WW - The New World

Marco raised an eyebrow

"why these ones? are their bodies in good enough condition to be bought back or something?"

after asking this, he took a step back, looking at them, in their souls he could see their physical apperance, they were all chinese and indian, soon to be known as "survivors" of the bomb blasts

he took a deep sigh, he felt the guilt of what happened, all those who died, even though he wasn't directly responsible for the 5-6 billion deaths from the invasion, he was half responsible for the one billion deaths, and being in the spirit world, he felt this guilt as actual weights, leslie would be able to see them, like massive lead bars on his clothes weighing him down, and she wouldnt be able to touch them..

meanwhile int he world of the living, many things were changing, in the smoking ruins of washington D.C all remaining world leaders had been transported in via teleports, and Marco was adressing them, and what was left of humanity with all the cameras.

"people of the world, leaders of the world, my name is Marco Highland, Supreme commander of all legion forces, you know me as "M" the mostly unknown commander, the son of Artemis Highland, who once owned DataDyne, the world's foremost company in technological research in the fields of human modification, energy shielding, robotics, genetic engineering and space flight... and now, i'm here to tell you all something..."

the leaders looked up at him, the people worldwide looked at their again broadcasting televisions and radios, listening to every word, in every language.

"the legion now ammounts for 85% of all the world's military might, for 70% of what remains of the world's economy is already controlled by us, we have destroyed and sealed away saudi arabia's oil fields, australia's great mines are ours, we have taken the government offices of Russia, almost all of western europe, england, canada, america, australia, south africa, japan an what remains of china, which now encompases india, thas right, from now on, the world belongs to te legion, and the legion belongs to me!"

the leaders stood up in uproar, yelling at the half of Marco standing before them, bt he didn't respond, he just turned away.

as he walked away, the legion guards raised their weapons and fired, all that was heard were the gunshots, screaming for 30 seconds then silence...

"so it begins, i've taken the people's right to choose a leader, i'll impose my will on them all"

a legion bodyguard spoke up, he was one of a race called the "Akwir"

"sir, won't that infuriate humans all over this world, making them resist you?"

"yes, they will resist, and we will lose"

"but sir, if that happens..."

"WHEN that happens the world will have someone to point the finger of blame at, a common enemy, humanity won't wipe itself out in a neverending blame-game unless i take responsibility for all of it"

he turned to his bodguards, all of them.

"al of you, of all the races from other worlds bought here, succubi and incubi, Terras, Jaziida, Naga, Wolofo, Akwir, and all others..i want you to take the troops directy under your command, and join the humans fighting the rest of the legion, become their brothers and sisters so they wont wipe you out as well... this world will never be the same, friends, we'll be the fall guys, you go and prepare your troops to "rebel""

the bodyguards were hesitant, but they knew this plan was all that could be done, they had to follow through, they all bowed, said how much of an honour it had been, then they left, to collect their troops and wait untill the time was right.
"Top orders." Leslie said, a strain in her voice as she watched them pass over back into the real world, pausing only the pair of twins. clearly Irish. "Be good to each other, and keep each other safe. You're all you've got left now...." Letting them go to their marks, and disappear respectfully, she ran a hand through her hair, looking at the empty space. "They were chosen, because out of all the deaths, they were the only ones not meant to die that did. Everyone has a timer, a marker, and a set point. Those people, though their life's threads are frayed, should not have died just yet. Physical shape has nothing to do with it, in fact, two weeks after the mess we have now, that old couple will be back, him respiratory failure, her a broken heart..."

Shaking her head, and coughing a bit, ignoring the black that stained over her hand, she looked back at Marco. Sighing, she placed a hand on his shoulder, "I can not tell you much, but i can tell you that this would have happened regardless of what you did. Predestined things, those that can't be changed by design, will find a way. Granted, this is the lesser of the evil's hat could have transpired, there's still life, and there's still hope."

Kissing his cheek, she moved past him and back up the stairs, a few reapers joining her side as they escorted her off the 'floor' so to speak, and settled her down in a watch over position.


Hannah sighed, nodding her head. "I understand." A haunting smile broke out over the figure's face, "On one condition. Get me away from here." A darkness swirled over Hannah, and soon, the two were gone.
Marco watched her walk away.... he sighed heavily, flicking the coin up, and in a flash he was gone, back at his house

he lookd at it again, it seemed even worse than before, with a sigh and a shake of his head, he walked towards it...
A few minutes later, she frowned deeply. "Atery! Take charge." Leslie shook her head, before calling the shadow to her. Looking at it, they silently spoke for a long while, before she disappeared into a flock of black doves. Reforming next to Marco,perfectly in time with his walking stride, she frowned deeply, waiting for him to start.
Marco kept going, he glanced at leslie before sopping just before he entrance,

he looked to the shadow, her tools were ready, then he put an arm around leslie,s shoulders and he kissed her head, he held up his ring, and let her do the same.

then, through their spirits Leslie's ring began to change, and a small sliver of gold went along her finger, going in to Marco's hand, then it wrapped around his ring finger and expanded, becoming a smooth golden ring, while Leslie's ring was golden, silver and engraved with the word "forever"
Leslie smiled softly, not bothering to ruin the moment with words. Intertwining her fingers with his, she tiled her head slightly, breaking out into a bigger smile. "And for always..."
Marco smiled to her, then looked to the house.

"a home... family... i guess the hard part starts now"

he glanced to the shadow

"shadow, since you don't need to worry about being crushed, could you start on the pillers and oter heavy bits?"
The shadow seemed to smile, before it split and divided itself into two parts, before taking off to do as it was requested. Leslie chuckled lightly, "May I help? I need a time away from....well....you know."
"Yeah, we best get to it as well"

they went to the wreckage of the house and began the process of gutting it.

TIMESKIP 10 months

In 10 months, a lot of things had changed, not only was the house completed, it was fully furnished, they had cars in the garage, the shadow had gone from taking care of the nether, to stopping by once or twice a day to tend to the garden and the house, she seemed happy to do so, probably because she got the appreciation she deserved, and she became like a family member.

Marco got a job helping assign orphans to families and helping finance endevours to rebuild communities, of course since the world would recognize him as the dictator Marco (his other half, soon to be killed in public by rebels) so all the organizing is done Via E-mail, and money is sent to his bank account.

some changing had happened with Leslie as well, not only had she managed to regain her former apperance, with blonde hair and some colour in her skin again, she was now wearing matrnity clothes, with the little one on the way.

across the world though, other things were happening, the legion, after taking control of the world first stabalized the economy and rebuilt what was lost, but then they became dictators, cruel tyrants, so the people rose up against their united enemy.

to ensure that the world never reverted the the dark ages, no religion-based rebel groups made progress, while the groups wanting a better tomorow made incredible progress.

it was August 6th that finally, starving and outnumbered, the last of the legion fell, the other half of marco fell, on camera, for the whole world to see, including the half of marco with leslie, they watched it on their big screen t.v, with the shadow on the couch with them...

the world was forever changed, but it wasn't gone, humanity, with all it's flaws, managed to pull through, already demon races who rebelled against the legion were being accepted across europe, the americas, russia, asia, india and australia, the graves of friends past were erected, the one for Alec was preserved forever in magic, more were resurected for Steven, joseph, Vent and all the others who died.

marco sighed after the footage of seeing the other half of him fall, he leaned over to Leslie, and kissed her, rubbing her pregnant belly... he felt a kick.
[Pre Timeskip]

Borghen and Rudara stood before Steven. Steven held his blade,Hyperion,and his handgun. Suddenly,Rudara vanished,and Borghen lunged forward. Steven fired,bud Borghen deflected the shots. A strange noise sounded off behind Steven,and was sliced in the back by Rudara,and then stabbed by Borghen. Steven kicked Borghen in the chest,sending him reeling,and sent a round inro Rudara's helmet,shattering the faceplate. Borghen's sword,Igni,was lodged in his absomen. There was little bleeding,as Igni had cauterized the wound.

"And this is why I rarely used Igni." Steven ignored the pain. His entire being was focused on Borghen and Rudara. He fired ar Borghen,who vanished in a black blur,then whipped around and slashed at Rudara. Rudara effortlessly dodged the strikes,often teleporting behind Steven,leaving a deceptive image of himself. The battle was pitched. Behind Rudara's faceplate was a featureless black void. Steven delivered slash after slash,never landing a blow,while Rudara dodged and countered. It was a stalemate. Even random gunshots didn't work.

Then,he saw him. Borghen,near the edge of the plateau,watching,wearing a crooked,psychotic smirk. He fired a shot.

Borghen vanished once more in a black haze. Rudara vanished,as well,with Borghen taking his place. Borghen grabbed ahold of Igni. "How rude."He wrenched the blade out to the side,freeing it,then kicking Steven away. Steven staggered up,using his telekenesis to keep his insides inside. Rudara appeared beside Borghen,and asked, "May we kill it,now?" Borghen laughed. He vanished,appeared behind Steven,then lifted him,while at the same time,immobilizing him. "I grow bored." He squeezed. Steven could feel his skull cracking. He couldn't move,couldn't fight back.

Then,Steven was encased in ice. Borghen carried him to the edge of the plateau,and forced him to watch the battle raging below. The machines dominated the battlefield,assaulting the Legion base. Demons poured in. The stable portal in the demon base below still churned out demons,while factories below built machines from nothing.
"Your struggle is pointless. I will win. End of story."After a few moments of silence,Borghen dismissively tossed Steven off the edge. Steven tumbled sown the edge. Fragments of ice came off from the impacts. The handgun went,the blade of Hyperion shattered.

Steven came to rest at the bottom of the plateau. The machines ignored him. Steven was frozen solid. He was furious.
I will not let that bastard win! The surface of the ice cocoon began to crack. Water began to appear underneath his form. In a dome of light,Borghen's machine base was annihilated,and Steven was freed. Steven leapt up to the top of the plateau,where Borghen was waiting for him. Rudara wasn't anywhere to be seen. "And this is why I like to fight you,Adams. You refuse to accept defeat."Borghen widened his stance,slouched lower,and raised his weapon to ear level,poining towards Steven. Steven lunged,unarmed at Borghen. They both fought with the ferocity of enraged gods. The plateau cracked under the stress.

It shattered.

Steven saw his chance. He gripped Borghen's shoulders,and Steven began to glow white.
"Today. You. Die." Borghen's eyes narrowed. He tried to move,but found himself bound by telekenesis. His eyes widened. "You wouldn't." "Just watch me,you sick bastard." Steven exploded. His atoms split,creating an enormous atomic explosion. Steven died,but he taken Borghen with him. Borghen was returned to Hell,his domain,while Steven was sentenced to an eternity in Hell for his sins of Wrath,Murder,and Suicide.

In Hell,Steven sought out Borghen,and they fight without end.

[Timeskip ten months...]

Humanity was rebuilding. The heroes of the conflict were being venerated. Monuments to Alec,Joseph and Steven were erected,and Vent's name appeared on a monument to those who were simply never found. The Highland Academy of Magic stood tall,rebuilt. Marco Highland,the Despot King of the Legion was dead,marking an end of humanities greatest mages for quite some time. There is a reason why humanity persevered through trial after trial. It isn't magic. It isn't technology. It was their indomnitable will,the hope they all held,even in their darkest moments. It is their inquenchable thirst for survival and progress as a whole.

Humanity was shattered countless times before. Humanity always repaired itself.

A figure in a tattred gray robe stood before the Monument of Light. The monument was made of an incalculable number of points of light,created with technology,suspended by magic. Each point was dedicated to an individual who either died,or was never found.
"May you always be remembered."

The figure vanished.

A portal opened in the sky that day…

Unaware of either the current events, or those that took place to create the world he was about to enter, the man did so anyway. It had been a long time since he walked the level of the world, stuck in a second dimension by the unnerving entity that kept him there.

As the man fell through the sky, his grin widened in response to the…geographic improvements that some have lain down before him. A barrier formed in response to his ever impeding descent to hit ground level and he landed softly instead. With a look around at the area, he almost scoffed in response, to think the idiot could leave a place like this.

Instead, he drew his shaky hand out of his pant pocket, ink scrawled down the measure of it as it carried a cigarette to his ever smiling mouth. Patterns were those that marked his white skin, instead of the usual tribal design that most teens got that day and age. His fingers smoothed out the end of his cigarette and it lit itself as his hand fell once again to his side. Sliding into his pocket, he took a long drag as his other hand snaked out and took hold of his favorite habit.

The world had indeed changed since he last saw it, it seemed as if more years had gone by then he had noticed. The playing field was barren, and he had yet to begun…

…He could work with this,

Gabriel would just need some time.

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