WW - The New World

Elvis had a look, he was gone for a full 10 minutes before he came back with one.

"alright sir, 3...2...1..."

he fired the weapon, sending the projectile at Steven.
The rocket hit the shield,and the explosion behaved just like the one from the Fat Man,and after everything died down,he checked the display. "Fifty percent. Anti tank weapons,conventional or otherwise,have failed to pierce the shield in one shot." The shields regenerated. "Let's not try nukes. Or H-Bombs. Or Neutron Bombs. I have a feeling they will kill me." He looked at Elvis. "I'm sorry if this is annoying. I'm trying to make sure the shield can survive the enemy's munitions. I think we've accomplished that." He tapped the module. "Does the Legion have any powered armour? This will be able to seamlessly inergrate with those systems."
"Sir, we do have some power armour, but the first line of mass-produced armour, based on your design, Mr Steven, are going into production in a few days, if yu upload the design for this shield and the results to Minerva, this shield system could be built into the armour, instead of being added later"
Steven smiled,and nodded. Minerva,I assume you were watching the tests and the assembly? Steven gestured for Elvis to follow. "Elvis,I can't thank you enough for the help with this. Tell you what;after the prototyping,I'll get you whatever you want. Beer,a fancy meal,an orgy...Whatever you want. And feel free to speak your mind. Morale is a powerful tool." He was headed back into the main complex. He still had to make his sword and gun.
Elvis couldnt help but blush insanely when steven said "an orgy"

"uhh, Sir? i know i'm an incubus and sure i like a bit of slap-an-tickle when i can, but please don't add those things in just because i'm an incubus... i do have other hobbies you know"

Elvis's hobby: Painting Warhammer/LOTR figurines... oh yeah weren't expecting that, were ya?

they went back inside

"anyway, no need to thank me sir, i'm just doing my job, and in testing this, you have no doubt saved several lives"

at the end of the hall, a man was walking, hlding the hand of a nurse, one of his legs was just like Steven's leg

"huh, looks like amputees are already getting "back on their feet""

Elvis took a deep sigh

"long day..."
Steven shrugged when Elvis pointed out his minor spot of racism. "If it makes you feel any better,I would've tossed that in if you were a human,anyway. If I told you some of the "hobbies" others had,you'd want them turned inside out." He turned around. "And,since I was somehow landed as your superior,I'm responsible for your mental health. Call it conflict of interest,call it duty,call it whatever you like,but I owe you. Big time." He cracked a smile. "Besides. We're soldiers. Rank and species aside,we're brothers now. Just as you're brothers with the rest of your unit."

When Elvis mentioned the amputees,Steven's heart sank. "No one needs to suffer through that. I know I'm human...But what if someone else needs what I got? They may not be so lucky. They may lose their sense of self. They may think themselves as nothing more than a machine." Steven shook his head. He stood at attention,and gave the man a salute.
"Don't be like that sir, all amputees here know what they're getting into"

soon the soldier was walking by

"Afternoon, soldier"

"ah hey there.. whats up with him?" he asked, pointing to Steven

Elvis chuckled

"he's new, what happened, Soldier?"

"ugh, a Grakkar got me"

Elvis shook his head

"Large tunneling acid-spitting worms, sir"

the soldier smiled broadly

"yeah, but i got a grenade down it's filthy monster throat and blew it to high hell"


Elvis fist-pumped the soldier.

"oh well, better get going... uhh, nurse, i think my new leg is an inch or two too long"

the troop went on with the nurse.

"Mr Adams... almost everyone here has been wounded at some point, the Old ones, although stupid are monsterous and extremely danerous, acid-spitting giant worms are barely even the tip of the iceberg.
Steven relaxed,and shook his head. "Morale. You said it yourself. The enemies are monsters. That means they're unknown,alien,foreign to us. If they could talk,then they make the perfect psychological weapon." Steven walked into the workshop,and set down the prototype shield generator. He sighed. "When this is over...Imagine how many people will be forever changed. Yes,the enemy will be defeated...But they'll be broken,empty. I've been though Hell and back. You should know;I bet you've read my dossier. And look how well I turned out." The last statement was said with harsh cynic sarcasm. Steven was far from well adjusted;he was one hair away from psychotic fits of rage.

"I'm trying to work to keep that to a minimum. When we're done,I want mind wipes done. I don't care if the event goes unknown by all,unrecorded. The psychological toll will be too great." Steven sat down at the bench,and began to build the sword. It was a rapid procedure; within five minutes,it was completed. It resembled a Beretta with a sword blade coming out the barrel. The blade had a wide triangular shape to it,with the back of the blade paralell with the top of the handgun it was built on. The front angled to the tip,and the wide base had a gentle concave curve. The only edge ran along the front of the blade. Steven pulled the trigger,and the blade vibrated. "Perfect."

Steven stood up,held the sword in his left hand,with the blade pointed forward,and the gun tilted slightly. His elbow was bent slightly,and his stance was in constant motion,constantly shifting his weight between his feet,which were set shoulder width,left foot pointed forward,right foot pointed at an angle. His right arm was up at neck level,as if he were holding a shotput. "Balance is good..." He ran towards a pillar,and brought the blade down on it,hitting the motor just before impact. The blade cut in far deeper than what would have been expected of a normal sword of identical design. He pulled the sword out,and thrusted at a tightly rolled tarp. After penetration,he hit the motor,and the vibrating blade tore through the material. He pulled out the blade,and remarked, "Grace and accuracy. These make an innate deadliness. The vibrating blade simply adds a new layer to it."
"Sir, with all due respect, i disagree completely with what you just said... from my time on the human realm, i have seen the strength humans can possess wehn together, and how weak they are individually, when this is over, if we win, the human race will recover, and become strong once again"

he put a hand on Steven's shoulder

"this world will be changed for the worse, there is no doubting that, but it will get better, the people will recover, the woldlife will return, the forrests will grow again"

when the weapon was ready, Elvis nodded

"a fine weapon, sir"
Steven nodded at Elvis' argument. "The mind is fragile. I know that better than anyone. I'm trying to keep as many minds in one piece as possible." He sighed,and handed Elvis the gunblade,hilt first. "I need more than my opinion on it. Give it a spin. Everything I'm making has it's place on the battlefield."

With that,he began to work on the firearm. The case taken the longest time. It needed to fit a block of uranium,a laser sight,a shearing blade,magnetic coils,and a heat sink,all in a package the size of a handgun. Eventually,he settled on something a little unorthodox. The block of uranium would rest in a specially designed cradle,on the side of the weapon. If the uranium needed to be replaced,the weapon was designed to have the top portion swing open on a hinge just above the barrel. After forty five minutes,the weapon was completed.


He looked at Elvis,and said, "Mass accelerator weapon. Twice as powerful as a .50 calibre round fired from a sniper rifle,if the round fired had the same mass as the entire bullet. All of this power,in a speck of uranium,the size of a grain of fine sand." He stood up,and held the weapon immediately behind the barrel. "How does the gunblade feel?"
Elvis held the gun-blade, first he pointed it, then he swung it around

"hmm... a touch heavy for humans, but perfect for demons... and those with augments such as yourself""

he handed the weapon back

"Sir, if you would like, you can leae the base, possibly return to the school for awhile, i kow the commander is still there if you want to meet up with him.
Steven nodded. He handed the pistol to Elvis,and retrieved the shield generator. "Thanks. We'll drop these off with the fabricators,pay a visit to the doctors that put in the implant,and then..." He looked at his outfit. The same patient's outfit from when he was on the operating table. "Maybe the QMS. I need a decent outfit."
"sir, come with me, we can pick out some clothes..."

Elvis lead Steven to a small room, and opened up a wall-door, revealing some clothes.

"take a pick, sir"

(there are many, but here are some sugestions)


(the one on the left is Marco's armour)



Steven looked through the outfits,and his eyes lingered on a suit of plate armour. He moved on,because,he believed that with the development of the shield generator,and in conjunction with his innate telekenisis,armour simply wouldn't be worth the payoff. In the end,he chose a semi-casual outfit. A white shirt,with a dark purple vest,and a pair of matching trousers. The shoes were simple;He fished a pair of parade boots from the back. They resembled shoes more than boots,but they were called boots. He looked around,and pulled a white longcoat from a rack. He looked at Elvis,and said, "What can I say? I'm a sucker for longcoats."

He walked up to Elvis,and said, "C'mon. Let's get this hardware down to production,so I can pay my dues to the doctors."

Elvis walked with Steven on the way down, getting to the elevator heading down

49 bloody floors all underground.

eventually they got down the bottom, the wolf-girl nurse was there, measuring up some needles

"ah, good to see you've adjusted Mr adams, any problems wih the joints? and creaking? itching? anything like that?"
Steven smiled,and said, "No,no. Everything's fine. It's like they were always a part of me. Thank you. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for rebuilding me. Thank you for giving me a second chance. Thank you..." He was at a loss for words. Instead,he simply hugged the nurse. "It's more than I deserve." He stepped back,and cleared his throat. "Well...That was awkward." Steven turned to Elvis,and asked for the prototypes. "All I need is a few analog watches,and some platinum,then I'll be ready to go."
the nurse giggled

"oh dont worry about it, it was a great chance to test out experimental technology and we all got paid a LOT of money to do it... twenty grand each, in fact, per hour"

after hey headed out, Elvis put a hand on Steven's back

"well sir, we can get you the watches and platinum but i think you need some off time, maybe a few days for your brain to fully adjust to your new body, to make sure all the parts are working propperly and the such, we cant have you going on operations and learn one of your sensors is off or something like that"
Reaching the school, she went inside, drawing her coat a little tighter. Moving into her office, she tidied things up, before looking at a bookshelf. Inside one of the books was a lesson on the mind and how to put it into auto drive in extreme cases. Exactly what she was aiming for.

Pulling it out, she flipped to the page, 444, and read over everything that was needed. A lot she had in the room, but one thing she didn't. She would have to be very careful in asking this.

"Marco....would you be able to do me a favour?"
by this time, Marco was sitting in the staff room at the school, Sam was wrapped up in a large towel with a mug of hot chocolate, shivering.

"s-s-s-sorry about this m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mister h-hightland"

"dont worry about it Sam, i forgot that normal people can get in trouble in the cold like that"

Marco's eyebrow raised when he got the message

"hang on a second, sam i got a message"

he leaned back, and communicated back

"anything, waddya need?"
Steven turned to Elvis,and said, "I just want to charge up my magic. I've been running cold ever since I woke up. I don't like my abnormaly slow recharge." Steven sighed. "It's been like that since well before I lost my last screw. Genetic mutation,I think. Good luck fixing that. Medimagic may be good,but it ain't THAT good."
Elvis shrugged

"since you're friends with the commander, just ask him to give you a recharge, he's done it with a few other guys and his supply replenishes amazingly fast so he shouldnt have a problem with it"
Steven shrugged. "Can't argue with that logic." He made a quick run through the manual,and found what he wanted. Quantum Storage: Right hip and back;open. Steven lowered the pistol to his right hip,and it vanished in a flash of blue light,and he brought the sword over his back,and it too vanished. He looked at Elvis,and said, "So,where's the exit? I need to get to Marco. I have some catching up to do."
Elvis nossed, and he turned around

"stand back sir"

He bought his hand back, and slammed it into the wall, causing a portal to open.

on the other end he could see the staff room of the school, Marco was in there, he casually waved to the portal then pointed to his head meaning "talking with minds, dont mean to be rude"

"go ahead, Sir, i'll close the portal after you go through"
Steven walked through the portal with a smile and wave at both Elvis and Marco,and taken in the staff room. Even before the whole incident with Faust,he rarely spent time in the room. He preffered to do everything from his office. He wore his augmentations openly,not bothering to hide them. His irises glowed blue,and his face was covered with glowing lines,hinting at cybernetics just under the skin. Framing the outside upper corners of his eyes were lens frames. Currently,he had no hair,but that will change in time.

He looked at Marco,and sent, "Hey. It's been a bit. Why the telepathy?"
"Leslie is on the other end..."

he cosed his eyes and managed to focus on 2 ocnversations at the same time.

"okay, i hot half my mind focussing on Leslie the other here, whatcha need, Steven?"

he leaned forward, looking over Steven's skin lines

"you know, we could smooth over those lines"

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