WW - The New World

"....Do not treat me like I'm your child." Hannah said sharply, pulling her arm away from him. "Ever." Narrowing her eyes at him, she seemed almost seething with an inner rage. Quickly subsiding, she sighed, before hopping back down onto the bridge, swerving around people as she walked, heading towards a store that sold what he needed.
Marco cleared his throat


marco went after her down the street, soon putting his hands under her arms and he lifted her up high, putting her on his shoulders.

"Hannah, you're ten, you just lost your mom, i get it, but come on, don't act like this"
Letting him do as he pleased, she looked down at the top of his head. "I said Your. I know full well I'm a child."
Marco scoffed

"Hannah, unless you have somewhere else to go, then i'm you're adoptive father, and you're my adopted daughter... and i wanna raise you as well as you're real dad would have"

they got to the place, a stonemason i believe they're called.

the old man there looked up

"'ello sir and young miss, how may i help you?"

Marco nodded to the man, with hannah still on his shoulders.

"hey, look this little one's mother passed away recently, and we were hoping to get the materials to make a gravestone"

"well sir, i could make one for you at a heavy discount, if that'd help"

"no no, its kinda important that we carve it ourselves"

the old man nodded and walked into the back of the shop to get the materials, as Marco reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and took 100$ for the materials... it was more than enough, but the rest could be a tip
Hannah folded her arms, looking at the man as he spoke. Staying quiet, she examined her one arm, before sneezing. "Oh, bugger off, he means well enough..." She said, in a hushed voice, that wasn't wholly directed at Marco, or any one in particular. Going quiet again, she looked around from the upper height, staring at various objects.
Hearing Hannah sneeze, Marco wriggled a bit, sliding his jacket off even with Hannah on his shoulders, after getting it off, he held it up

"put it on, its chilly around here and i won't have you catching a cold"

the old man came back with a chunk of Granite, stone polish and a set of various chissels and hammers.

"okay, thats seventy dollars"

marco gave him the one hundred

"keep the change"

Marco held the chunk and tools in his hands.

"alright, lets find somewhere to carve this"
"....you don't want me catching a cold....but yet you've seen me get drenched, and walk around on ice barefoot....you are a strange man." Hannah said, looking at the jacket, before putting it on, knowing better than to argue on it. "And there's a hill south of China Town near the school, a large cherry blossom tree grows there, mum loved it."
"well yeah, but i only remembered the very existance of a cold when you sneezed, since i've never been sick its easy to forget about such common things"

Marco smiled a bit, looking up at her.

"under the cherry blossom tree... i think you're mom would like that, do you wanna carve it here and place it there, or carve it there as well? you're call"
"There." Hannah said quietly, looking away from him as she sighed. She made a mental note to return to her rock later, and bury the one thing Alec had left of her.
"Mmm." Hannah said quietly, before scrambling down from his shoulders. Ducking outside the shop, and down the ally on the side of it. Setting the brush against the wall, magic trickled down it, forming the tree. Bowing her head, she waited for Marco, knowing she had to smudge it on her way through.
Marco was right behind her with the big stone tablet and tools

"okay, come on sweetie, lets take care of this"

he went through first, coming to the side of the tree

"yeah... i think she'd like this"

he put down the tablet and bought out the tools

"put the brush away hannah, we're gonna do this without magic"

Marco began setting out the tools.
Smudging the portal on her way through, so the magic broke, she narrowed her eyes as he spoke. "Don't tell me what to do." She hissed, mind set on something that was going to be a very dangerous thing later on. "And I'm pretty sure it was obvious we weren't, and the brush doesn't even do that. You should know. Aunt Leslie gave it to me." Tucking it into her bun, she frowned deeply. Looking at the tree, she circled it several times, before stopping on the other side of the tree, where a small 'hole' was nitched up against the tree, the roots wrapping around perfectly.

Circling back around, she grabbed an edge of the tablet, and pulled, before stopping and looking at it, and shaking her head. Looking around, she found a larger, rugid stone, unshapped, un polished, and perfect. Pushing that one into place with a lot of work, she stared at it, sitting down a few feet in front of it. Looking at her arm, then at the stone, then back again, she started to find a few random things, a curved stone, a thin round one, flower petals, and a bit of water droplets.
Marco began carving the tombstone but he stopped when he saw hannah bring up the other one.

he moved over to it, and he began carving alongside Hannah, he also gave her a chessel and hammer.

"okay be careful when carving, rocks have a habit of splitting, so just use small strikes on the chissel like this..."

he walked her through it step by step, he stopped carving, thinking it would be better if hannah carved this herself.
Staring at Marco, she frowned a little, stopping him from putting the Chisel in it. "Don't." When he handed her one, she set it aside, before returning to what she was doing. Mixing everything together, using the stones and such to mold them together. She created a paint of sorts, before pulling out a few strangs of hair, making a 'brush'. Moving to the rock, she began to paint it, with a redish thing, copying the design that her mother had on her skin, cherry blosoms mixed with the branches, covering over the marks their 'curse' had given them. In the middle, she had it wrap around, writing Alec's name in a language only that side of the family knew, silent tears falling the entire time.
Marco sat back and watched, when it was done he put a hand on her shoulder

"it looks beautiful, she would have loved it"

he sat there with her for several minutes, his hand on her shoulder the whole time.

"hannah... lets dig out a groove in the ground, so the stone is kept in place"
"No." Hannah said. "The stone won't move." Gently setting her hand on the tree, she knew the spot she had chosen would wrap around the new rock, keeping it in place within a week, if that. Standing, she looked at the rock, before nodding her head. Turning back, she looked over Marco's shoulder at the shadow. "I know, I know....it's time..." Shaking her head, she looked up at the shadow, who bowed it's head. "Not yet....little one...."

"Your joking...." The shadow shook it's head, before disappearing. Frazzling her hair, Hannah frowned deeply, before walking off, back towards the school ground, and towards her 'house'.
Marco walked back with her, a hand on Hannah's back as they walked.

through the school, they saw survivors of the battle moving dead demon corpses into a huge fire in the middle of the courtyard.

they wenr past the damaged school buildings, a scream came from the science building as another demon was found hiding and exterminated.

they came to where alec once lived the house was damaged, but still recognizable.

"well hannah, here we are..."

he took the hand off her back and took a step back.

"well hannah, do what you need to do, you know where to find me if you need anything"

he channeled his spirit, reaching out to leslie

"hey leslie, mind taking me back to the mansion?" he thought, letting his spirit carry it to leslie... he had no magic, but since he had been between spirit realms, he had great control over his spirit, elthough it wasn't as useful as magic.
Hannah returned to the house, ignoring the horror around. Moving past the wreckage into what was still standing, she grew grim. Pausing in one room, she looked over into the other, and smiled forcefully. "Hello again...."


Leslie blinked a few times, catching Marco's spirit message. Pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath, she sent a small coin to him, a portal flipper. Diving back into work, she took another group of souls to their fate, barely denting in what remained.
marco got the coin, after it appeared from thin air in front of him he held out his hand out and caught it.

"huh.. a portal flipper... she must be busy"

he flicked the coin, as it reached it's top height there was a bright flash and Marco was suddenly standing just beside a cliff face, down below there were countless lines with millions of people lined up, going aboard huge flying barges with talking heads on them, this place was like a nightmare

soon, one of the ships spke

"come on, wretched couls, abandon all hope, ye who enter here"

Marco saw Leslie, she was boarding one of the ships bound for the underworld, it was a large barge, in fact, it was as large as an aurcraft carrier, with tormented wails and sobbing coming from the dark calls within it, people packed together, on top of eachother, hundreds of people in each tiny cell.

the ship headed off, with leslie at the front, in front of it, another ship captained by another reaper launched, the lines of people that were about to board she ship stopped.

soon, a demon came up behind Marco

"aah, a liver, ye i feel it, i smell it, you have an aura of the reaper about you"

"yeah... its a long story"

the demon stood beside Marco, looking over the milions of souls, and the giant nightmarish ships comign and going.


On the ship, the ship spoke

"reaper of the name grim, of which destination are we headed?"
"To Shebaba." Leslie said darkly, as she moved away from the ship, walking through various crowds of people. Looking them over, she frowned more. Occasionally pausing, and pulling one or two out. Taking deep breaths, she wavered slightly, running a hand through her hair as her head pounded. As she kept moving, she shook her head.
"to Shebaba!" roared the ship, it lew through the air like a jet plane, it's speed was staggering.

all around, there were great stone pillars as if ruins from an ancient city, which it was once when one of the previous head devils and reapers ruled, but that was long past.

the pillars were untouched by the flying ship, but the wind after it blew the ash and dust from them.

Marco walked down the stairs at the side of the cliffs, the other sould saw him, inastantly, they all hated him

"oh look!" they cried "a living soul, come to gawk at the souls od the dead have you!? come to laugh at us as we are sent to our places, is that what you have come to see, living one!?"

Marco didn't reply, but he didnt stare at them, or look down at them as they expected, he looked at them with respect, like equals, however, after a minute he didn respond

"i'm here on business, not to stare at you, souls of the dead, go in peace" he nodded to them then walked through them, they no longer looked at him with disgust, instead they just looked forward again.

Marco got to where Leslie was. "well, i knoew it took a lot to move so many souls but... this place... it just... woah" he looked up, this was just one of dozens of levels of ships, all as busy as this one
Leslie turned, looking at Marco with dull eyes. "It hasn't been used in centuries. Not since the plagues of Egypt....or was it in world war two...." Shaking her head, she sighed, "I hate it. Utterly hate it." Returning to her walk, she pulled out a pair of twin children, not older than 5, and had one of the elder couples in the group following her take over their charge. An angry soul stepped out of place, grabbing the front of her robe, demanding retribution or the death of a reaper. Clearly, he had mistaken her.

As the ones around him cheered, her eyes glowed and she set a hand over his. As her form shifted, becoming skeletal, and dangerous, she pulled the angry soul very very close. Opening her mouth, a faint glowing light passed from between the skull's 'lips' and the soul's own, before the soul literally died out. No longer in any existance. Shimmering back to her normal form, she looked around. "Anyone else want to step out of line?"

When all that was returned was muttered replies, she shook her head in disdain, before returning to her selecting. "But...do you need Marco...."
Marco looked around, biting his lips, sseeing him standing so close to her, the other souls were confused and terrified.

he shrugged

"well... since i'm here... can i help in any way?"

just as he said this, another ship came into dock, opening it's doors, this one was different, it looked more sleek, almost new, it was clearly for the good souls, it was just as big as the last ship, but this one's head was a woman, she glanced at the souls and smiled gently.

"all aboard" it said, just as loud as the last ship, but the tone was so much different, happy even.
"I really don't know...." Leslie said, running a hand through her hair. Pulling out another soul, she looked at the new ship before quirking an eyebrow. "Weird...." Shaking her head again, she sighed, before watching that one load. Looking back at the group she had, she nodded her head. "This way please."

Stepping outside of the lines, and down towards a set of 'stairs' she led her group down into a smaller level. Standing there, on a level with few people, she nodded her heads at them. "Congratulations. You've all been registered for a very small choice. " Forcing a smile, she looked over each of the group that stood at a whooping 20. Moving a hand up, 20 different stones glowed on the floor. "Please, choose one, and in the morning when you awake, this will be nothing but a horrible dream."

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