WW - The New World

"Alec, we all run the risk of walking out the door and never coming back, but i get where you're coming from"

he thought for a minute.

"but, even though its bad that may happen, wouldnt it be more cruel to not be in this relationship in the first place, to remind her that she's not some killing machine taking souls, but a beautiful woman who deserves to be loved?"

he thought for a second

"sorry, i guess i rambled on a bit there"
"It's fine..." Alec said, before frowning a little, "But you missed my point. I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve that, or that she is that, because she isn't. I'm saying, could you imagine yourself living every day with that heart break? The fact that she allows herself to open up to anyone, to get close to someone? When knowing that she would b the one to have to....." She shook her head, "what i'm saying is, this has to be pure torture for her...."
"i know, and i think it would be terrible knowing that"

he sighed again

"i guess all i can do is be there for her, and make sure i don't die, huh?"

he put his knife and fork down.

"you know its kinda funny, when i first met Leslie she was a downtrodden street-rat, then she became one of Hope's goons, then she sided with us, and now she's the god of death... or the godess of death"

he chuckled a bit

"talk about advancing in life"

he shook his head a bit

"i dont like talking about her when shes not here, it feels dishonest"
"Fair enough.." Alec said softly, letting the subject drop. Chewing on a piece of fruit, she smiled. "Speaking of other half's though, have either of you seen Vent lately? He keeps disappearing for days on end....."
Marco shrugged

"nope, i assumed he was missing, or dead, or crying in a cave, hell i dont know what he does in these days away"

Marco raised an eyebrow

"again speaking of other halves, were either of you two visited by Connor? Vent's old self before he changed? he's visited me a few times asking for my help in reclaiming Vent's body... with my new resources i may be able to get him a new body..."
"Well, that's a positive thought." Alec said, rolling her eyes before setting her cup down. Looking at Marco, she frowned for a moment. She still remembered the threat Conner left with when she had stopped him from helping Dispair. "He won't settle for for a new body. He want's Vent. And he's not good to help. Do yourself well to remember that."
"yeah well, Connor was once my best friend, and he still considers himself my friend"

he took another slice of his parmagane, got some salad and put it in his mouth, then began chewing.

he chewed for about 15 seconds and then swallowed

"Mmm! they overdid the cheese, but i guess thats a good thing here"

he took another sip, he turned his head to Steven

"man, you're quiet"
Steven had long finished his soup. He was now adrift in a sea of the aromas of pork,pepper,garlic,potato,and butter. He wasn't being obvious about it,in fact,the only way one would be able to guess that his food was having such a euphoric effect on him would be to break him from his stupour. Marco's last statement pierced through his stupour. Steven shrugged. There was no pause; Steven was used to adapting to ever-changing situations.

Why am I so...Negative? Why am I so drab?

"Not my place to talk. You two knew him for longer than I did. You knew him as Conner. I only heard the name from a Nightrise goon. Thirty seconds before I gave him an improvised tracheotomy,and crushed his bud with an AC unit." Steven sighed,and shaken his head. "Sorry to be this...Singularity of sorrow." He taken a few gulps of his milk. Childish,maybe. But he always enjoyed the taste. "It's like I'm some...Cosmic plaything. The multiverse's chew toy."

"It's hard to behold the beauty of life's garden when you're buried under the fertelizer."
"i'd much rather be under the fertalizer, than under the salt" replied Marco, trying to make his analogy into a good thing.

"Steven, we're all playthings in the universe, do you think i have any say in what happens in the grand scheme of things? no, neither does Alec, and neither does Leslie, we're just drifting in a huge current, being banged up against the rocks"

he leaned forward, raising a single finger, to show he's making a point here.

"but all we can do, is brace for each of those impacts as best we can"
Listening to the boys talk, Alec smiled softly, listening to Steven closely. "We've all had our sorrows, we've all felt like the universe was just trying to tear us apart. Your not alone in this, and you never will be." Offering a sympathetic smile, she tilted her head a little, "Besides, you will always have us to help or lean on, or hell, just talk to. You have a lot on your head, Steven Adams, a lot of things. Just remember, we're here for you, and your not alone. Ever."
Steven said,quite simply, "Some burdens should never be shared." He taken a bite of tenderloin,and said,after swallowing, "What was Conner like?Any different from Vent?" He was curious.
"As much as I agree, you keep to many things to yourself and you drive yourself crazy. Just saying." Alec responded, before popping a grape in her mouth. Thinking for a moment on his last question, she nodded her head slowly. "He was very different. Marco might be able to tell you better, but some things never changed. The whole big brother protection, for one, and his odd sense of humour. Both have that....Conner was...more arrogant though, if that's even the right word, a lot more cocky, and a lot more hot headed..."
" hot headed, arrogant, impatient, rude and a VERY odd sense of humor... but his heart was always in the right place"

he thought for a moment

"i dont know what happened to make Connor become Vent, but i do know that Connor was once my best friend, and Vent too"

he glanced at Alec and steven

"anyway, on another note, Steven, are you having any problems with your new body? adjusting to the new strength and speed alright? is anything not working? like a finger or something?"
Steven chuckled. "So the sudden change of psyche was an improvement?" Then Marco asked about his augs. He sighed,and gently pushed Marco away from him by the face,as he was subconsiously leaning in. "Everything's fine;stop fussing. I'd have immediately known if something was up. It's part of me." He taken another slice of tenderloin,and scooped some mashed potato onto it,then began to chew slowly on it. He enjoyed the taste. He couldn't place the diferent tastes;all he knew was that he loved it.

After he swallowed,he asked, "So,how are the kids,Alec?"
"okay, but there is a possibility your body may reject the augmentations, if something stop responding, then just tell me or someone back at the base"

he got another bit of his meal in his mouth, and began chewing.

he glanced to Alec as Steven asked about the kids, remembering Hannah's face as he tried to heal her before.
Alec looked at Steven for a moment, before looking off towards the other people in the place. Under the table, her hand tightened into a fist, the other half of her emotional grid spiking greatly. Offering the best smile she could that didn't looked forced, she responded. "Fine."
She's lying. She's uncomfortable. Do not press the topic. Steven survived so long on instinct. He's learned to trust it implicitly. And now,even though his concious mind was screaming at him to investigate the topic,his instinct told him to back away,very slowly. "That's nice to hear." Something about his tone said that he knew Alec was simply trying to blow him off,but he was fint to wait for an explanation until Alec was ready.

He finished his food,and waited for the rest to finish.
"Yeah..." Sighing, she rubbed the bridge of her nose. His hint was well taken, and she kept her people watching position in place. Finishing off her coffee, she left the majority of her food untouched. A side effect of knowing how bad solid things were for a stitched up stomach.
"Marco finished his Parmagane, then after a couple mouthfuls, finished off his salad as well, then gulped down his drink

"aah, it's been ages since i had a real meal"

he licked his lips, licking up some small crumbs on his stubble.

he say how Steven and Alec were quiet, it was a tense atmosphere.

"so... i' thinking of maybe starting a hobby, any ideas? maybe model planes? painting? pottery? waddya think?"
After a moment,steven mused aloud, "A hobby...The anchor for the sanity of many...I wouldn't go amiss trying to get back into sketches..." He shaken his head. "For you? Cartography. Gets you out and about,lets you explore,and it suits you,as a person,I think. You always seemed to have the need to pe places."
"Cartgraphy... maybe"

he sighed heavily, leaning back, his phone began ringing

"ugh damnit hang on guys"

he put his phone up to his ears

"hello?... yes... yes this is... yes... oh! just a sec"

he put a hand over the mic and whispered to Steven and Alec

"a representative from nightrise!"

he went back to the phone

"back... uh-huh... i have no doubt there are snipers watching us right now... well, need i remind you who you're dealing with?... for your information i am..." he lowered his voice, as not to attract attention

"i'll have you know i've taken a LOT more than a few snipr rounds, and Steven here is near-unvulnerable... 50cal rfles?.. explosive shells?... now you wouldnt want to harm all these unarmed civilians with explosive rounds would you?... good"

he hung up the phone

"we have 4 snipers watching us, pairs as well as a "ghost" following us, i have a plan to take them out nice and quiet, you in?"
Steven stood up slowly,while activating his Kinetic Barrier. "This is Nightrise. They'll be going back to their superiors in matchboxes." He ran his eyes through various filters,and began to look around the area,at likely sniper spots. While he was doing this,he said, "Pay the bill." He spotted one sniper. Across the street,at street level,behind a darkened window. He smiled,banished his illusion,revealing his true face,and winked at the sniper,and mouthed, "I am what you've made me."
Alec sighed, not surprised in the slightest that they really couldn't go anywhere without being tailed. Even this close to the school. Frowning, she moved quickly, shaking her head and mumbling something about the ER always being busy for the few patrons who had looked at them oddly.

At the hostess's stand, she tapped the thing, before pulling out a wallet. Covering the entire tab, plus some, she smiled sweetly. "Charmed as always, tell Reynold's he's still spot on as always." The waitress behind it smiled in return, "As always, Ma'am."

Returning to the table, Alec nodded her head at the two. "Delayed response to your question,Marco, can I get creative?"
"sure, but let me take are of the tail..."

Marco picked up a napkin and stuffed into his jacket pocket, as if it were in important note, and nodded to the two of them before standing up, and walking to the bathroom.

a woman stood up, middle eastern, black hair and green eyes hidden behind a veil, she walked to the bathroom doors and she entered the female room.

inside the bathroom, Marco noticed 3 little reflections, he pretended not to notice them, bu he knew what they were, cameras.

in the other bathroom the woman sat on the toilet wit a laptop on her lap, watchign Marco's every movement.

Marco entered a cubicle, the one directly on the other side of the wall from her cubicle, he bought back his fist.

the woman was about to jump forward, but she found herself restrained by an invisible force, she tried to scream but her mouth wouldnt move, suddenly everything in her vision went black, and she felt hands creep up her, eyes watching her, as dozens of Marcos appeared form the shaddows, all holding blades.

"i was hoping to use this on the honeymoon with my soon-to-be wife... but i guess you'll see it first"

one of him bought up the blade, and walked forward, sinking the blade slowly into the woman's chest, piercing her heart, but not letting her die.

"p....please" she wimpered, as marco let her say her final words

"please? oh! you mean "please take your time"! i intend to"

the blade felt like it was going in for a thousand years to her, even thuogh it was all happening in barely a second.

Marco allowed her to speak again

"you intend to use this on your wife!? are yuo sick, do you get off to pain?"

Maco chuckled

"oh there will be no blades that time... something else entirely, but we've played long enough"

Sidenly, the woman awoke, she had no piercings on her body, even though she had been stabbed tens of thousands of times over what felt like a hundred thousand years.

she was foaming at the mouth, and her head slammed into the side of the stall, her laptop was gone, she was entirely braindead.

Marco exited the restroom after being gone for barely 3 minutes int he real world.

"one down, braindead int he second stall on the left"

he glanced out the window then began speaking telekenetically.

"i'll cast an illusion, something simple, it'll just make you two look different for abut 3 minutes:

he looked at Steven

"i know you like theatrics, i know i do too, but keep this quiet, no gunshots, no mad laughing, be an assassin, a professional, not a crazed bloothirsty killer"
Alec smirked, before nodding her head as Marco returned, before pulling a cell out of her pocket, giving him a silent message, "Don't bother with me. You'll want the advantage of a distraction. Walking out like she was talking on it, she stopped just past the door, rubbing the bridge of her nose while shutting the phone. Shaking her head, a cheap way of location, she found the last pair of snipers.

Moving in the wrong direction to go back towards the school, she checked her watch. Running yet another internal scan, she estimated that if she had to pull some 'older' moves out for this, she'd have around thirty seconds before the pain caught back up. If she did it with one of the objects in her coat pocket, forty-five.

Snapping a finger inside her pocket, she double checked how little her magi supplies had come back. Picking up a cheery whistle, she walked a little faster. Cutting down a side ally, like it was something every one did often, she could hear them on the roof adjusting themselves to keep her in sight. Stopping, knowing they could fire when ever they wished, she used the last of the magic to disappear.

Reforming behind them, two needles sunk into the back of their necks. The one on the left almost instantly went into overdose before dying. The one of the right however, sunk forward, his whole body system's slowing down to almost comatose. Holding him in place, she figured she'd use these two as puppets until Marco came.

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