WW - The New World

Marco sat back, deep in thought... he asked himself, even though he wouldn't pull the trigger, he set this all up, without him, this would never happen, and even now he could stop it, right now he could cut off Steven's head and stop it right now... it was something to ponder, do i kill my friend?... my best friend, since Vent is missing, or di i finish this war?"

he stood up, walking over to Steven, he was thinking of that plane full of tourists, of all the people in the street on the way to the docks... all of them were innocent, even though Nightrise is the biggest in India and China, it still only counts for 2% of the full population and 30% of the area to be hit by the bombs.

he looked at Steven, sleeping, his friend, driven by revenge, this revenge is for everyone, and for the sake of humanity as a whole, Marco had given him the tools to complete his revenge, Marco had given him the gun, loaded the bullets, removed the safety and put it at Nightrise's head... but Steven was the one to pull the trigger.

He began pacing on the plane, could he really live with himself? he and Steven were about to be responsible for over a billion deaths, they were about to make so many people dissapear, they would be dead before they even saw the shining lights of the bombs.

He stopped and looked out of the window, thinking to himself, thinking, thinking, just thinking...

for over an hour he thought, contemplated, looking to steven and thinking about killing his friend, this act was going to be the biggest act of mass-murder in the history of humankind, it would make the american genocide of the indians look trivial, it would make Hitler's holocaust something to chuckle over... and the worst thing, only they and a small group of legion members would know it was them.

Drusilla walked in, she placed a hand on Marco's shoulder.

"Marco... i know this is hard, it kills me to say this..."

Marco turned his head,and looked to Drusilla

"well, uhh..."

she looked down, thinking, working up the courage to say

"Marco, my husband, Daniel... he is a good man, in fact i actually think i may be a week pregnant by now"


"thanks... Marco, i don't want my child to grow up in a world still burning itself, i don;t want my child to grow up under the boot of slavery to the old ones, i don't want him bowing to them with a collar around his neck... and i know, i would do anything... anything to prevent that"

she put a hand on the side of his face and turned hishead to face her


he looked at her, into her brown eyes, beginning to tear up.

"the human race will make up for those dead in a single generation, ask yourself, what about Leslie? if you die, do you really think she will sit idly by and let you get tortured to death? do you really think she would win against them? doyou think the other reapers would back her?.. and what if you have children, what about them?"

she gritted her teeth, and clenched her fist


Marco wanted to hit her for this, but she was right, completely right

"get the f*ck out of my way"

he pushed her up against the wall and into the main compartment where Steven was.

Marco kicked steven in the leg

"Steven wake up, launch the missiles, it's time!"

He contacted Leslie again

"yes, i can, and i do"
Steven woke up. "It's time,then?" He stood up. "In a few minutes,we'll cease to be men. We'll become monsters wearing the faces of men. And it's the only way." Steven opened a telepathic channel to everyone in the drop zones.

"You do not know me. You will never know me. I am Steven Adams. Mage,professor,soldier. You all live under the protection of Nightrise,or are a member of Nightrise. I can understand that;they offered you protection. And they backed that promise up. However,today,you will all die,not because I hate you. But because Nightrise needs to die. They kill mages without reason,and this is an act of self defense. I'm no man. What I'm about to do will make me a monster. I do not ask for forgiveness. I'm simply asking for understanding. Please,go in peace. And I'm truly sorry for what I must do."

He cut the channel.


The missiles disengaged from their cradles,and began to rocket towards their targets. Fifty were left unfired,as per orders. The missiles screamed down through the atmosphere. Panels broke off the sides of the missiles,releasing numerous submunitions. The submunitions hit the ground,detonating in a blinding flash of white light. And then it was done. China,India,and South America,cleansed.

And he and Marco were to blame.

"It's been done."
some had detonated in india and china, but the ones in south america had been rediverted to portals leading to the Old One's home world, destroying their portals, killing their cities, their slaves and their king on the other side, the portals exploded, eaving 30,000 old ones stranded on earth, to be scattered and killed with no hope now of victory.

China and india were ablaze, many people survived, due to the fact they were between the blast zones, ut still, over 90% were now dead.

Marco turned to Steven

"Steven, we wiped out over a billion people today, but in doing so, we saved billions more, not only now but every generation after us, our children, our grandchildren, we've saved them all, we've saved tens or hundreds of billions of people from now, untill humanity's end by sacrificing out humanity"

he put a hand on Steven's shoulder

"and for saving so many, i'd say our humanity is a small, nay, a microscopic price to pay"

Meanwhile, deep below the himmilayas, in the deepest depths of the building that was once the Battlemage's temple, a deep black pus-like substance creeps up the walls, in the depths, the horrible monster, known only as the creeper was weeping, crying.

"m-my brother..." she wimpered, another tear falling from her eye, one of her drones came up to her

"mother?... mummy? whats wrong?"

"ah, Gerald, my 4,649th son... my brother, your uncle... he's dead"

"no, not uncle!"


the creeper bought up a limp, nit a fist, more like a leg, and slammed it on the floor

"we'll get whoever killed your uncle, Gerald, we will kill them! make them hurt!"

the creeper turned to a figure int he shaddow

"and who are you!?"
Steven nodded. "True. But that doesn't mean I won't regret the lives I've taken." He looked out the window,and wondered if there really was another way...


A voice rang out from outside. "I'm surprised you didn't notice me sooner. I was beginning to wonder if the bombs scrambled your senses!" Outside stood two figures. One seven feet,the other thirty. "I'll let you figure out who I am...If you live long enough!" Suddenly,the entire mountain range was bathed in blue light,as massive blue portals opened and machines,none smaller than fourteen feet,came out,both land and air,all armed to the teeth. Missiles screamed through the air,detonating on the walls of the Old One's sanctuary. Flashes of light heralded the use of lasers and electron cannons. The mightiest of the machines,one of each,were positively enormous.

One possessed six legs,stood at a staggering forty feet tall,with an equally large legspan,with a gigantic turret atop. Bolts of electrons flied from just above the legs,and the turret came to life,spewing forth a constant beam. In the air,a flying machine,resembling a tick,the size of a small mountain,rained down blast after blast. Finally,the thirty foot figure,a machine,just like the rest,released ten drones,which fired lasers at the ground...Building something,while the parent machine fired energy blasts at the sanctuary.

The sanctuary was under siege. The walls won't hold for long.
"You are weak! With you removed,I will be free to conquer and subjugate this world!" The seven foot tall figure moved to the rear lines,knowing the power of his foe. The figure wore a suit of high tech armour,and wielded an enormous sword.
the machines dug through the hard rock with ease, there was absolutely no resistance.

hundreds of tonnes of rock were removed in relatively little time, the Creeper chuckled

"my my, someone to eat.. Gerald my dear, could you please get your siblings and take care of this nuisance mummy will handle them if they get too deep"

"yes mummy!"

gerald ran off, to get his "siblings", the other drones.

outside again, the machines managed to break through into a hallway of the old Battlemage temple.

the demons poured in, weapons drawn, ready to kill, to take this place, but that was short lived, hundreds of demons instantly vanished from boghren's senses.

then, 2 things began to happen, at every hole, black ooze began to erupt out, coating the machines ands the demons.

from the top of the mountain, drones began to pour out, with large tendrils of the ooze, speeding towards Boghren's forces.

Boghtren's forces fired on the drones to no avail, one would die, a black tendril would wipe over it and it would be back to full strength and speed.

the drones clashed with oghren's machines and troops, tearing Boghren's troops to pieces and smashing his machines.

the flying machines tried esisting, but the tendrils pulled them donw, and the drones jumped up to 300 metres ton pulled them down, while taking no damage fromt he fall if they missed.

the ooze erupting from the holes had formed pools, and the demons sent in before were coming back out as drones.

in Boghren's head he could hear the Creeper

"You know, the humans are inferior, but there is one thing i learned from them "know thy enemy" you shold learn something about me before you make such a brash move, demon lord"
Borghen smirked under his helmet. "Oh,but I do know you. I know you have limits. My forces do not. I'll simply phase out the organic troops,and replace them with more machines." He looked at the construction,which was completed. It was a tower,twenty feet tall,with three triangular panels coming from the central,rotating stem. A dome of energy covered Borghen,and the thirty foot machine,and stopped all incoming projectiles. "Furthermore...I recall a late Joseph Ray combating you...With incindearies." In another blue flash,a structure appeared under the shield dome. It contained a stable portal. And not long after,a stream of machines poured out. "You will fall,eventually! My forces know no number! They don't need rest,food,or drink! I can rebuild my armies before your very eyes,in minutes and seconds! This protracted conflict is a waste! Give up now,and your unmaking will be swift and painless!"
"and for every one of your own soldiers you send to battle me, another joins my ranks! your troops may know no number, but how many can you send at any one time? a thousand? a million? unlike your own troops, mine do not die with a simple blade through the head, my soldiers can "convert" your own by just touching them!"

The creeper finally began to stir, she began to stand up, to push against her own roof.

on the surface, Boghren's soldiers were being turned before his very eyes, his machines were bieng piloted by the enemy, and several portals already had "campers" outside them, covering his troops with black sludge as they emerged.

Boghren's machines charged, but they, like their orgqanic counterparts were swamped by the black sludge.

"ah, Incindearies, they can hurt my drones, and give me an itch, but nothing more, only one person has ever successfuly killed my drones, and he will be the one to battle you in your return... you know of whom i speak"

The creeper's hand emetged from one of the pools of black sludge, and she looked at him, at Bighren.

she stood at 50 feet, with nearly countless small tendrils of black ooze coming from her back.

"you're troops know no number, oh demon lord, and my soldiers turn yours to my own cause, this battle cannot be settled with soldiers, you know this as well as i, so let us both battle together, you and i, 'till one of us ends!"
Borghen looked upon the form of the Creeper. He nodded. The portals closed,and the gate structure self-destructed. His remaining forces rendered inert. "A duel to the death. How poetic. This end now." Borghen hefted his sword into a combat stance. He observed his surroundings. He knew the Creeper would indoctrinate him if he let it touch him. Borghen began to fly on jets built into his armour,allowing him even greater mobility. Below,the piloted machines exploded,even the ones whose pilots were turned by the Creeper. Borghen had one secret weapon,but for now,he'd use his own powers to fight the Creeper.
The creeper watcvhed him, but didn't move, her forces stopped, just standing there, not moving, the self-distructing machines did no damage to her.

"oh? you require machine aid, oh demon lord? is your power not enough?"

the creeper tilted her head and smiled

"it seems the great lord of hell just isn't what he seemed to be, i imagined you to be an army unto yourself, and wouldnt be caught dead using machines like a human would"

she giggled, enjoying her taunting of him.
Borghen smiled. "If it's worth doing,it's worth overdoing." Borghen lunged forward,unleashing blasts of demoniac energies at the Creeper's extremities with one hand,and his sword unleashing grand swaths of energy. As he flew by,he slashed at the Creeper,knowing it was purely superficial damage. He needed to find a way to invade its very essence,and obliterate it from within.


Steven recieved a message from Minerva.
Four minutes ago an incredibly large energy spike was detected in the Hymilayan mountan range,the focal point being the old Battlemage Sanctuary,now being occupied by The Creeper. Steven's eyes widened. "Marco,please tell me--" Another message. Similar spikes have just manifested all over the planet. One at every major city. Legion soldiers are reporting enormous machines with incredibly powerful energy weapons,and producing structures from air.

"This is impossible..."
Marco frowned

"Steven, ignore allt he toher spikes, focus on the old Battlemage temple, Mnerva! get us a visual"

the data was transmitted directly to their brains, it showed the creeper fighting boghren himself

"Steven... we have 50 missiles in reserve, focus them on that area.... thats an order"

the creeper lost several tendrils to Boghren's slicing, but he got close.

just as he flew past on his cutting run, the creeper spat out a spray of black ooze, litle bits of it pattered all over his exterior, but most of it landed on his armour.
Steven saw the feed. The style,the power...It was Borghen. "With pleasure." He cooked up a simple algorithm. It was going to be a carpet bombing. The entire mountain range will be saturated. He had one missile manouvre itself into the Sanctuary proper,and then release it's payload. He gave the signal,and the missiles dropped. "Payload en route."

Minerva came in with one more piece of news. Commanders,the Academy is under siege.


As Borghen got splattered,he knew he made a mistake. He quickly put distance between himself and the Creeper. Then,he heard a voice squak in his ear. "My leige,the Legion has released a salvo of Neutron Bombs to your position." Borghen smiled under his helmet. "Goodbye...For now." Borghen gated out of the area. Back to the dimension from where he initialy emerged. At the same time,another wave of robotic machines poured out through new portals,just as the bombs became visible in the sky.

Forty nine bombs released a shower of twenty bombs each,while the fiftieth found it's way into the Sanctuary before releasing it's payload.
Meanwhile at the Accademy, the walls still stood, but the grass field was a graveyard of bodies and craters, the demons tried to rush the walls, the traps in the fields convinced them otherwise.

"Whats happening!?" asked sam, high above, the sky was red, demons fell from the sky like meteors.

a large demon fell from the sky in a ball of flame, smashing into one of the School's towers.

"crap, i'll handle that one!"

Sam jumped form the wall, drawing Katsura, before charging towards where the demon landed

"Sam-Sama, do you really think you have a chance?"

"nope, just trying to hold them back as long as i can"

"very well, just know it hasbeen an honour"

"then honour is all mine"

he turned around the corner and saw the dragon-like demon, who greeted him with a wall of fire, quickly blocked by Katsura's wind blast.

"i can do this... WE can do this!"

On the plane, "meteors" fell from the sky as well, some headed towards where the neutron bombs went off, so much for survivors, and others went in other directions

"Steven, we have to move, right now!"

a smaller demon crashed into the left wing of the plane, it began to go down

"we're going!" shouted Marco, asthe plane began to spiral vertically down

he grabbed Steven, and in an instant, teleported him back to central command

"i want reports, now!"

a nearby minotaur replied, he had a deep gash on his leg and a heavily burned arm.

"Commander, these demons are wverywhere, they've taken the forst 5 floors from the surface and everything above, some big digger unit crashed right into the main tower, it happened so fast..."

Marco got up, and helped Steven up

"okay, lets analyze the situation... an unknown amount of hostiles, worldwide, our bases are compromised..."

he snapped his fingers

"i've got it!"

he pointed to the door leading to the massive "zero element" orb room

"i want that orb ready to be launched into the atmosphere!"

he turned to Steven

"if we can cut off their access to their home, then we can focus on the forces already here"

the bunker shook violently.

"Steven, i'd really appreciate it if you helped with the defence of this building"

the creeper chuckled

"oh my, what a pretty sight..."

she looked to her drones

"look children, pretty lights!"

the drones looked up, seeing the bombs begin to explode

"my goodness... i never imagined my death, to be by a light so pure and...."

she was cut off as the bombs vaporized her, obliterating her from existance.

as boghren flew away, a small bit of the black ooze, barely half a mililitre clung to the inside of Boghren's armour.

within it, contained the creeper, her will, her memories, like every other bit of the ooze... and it already found itself a host, boghren.
Steven was teleported to the Legion Headquarters with Marco. "Where's Drusillia?" He looked at the Situatio Monitor,and saw a sea of red,alerts,and instantly knew that this would not be easy. Nearly impossible. He's been known to pull worse out of the fire. "We'll need to find a way to keep Borghen's armies from the Element Zero Core,the missile silos,both primary and secondary,and all points between. Furthermore we need to keep his forces from attacking the rocket while it's in flight. I'd also like a contingency put in place. Get some of that Eezo to me. I'll put it in quantum storage."

When Steven mentioned Borghen,he heard people murmur in shock and terror. They've heard the stories. But they thought he was gone for good when Joseph reduced his previous base,with Borghen in it,to an irradiated crater with a Hydrogen Bomb. Steven entered the War Room,and began to review the Situation Map. "We need teams to hold these positions..." He highlighted several choke points in blue. They were all access points to the silos. "Blow these passages..." Red highlights,which were higher level silo access points. "And hold the silos. We need AA covering the silo doors,as well as kill teams keeping ground forces from rapelling in." He pointed to the Element Zero Core. "We need technicians and troopers to escort the core. I'll extract the samples for storage personally." He drew a line on the map in green. "This is the primary route. If the primary silo is captured or destroyed,we go secondary." He drew a green dotted line to the secondary silo.

"We'll have no hope of holding the surface in the open. Order everyone inside,and have them hold out as long as possible. Borghen's death machines are too big for us to handle." He looked at everyone in the room. "That's what I got. Any questions?"


Borghen gated back into the Battlemage Sanctuary. He felt the Creeper in his mind. "I know you're there,parasite. I'm no mere mortal. You'll never control me." He looked at the mountains around him. The skies were choked with enormous aircraft,some holding a defensive formation,some flying off to other parts of the world,some landing,and dropping off land-bound machine which proceeded to build a base of operations. The thirty foot machine,which had an atomic self destruct,and was Borghen's planned secret weapon for use against the Creeper,still stood,and assisted in construction and reclaiming of the wrecks. Within minutes,there were completely autonomous factories producing even more aircraft and land machines. There were landing pads which repaired and refueled his air force. There were power generators and drill towers,shield generators and missile silos. All across the planet,near identical bases were rising up. Along the coasts,and in the middle of oceans,autonomous shipyards were erected,producing all manner of naval vessels.

"My leige,we have the Academy under siege,as well as the Legion's Central Headquarters. They are the only resistance we face now. All other fronts have been pacified." "Gate me to the Legion Headquarters." "Your will be done,my leige." Borghen vanished from the Hymilaiyas in a swirling pool of blue light,and reappeared instantly at the Legion Headquarters,inside his force's firebase. He stood there,smiling.
the spirit of the creeper in the already expanding goo laughed

"Oh Boghren, demon lord, you are powerful, yes, but i am eternal, you were born of the seed of a dragon, and the body of the earth, i was born of the vaccum of space, of the energy of an exploding star, as were my brethren, all 500,000,000,000 of course i'm the only one of us that reached earth, the others are on other worlds, the vast majority are still in space, forzen, never to awake..."

the goo crept under Boghren's skin, getting into his muscles.

"come now, boghren, powerful and wise, take me on board, you are brash, yet i am calm, an advisor, nothing more"

"she got out, i could feel another portal opening on the plane, and i could feel her dissapear, i just hope elvis made it out as well"

again the bunker shook

Marco thought for a second

"Steven, you are in charge of the base's defences, you command, they obey, i'lll get the Zero-Element orb ready for launch and i'll join you when its ready to help hold them"

"no hope of holding the surface!?" yelled a spec-ops guy, with a wounded demon on his back "the surface was lost the moment they arrived!"

marco bought a spell to his hand but the demon raised his hand

"Stop! commander, these ones attacking us are demons, yes, but they are demons without honour, they attack like cowards, and they are weak, relying instead on numbers, we are not like that"

Marco lowered his hand

"i believe you, get yourself healed up"

Marco ran into the other room

"i want this orb in any missile silo that doesnt have freaks crawling down it!"

"that would be Silo 4 sir, we flooded with with poison gas, we're using the docked missile's enjines to... dispose of the bodies as they pile up"

"launch that missile, seal up the entrance and get this orb in a container and in that silo, i want that done NOW! is that understood"

the scientist was about to protest, but he decided not to, in times like this, Marco would never explain his plans to the minions, but there was always a plan.

Marco helped them bring out the containers for the orb

"we'll be splitting the orb into several smaller orbs so we can transport it in these containers, then we can re-assemble it in the sile

"move it!"

having this all under way, Marco sent a message to Steven

"Steve, once you've finished giving orders, make your way into Silo4, Minerva has sent you the map to the silo, i'll need you to get in there and kill indiscriminately, bring a gun, a big one, that can shoot a lot of bullets, the Minigun Mk2 maybe? you should be able to carry it, your pistol is good and all, but we need quantity over quality"
Steven nodded. "Minerva,link me to every Legion radio in the base." Done. "Listen up! This is Commander Second Class Steven Adams! I've been placed in direct command of the defense! I need a tactical retreat to these points..." He listed off strategic points in the base. "...Fall back to the nearest point! Fortify it! I need the Assault Recon squad to fall back to the Element Zero Core. And Elvis,if you're getting this,that means you,too. If anyone is on the surface...If you have anything bigger than a 20mm gattling cannon,weapons free. Otherwise,try to get underground. Further orders will arive as the op unfolds. Now,let's get things done!"

Steven made his way to the armoury. He had his Kinetic Barrier active,and met stiff resistance. He never drew his weapons. He instead focused on using his telekenesis,which made short work of the invading demons. They were all clad in futuristic high tech armour,wielding equally futuristic and high tech weapons. He reached the armoury,and began to take as many explosives as possible. Afterwards,he looked at the Mk II Minigun. He taken the ammo from it,but left the weapon behind. Finally,he emptied the armoury of all platinum and palladium.

Steven,what do you plan to do with that ammunition? You lack a compatible firearm. "They'll see the minigun coming. I can use these bullets on my own just fine." Very well. Steven ducked into the med bay. It was filled with the dead and dying,with the medical staff scurrying this way and that. He went into the storage closet,and saw two things that he hadn't used in a while.

"Well,finally,he remembers!" "Humph. I was beginning to wonder if he had died,brother!" "Indeed! You,mortal! Take us back up! We crave flesh!" Steven picked up the two demoniac swords,Igni and Rudara. He morphed them into falchions,and proceeded to the Element Zero Core,carving up every demon he encountered with Igni and Rudara.


Borghen was in the firebase,watching it grow by the second. Automated defensive towers,automated artillery emplacements,more factories,shield generators,and several stable Gates.
"Until you grow strong enough to conquer my will. I know this game. I've played it myself,once. Killed a demigod." With minimal effort,Borghen forced the ooze to enter something less important than his muscles;his bones. From there,the Creeper will be safely contained,and have little to no influence over his actions. "We are cut from the same cloth. We are decievers. We are tacticians. We are conquerers. I know you won't be content with being a simple chancellor." Borghen looked up and smiled widely. A transport craft,the size of a large building,flew overhead towards the silo doors,its cargo dangling underneath on gravity clamps. Sadly,Borghen's robotics forces were,at smallest,fourteen feet,and thus too large to enter the base. So,he sent legions of demons into the base.
ahead of the trolleys transporting the parts of the core, Marco along with some trooops were clearing out a corridor near a destroyed blast door.

"move it up! lets go!"

right next to him, a troop was picked up by a flying demon.

"crap they're in the vents, thats it, everyone! masks on!"

the troops put heir gas masks on, and they began to flood the area in poisonous gasses, Marco was given a mask as well, all troops carried 2 masks just in case, one covering the full face, another just covering the nose and mouth.

the demons fell like flies, they didn;t have filters, the vents of this section were being flooded with poison, especially the areas just opposite the barricades where the demons were gathering.

"damnit, this is insane..."

they entered another corridor and set about killing the axe-weilding demon commander and his minions.

"incindeary grenades, now!"

they threw the grenadesin, closed the door, let the grenade explode, then moved in to kill the remaining confused demons.

"Steven, i'm no longer in the core, follow my aura"

inside Boghren, the Creeper giggled

"ah yes, Hope, the demigod, every being, immortal and moral felt his death, quite a feat, for a former lackey"

the creeper saw how he was constricting her, so even though the muscles he gave ehr were relatively unimportant, she would take them for her own, for every muscle had a purpose, and even haivng one gave her some leverage.

"Boghren, you;re goals are my own, at least in the short term, if helping you helps me achieve my own goals without doing the dirty work myself, then i will help you"

the creeper let a bit of her ooze, just a few cells mix in to Boghren's blood stream, to be carried around his body.

"boghren, let me strengthen you, let me soothe your muscles to prevent them from becoming sore, let me heal your wounds before the blade leaves your skin, let me see what you see, hear what you hear, and guide you to victory over all your my enemies, who are you're enemies as well! in helping you, i am helping myself, can you not see?"
Steven quickly redirected himself to follow Marco's aura. When he noticed the discolouration of the air,and the sudden spike in corpses,Steven was surprised. "Poison gasses? Was Marco really that crazy prepared? Or is it a contingency...?" Steven no longer needed air,so the poison didn't bother him,physicaly. However,it's presence still unsettled him. He caught up to Marco,and said, "Orders were given. And I feel the big bastard up top. Minerva,what are the externals picking up?" Four extremely large aircraft,with what appear to be hazmat equipped demons hanging underneath on clamps. At least two hundred demons per craft. They appear to be headed for the easiest points of entry. "The silos." Correct. However,the craft themselves are unarmed,and without escort. Borghen must feel confident that we can't strike at the surface. "And he's right..."


Borghen scoffed. "To accept your help is to develop along the paths you desire,and therefore be your slave. I will self-determinate. The technology I develop,along with the powers I naturaly evolve,will bring me exactly what you promise." He felt the Creeper enter his bloodstream. "Nanite protocol Sigma Seven." Nanites were injected into his body from the armour,and moved towards his brain,creating a barrier that only Borghen's blood could pass through. "Let's see if you can develop enough to achieve your goals."
Riyoshi sat in the forest with his necklace laid out in front of himself. He sat cross legged and the necklace shimmered.

"Ok, come on out and go have some fun." Riyoshi said as the necklace glowed bright white.

As the light died out, a large lizard was coiled through the trees. Nodding at Riyoshi, the large beast ran off and vanished into the forest.

"Ok. Now ill have to figure out this ability." Riyoshi said aloud to himself.
in the school, Sam managed to behead a small dragon.

he turned around, panting, blood pouring down his face from a scratch.

"these bastards just dont stop coming"

soon, a large bell rang, one of the side gates had been breached, human-sized demons were pouring out of a doorway

"Flame breaker.. KATSURAAAA!"

he swung katsura with all his might, causing a large wall of flame to go into the doorway, and burn everything inside, a group of demons came out, on fire, easy pickings, but they just kept coming.

he was fighting in the main courtyard, groups of legionaries and students fighting as well, but most demons were on the level of legionaires, and even sam was barely at their level.

a legion officer called out

"retreat! retreat into the main building!"

Sam obeyed, managing to slice the thighs of a charging demon, and sinking katsura into it's head while it was on the ground, then running for the main building, some students with more bravado than brains tried to keep fighting, but they were lost, all that they could do was hold them off so more popel could get into the main building.

Sam got in, after a few seconds the metal doors were closed and the technicians set to workwelding it shut

"how the hell did they get in!?" he exclaimed, panting

the commander shrugged

"i... i don't know, they came out of nowhere, no indication, next thing we knew.."

"they were everywhere, i get it, what about the bridge? why was it not destroyed?"

"none of them used the brudge, they fell from the sky, no great mass of infantry coming on foot, no artillery crossing, all the troops, all the machines, all fell from the sky, through the barrier and into our laps"

Sam was still panting, the students, including himself were being moved to possitions in the building, some rich kids cmplained, but they were smacked into line, this was no time to worry about protecting the weak, everybody, weak and strong were needed now, Sam was possitioned in an ambush possition just inside the main door.

marco heard the exchange

"ha! he's in for a supprise!"

he turned to Steven, he could hear his friend's thoughts

"there was a good chance we'd lose agains the old ones and nightrise, all this is in case we lost, so that if this base was taken, we'd give them hell before they won, make them pay for every one death with fifty of theirs, seems to be working so far"

he was correct, for every one legionaire that dies (at the main base at least) about 30-50 demons died, but still, they were infinite.

they came up to the silo bay doors, a soldier with a gas mask was in the console room, the poison gas was amazingly thick in there.

"launch the missile in there"


a message was sent to control, time to launch the rocket.

on the surface, the silo door opened

"ha! the morals have lost controll of their doors!"

but from this, a thick cloud of green gas spilled out, coating the ground, swarms of boghren's ground and air forces began to fall dead on the spot, and then came the rumbling.

the missile's enjines fired up, and it was launched.

it's flame sclorched the earth as it left the silo, but right after it launched, it began to split up into several smaller rockets.

the smaller rockets targetted the aircrafts, demons moved to protect 2 of them, but they weren't fast enough for the third, dozens of smaller rockets struck one aircraft, sending it crashing and exploding to the ground.

"one down... okay, lets move!"

the silo bay door opened, and Marco ordered everyone in.

once inside, the scientists began working on putting the core back together, concealed from vision by the poison, concealed from sensors by interferance given off by Steven's link to Minerva and shielded from physical attack and magic sensing by Marco.

"once this core is in place, i'll launch it 400 feet into the air, from there i will inject a large amount of magic into it, causing the core to explode, and will generate global interferance, meaning all of boghren's troops that come through will either come through as a tangled mess wiht misplaced organs, no eyes, ect... or not at all"

the creeper giggled

"oh i already have..."

all over boghren's body, bits of the creeper had gotten into his muscles, turning his muscles into new muscles that belonged to the creeper.

"you're technology has made you more powerful than ever... but it has made you lazy"

although the nanites destroyed the bits of the creeper still in his blood, most of it was in other areas of his body, having exited the veins, and many of the nanites had the creepr inside them as well, and each one became a small hive of goo.

"i do not ask for submission, boghren, only that you may take my words into account, for example... although you are eager to stick your head in that silo, if you did, you;re rebreather would be smashed by the two commanders in there, and you would inhale the same toxin killing your troops, and that toxin... even i know to fear it"
Steven saw one of the transports fall from the sky in flames,cargo and all. "We have about six hundred hostiles to deal with. This won't be fun." Steven approached the Element Zero Core,and taken a large sample in a containment canister,and stored it in Quantum Space. He heard loud explosions,and the sounds of tunnels crumbling. "The only entrances now are the door we came in,and the silo doors. Pick a door,soldiers! Assault Recon troops! You're with me! Everyone else,defer to Commander First Class Highland! Let's move!" Steven leapt up to the top maintenace catwalk,and pulled the gigantic belt of ammunition from Quantum Space,as well as Hyperion,and his pistol. He held Hyperion in his left hand,while Igni and Rudara floated around him,with the pistol hovering just over his shoulder. He held the belt of ammo just in front of his right hand,and he was pointing at the opening. "Hostiles disemarked. ETA fifteen seconds!"


Borghen scoffed. "My scanners detected the toxins the moment they began release. My helmet is equipped with a respirator and air scrubbers. However...I know I won't be able to fight Marcus and Steven. They're too powerful. However...My machines. THEY can kill them effortlessly. I just need to draw them out." At the Creeper's laziness remark,Borghen clucked his tounge. "To be lazy with power will result in self-destruction. Every time I fought these whelps,I fought alone. Each time,I lost. Now,I return with an army. And I shall emerge victorious."
"not fun?... maybe for you"

behind Marco's mask, evens teven could feel it... Marco was excited, he may die today... the type of death he has always wanted, doaked in the blood of his foes.

he summoned a large staff, it was 2 swords cnnected at the hilt, with a chain inside the handles of the metal pole in between them, so it could be a giiant blade nun-chuck, 2 seperate blades or a large blade-staff.

"they're coming... everyone, ignore the other doors, they'll only be coming from the silo blast door on the roof"

the elite troops with them drew their blades, and began charging them with magic to cut both machine and demons to ribbons.

(theme song for this battle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeDyHpYHUC4

the demons began to drop down

"no mercy!"

marco jhumped up, slicing at the demons and machines that were falling, some landed in pieces, but most were fine, marco landed soon after them

he did a spinning strike first, then jabbed the staff into the ground, and used it to jump high with 2 smaller daggers, the same daggers used to kill Dispair, he was slicing at them as they jumed at him, soon landing at the othwer side of the silo, he pulled on a hidden wire pulling the blade to him, spinning violently, slicing up several more on the floor and jumping.

"f**k you boghren, this world is ours!"

another came up behind him, to be dispatched with a knife-to-knadgers strike, Marco then stuck the other dagger into another demon;s neacj, then spun around, earing out one demon's throat, and slicing the first one across the head, cutting off the top of his skull.

the core was protected by the troops in a forcefield, Marco and steven were outside it, killing as many demons as possible so the core can be completed.
Steven was using his telekenesis to it's fullest,creating an incredible and deadly display. In his right hand,he fired off the bullets using his TK on the firing caps at a withering rate. Spent casings and links showered down around him as the bullets reduced the victimized demons to mincemeat. His pistol fired off at other demons,seemingly of it's own accord. Igni and Rudara,now in the forms of Zweihanders,shouted and laughed in triumph as they swung through Steven's foes and cleaved their flesh. All the while,Steven lunged around the silo,stabbing and slashing at demons with Hyperion,using the trigger to tear them to pieces. Telekenesis was behind every movement,allowing him to obliterate his foes. Then,Minerva's voice rang through the radio.

Borghen is sending more reinforcements. Eight transports,loaded with two hundred demons each. "Let them come. They will die." They're limitless. You will tire. "I refuse to falter until that rocket's in the air! I WILL NOT ALLOW BORGHEN TO WIN!" Steven unleashed what could only be described as a telekenetic beam at the silo door,bringing down one of the incoming transports,splitting it in half. If one looked closely,one could see a faing,ghostly,ratty gray robe superimposed on his body.
Marco ducked form a blade swung by a femon, and thrust his own sword-spear into his gut, then sending electricity down the shaft, killing the demon

"geez, you think THIS will make us tired? the excess energy of these dead demons is fueling Steven's body and i'm absorbing more energy than i'm losing through injury, you're troops are infinite, so is our stamina!"

another came, Marco bent back and it's attack missed, but instead he was hit by an accidental axe-kick from steven


he jumped back up and spun his blade around, Steven would have then ducked and the one he was going hand-to-hand with had it's neck slit.

Marco grinned

"its about time they re-appeared back on the scene"

Meanwhile, in a non-toxified hallway in the base.

"think we overdid it?"

"overdoing it? we have an infinite number of enemies and you think its possible for us to "over do" it?"

zoom out to reveal Elvis and Drusilla, at the end of a hallway, the entire floor is littered with over a hundred dead demons piled up, with several pinned dead to the walls, they are both covered in demonic blood.

"wanna go find the bosses? they'll be in the thick of it"

Drusialla sighed heavily

"honestly, they need to take a back seat some tome"

Elvuis chuckled and lead the way

"we better get gas masks first..."

Marco sis another spinning strike near steven, this time the 2 blades were int he blade-nun-chucks version, with the chains out.

"how much longer!?"

"twenty minutes, sir"

"make it ten!"
Steven was unconcerned with the Core's progress. All he cared about was keeping Borghen's forces away from the missile. Steven used his telekenesis to scoop up a cloud of toxic gas,and hurled it at another transport,killing all on board. "Six transports unloaded. Twelve hundred dance partners inbound." Steven was still firing bullets,but he had put Hyperion and his pistol away. Igni and Rudara were still being swung through demons. Steven was under heavy fire,but his Kinetic Barriers held up. More demons rapelled in,and they were instantly locked in battle,or gunned down outright.

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