WW - The New World

marco slammed onto the stairs, missing Nexter entirely, he fell down the rest of the stairs, breaking several ribs, but thanks to the adrenalin, he didn;t feel any of them snapping.

at the bottom, he saw Hannah screaming, holding her pink gun

"No hannah don't she's a friend!"

he held up his arm, with his hand open meaning "stop"

he jumped into the office, keeping on his feet with the water everywhere and he walked towards Hannah

"its okay now hannah... its okay, we're the good guys"
Hannah looked at Marco, before dropping the gun that dissolved in mid air, and grabbed onto his leg. Staring at the shadow, she sniffled a little. The shadow, taking the hint, 'dissolved' into hiding and slowly, Hannah calmed down. Looking up at Marco again, still attached to his leg, she trembled, "What's....going on...?"
Marco got down on his knees, and took Hannah's hand, pulling her into a hug

"its okay Hannah... its all over"

he looked at the shaddow behind Hannah

"Shadow, portal, now..."

Marco reached behind Hannah's knees and lifted her up, with her arms still around his neck.

"come on Hannah, its dark and cold here, lets get you somewhere light and warm"
Hearing a familiar voice, Riyoshi looked over and seen Sam.

I do not want to die right now. I have to use that skill. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Reaching his hands up and grabbing a hold of the demon's wrist, Riyoshi focused his magic into his stomach. This time, he focused all every ounce of magic he had on all five stones.

"Sam.....be....ready to...capture me." Riyoshi said as his stomach started to glow.

As his stomach started to glow, Riyoshi smiled and took a deep breath.

"Before all that is life, below all that is sky, may the gods bring down destruction. SOUL BREAKER!" Riyoshi yelled out as his skin started to turn into metal.

Reaching his hand up to his chest, he grabbed his necklace and held it out towards the demon.

"SEAL!" Riyoshi yelled out as his body glowed just before vanishing.

As he vanished, his necklace stayed in mid air and absorbed Riyoshi's body. The ankh necklace started to grow in size. Out of the ankh, grew a large blade and a handle.

Sam arrived, to find the clearing with a demon, and a blade hoving in the air

"Sam-Sama, that blade..."

"yeah, but first"

he looked at the demon

"tough one aint ya?... well guess what, your invasion is over, in a few minutes a squad of legionaires will be arriving, and you won't stand a chance"

he drew Katsura

"and unlike Riyoshi, i'm combat-based.. bring it"
The demon looked over at the voice and growled.

"Im looking forward to this. I will kill all of you." The demon said as he held his hand out towards the forest.

As he did so, a large red beheading sword shot through the forest and cut down every tree that was in the way. Shooting out into the large meadow, the demon caught the blade and turned it towards Sam.

"I will start be killing you, then going to finish this school." The demon said as he kept his smaller form.

In this form, i am faster and stronger. I will take him down in a second. The demon thought as he looked at the kid.
Sam held Katsura tight

"Sam-Sama, i think we should..."

"no... no need"

He looked into the demon's eyes.

"i've killed 26 demons today, either by myself or with a group... i guess your death tolll is still at 0, you think that big 'ol blade scares me?"

Sam ran at the demon, going head on, untill the last second, there he leapt and thrust his legs forward, skidding across the ground, he twisted on his way up so he was facing te demon again when coming out the other side, but kept low to avoid a spinning slice from the demon, and he jabbed Kaysura at the demon's legs, using her wind power to lengthen the cutting range of the blade.
Hannah looked up at Marco, before blinking a few times. Wiggling a bit, she pushed herself away from him and back towards the floor. Landing on her feet with a small splash, she padded barefoot over to the desk, the water rippling out with every step. Taking the journal off the desk, followed by a stack of letters, she returned to Marco's side, looking much like a child would with a teddy.

Sniffling a little, she looked up at him, "Mommy's gonna be mad her stuff got wet, isn't she?"

The shadow, who had very silently emerged from it all, made a silent portal, and waited, watching with a sort of sad demeanor.
Marco put a hand on the side of Hannah's face, bringing her face up to look at him, he began wiping the tears away

"no she won't, she wont be angry, not even a little bit, all that matters is that you're safe"

after wiping the tears away, he could see in her eyes... she wanted her mommy, she wanted to hug her mother... and that was the one thing he couldn't give her.

he glanced at the shadow

"come on Hannah, sweetie, we best get out of here before the bad man comes back"

he stood up, and grabbed the box of letters to the others written by Alec

"mommy would be angry if these stayed here and got wet"

after this, he held out his hand and took Hannah by hers, walking with her to the portal
Hannah looked up at him, shivering a little, before nodding her head. Squeezing his hand tightly, she stuck close to him, clutching the journal and her brush tightly to her, since he took the letters. Shivering again, she allowed him to guide her through the portal, "...but mommy was friends with him..."
"yeah, but he was tricking her, he was a bad man pretending to be a good man... i can tell by how he was chasing you"

they went through the portal, emerging back at the ruined mansion.

"Shadow, send a message back to leslie, tell her a ... complication has emerged"

he put a hand on Hannah's head.

"don;t worry honey, you're safe here, we wont let any bad men come here and hurt you"
"...But....Mommy knew....." Hannah frowned, unable to remember exactly what it was Alec had known, and why it was important. As they emerged into the grass, which went far over her head, she looked up at him before sighing, and quoting her mother verbatim, "Bad men do not exist. Every person, in their own, is capable of doing both good and evil, and as such, actions are to be treated individually, and the concept of good and evil should not apply as a generalization to one person." She paused for a moment, skipping where she had asked something, "Simply put, Anna, people are people, nothing more, and there is no reason to be afraid of them."
The demon took the attack and just smiled. The attack of the blade cleanly cut through his entire leg, but the wound healed quickly.

"I am glad that i am able to find someone that will compete with my skills." The demon replied as he leaped backwards away from Sam and the floating blade.

Were is sam? I thought he would of been here right now. I cant believe him. Riyoshi thought to himself.
Sam glanced at the hovering blade


for a second he stood still.

"think fast!"

Sam sliced Katsura in the demon's direction, sending a blade of air at the demon, as fast as a quick blade strike and sharp enough to cut into rocks.

a milisecond after sending the air-blade, Sam ran to the hovering blade, taking it by the handle, holding it in his left hand, while katsura was in his right.

instantly, through sam, Katsura contacted Riyoshi

"Riyoshi-san, this is Katsura, can you hear me?"

Sam looked into the Demon's eyes

"don;t waste my time, come at me or run home crying like the dime-a-dozen punk you are..."

Marco sighed as Hannah talked about good an evil

"word for word, just like your mother... you may not call him evil, but he was going to hurt you, and that is bad in my books"

Marco bit his lip, he hated it, but he had to tell her, if he told her now, she would have years to adjust, it would be easier for her to move on when she got older.

"Hannah... alec, your mommy"

he got down on one knee, so he was eye level with her

"your mommy... she died sweetie, a bad man got her, and he... he killed her, sweetie..."

he hugged her when the crying began, letting her weep into his shoulder.
Hannah stared at him as he spoke, the words sinking in deep. As he hugged her, she frowned. No tears came from her, instead, a solemn sort of look that should never be on a child's face took over. Furrowing her eye brows together for a moment, she thought. Mum had been hurt, and bad too, which meant she couldn't have done well in the conflicts that had become a recent thing.

Still not a tear, and she seemed, outside of the grim look to her, like nothing serious was actually wrong. Instead, she pushed away from Marco, and turned, staring at the shadow behind them. Without saying a word, a portal was opened, and she moved inside it. Stepping through to the cliff side, she frowned. Creating a gun in her hands, a dark blue, over her signature pink, she fired it once in the air, before falling to her knees at the very edge. Staring over into the darkness that had taken over the bottom, she stayed silent.
Marco follwed her through the portal, standing behind her silently as she let out the round

"lest we forget"

he walked up next to her, kneeling down just to her right, he put an arm around her shoulders

"Hannah... i know you're barely keeping it together... let it out, sweetie, don't hold it in"
Looking at him, Hannah shook her head. Their was a clear pain behind her eyes, but also a will not to let it happen. The shadow looked on from behind them, before speaking softly, "A hero's death is done without tears..." Hannah nodded, and the shadow continued, "But a child can not be expected to live by that code." Shaking her head, Hannah simply turned her eyes back towards the blackness, leaning against Marco.
when she leaned against him, he put a hand on her head.

"its alright to let it out, Hannah, she was your mother, and if you dont let it out, it'll tear you appart inside, and that would hurt your mother a lot more than anything else"

his right atm was on her head, stroking the young girl's hair, while his left hand patted her on the back.

"let it all out, Hannah, ts better if you do"
Hannah slumped a little, shaking her head. She really didn't want to do that. Looking at him, then back down at the cliff, she frowned a little, before looking back up hill. Standing up, and moving away from him, she started padding across the field, not caring about the cuts her bare feet received. Stopping at a scorched spot, she frowned.

The shadow watching the child suddenly started twitching. In it's spasms it headed towards Hannah, emitting a very sharp, high pitch screeching noise. A warning of bad things to come.
Marco walked with hannah

"want me to carry you?"

Marco was getting seriously worried about this child, what 10 year old didnt cry at their mother's death? what did Alec do to make her so... cold?

when he got to the scorched spot, he looked at it with a frown on his face.

he put an arm on her shoulder, although he couldnt just examine the magic left over to see into the past, he could still feel this was a bad thing.

"Hannah... lets go"
Hannah shook her head, and crouched down by the spot. Brushing her hand over the dirt, something shiny caught her eye. The shadow swirled around both of them, and plopped them straight down into the living room, in Grim's Wonderland. Staring at them, it hissed angrily, almost scolding the child, before wheeling around and dissolving.

Hannah, blinking a few times, looked around for a moment. Suddenly, alligator tears started to pour from her eyes, as she pulled herself tighter together, trying to hid what her will couldn't keep up anymore.
Marco was left slightly dazed as the shadow sen them back, when it hissed at Hannah and dissapeared, Marco couldnt help but let his eyes shoot open in suprise, when it dissapeared, Marco saw hannah was beginning to cry, he sat down with her.

he knew those tears were fake, "aligator tears" or "crocodile tears" as people called them, but the fact they were flowing meant only one thing, the "dam was about to burst"

he sat down with her, waiting for her to begin crying in earnest, he knew the feeling of losing a parent, and he knew the best way to deal with it is to let it all out, thats why at times he would seem like a crybaby, because he tried his best to vent it all as it came, but this time, he was holding it in, at least while in front of hannah, he would mourn after he burried Alec's body.

he didnt say anything to her, he just waited for her to begin, and to comfort her when it happened
Suddenly finding it harder to breathe, Hannah opened her mouth, drawing in a sharp, ragged breathe, tears overflowing fully from her. Shaking uncontrollably, she stayed like that, snot nosed, drowning in tears, for a long time.
Marco slowly put a hand on hannah's shoulder

"good girl, let it all flow out"

he pulled her a bit closer, letting her cry on to him, trying to do his best to comfort her as her new adoptive father.
When Hannah was spent, she curled up against Marco, staring off in space. Sighing softly, her hands wrapped tighter around the journal that she had never let go of. "Dad's gone too...isn't he....." The way she said it, it wasn't a question, more of just a statement.


From the other room, the shadow paced, deep in thought. It could have let the child find it, alter the course, but that would corrupt the poor thing sooner. But wasn't that also the path she was happier? Twitching, it waited for Leslie to return.

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