WW - The New World

Steven began to hack into Marco's phone. After a few moments,he was in. Minerva,can you trace the point of origin for Marco's last recieved call? "Got it,Marco. Get the people out,calmly. If this explodes,I don't want collateral casualties." Steven pulled his gun out of Quantum Storage,but it didn't appear to be a gun. Instead,under an illusion,it appeared to be a PDA. He left the bistro,and walked down the street. Minerva had already beamed a map into his memory. He walked into an alley,and after a swift,discreet check to see if he was unobserved,he turned invisible,and put his gun away. He drew his sword from Quantum Storage,and began to telekineticaly hover.

He drifted to the door of the building the sniper team was in. After a quick look to see if they moved,which revealed that they were sighted in on Marco,he quietly entered. He hovered towards them from behind,and pulled back his sword. He struck at the neck of the spotter,first. Upon impact,he pulled the trigger,causing the blade to vibrate,allowing a better,if messier,cut. He continued to cleave through to the guner's neck. They both fell to the ground,silently,and headless. Steven cleaned the blade,and returned it to Quantum Storage.

He stayed in the building,and hacked the operative's communications. He immediately cut the connection,however;he was being fed a storm of static.
Marco's illusion seemed to have held up, up untill they were dead, those snipers were seeing Steven and Alec sitting ast the table as well right up untill their deaths.

Marco pulled out his phone again

"hello? ah... no sir, i have no idea what happened to your snipers... well, i'm guessing they were reporting us being here at our table untill they went quiet..."

his eyes narrowed, grinning slightly

"listen to me you (racism) motherf**ker you, i will sh*t IN you! i know where you're base is, i know where you live, tonight i will know what school you children attend and i'll kill you with your own eyeballs, i've done it before"

he hung up, and put his phone away

"guys, lets get outa here, its time to launch our operation to wipe nightrise off the map, Alec, you're welcome to join us, Steven, i'm afraid you have no choice in the matter"

he walked into the bathroom and went into a stall, opened a portal and went through, right after sending the co-ordinates of his opperation start point to Alec and Steven.
Frowning deeply at his message, Alec sighed. She was in no shape for this, probably wouldn't be for a month on just hte physical level, she'd left her kids at home alone far to long, and she knew full well how that could screw you up. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she sighed again. At the same time, she knew she couldn't tell Marco no, and that if she did he'd hold it over her for a long time. But she still had that one thing to handle.... And was back to running on no magic after her little no you see me now you don't.

"Why can't we be tweleve again....I honestly think I like the bullies better..." Looking at the one she kept alive, she crouched down in front of him. "Do you know anything about Red Rose....?" The look on the man's face was enough of an answer for her. The fear in the eyes that came from hearing the name, he knew. Pulling out another needle, she smiled softly. "Thank you for your time...Your family will be well taken care of, I'll make certain of that." After killing him, she took his wallet before pulling out her phone.

"Nexter. Now." A small light flashed over her, and Alec was gone.
Marco re-emerged at the starting point of the operation, most of the team was there.

Elvis, the Incubus, Steven's friend and loyal soldier, his purpose is as a forward scout and long-range take-downs.

and the other was Drusialla, Marco's previous weapon of choice, a weapon spirit in human form, her purpose is to be Maco's weapon, and thanks to her ability to turn any part of her into smaller scythes, she's in charge of climbing and "disabling" watchtowers and guards.

Marco is there as both Steven's bodyguard and the co-ordinator. of course Steven doesnt need a bodyguard, but Marco refuses to leave even the smallest thing to chance on this operation, one stray bullet with Steven's shields down, one dog Steven overlooked catching his metalis scent, he wasn't gonna risk any of it.

and Steven's purpose is as technician, hacker and the key to the whole operation.

Drusilla nodded to Marco


"please Drusilla, you've known me since i was little, drop the formalities"

"yes si... uhh, right, Marco"

Elvis saluted

"cut the crap Elvis, i expect you to be cool, calm and collected, i'm not telling you anything, just do as a say, when i tell you to do it"

"yes sir!"

Marco began getting his jumpsuit on, the first stage of this will be amphibious, dropped in the water and swim to shore, luckily they had feet attachments for Steven, propellers.
Steven piggybacked on Marco's teleportation spell,and emerged nearby. He looked at the base camp,and said, "I need a sitrep,and a strategic map. I need to know what we're going into,and how we're going to win." He looked around,and saw no long range weaponry,like Tactical Cruise Missile launchers or artillery pieces. "Going in close tends to go south faster than bombardment..." He looked at Elvis,smiled,and shaken his hand. "I trust the prototypes were mass produced and circulated?"
Reforming in a lobby covered in all sorts of things that glittered, along with many people wearing the same symbol on various parts of them. Grasping a necklace chain, she pulled the charm hanging from it out of her shirt and let it rest on top, a black and blue feather, the same as everyone else, the only difference with her charm, was that at the end of the feather, a red orb hung.

As she walked through the lobby, people stopped talking and stared. As she walked past, a few people mumbled things.




"You know how to make quite the arrival, Lunatic Joker." A man's voice called over the rest. Turning, her eyes settled on a man with black hair curling in ringlets in an almost feminine way, bright blue eyes locked on her, and skin that was a strange pink tinted colour.

"Nexter..." She growled.

"Now, now..I know why your angry, my little secret card, I let it leak, things like that happen all the time..." He waved his hand in the air dismissively, before walking towards her. The people around them parted. Turning fully, Alec met his steps with her own, the two meeting in the middle.

"Not to them it doesn't." She hissed, "Do you realize what this means?-"

"They found it."

"You could hav..." Her eyes went wide. "No..."

"Yes. And that, my dear little one, is why your going in for it. After all, you were given the choice to go, weren't you?"

"But that's different, this is..."

"Lunatic? I know, that's why your going in. Don't worry, they'll fix you first."

Nexter walked off, leaving her there while people moved closer to her. Within a minute, she fully healed physically, her magic charge ampted up past full, and had more knives and weapons on her than one person ever should. Calling for the co-coordinates Marco sent,after tweeking them a bit to fit her destination, she reformed silently in a room, out of the way, and in the shadows. Curling her hand around a small case, she pushed it into her pocket, staring and running scans on everyone in the room who worked for Nexter.
"mass produced? already? Mr Adams, we've barely even begun production"

Marco nodded

"yeah, the materials needed dont come cheap, no way in hell we'll be able to outfit the whole legion, that would take a couple years at the least"

he handed Steven his jumpsuit

"okay, the opperations is as follows, a remote controlled drone will fly low near the nightrise-controlled base over the water, we will be attached to the drone, when we are at the right point, we jump into the water and let the drone get shot down, nightrise will think its just another failed drone recon, from there we move out way off the beach and work on getting to the base, prefferable NOT through the front door"
Steven stored his trench coat in Quantum Space,and listened as he donned the jumpsuit. He looked across the water,and said, "I'm assuming invisibility won't work?" He pulled his weapons from Quantum Space,and gave them an examination. They were in working order. He looked around,and saw masses of craters. "Where are we? Normandy?"
(well, i was gnna post them entering the VTOL since they haden't boarded it yet, but whatever)

"nope, the coast of china, fifteen miles south of Shanghai, after the plague cleared out the opperation, Nightrise set up their satelite bases along the coast here, the craters are from the numerous attempted landing opperations, bombing runs and drone assaults"

he knocked steven on the back of the head

"quit zooming in on the coast too much, we're still 3 km from our drop zone"

the radio came on

"Commander, we've been detected"

"all according to plan"

"yessir, lauching your cover"

Marco turned to Steven

"this VTOL is gonna launch several missiles not to destroy or even harm nightrise, but to briefly blind their turrets and spotters to our drop into the water"

there was a loud "VWOOSH!" as the missiles were launched, as the "bang! bang! bang!" of them exploding was heard, Macro pushed Steven out of the moving VTOL, the rest of the squad jumped out half a second later with marco.

when he hit the water, at his will steven found himself floating to the surface, if he looked at his arms, chest and stomach, he would see several floatation devices, holding him up with ease

Marco and the team broke the surface not far from Steven, he would hear the radio come on with Elvis's voice

"Steven, Minerva can't help us here, to make contact with her will give away our possition, meet us at the beach, near the crate of our VTOL, it'll be crashing.."

there was a loud explosion as the VTOL went down in flames, in an upwards-facing rain of turret fire, it crashed and exploded on the beach.
Steven gritted his teeth. He looked at Marco. "When we make landfall,I'm hacking their security. I'll feed 'em a loop on their CCTV,and scramble their motion sensors." He began to swim towards the shore. There was a glint in his eye...One that would make Aeris,the Goddess of Chaos quake. He was already in their systems,overriding the IF/F programs for the automated systems,causing them to turn on eachother,and their former owners. Nightrise air support was suddenly dropping like flies by their own SAM's,fired too near for evasion. CWIS turrets mulched nearby infanteers.

"I'll blow the automated systems to Hell and gone when we make landfall,too."
Marco turned to Steven "stop that! right now! just make us invisible to their turrets, this is a stealth operation, what part of "stealth" do you not understand? stop making the turrets go bezerk, and disguise it to look like a malfunction"

Marco squatted behind the wreckage of the VTOL

"okay, we have three guards and two guard dogs approaching, the smoke from the wreckage is blocing our scent"

the guards came closer

"Drusilla, Evlis"

when the guards came close, Elvis's skin began to glow with strange runes.

thw guards came around and they saw nothing, the team was invisible

"command, nothing here, just another one of their failed recons"

"roger team 92, sweep the wreckage and look for survivors then return to base"


the guards came closer, completely oblivious to the team right before them then drusilla took a step forward, turningher hands into blades, and she cut the spine of all 3 men, then impaled the heads of the 2 dogs

"good work"

a spotlight swooped over the wreckage, then left


Marco lead the team, they ran low and fast, ready to go prone at the first sign of trouble.

they got to a weak portion of their fence, it was wire

"hand me the cutters"

Marco ot to work on the wire fence

"Steven, dont try that again, i think they can assume that was either a malfunction or a long-range scanning for an attack in the morning, but if they knew, or f they KNOW that was a direct hacking, and they traced the source, they would launch those missiles before we get the codes, thats why this is a stealth operation, got it? because if we spook them by killing every guy in the base, those missiles with the satelites will be launched before we get the codes and our entire war will be for naught"

he cut through the fence

"okay, everybody through, i'll patch this up once we're in"
Steven ended the viral attack when ordered. He silently admitted that what he done could have indeed scrambled a launch...But it did serve a twin purpose.

The guards were thinned,which means less resistance,and the guards were now edgy,making them more likely to investigate what would be an obvious ruse.

He slid in,and said, "The loop won't worry them. It samples several seconds of security footage,and feeds it endlessly to the system,with the only countermeasure being a total system restart. In and out. The motion sensors will either need to be fried,or scrambled to the point that they'll ignore the blips." He looked at Marco. "I'm assuming these are fine?"
"ugh, okay, just run these thigns by me in the future"

after they were all in, Marco put the wires back in place then sealed them all together, after this they got to a maintenance door

"okay, three... two... one..."

they opened the door slowly, inside there was another guard, he was sitting at the table, his hands shaking, and another guard standing behind him with a hand on his shoulder

"I-I couldnt do anything, th-the turret, it just.."

"i know man, yu did all you could"

"no man, i should've put myself between..."

"its not your fault"

"... i let her die, my own damn wife... i should've requested her be transfered earlier, instead of putting it off..."

the man sitting down let his head sink down, and began to cry.

the door opened a bit more, the guy standing up spoke

"hey guys, dont mind us just..."

"oh i wont" said Marco, the guy looked up and saw the team, all in wet black jumpsuits, armed to the teeth.


he was cut off by a knife thrown by Elves into the guy's head.

Marco pulled out a silence 9mm pictol, and shot the weeping guy in the eye

"hide the bodies, now"

he turned his head to Steven

"when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you dont have time for sympathy or mercy..."
"Gladly." Steven held no pitty or remorse for Nightrise,or their members. They made the concious choice to join the genocidal faction. In the end,they're just as guilty as their Generals. "However,it's better they never identify the bodies." While he was moving the bodies under the floor,he removed their dog tags,name tags,and all other pieces of ID,and then tore off their faces. Grisly,but it worked. "This way,their extended families are safe. I have SOME compasion." He done all of this without sacraficing speed. Within minutes,he had the floor replaced. "When they're found,they'd be too decayed for DNA ID." He put the dog tags in Quantum Storage,and handed the rest of the ID to Marco. "Molecular eradication."
arco nodded, taking the I.D tags, and instantly, they began to crumble into dust then into nothing.

"done, now lets move"

he looked at the map of this floor on the wall

"okay, the infirmary is just down this hall, it'll be filled to the brim with trops wounded by those turrets, so we'll hit the security station around the corner here, from there we can get a route to the missile central control room, all we know already, is that the central control room is in this facility"

Drusilla nodded, she took point, while Elvis bought up the read, with marco just behind Drusilla

"Steven, just so you know, as soon as we reach the control room, i'm washing my hands of whatever happens once you get those codes, you are no longer under my command, you will be doing this of your own accord, i wont have millions of souls sent to Leslie with the words "killed by Marco" on them"

they got down the hall, ignoring the hacked cameras, they were almost spotted when passing the infirmary, but luckily not.

they got to the security station

"i got this"

Marco walked in to the security station, and the sound "pew, pew, pew, pew" of the silenced pistol came from the room, then the door opened, and Marco put his head out

"okay, get in, quick"
Steven entered the room,stepping over the bodies. He pulled his handgun from quantum storage,and set it down on a nearby terminal. He started local access,and quickly cracked the security. "I have full access." He looked over the Nightrise firing algorithms. "Fun fact,Marco. Eighty five percent of their orbital arsenal was pointed at the school. They had us spied." He reset the algorithms to zero,and began writing new ones. "Cover me. This'll take time." He knew what he wanted...However,for it to be accurate,he needed to make the algorithm extremely complicated,and therefore accurate. He will not abide any more collateral damage than absolutely required.

"...And at co-ordinates...two charges,(Attack)Delta two degrees..."
"yeah yeah yeah very interesting, just get directions to the control room, the codes are on a unique USB stick, not on the system, so we cant afford to dawdle"

he peeked out the window on the door, and saw 2 guards coming

"get down!"

there was a tense moment, but the guards passed by without stopping, Marco let out a sigh of relief.

"okay, get the directions and lets go"

Drusilla was busy cutting up the bodies, and Elvid was putting them into the air vent.

"goss, but good thinking you two"
Steven's eyes widened. "Sweet mother of mercy..." He disconnected from the mainframe,and continued the calculations in his head. He pointed at the yellow door on one side of the room. "Follow the yellow doors." Steven was spooked. "Marco...We had bad data." He shaken himself. He was clearly horrified. "They don't have H-Bombs. Oh no,too small for Nightrise. They have Neutron Bombs. Bigger blast,no fallout. Only effects organic matter." He moved to the door,holding his pistol. It was impossible to supress. "We need to move. We have a kilometer to cover."
"A Kilometre?... right, you two, pack it up, lets move!"

soon Drusilla and Elvis finished up.

"Steven, c'mere"

When steven got close, marco placed a hand on Steven's head, then took it off, having just read his mind and gotten the schematic

"okay... move"

they got out the door, again they were remaining low

"i've got an idea"

they went to a door labeled "exit" and they went out into the darkness, rain was pouring down, making it difficult to see.

"under the truck, go go go"

they went across the concrede courtyard outside and slid underneath a truck, a group of soldiers were nearby, in a circle talking to each-other

"alright guys, those turrets left several areas wide open..."

Marco picked out an empty pistol magazine, and threw it out from under the truck, and landed next to a big, metal crate

"what was that!?"

Marco reloaded his silenced pistol, then turned to the rest of them

"all at once, one, two..."

the squad got to the metal crates, and saw hat it was

"what? a pistol magazine?"

Marco got out from under the truck, with Drusilla, Steven and Elvis simultaniously, they picked their targets and fired, taking no chances, they emptied their magazines, then reloaded

"good work, those bodies wont be found untill morning, elvis"

Elvis got out of cover, and ran to the squad, right behind the crates, he began stripping off and taking the clothes off the sergent off as well

"we're gonna take this very truck to the main building, our friend elvis here will use his powers of charm, illusion and deception to get us in, luckily the nightrise anti-magic field that we are certainly in by now doesnt effect demons"
Steven opened fire on two soldiers. His weapon wasn't silenced;the projectile travels near the speed of light,and therefore the projectile would produce a sonic boom anyway. Besides,the weapon's action was silent. He buried three rounds into the throats of the Nightrise soldiers each. After they fell to the ground,he pulled back a sliding component on the weapon,revealing the heat sink,allowing it to exhaust the heat caused by firing. He put his gun away,and hopped into the truck,after accepting a uniform. His stomach churned at the prospect of having to disguise himself as one of these monsters,but he knew there was no other way.
Marco finished getting changed as well, soon they were all suited up

"okay, lets go.."

after backing their weapons away they got in the truck, 2 in the back, 2 in the front, since their faces werent widely known, Drusilla and Elvis were in the front with marco and Steven in the back. Marco leaned in to talk to steven.

"So steve, these Neutron Bombs, what kinda damage are we talking here? what radius? you siad it damages only organic matter, what about organic matter underground? like, in bunkers?"

the truck began to move, it moved silently, a clear sign even a simple truck like this was high-tech.
Steven fidgeted uncomfortably in the uniform,and subconciously clawed at the emblem on his shoulder. "One hundred kilometer blast from center. Perfect sphere. The particles,which deal the damage,penetrate all surfaces they come across. They are incredibly radioactive,to the point of instant death. With a half-life of ten minutes. There is no defense,aside from intercepting the warhead before detonation. This means you can airblast the bombs to avoid hitting the soil,so it remains farmable,or you can let the bomb blow on impact,salting the earth,and hitting any target underground."

Steven dry heaved. "It's a weapon even Borghen wouldn't touch."
"yeah that sounds like nightrise alright, best keep maybe 50 satelite-mo0unted missiles in reserve just in case, each satelite houses 300 so it wont be a huge draw-back"

the truck stopped and they could hear talking, they reached the first checkpoint, they were only passing by one.

things were tense for awhile, but the truck began to move again.

"phew, okay, when we get to the main building, we'll take a route through the prison/torture chambers, it'll be hard to not help the poor schmucks down there, but there is little security guarding against a group of guards entering, after we're in, we hypnotize the guard at the 4th elevator, thats the ojnly one that leads to the control room, got it?"
Steven nodded. He had the formula nearly done. "When we get to the FCS,I'll be isolating it from the network. I don't want them to counter-hack me while I'm inputing the algorithm. Furthermore,I'll be reconfiguring their automated systems again. It won't matter if we're found out if we capture the FCS. And finally...I'll take down their Null Magic Field." He cracked his knuckles. "This ends tonight."
"No steven, it ends tomorow morning,the rockets will launch in just under an hour, after they get into orbit we'll have to get out of the blast area, then you can take your revenge"

the truck stopped, and the doors opened, Elved and Drusilla were standing outside

"we're here, sir"


Marco put on the Nightrise Beret, and he handed Steven a helmet

"cover your face, Steven... we're almost there"

they got out of the truck, and went into the door, inside they got ina n elevator, there were no others inside it

"okay guys, elevator number four, no matter what you see down here, no matter how much the prisoners cry, do not help them, dont even look at them, if you must look at them, you dont show any remorse"

the elevator door opened, the area was pure white, but inside the room to both sides, behind the thick glass and doors, the rooms were a ixture of white and red, muffled screams sounded worse than loud ones.

they walked, Drusilla could barely keep it together, Elvis was shocked but composed, marco was... well, he had abandoned the concept of sympathy and mercy long ago, you cant defend the world with a soft heart.

a prisoner got out, a woman, she was bloody and naked, reard mixed with blood on her face


"catch her! now!"

she ran to the elevator, but she was caught, by marco, his arm snapped out and grabbed her by the neck, he then slammed her to the ground just as the guards arrived, they behan beating her, breaking her legs, her screams of torment filled the hallway.

Drusilla was shaking, Marco turned tot he rest of them

"enough gawking, we're here to do a job"

he marched on, with the team behind him, soon all this pain would end, soon nightrise would end, and his ultimate tool, the only one who hates nightrise more than he, will be the one to kill them all, Marco will show him the door, marco will load the gun and remove the safety, but Steven will be the one to do it, he will be the one to walk through the door, to make the choice and ull the trigger.

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