WW - The New World

Leslie smiled faintly, "They are collecting the souls yes, but I have to organize them, and if any calls in of developing spirits, then I have to step in." Rubbing his arm with one hand, she sighed. "Do you want more tea?"
Marco finished his tea just then

"no, i'm good, thanks Leslie"

the tea really did make a difference, it was probaly a special brew to help with shock, guilt and grief.

soon, Marco looked into her eyes, and he smiled a bit

"i guess it'll take awhile for me to build our home, huh? without magic and all"
Raising a hand, she shook her head. "Don't worry about it love. I had a funny feeling this day would come..." Looking at the shadow, she nodded. The thing shifted itself, suddenly producing several arms, each holding different tools required to build a house, and it produced a mini model within a minute from the photo of his old home. "It's quite....helpful, and I figured you'd want the extra hand..."
Marco raised an eyebrow

"c-can the shadow even survive outside of this realm? i mean, i always figured... she, it whatever was bound here for some reason"
"In a way, yes...though, I've found it leaves quite often for an hour or two at max....it likes movies, particular those current Twilight ones....but it doesn't stray from here for long, so I'm not fully sure...." Leslie shrugged a little, staring at the shadow as it started to carve little people to put in the model house.
Marco noded slowly

"that would be a... uhh... a pretty big help, actually"

he then leaned in and whispered in Leslie's ear

"you know, i never figured the shadow to be a twitar- i mean, a twilight fan"

he almost said "twitard" but he stopped, he didnt want to offend the shaddow and lose his chance to get a hand with the house
Leslie nodded her head, before laughing lightly. The shadow looked over at Marco, before laughing in a strange way, "Twitard is fine...."

Leslie chuckled again, "It hears a lot more than you think...."

Marco nodded slowly "oh..."

Marco smiled, standing up

"oh well, the other me will soon be establishing the legion empire and become humanity's common enemy preventing total extinction, we can get to rebuilding the estate around this time"

again he looked over to Leslie, and he waked up to her, and kissed her on the lips

"i love you"
"....won't someone wonder about you? I mean....your face, if their the same..wouldn't someone draw the connection?" Leslie asked quietly, a strange sort of look in her eye, before she kissed his forhead, shaking her head. "Actually...don't answer that..."
Marco smiled

"no its okay, the other me has facial wounds, they will think i'm just some guy who kinda looks like... well, me"

he wrapped his arms around her, he was glad she didnt hate him for being a huge part in this disaster, and he just hoped that she was right, that he world would hit the "reset" button, and maybe a new society could be built on sustainability, on green clean energy instead of mass-consumption and corporate greed, that endangered species could maybe repopulate, and that now desolate cities could become havens for billions of creatures, and new cities would rise in time, humans breed like rabits, give it a century or two, a humanity will be back up to 7 billion.

after this, Marco turned to the shadow

"so, shall we head off now or do you have something else to do first?"
"I know." Leslie said, winking at him before chuckling a little before her face dropped at a flash coming from the orb on the stand. "I'll let you two be...." Setting her hand on the orb, a black smoke enveloped her, and for a second before she disappeared completely, the full reapers form stood.

The shadow looked at Marco and nodded, "All my things can wait..."
The shadow let out a strange laugh, before nodding. "Of course...."

Nodding it's head once more, and drawing a hand over a wall, a portal opened, and the shadow gestured for him to go through.


Walking over the grounds, towards a simple house, that looked from the outside completely empty, a figure walked around it. "Come little Hannah, let me in..."

It stopped, knocking on a window, it could see a tiny trembling child in a corner and grinned. "Or I'll huff..and I'll puff..."

The child ran, moving into a different room, and the figure unleashed a hellish storm of wind. "And I'll blow your house down...."
Marco nodded and wen through the poral


on the other side, the damage was worse than previously imagined, the greenhouse had a crater from where a demon must've landed earlier, the grass was higher than Marco's head and almost every single windo was broken, and there was a terroble smell from the inside

"looks like this is gonna take a lot of work"

to the side there was a sniveling demon as big as a small house.

"we;ll chain him up later"

walking towards the house, hur turned to the Shadow

"oh and before we start, would you mind opening a channel to Alec for me?"
The shadow nodded, looking around, rather amused with it all. Looking at him at his last request, it hung it's head and simply walked forward towards the house itself, the grass not even swaying as it walked through it.
The shadow paused, not looking at him and spoke in a voice that first was Alec's own, speaking her name, then the imitation of a movie, "Alecia Marie Deathlind is dead." Returning towards the house, the grass it walks over started to die rapidly.
Marco stops in his tracks.

"stop... stop we can't do this now... where is she? where's her body? i won't do anything here untill shes burried and... oh god, hannah! we have to go and get her first, shes too young to take care of herself"

this was even harder than the deaths of all those other people, he had known Alec and been her friend since they were 12, she was his first crush, her, Connor and him were an insepperable trio, that was before he met Steven of course, and now, he was the last left, of all those he had known, all of them were dead, Alec was the last he grew up with who was still kicking... now, shes gone, but after the first shock of all those deaths, he was able to postpone his next breakdown untill after he had at least burried her and gotten hannah either in his care, or in the care of somoene he trusts.
The shadow looked back at him, "Which do you want to do....the child or the body..." Holding out both hands, in the order she spoke, a portal opened on both sides, to the left, to Hannah, to the right, the cliff where Alec died.


Stepping through the rubble of the wall he destroyed, he grinned. "Little Hannah, come now...I only want to play..." The sound of running feet brought his attention to the left, into a den, the grin of his face grew more deadly.
without a second of hesitation, Marco chose Hannah, running through the portal to hannah's location

he looked over the ruined house


he turned to the shaddow

"i want her location, now"
The shadow looked at him, tilting to the side, before pointing down, as if to say, stay here....leaving the portal open, it folded it's arms and waited, staring at the house.


The sound of someone yelling made the man growl. " Come on Hannah, you need to come to me...." Sending a blast of air into the den, he heard the child scream. A bright pink bullet brushed past his arm and he raised an eyebrow. Already a magic user, eh?


Pointing towards the small flash of pink, the shadow nodded. "There."
Marco took off towards the pink flash

"Hannah! i'm coming honey!"

he thundered over the wreckage, soon coming to were hannah and Nexter were

"Hey!... if you want her, then you have to go through me!"

he saw inot Nexter's eyes, he grinned

"you... you're power hungry aren't you?"

marco picked up a loose nail and use d it to cut across his arm.

"smell that blood, thats highland blood, the bloodline with the most raw power on earth, the magic is gone from this one, but the power in the blood remains"

he then clenched his fists

"come on... you and me"
Nexter turned his head, looking at Marco. "I don't want you." He said sharply, before looking back towards the spot where Hannah had disappeared to. Moving towards the bookcase, he blasted it aside, sending it flying towards Marco. Ducking into the stairwell for Alec's hidden office, he cackled. " Come now, little mouse, You have no where to go.."
Marco jumped to the side, jodging the bookcase just barely

"you're not getting away"

he got to his feet and went running after Nexter, following the visible aura he left behind, so thick even a mortal non-mage could see it as "Ectoplasm"

he followed Nexter down the stairwell, soon coming up behind Nexter.

he jumped, trying to get on to Nexter's back so he could snap the monster's throat.

"shaddow, get Hannah out of here!" he thought, hoping the shadow was reading his thoughts.
Nexter turned, looking back at Marco before simply flying down the rest of hte stairs, before blinking a few times. Looking down, he stared at the picture that his feet had disappeared into, before over his shoulder. Hannah sat, wide eyed with fear, a paint brush in her hand trickling with magic.

A frenzy of water flooded into the room as a wave from the picture crashed into the room, before back out, taking Nexter, and the drawn portal, out with it. Shivering, she nearly screamed as the shadow formed behind her, leaping up as a pink gun formed again, wavering in form as it became unstable in the soaking child's hand.

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