WW - The New World

the silo was filled with 4 sounds.

the screams and grunts of dying and fighting demons.

the "voooo" of the shield around the core, which was still being put together.

the gunshots from Steven.

and the insane, hollowing laughter of Marco, as he cut through demons.

"oh man, this is what i live for! looking your enemy in the eye as he breathes his last, hearing them grunt as they strike, standing on the dead as a softer floor!"

asfter cutting down some more demons he turned his head upwards and screamed out

"thank you boghren! i love this! send more, more toys for me to play with! it's christmas down here!"

he turned back to the demons surrounding him, and continued the slaughter.

under the forcefield the scientists were placing the containers together and sealing them, after removing some outer casings so power could reconnect with each other part of the core.

"careful... careful"

the scientists worked with care and haste, a single mishap and this could all go wrong.

the forcefields around the core were beginning to weaken, too many demons were getting killed, barely one in seven demons got a single strike at a forcefield, but there were so many that even one in seven was a barrage.

high above them in the silo, a door blew open and 2 figures fell, followed by a sownpour of demon bodies... the silo was now packed with 3 layers, soon the core would be protected by being under all the corpses.

the 2 who fell through stood up, they wore demon breath masks, but it was clear who they were

"about time you two joined the party, Drusilla, Elvis"

more deomns came, obeying Marco's request for more blood.

"alright, earn your paychecks ou two"

"you owe us a raise"

"and a beer"

they jumped up, slicing at the enemy from one level up.


Elvis and Drusilla were going through the corridors, they came across a group of demons

"those screams.. just who are our brethren fighting down there?"

"the two high commanders of this base's pitiful army"

"they sound strong by the reports"

"indeed, can you not feel that? its not the armour or the rebreather, its the feeling of our brothers and sisters dying at their hands, of our machines of war being smashed without effort..."

"by our lord boghren, any ideas?"

"we die fighting, simple as that"


the demons were about open the door to jump into the fray and get killed as well, but their heads came flying off, and Drusilla stood there between them, both her arms as blades, stained with black demon blood.

Elvis came up, clapping

"not bad, cutie"

"thanks, but dont get too friendly now "babe" i got a man"

"oh what a shame"

"and hes more of a man than you"

Drusialla put on the mask, and elvis did too, laughing.

a large group of demons came up behind them

"Elvis, deal with them, i'll open the door..."

the vaccum blew the bodies out of the door as well, since the whole base is pressurized.
(ooc: bettsy, can you fill me in)

As Riyoshi was sitting in the forest, he heard some grunting and panting from off in the distance. Turning his head and looking over his shoulder, he seen lit areas around trees, approaching his location.

"Who's there?" Riyoshi said aloud.

As he said that, he turned his body and looked upon the area.

"You will die!" the voice replied.

Riyoshi was a little confused as to why he was threatened. He smirked as he stood up and cracked his neck.

"You think that you will be able to kill me?" Riyoshi asked as he placed his necklace into his pocket.

"I do think so." the voice yelled as he charged through the forest.

As the massive beast ran through the forest, it obliterated trees and drug a large sword behind him.

"Oh damn. You are a big guy." Riyoshi said as he cracked his neck and formed a swirling ball of air in his right hand.

As he leaped from his spot, Riyoshi charged at the beast and the beast swung his sword up and over his head and vertically down at Riyoshi. Smiling at this point, Riyoshi let the blade fall towards him and he chose not to dodge it. As the blade crashed down, it passed right through his body and struck deeply into the ground. Slamming his right hand into the stomach of the beast, it pushed the beast back and away from the blade. Solidifying his body again, Riyoshi reached for the handle of the blade. As he grabbed the handle, he cringed in pain and released the handle.

"OUCH. Its like grabbing fire." Riyoshi said as he clinched his fist.

Which is weird, for i can harness fire from my core. Riyoshi thought as he shook his hand free of pain.

Sliding to a stop, the beast stomped his foot in anger and took a deep breath.

"How were you able to dodge my attack? I felt the attack connect. How are you standing there right now? And another thing is, that blade is hell fire." the beast replied.
(okay, in short, much of china and india has been vaporized, the school defenders have fallen back into the main building, and the whole world is under simultanious attack by boghren's army of unlimited demons while boghren himself is at the "Legion" HQ where Steven, Marco, Elvis and Drusilla are kicking some serious ass)

in the school, the final defenders stood behind the doors, waiting for the demons to break through, in the background, people who had "snapped" under the fear, pressure and demonic energy were screaming, crying and sobbing.

Sam stood in his ambush possition, carrying on a silent discussion with one of the remaining sodiers, with only their eyes.

again the demons rammed the door... those who still stood had accepted their fate, but no-one judged anyone who broke down crying, no-one felt ashamed for admitting their fear, for wanting to go home...

the door began to crack, it was soon time, Sam drew Katsura, her blade glistening with magic

"it has been an honour, Sam-Sama"

"the honour... was all mine... katsura"

the door fell, demons poured in, Sam jumped into the fray, taking down a large ogre by digging Katsura into it's head, he then got straight back up and blocked a mace coming for his head, and countered with a downwards thrust, cutting the demon down.
Steven's eyes began to glow crimson. "This end NOW!" A translucent scythe appeared in his hand,and he slammed it against the ground,creating an enormous shockwave,obliterating his foes.


"The whelp is strong...And angry. He will make mistakes."


The scythe vanished,and Steven leapt towards the bottom of the silo. However,on the way there,he met with a swirling cyclone of debris and abandoned weapons. He grabbed onto a particularly broad sword,and stylishly flipped himself up onto the flat of the blade,and began to surf it as the cyclone rocketed up through the silo,snaking around obstacles. He held Igni and Rudara in his hands,and the belt of ammo was expended.
"Get that damn rocket into orbit! I'm going after the bastard behind this disaster!" Steven activated the wind shields for his eyes,and rode the cyclone to the surface. Minerva came on the line again.

Steven,I realize that Borghen is a High Value Target,however his defenses are impenetrable. The local military has responded in force,and were decimated almost instantly. Your powers are strong,but you will fall before you can reach Borghen. "I beg to differ." Aenor's robe was now perfectly visible to all. "Never underestimate the resolve of a man with nothing to lose." Warning. Unrecognized wavelength detected.

Marco gritted his teeth, watching Steven go up the silo

"we're out of time, drop the shield, lets get this core into orbit!"

the troops obeyed, dropping their shield to fight the demons, one was killed almost instantly, sollowed by another a few seconds later.

Marco put a hand on the core's shield.

he handed a small dagger to the demon scientist.

"get this to Leslie, tell her i'll be back"

the scientist took it, then he high-tailed it out of the silo, teleporting away into a demon realm.

Marco took the core from the container, using his own power to prevent it from exploding, then four great wings, black and red came from his back and began to flap, lifting both Marco and the core, geading up the silo.

the rocked launched, with marco grabbing on to the side, going up, breaking through the enemy lines, narrowly missing another demon transport.

"Strategic launch detected." In Borghen's firebase,a pillar opened,and fired a missile. It made a beeline for the rocket. An interceptor missile. "And so they go all in with but a single chip. How sad."


Steven rode on his cyclone of blades across the killing field,pulling transports,gunships,and fighters from the sky with his raw telekenetic power. Even the ones the size of mountains came down. He saw something streak towards him,and then rocket past. He looked behind,and saw a missile,heading straight for the rocket. Then he saw Marco clinging to the side of the rocket,manhandling the Element Zero Core.
"RETURN TO SENDER!" Steven forced the missile to turn around,and fly back towards it's point of origin,and,in the process,spoofed it so it would be invisible to interceptor missiles. As it approached the base,however,it's warhead was detonated prematurely by a ground based laser,causing no damage,and destroying the rest of the missile.

Borghen's ground forces were formidible. The weakest foe stood a staggering fourteen feet tall,and was fleet of foot,and sported a single rapid-firing energy weapon. The mightiest was a six legged forty foot colossus,with a pair of heavy energy cannons,SAM launchers,and an enormous turret,which fired forth a constant red beam. Channeling Igni and Rudara,Steven fired blasts of fire and wind at the machines below,destroying their legs,and watching them explode. They had magical cores. Steven felt like his energy would never drain.

Then,a morbid thought went through his mind.
He's feeding me. He wants to fight me at my fullest. He rocketed underneath the spiderbot,weaving in betwen it's legs and under it's main hull,slicing away at it's leg joints. Igni and Rudara made little progress. In a fir of frustration,Steven brought them both down,with incredible telekenetic force behind them onto a joing on one of the forelegs. It immediately crumpled. Steven weaved through the incoming fire and repeated the procedure,until the enormous spiderbot collapsed with a mechanical roar of protest,and then exploded magnificently if a flash of red light,leaving behind an enormous blackened wreck.

With a deafening roar of triumph and bloodlust,Steven directed his cyclone towards Borghen's base once more.
marco breathed a sigh of relief as the interceptor was pulled away, that was too close

"Steven, i'm getting read to break away, finish off boghren or the remaining enemy forces on earth alone will still wipe us out"

Marco got to the top of the rocket, the 4 wings turned to large arms, he used them to hold the core, while his 2 normal hands had spells ready, he began firing on the demons approaching, the spells exploding like shrapnel blasts, taking out small groups with a rapid fire rate.

"almost Steven, almost..."

at the school, Sam had a gash on his head but still he fought, cutting the head off one demon, only to turn and face another, over the body of a dead comerade.
As Steven approached the firebase,Borghen smiled. "Now,parasite...Witness my glorious fury." Borghen stood in the center of the firebase. The base was doughnut shaped,the center devoid of anything. However,it was lined with Flak turrets and SAM turrets. As Steven approached,high in the sky,all of Borghen's anti-aircraft weapons fired on Steven. He avoided the flak shells,and deflected the missiles,and descended. Down low,he attracted the attention of anti-surface laser turrets,and he hastily ripped them to pieces.

As Steven drew near to Borghen,Borghen waved a hand. Suddenly,the clearing in his base rocketed into the sky on a pillar of stone. Steven gave chase,avoiding the anti-aircraft fire.
"STOP RUNNING,BASTARD! FACE ME! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!" Steven cleared the top of the platform,flying dead vertical. He leapt off of his sword,and the cyclone snaked and brought itself down onto Borghen's head. For a solid minute,he was struck by weapons and sharp debris. Steven had long since landed on the platform,and stood with Igni and Rudara at the ready.
High up, the sound of the rocket faded away, as a freezing cold settled in around Marco, the core and the rocket.

"it's time..."

he opened a channel to Steven

"Finish it, Steven... i'm done on my end, time till detonation, 15 seconds"

Marco cast a containment spell to the core, then another to attatch it to the rocket, he then pushed himself off the rocked, and began falling to earth.

on the way down, he went head-first, from a distance he would seem like a tiny speck near the massive core and rocket.

further down he went, he could see for hundreds of miles in every direction, the air was still chilly as the rocket was going up before faster than hes falling now.

7 seconds.

he could see the massive black clouds where the base is, but he wasn't going that way, he was drifting to the west, to the ocean.

4 seconds.

he was drifting faster and faster, further and further from the base.

2 seconds

he closed his eyes, sending one message to Leslie

"... i love you"

0 seconds.


the portals worldwide began to fluctuate, soon closing, even with all Boghren's power, all contact and energy from the realm of demons he pulled his arm from was gone, completely cut off, many demons began to panic instantly, all he had left was the remaining soldiers, and their moralle had been destroyed with the portals... the invasion, was over, all that was left with his goal in mind... was boghren alone.


the core exploded, sending a massive blue wave of energy in all directions, ripping the rocket to atomic size pieces, Marco could feel the energy coming up on him before it hit.

but it did hit him, he cold feel it slam against his body, making him fall about 9X faster, the enrgy tore at his body, ripping out the souls he had collected over the decades, hundreds, thousands beng taken in a flash.

the energy ripped his skin off, fused his clothes to his flesh, burned his eyes and melted the fat under his skin and in his tongue, he screamed like a banshee.

the energy didn't make it to the ground, but marco kept going.

about 20km out to sea, his ragged, broken body smashed into the ocean, causing a massive wave.

inside him, there were only the energy of 4 more foes he had beaten before, two demons, an old one... and his father.

inside his mind, Marco stood before his father



"what have you done?"

"what needed to be done, i helped decimate the hman population, but in doing so i prevented total extinction... humankind can rebuild"

Artemis sighed, then looked to his son one more time.

"Marco... i understand, but i can't let you die"

"untill i give you some grandkids?"

"no... untill you finish... nightrise is dead but humankind will need someone to blame, or else whats left will die out fighting each-other..."

Marco nodded

"i'll take responsibility, dad, the world will blame me and only me, i'll have them all unite to kill me, and they will"

"or will they?... i know what you did with that dagger you're going to have given to that girl... leslie, was it?"

Marco nodded

"thanks dad"

Artemis smiled and nodded

"well, its about time i left, your mother is eager to see me again, and we both know.... it might still be awhile before we see you again"

Artemis faded, and Marco was left alone.

in the real world, Marco's bod had repaired itself, using Artemis's magic, but this wasn;t the Lazarus body, this was is orrigional, with the old curse mark and all.

at the beach, his body washed up, limp, almost dead, but there was a pair of familiar feet waiting for him, upon lifint his head, he found the old monk, the one he had talked to for a ear after dying with Dispair.

"wake up, Marco highland"

Marco's eyes began to widen

"the invasion is over, the demons are beginning to retreat, their lord is dead and the portals are destroyed..."

Marco breathed out heavily

"so.. after the next move.. its all over?"

"the war you have been fighting all these years will finally be over, after your last act"

Marco nodded, and began to lift himself up

"okay... i'd best be on it then..."
"That is the great part of my abilities. You come at me thinking that i must be a normal human being, a easy kill. Right?" Riyoshi said as he solidified his body.

Looking at the beast, Riyoshi held his hand out flat, and condensed a large amount of magic. The beast cracked it's neck as it took a step towards Riyoshi. As it did so, its form and size changed.

"If that was so, then you would have been dead long before you felt my presence." The demon said as he shrank to Riyoshi's size and form.

Riyoshi's eyes widened as he seen the beast shrink. concentrating harder on his magic, Riyoshi tried his spell once more.

"This form should do real... The demon said before vanishing.

WTF! Riyoshi thought as he lost the sight of the demon.

Appearing right in front of Riyoshi, the demon slammed its fist into Riyoshi's stomach and sent him flying backwards through the forest. Crashing through the forest, his body collided with the trees, obliterating them and not slowing down his speed.

His speed and power have grown way beyond what i am capable of! He nearly matches Sam. Riyoshi thought as his body continued flying through the air.

Crashing through the last line of trees, his body kept soaring over a large meadow and towards the school of magic. Riyoshi tried to focus on his air stone to make his body turn into air so he could stop himself but that was not happening. Changing his tactic, he went to focus on the earth stone but as he went to think, his body hit a large wall. As his body impacted the wall, it cracked and he almost went right through it. But this wall was not like any other wall he had come across.
inside the school, sam managed to fight his way out the door, but seeing as how the demons were fully demoralized, they were easy pickings.

demons fled in all directions, soon, Sam was left standing outside, walking into the courtyard, as demons scampered out the gates and over the walls... standing in the middle of the courtyard full of bodies, blood and gradd, of demons, students and legionaires.

a soldier came out

"is it over?"

"looks like..." replied sam, cluching the blood soaked katsura, blood flowing down his arm from a wound on his shoulder.

"damn... another school, gone"

Sam shook his head "no, not this one... we'll rebuild, resupply... we won this, lets not abandon it now"

Sam took a deep breath

"anyone seen Riyoshi?"
"Agh." Riyoshi said a little louder then a whisper.

The demon walked out of the forest and into the meadow, and that is where it hit him. Every open portal that they had bringing in their people, was no longer here and was closed.

"Damn you bastards." The demon roared.

This is bad. I need to get back to my feet and get some help. Riyoshi thought to himself.

The demon looked towards the wall and seen Riyoshi. Leaping from his spot, he vanished and appeared right in front of Riyoshi. Grabbing him by the neck, the demon picked him up and held him up against the wall.

So is this how i am going to die? Riyoshi thought as he hung there pretty much motionless.
Sam looked into the distance... untill he heard a loud "SMASH" out in the forrest.

"hey is there a sensor here?"

"on it" replied an elven girl

"its a demon and a student... Riyoshi is his name"

Sam's eyes shot open, and he took off, running out of the courtyard with as much speed as he could.

he burst out of the main gate, several cowering demons were hunched over outside, trying not to break down in terror, Sam went for the field, since the traps in the field, I.E the extending "blades" of grass didnt go off for students, staff or guests, but instead reacted to hostiles, the field was covered in the corpses of hundreds of demons unfortunate enough to land on the field.

he skimmed over the bodies, heading for the growin aura, looks like Riyoshi was facing against an elite demon, probably an officer.

"Riyoshi! i'ma coming!"

he drew katsura

"Sam-sama i do not think calling out like that was wise"

"no, let the demon come, i have a plan"
Borghen,beneath a small mountain of blades and sharp objects,was unharmed,thanks to his armour and tough hide. With a simple gesture,the shrapnel exploded outward in a nova dome,and vaporized. "What crimes have I comitted?" He walked in a wide circle around Steven,who had his left hand slowly dropping to his hip. "Murder-No,genocide." "As have you." Steven cringed. It was true. "It was for the survival of the rest of humanity." "And your petty revenge. I invade Earth today in order to ensure the future of my kind,no other reason." Steven whipped his pistol from Quantum Space and fired at Borghen. The shot was deflected,and Borghen lunged forward at an alarming speed.

Steven and Borghen were locked in unarmed combat,with Steven attemting to get a shot off at any opprotunity. The sky was bathed in blue light,and the portals in the skies wavered,then shut. This moment was all Borghen needed to gain an upper hand. He disarmed Steven,then crushed the weapon under his heel.
"Fool." He kicked Steven toward the edge of their tower of stone. Steven caught himself on the edge,and threw himself back onto the tower. "I'll be able to open new ones after this. I already have stable portals in matricies on the surface,unaffected." Steven drew Igni and Rudara. "Aah,my demoniac kin. Can you see where this is going?" "If you bastards betray me,I'll kill you here,chase you down in Hell,then end you there!" Borghen laughed. "You know how this will end,all three of you. Do the right thing."

Borghen held out his hands,and Steven could feel Igni and Rudara tugging at his arms.
"NO!" "RELEASE US,WORM!" "WE WERE NEVER YOUR SERVANTS!" The blades pulled free from Steven's hands and soared towards Borghen. Steven drew Hyperion as Borghen caught the twin demon blades. Borghen held Rudara out to his left side,and let go. Rudara fell,and was consumed in a flash of dark red light. When the flash subsided,Rudara had a body. That of a young man,wearing a jumpsuit that looked as if it were made of human muscle tissue,only black,with red highlights,and a helmet,with a face-obscuring glass visor.

Rudara's weapon appeared to be an entirely new weapon. Wielded with one hand,above his head and pointed towards his opponent with a slight downward angle,the handguard had a blade on the outside. The main blade was broad,long,and straight with a widened end,designed for slashing. Rudara's empty hand was extended before him,fingers slightly bent,palm open. The sword wa,much like it's wielder,black with red highlights.

Igni was also changed. Although Igni was still a sword,it was held by Borghen. Igni taken the shape of a blade somewhere between a shortsword and a broadsword,Gray,with black and white highlights,and a blue gemstone in the pommel,with a broader-than-average blade. Borghen held Igni at his side,blade down,in one hand. The other arm was behind the small of his back. Borghen slouched slightly,and began to change.

Borghen's armour vanished,and was replaced by a black trench coat. Borghen's crimson scaled hide turned to well tanned skin. His horns receeded,and he grew a silver goatee. His eyes turned golden,and in the end,he resembled a fit man in his sixties. His hands were gloved,his chest bare. He wore boots and formal pants. He smirked,and said,in a voice fitting his new form.
"You will die here,Steven Adams! Today,every last champion of humanity DIES! Upon your corpses I shall build the foundation of our future!" He looked at Rudara,and nodded.
a lone demon wandered the plain of the realm of the dead

"this isn't right, i shouldnt have been able to get in here, where is the barrier? hello!?"

no response, ahead of him lay one of the most dreaded, hated and feared places to demons, the home of the grim reaper, however this grim reaper had a much more humble home, the last one had a freaking citadel with angry and restless souls, shrieking as they circle it, but this one was just a creepy house.

the demon approached, getting lower as he went, he put his first hoof on the first stair, then the second hoof, he took a deep breath then went up the rest.

he knocked on the door three times

"hello?... Grim reaper sir- i mean ma'am?..."

the demon looked around, and he placed the dagger in front of the doorway, and he ran off, dissapearing into nothingness as he ran away, swallowed up by the etheral winds of the underworld, but he wasn't being swept away to suffer, he was just bieng sent away.

the dagger lay there, inside it the glass handle, a single dim light hovered....
Pausing as a voice spoke, Leslie looked up towards the ceiling, letting the shadow get in a rather deep hit to the side. Moving forward, ignoring her counter part, she went up the stairs, before stopping by the door. Something was very wrong. Throwing it open, she caught the back side of the demon disappearing before shaking her head. Looking down at the dagger, she seemed un-surprised. "So it's happened at last..."

Bowing her head, she gingerly picked it up, holding it towards her heart before pouring magic into it, almost like she instinctively knew what to do, calling forth the thing inside of it.


Drawing in a sharp breath, pained breath, the albino whipped forward,continuously 'jumping' in a fashion of disappearing and reappearing fifteen to twenty feet away. Branches tearing at cloth and flesh, mismatched eyes flickering around constantly, well aware of the sound of feet following.

Jumping once more, she started to slide down a steep hill. Unable to stop herself, or pull enough focus to jump once more, a hand tightened around a faintly glowing parcel. Shouts from above and on the sides drew worry, the screaming sound of lightning whizzing past, fear.

"Forgive me, my dears..." A second scream that didn't go far rocketed her off the slope, sending her forward off towards the rocky ground. Body twitching from moment to moment, as electrical currents wrapped around, strong enough to be visible from the outside. Pressing the package to her chest, she cast one last spell, the package in her hands fading into nothing but smoke that soon drifted into nothing.

The pursuers stopped,d watching what had transpired, before the 'leader' of them wheeled back to find out who had disorder the order not to kill, only to choke on his own words. As each of them bowed, their guest moved forward, before pausing at the edge of the hill were it cut away completely. Staring down at the new painting that shimmered a dark red in the light, he grinned. Holding out a hand, he let go of a feathered charm with a red orb.

Turning on the group, he snarled, "Find that package. Now!" All looked at each other, before disappearing, some dying in the chaos of the world, others falling short completely, leaving the man alone on the cliff. "You were a valuable thing, much to precious to keep in the dark. I'll correct myself better next time, perhaps aim for someone a bit younger, more controllable. And I think you just helped with that as well. After all, I hear there's a young child by the name of Hannah that's now an orphan."
in Leslie's hut, inside the door the dagger began to heat up and shake in Leslie's hands, a small crack appeared in the glass handle, the light inside began to grow, the blade begin to crack, the metal on it was soon red hot, shaking violently, it fell to the floor, it burned every part of the floow it touched.

fter jumping about for a bit, the dagger stopped and shot up, standing on the very tip of it, spinning, spinning, faster and faster, soona blur, creating a small cyclone inside the house, then the dagger exploded.

bits of shrapnel hit everything, but it all turned to fine dust on impact, becoming harmless, and in the middle of the room was Marco, infortunately he was naked, the dagger could only story spiritual and organic things, dead things like clothes werent there.

marco stood tall in the house, taking a deep breath, he nodded to the shaddow as if saying "some clothes if you mind?"

he closed his eyes and chuckled

"wow, without magic my eyesight is terrible... heh, without magic i would have needed glasses! who'da thunk it?"

he turned to Alec, smiling

"its done.. all of it... the war, the old ones, nightrise... its all over"

he chuckled a bit as he fell to his knees, visibly exhausted.

in the physical world, the other Marco met up with some legionaires on a boat

"Sir, the demons are retreating! better teleport to base, sir"

"no can do lads... not a spark left"

"oh.. well you;re still our commander, sir, can we help?"

Marco thought for a minute

"yeah, i could use a ride... and a change of clothes"
Leslie blinked, staring at the whole thing with a look that was unreadable. Glancing over at Marco, not phased in the slightest, as the shadow simply threw the clothing at him, she sighed. Shaking her head for a moment, she moved into another room, before bringing back out a tray of herbal tea and setting it near him.
Marco sat at the table, after having put on the clothes.

when leslie came back in with the tea, he acceted a cup

"i-i-i mean, my entire life, my dad's entire life, all of it... poof.... one day, all gone..."

he sighed

"you know dont you, about all those people in the radius of those bombs, just over a billion people... then the invasion... Leslis... between the bombs and the invasion, how many died?"
Nodding her head, she watched him silently, before he asked his question. Looking at the floor, she silently checked the numbers of her reapers. "....897,275, 986...." As her eyes stayed locked on the floor, she dug her nails into her arms.
Marco lowered his eyes as well, he knew the death toll was high, but hearing the exact numbers.

"t-that many died?..."

he could barely speak he was so in shock.. shock, in his immortal state this feeling had been dulled so much, but now, as a normal human, it impacted so much heavier...
Leslie sighed, before sliding down the wall she was leaning against. Looking at him once, and she debated on if she would even be able to say it. Knowing he would find out regardless, she coughed once, clearing her throat. "....Alive."
Marco,s head dropped, his hands shaking.

"i-...I caused all this?... i did it so humanity wouldnt become extinct but... so many... all dead"

he couldnt bring himself to look Leslie in the eye, this was all just too much.
Leslie looked at him, before bowing her head. The shadow silently tugged at one of her hands, before setting a towel underneath, allowing her to dig at the cloth, over flesh. "Marco...." Sighing softly, she shook her head, "It was destined to happen, and regardless of what you would have done otherwise, it would have happened." Shaking her head again, she sighed once more, " And humanity has taken worse blows. Each time it got back alright, and hey, who knows, this might actually be for the best...a way to hit the reset button and let earth take back over, un do the damage we've done, and start over."

Crossing to his side, she crouched down by him before pulling him into a hug, " I can promise you that much, just like I can promise you, it wasn't your fault."
Marco turned his head, resting it on Leslie's head

"... i just hope you're right"

he put an arm around her, sighing

"i guess you have a lot of work ahead, huh? or are the other reapers taking care of it?"

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