WW - The New World

"finished work, for the day, no need to go back to the office"

he stood back up and stretched his back

"damn... wanna get some dinner? i'm starved"
Smiling softly, she nodded. "That would be nice...." Grabbing her coat of the back of the chair, she put it on, before pausing for a moment. "Might we be able to invite Steven Adams as well?"

Marco opened a channel to Steven

"Hey Steve, me 'an alec are gonna grab a bite to eat, wanna come with?"
Great. Telepathy. That needs magic I don't have. Minerva? Send Marco a message for me,please. "Sure,but you'll need to charge me up." Steven stood up,and said, "Sorry to be here and gone. Marco wants me for something. I'll be in my office later."
Marco nodded on his end

"okay, i'll meet you wherever you wanna eat, Alec, i gotta go charge steven up"

He opened a portal, re-appearing in front of Steven en-route to his office

"Hey steve, sorry about being pulled away, so, lets get you recharged then, huh? i'll need you lying down first"
Steven gestured for Marco to follow him. "Not here. Don't want the kids to get any crazy ideas." He walked to his office. It was nearby. His classroom was repaired after the brawl with Alec and the wolf man. He opened the trap door behind his desk,and hopped down. He laid down on his tiny bed,and awaited the recharge.
marco closed the trapdoor after them.

he stood over Steven, his hands glowing, first he removed Steven's shirt

"this will allow for a smoother flow of magic firectly into your system"

he placed his hands on Steven's chest, and soon, Steven would feel the magic pouring into him

in mere seconds, he was back up to his normal capacity, but this new body could store a lot more.

the amount of power Marco was transferring was staggering, Steven would feel the power in him like an intense pressure, making him feel like he was going to explode.

his HUD read "Magic supply, 70% full"

Marco's eyes were glowing along with his hands, the room was shaking with the traces of excess magic escaping from Steven's fingertips alone

"almost... there!"

the magic glow from the transfer burned like a sun, coating the room in a blinding light.

suddenly, it stopped, Steven's HUD read "Magic supply 100% sealing magic"

then as it was sealed, the intense pressure of all that power suddenly dissapeared, but he was now carrying more than 20X his normal magic supply.

Marco fell to his knees, then to the floor, panting, one of his eyes was bloodshot.

he lay there, panting, exhausted.
Steven's body spasmed with the sudden influx of raw magic into his system. His skin burned,his head felt like it would burst. When his HUD read full,and Marco collapsed,Steven sprang upward,into a seated position. He saw Marco,and said, "I don't need to be absolutely full. Not at your expense." He leaned down,grabbed a wrist and ankle,and said, "This will hurt. A lot. Try to relax."

He poured magic into Marco,about a quarter of what was given to him. Magic manifested itself as lightning,and arced freely from the contact points to the surroundings,as well as between the contact points. Steven let go of Marco's ankle,and shifted his grip to get a hold of his hand,and heaved Marco to a standing position. "And that's how it feels to be on the recieving end of the Jumper Proccess. It's like first aid,only to keep magic up." Steven was on the recieving end multiple times,and Alec was put to the recieving end once. To Steven,it never got better. It always hurt like Hell,and often left blisters and reddened skin at the contact points.

Steven put on his shirt and vest,and said, "As soon as you're ready."
Marco knocked his head

"you know i would have been fine in a minute or two... how do you feel? if you feel the urge to kill and possiby eat people, the i might have let a bot of my dark magic into you... and if you feel like picking flowers, plating trees and making love to everyone you see, then i may have given you too much of my light magic... feeling any of those symptoms?"

Marco was ignoring the pain, after all, he no longer screams when decapitated, a jump-start is nothing compared to that.
Steven shrugged. "Magic is magic,to me. Remember,I had a conjurer feeding me magic whenever I got hit with that. And you don't see me summoning hand grenades and bazookas." And with that,after a single tear hit the floor,Steven opened the trap door with his magic,and floated out of the room. He still felt at fault for Joseph's death.
Marco switched, he knew what steven was talking about, when they left the room under the classroom, Marco put a hand on steven's shoulder

"Steve, sorry for making you remember that... look, i'm not good at "heart-to-heart" things but, if you ever need to talk about it, just ask, okay?"

he took his hand off Steven's shoulder

"i'll shut up now... come on, lets go"
Steven shrugged. "It happened. No one may like it,but that doesn't mean we can erase World War II from existance." Steven inhaled,exhaled,and said, "So,let's meet up with Alec." He was suddenly more chipper. I feel like Hexidecimal...
Sitting in a darkly light place, soft and loud voices mixing, Alec leaned back in the booth in the corner. It waas about a fifteen minute walk from the school, and painful enough to make it completely not worth it. But, Marco was very picky about things getting done, so she sucked it up and did it.

Observing people, she was bemused. Folding her legs, she brushed a waitress off once more with a simple, 'I'm waiting for people...'
"you mean everyone at the school? they're good, i have some of my staff teaching since most of us are busy with other matters"

they walked for awhile, going over the bridge and re-emerging about a block from where Alec was.

"okay lets go..."

they went there, they went through the door just as Alec sayd "i'm waiting for people"

"she means us" he said, before taking a seat.
Alec looked up at the two, before smiling softly at Steven, "It's fine, Sweetie. No harm done." Her tone was nothing but friendly, and as she looked at Marco she nodded to the seats next to her. "They sell your beer here, I checked before getting a table..."
Steven's eyes snapped to Alec,and he wore a "Wat?" sort of expression. Alec's never like this...Not since Yumi died... Another pang of guilt. Hit fault,for that one,too. He sat there,wearing the stupid expression. Alec's sudden chipperness was unnerving to him,to say the least.
Marco leaned over to Steven

"just play along, long story shirt, this is a "happy Alec" while the grumpy one is being "healed"... somehow"
His face was still frozen in the Wat? expression. He shaken his head,and said, "Sorry about that. So,who's paying? I'm broke,as usual."
Not even noticing Steven's facial expression, Alec leaned back again, smiling softly. "I'm good for it." She offered, before waving over the waitress.
Marco shok his head

"nonsense, i'm the billionaire so i pay"

after the waitress came over, he began reading the menu
Steven said,jokingly,harkening back to how he survived as a child, "Dine and dash?" He picked up a menu,and immediately looked through the menu. His eyes were drawn to the butcher's choice menu.
Chuckling lightly, Alec looked through the various items, before skipping directly to vegetarian options. Not even looking at the waitress, she listed off what she wanted and a cup of black coffee before nodding polietly to the boys. "I'll be right back...." Sliding out, she brushed her shirt down over her unnaturally smooth stomach, before heading back towards the ladies room, wanting to swap out bandages.

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