WW - The New World

"he's gone... but i dont think hes dead, hes probably just off somewhere, but i'm sure hes thinking of you right now"

he put a hand on her head, stroking her hair.

he sighed, this was such a huge day for everyone, the Zero Element core explosion, the fight in the Silo with Steven, losing his immortality, Alec's death and his adoption of Hannah while having no idea where David was...

he held her close.

"hannah, i bet it hurts a lot right now, but even with all thats happenede, you are not alone... you know that right? you can let it all out whenever you want, okay?"
Bowing her head, Hannah sighed again. "Terribly contagious." Shaking her head, she stood up shakily, before looking around. Heading towards another room, leaving a trail of water behind her, she looked up at the shadow. Coughing lightly, she nodded her head towards it. "When...." The shadow stood up tall and stared at the child,completely surprised.

"Why do you want to know, small one, you have everything to look forward to.."


"Oh? What do you have then?"


The shadow crouched down, staring at the child in a curious manner. No ten year old should ever speak like this, nor think like this one was. "Contagious is right...but in a different manner." Hannah sighed, then frowned, before holding out the journal. "Can't open that for you either, small one....maybe you should speak to Marco though, about those other questions you have, while I find you something....dry...."
Marco followed her into the room, leanind on the door frame.

the shaddow would easily be able to see, he was thinking the same as her, no 10 year old should say that.


he walked up to her, grabbing her arms.

"never... never ever speak like that... its not contagious, you've had a bad start, but none of this is because of you, you had no hand in the death and destruction that is around us, and i don't wanna see you beating yourself up over it"
Starring up at Marco, Hannah shook her head. "No...I couldn't.....they...." Pulling away from him, tears started forming again, "It's all my fault. Don't lie to me." Pulling the paintbrush out of her pocket, she ran away from him, past the shadow, and made a 'portal' painting out of there, to her cove. Ducking into it, the picture smudging as she went through rendering it useless, she sat down on her rock in the middle of the water. "All of it....my fault...." Pulling her legs up, she looked at the journal, "Why did you have to have a girl.....why...."
"wait, hannah! wait!"

after the portal closer, he gritted his teeth.

"f**k! shadow, can you rebuild this portal so i can go after her?"

he clenched his fists, if he ever say Vent, he would kill that bastard with his bare fists for abandoning Hannah like this... vent would never raise hannah after leaving her like this, not while Marco still drew breath.
The shadow looked at the smudged thing and shrugged, setting a hand next to it, trying to locate the place, only to give him a portal just outside of the entrance into the water cove.

Hannah breathed in deeply, the water around her rock rippling out without a cause. Suddenly freezing over, the water stuck mid ripple. Curling up tighter against the cold, she held out her hand and shaped it, the darkest of blue guns forming in her hand. Twirling it in her hand, she stared with dead eyes over the ice.
Marco went through the portal, landing in the icy cold waters, he knew trrhe cold of the ocean, but this was worse, like antarctica, he needed to get out or he's freeze... and he knew Hannah would blame herself for that too.

he got to a rocky edge and pulled himself up, he climbed up, and got on to a flat surface, he then began walking further down into the cove, shivering all the way, but he kept his speed up to keep warm, soon he saw the ice begin to freeze.. not good.

deeper and deeper inside, he kept going, untill eventually, he saw a lone rock in the middle of a largy collection of frozen water, with hannah on it.

he began to cross the ice, heading to the rock.

"hannah... come back with me sweetie, the gun is unnesecary"
Not even hearing him, Hannah stopped spinning it, looking at it for a moment. Leveling it out, she fired it, the sound echoing loudly. The ice began to crack, the bullet that had shot down into it expanding in a tiny air gap. Watching the cracks spread out, she sighed once more. Looking at the journal, she threw it at the ice, and watched as it flipped under a smaller piece and slipped into the depths below.

"You really shouldn't have had a girl....David was fine...." Returning to spinning the gun, she twitched a little.
seeing the ice crack, Marco ran, even as cold as he was, he still ran like an olympic athlete, getting to the rock in a few seconds.

when he got there, he looked up to Hannah

"Hannah... they had you, and at no point, not from the moment you were born, till now did your parents even once, ever regret having you"

he climbed up the rock, getting to the same height as her.

he reached out, placing a hand on her wrist, the wrist of the same arm holding the gun.

"hannah, honey, stop thinking like this, dont blame yourself, no-one has ever blamed you except yourself, none of this was your fault, you are blameless in all this"

he knelt down in front of her.

"hannha, look in my eyes... i've killed people, hannah, i've killed thousands, just earlier i contributed to the murder of over a billion people... i am a guilty person, hannah, but you are innocent"
"no...." Hannah stared at the ice as the pieces started to float apart. "....grandma Yumi died when mum was just a few years older than me....Great Nana died when Grandma was my age, and so on....it's because I'm female....the bane of our existence passes on, and when we no longer fully need them, it destroys them...." Looking at his hand, she sighed, "No one needs to blame me for me to know it's true...."

As the gun dissolved, she sighed. "Besides...it says it too...."
"whell "it" is lying, i've seen this all over the world, something happens in a pattern and people think its a curse, heres a news flash, my family has a tendency to directly kill each-other, i killed my dad, my dad killed some of his cousins, his uncle killed my grandad... and guess what, we dont consider it a curse, we know that stuff happens, and sometimes it can't be avoided"

he looked her in the eyes

"do you think its a curse?"
"It is what causes it, so it knows best. And yes, I do. Mum did too, when she was my age..." Lowering her head back down. "But I at least think their pretty...." Holding out her other arm, swirling marks that had decorated Alec's skin for years spread across the flesh. "But, it knows what it is.....a parasite that manifests in childhood, and feeds off the nightmares till it's host can give it's final payment....it's in the family book. I know she didn't want me to read it, but I did anyway...."

Marco remembered back to when he faced Alec's Meido, when it grew too powerful so he burned it till it cowered in fear, and without his magic now, he coudnt help her.

"hannah, the Meido is a curse, but if you tackle it now, then it wont be powerful enough to control you, you can avoid the curse"

he reached out and grabbed her hand.

"your mom got down when she was young as well, thats how Meido gets so strong, it targets the girl's mother while shes young, so she will have nightmares and the death will scar her for life, the way to beat it, is to deny it that depression..."

he stood up, still holding her hand

"come on, lets go bury your mother, it'll help"
Hannah stared out, over the various bleak ice floats, before sighing. "It will grow regardless....the book also said that. But, it didn't say how the host and parasite react together...I mean, Grandma got along fine with her's....or, well, Mum said so at least..." Standing up, and looking at Marco, she frowned. "It's still my fault....you can't make me think otherwise." And for a moment, a look of stubbornness crossed her face much like it would have for someone else he had known. Sighing, she let go of his hand, and stepped onto the ice, the things sealing themselves together as she walked barefoot over them.
Marco kicked his shoes off as well, and walked across the still breaking ice with her.

"so, you'll still think its your fault... then i guess you will just have to forgive yourself then"

he walked beside her

"but i'll never forgive you, because i never blamed you, so there's nothing for me to forgive... heh, you're so much like your mother, you continue to beat yourself up no matter what anyone else says"

he put a hand on her shoulder

"open a portal hannah, lets go get your mother's body, bury it, then you can say our goodbyes, waddya say?"
"There's nothing left to bury..." Hannah said quietly, "He always told her when ever he was over, 'No lose ends'...not even evidence...." She lowered her eyes, before drawing a simple picture back to the cliff none the less. "You can look for yourself....you won't find anything..."
Marco thought for a minute

"well.... not entirely... Hannah, take my hand, try and look into my mind, there is a place where a mage by the name of "Hope" is burried, open a portal there, i have a plan"
Hannah looked at him, "Put I thought only Daddy knew where that was....he wouldn't ever take mum or me and david there...and he said he was the only one who knew what you said to get it open...." Sighing, she shivered before sneezing. "Besides...Hope had something left of him....he told us that much.....And it's not 'A mage' it's a hero..."
Marco sighed

"well, there is one other place"

he pucked up Hannah's hand and placed it to his head

"i'm thinking of a place now... the location is in that thought as well... take us there hannah"

the place was about 4km east of where Marco and Leslie had their first date, on a hill top.
Hannah looked at Marco for a moment, before sighing. "I can't read minds..." Staring blankly at him, she continued. "I'm only nine after all...."
Marco sighed

"right... you act so grown up that i forget"

he got another idea

"Hannah, open a portal to somewhere you can think of, somewhere with a great view, somewhere beautiful"
Hannah looked at him for a moment, before crouching down, setting her paint brush to the ice. Drawing carefully, her portal took shape into a scene straight out of Peter Pan, showing none other than Neverland. Glancing up at him, she dipped the brush through a crack in the ice, into the water, before setting it to the picture. It shimmered for a moment, before glossy over like a sunrise was happening through it. Stepping into it, she fell through, and stepped out of a tree trunk on the other side.

Taking a soft breathe, breathing in salty air, she walked forward a little. Getting a few odd looks from people walking by on the street, she just kept going. Eventually, she paused, before climbing up onto the edge of the bridge, before sitting down. Danging her cold feet over the edge of the stones, she waited for Marco.
Marc looked around, i was a small town, quaint, it lookedlike it was one of the only areas untouched by the invasion.

"huh, nice place..."

he glanced over the village, what he wanted was some stoneworking tools, to make a tombstone for Alec, even without a body, he figured that would count as a burial.

he went and sat beside hannah.

"hannah.. i know this is hard for you, i can imagine what youre feeling right now better than you'd think..."

he put a hand on her back, he was worried, no 10 year old should be like this... ever.
"It's plagued...." Hannah said softly, "Each of them, though they act like nothing in life has changed, is hiding a very deadly something...it's well past it's infectious stage, before you ask...." It was clear from how she spoke, that she had learned much more than she would have ever admitted from watching Alec when she was working. Leaning forward a bit, away from his hand, she stared down at the moving water passing beneath the bridge. For a moment, a human hand surfaced, before being washed away. "My family is gone, the world is dying, and crying out in pain...do you really understand...?"
Marco's eyes narrowed

"i know better than you could ever imagine, i was facing death, terror, suffering, screams of agony and more for years before you were born, dont you ever assume i don't know, i know better than you could ever imagine"

he took her by the arm

"we're gonna get a chissel, a nice big rock and we're going to carve your mother a gravestone, and i won't hear any objections, understood?"

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