay's way to know how to use the silverware, so she became an expert at that. I was wondering...She giggled. If we were someday able to have a sleepover, wouldn't you be dying off shame? She said in between giggled and bites to her pasta.
Hazel thought about her question for a moment. "Nah. I would probably just wear my old Hello Kitty pajamas." She giggled. "It wouldn't be that bad." She smiled and took a bite of her pasta, burning her tongue. She winced slightly but the burn quickly faded.

@Sombra Arcana
Oh! Hello Kitty! How cute! I love the brand! She giggled and smiled at Hazie as they had so much in common. She saw her burn her tongue and got worried. Are you alright, Hazie? Does it hurt?
Hazel smiled. "I'm fine." She shook her head and took another bite of her pasta. "Geez. You worry too much. You need to unwind, baby." She giggled and a glass of wine appeared in her hand, which she sipped slowly.

@Sombra Arcana
It's just that you're my first friend, Hazie. She said with a flustered, blushing smile. She then looked at the pasta and continued eating. And it's not like I want you to get harmed or lose you or anything...she whispered and muttered to herself.
Hazel smiled. "You don't have to worry about me, darling." She grabbed a fork and stabbed herself in the hand. The fork went through but there was no puncture wound or blood. When she pulled the fork away, there was still no wounds. She lifted her hand and wiggled it. "See? I'm fine." She chuckled.

@Sombra Arcana
Are you a wizard? She said dumbfolded by what here eyes just saw. I mean, I can change the course of luck, physical abilities and fate itself. I can even get people sex changes and get them naked and party rock dancing, but that was incredible! Ashley was out of her words and of pasta.

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