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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
@NeoClassical (sorry had classes and work. Just got back home)

Ash looked at Hazie and smiled. She pulled out a red 'X' card and grinned.
No. I am free until my first class. She began to eat a new lot of candies which were not loli(hehe)pops but gummies. I shall read my fate for today. As she said this, her palm began to grow brighter and a card appeared before her.


Oh! The High Priestess! It's a good omen for me! She smiled as she felt somehow that her abilities and her clairvoyance if that's what you could call it has become more accurate, effective and powerful.
@Sombra Arcana (no problems. Life happens.)

Hazel smiled. "It seems that luck favors you today." She chuckled before continuing. "Well if you're free, we can have lunch in my quarters. My room is a little different that the other staff. It's definitely a perk to be able to customize it literally however I want. I have my own dining hall and kitchen with a working staff." She shrugged. "It's no big deal. Definitely not 5 star."
Ashely pulled two cards. The first card was a green happy face and the second one was a thumbs up. Your idea sounds lovely. She said with her barely emotionless, serious face. The reason she used the cards was to keep herself from overreacting or being overly excited and messing things up. It was her escape to keep herself cool and under control. I would love to eat in your chambers. My chambers are gummy bear themed and has lots of colors! She said with a small hop.
Hazel shook her head and smiled. "Of course it is." She giggled and began to walk towards a flight of stairs. "Come now. It's just up here." She pointed up the stairs.

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley began to follow Hazel by jumping and hopping around in a childish way. I like to have meet you. She said with a big smile and a Heart card on her hand, which she was showing to Hazel. By the way, would you like me to read you, your fortune? She said with a tender smile on her face.
When Qi first arrived in the class, her mouth was slightly agape at all the weapons. There was a small excited grin when Tyr had mentioned about them. A space with weapons did look fun.

However when the stone had illuminated, she felt her powers suddenly down. The girl grumbled a little, not liking that happening even though she didn't use her powers often. She walked over towards a set of twin short swords, something that she can give quick succession of attacks and went to find a partner.

(See you guys later. She'll probably just pair up with someone else)
Hazel shrugged. "You can if you want to." She smiled lightly. "It won't do anything. I'm sort of above small magic like that. Absolute Defense and what not." She giggled. "But I'll humor you. Go ahead. Read it."

@Sombra Arcana
(Sorry school happened. I'm just going to do a short post with Hiroshi going to Tyr's class late.)

Hiroshi realized he was late for class. This was possibly the first time this had happened in the entirety of his life. While he regretted being late Hiroshi would regret not appeasing the Kami with the daily ritual a lot worse. He had forgotten to do it after all the excitement this morning.

Walking into the class Hiroshi just stood silently waiting to be noticed by Tyr.
Realizing she had to find a partner, Celeste tried to remain unnoticed by her peers. She really didn't want to have to go up and talk to a person. No, it would be marginally easier if somebody came up to her, instead...
Amadaeus flicked the knife in the air and caught it. Did you have to choose a knife? Brings back memories doesn't it?

A few years back, Amadaeus had decided to explore the outback. There he found a tribe of natives. These natives took him in and fed him. He learned their ways and even began to loose sense of who he was. That is, until Primal reminded him. He had an outburst, a quick but deadly show of chaotic force. He killed the chief of the tribe. They didn't like that. They attacked him. The attacks didn't bother him but when they started calling him crazy, now that, that tipped him over the edge. He left the tribe, but returned deep in the night. He found one of their sacrificial daggers and used it to slit the throats of every children of the village. He showed them who's crazy.

That memory did it. He couldn't stand it anymore. The chaos energy from this beast, Primal, was too much. He regained control. He gave a wild grin. "I like knives." He muttered.
Whoops. Amadaeus glanced around the room, looking for a partner before catching sight of a girl. He walked over to her, balancing the knife on his finger with the tip of the blade against his skin. "Have a partner?" He asked with a smile.

@Warden Click
Okay! She said as she began channeling her power onto her palm and give Hazel a good reading. I see. I see. The card started to manifest itself in front of her eyes. I see a chariot. Is it reversed or is it normal? She looked deeper into her card and see it was normal, so that meant that Hazel will get a super boost to her speed. You will be in a hurry and have good luck!

[dice]22430[/dice] [dice]22431[/dice]
Hazel smiled. "Lady Luck shines on me as well it looks like." She nodded and walked up the stairs, down a long ball and stopped at a door with weird runes floating around it. "Gotta protect against panty raiders." She giggled as the runes disappeared and the door opened. "Come on in."

@Sombra Arcana
Ashley gladly hopped into Hazel's room and loked around with awe. The runes were beautiful, but what she saw was even greater than that. How did you get all of this? She said pointing at every nook and cranny she could find. It's so pretty! She brought out a card that held three stars. I love it.
Hazel shrugged. "My power has its uses." She smiled as she remembered what it was like decorating this horrendous room. It came with bleak, gray walls and an absolutely disgusting ceiling with that one painting by Michaelangelo. The one with God touching Adam. It was horrible but Hazel made improvements. Now it had differing contrasts of blue painted across the wall, constantly shifting between dark and baby blue. The ceiling was a shimmering rainbow color with golden pillars running across. "I guess it's okay." She said.

@Sombra Arcana
Ash went hopping and sat on Hazel's bed as she stared at her. She looked at the basket that Hazel had given her and then back at Hazel. The basket was emoty by now. It was obvious that Ash had a sweet tooth and kind of a big addiction to sweets. Not enough sweets meant she was kind of more volatile and bipolar towards students or more lazy at work, but with her friend, she could not act like that.
Hazel smiled. "Make yourself at home." She nodded and walked into her bathroom before coming back out a few minutes later in some short, training shorts and a tight blue compression shirt. "I know it's not proper attire for a date but we're friends so I think it's fine. Don't ya think?" She smiled

@Sombra Arcana
I do not mind. Ash had laid down on the bed and was looking a Hazel upside down in her silly childish manner. I persoanlly like frilly cute dresses and also comfty clothes. I would wear shorts and blouses like that and um school swimsuits due to my physisque. But my motto is: Frilly or Comfty, I'll wear it! She said with her big smile that only Hazie has been able to see. She has been worried on the other students training, but she pushed the thought aside to enjoy with Hazel. She'll let them nap in class or something.
Hazel nodded and giggled. "That is a good motto." She left the room again, entering a double door in the back of the room before returning moments later. "The food is getting started. They should be finished in about tenish minutes." She nodded and sat on the edge of her bed.

@Sombra Arcana
Before she knew it, one of her peers -a boy- had come up to her, asking if she had a partner. "No, I do not," Celeste answered, "Are you asking to be my partner? My name is Celeste, by the way."
They? She asked curiously and giggled when Hazel sat on her bed. She rolled to a side and sat back up on the bed. She had already taken her small flats off just to make sure that Hazie's bed was not soiled in any way. You know, Hazie, am very happy to have met you. If I hadn't, I would probably be rolling around in the grass or taking a nap somewhere alone. I was always alone. She changed her smiling face for the serious one for just a split second.
Amadaeus grinned. "Yes, Celeste, I am asking you to be my partner." He winked. "You look like a person I would love to repeatedly stab and slash at." He tilted his head. He talked slowly, enunciating each sound. It was obvious he was insane.

@Warden Click

Hazel gasped. "Did you say alone?" She frowned as a memory flooded her mind. She couldn't help it.

The doctors knew she was different when she was born. Capable of talking straight out of the womb. Complete, coherent sentences. Her parents put up with her for awhile, but eventually they got scared. This child they put in the world, a child capable of mass genocide in the blink of an eye. Apparently, it was too much stress. They killed themselves on her third birthday. Little Baby Hazel. All alone in the world.

Hazel fell back on her bed, a tear ran down her face.

@Sombra Arcana
Hazie! Hazie! Hazie, are you okay! Ashley became worried of her friend and straddled her stomach with her frail body and looked deep into her eyes. Hazie! snap out of it! She cleaned her tear with a handkerchief and looked at her with sadness. SHe followed her cleaning with a warm and big hug to her. You are not alone, Hazie. We have each other. We are besties! She said trying to calm Hazel down. Her life as well hadn't been easy, since her parents died at a young age due to her fooling with her powers.

It was the night of her fifth birthday whenshe discovered she could pull off cards from thin air, so she showed her parents a card. Little did she know she pulled the hangman and the fool which made her parent's lucks and logics go twisted and ending up crashing and killing themselves. She was taken to an orphanage where she would play alone with a doll she took and made no facial expression. At first there was bullying, but after the cards, people feared her and avoided her.
Hazel shook her head slowly and sat up. "I'm fine, Ashley." She wiped her face and gave a reassuring smile. "It was nothing." She stood up and sniffled. "Food is almost ready." She nodded.

@Sombra Arcana

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