WW - The New World

Chilly snow landed on the deamon lady's cheeks, as she was staring at the sky. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed some quiet and peace that stepping away from all the hustle and bustle provided. From up above, she heard what sounded like some student having a firece snow fight. She wouldn't give it a second thought, of it wasn't for a wet icey mass of snow, that probably missed its original target and landed right on top of her.

A quick sqeak of suprise exited her mouth as she recived an unexpected suprise. "Heey, who's up there?!" She shouted while trying to brush the snow off her.
A few hours later, Leslie floated back out, relitively at ease. "If only dreams followed you back to the real world. Honestly....I mean, it's almost enough to make me forget...." Shaking her head, she looked at the Shadow, before the two drifted back through hallways and into another portal.

"You know...he is very strong...couldn't he protect himself? And you...? I mean...you can help him very easily...and vice versa..." The shadow spoke softly. Leslie sighed, "No, not against the aces....he may be on par with a god, but they are beyond a god's control...and...I don't want to have to protect him, and I don't want him protecting me. He would never accept the first, and I could never live with the second. Not if I'd have to collect him...and if I tried to help him, or him me, and I touched him?"

"Instant Death."

Another snowball came flying from the wall, hitting Charlotte on the head

up ahead she could hear laughter, one of a teen, and another of an older man.

on the wall, she would see Marco with some snow on his clothes, and he threw a snowball at an unknown "opponent" (sam)

he turned his head

"Just me and a student Charlotte, no big alarm!"

he was hit by a big snowball

"oh you little! YAH!"

as he did the "yah" he pelted a snowball ad full strength.
Charolette chuckled and shook her head, getting snow out of it. She wasn't Marco's assistant for a long time, but she has never seen him like that. "Well, what do you know, I never expected you to be the troublemaker!" She said in jest, with a slight laugh. "Well, I guess I better leave you two to your own fun, seeing what a firece fight is going on!" She smiled. Young succubus hasn't had such fun and so much things going on in a while, this world was trully such a nice change of atmosphere.
the snow was coming down a bit heavier, Marco leaned over the railings of the wall

"Charlotte! the temperature is gonna drop very sharply, very soon, the weather system has a mild blizard scheduled in about 10 minutes! so start up a magic flame, get inside or get yourself a warm coat!"

as he said this, Sam zipped up his jacket and cast a light heat spell keeping himself warm as he got another snowball ready.

of course Marco was immune to the cold unless he was frozen in a single block of ice, which wouldnt happen in a mild blizzard.
"Thanks for the info, sir!" She shouted up to Marco. Sure, she was a bit more resistant to cold than average human, but it wouldn't be a good idea to stay outside, as she wasn't wearing nearly enough layers of clothes to whistand a blizzard.

After a quick thought, she set her mind on the old book she recived recently. Cuddling up with something new to learn about and loking out at lovely snow was by far her favourite thing to do in a blizzard.

After checking if there was anything that needed to be done back in office, and arranging some papers, she grabbed the old literature and headed to the libary. Somehow, she found it easiest to concentrate there. Just as she sat in one of the comfty sofas, she noticed that blizzard has gone wild by now.

Glad that she is warm, dry and inside, she focused on reading. Her eyes got bright pink shade, as she began reading with inhuman speed. Her eyes widend and she summoned a thick notes next to her in order to write down all the clue information she found.

She read a lot of useless crap about how to summon spirits, but this..... this was something new.
Alec sighed, sitting in a chair. Her cheeks were red and puffy, eyes blood shot with the remains of water in them, and the table in front of her was hidden behind the pile of puffy white napkins. Looking at the ceiling, she shook her head. She still had a birth, and death certificate to fill out, and a funeral to establish. Pushing herself out of the chair, wincing as her handiwork was pulled slightly, she moved to go make a few phone calls.
Aenor kept silent. "I'll be back later. Just...Hang in there." Steven left the depth of his mind,and said to Elvis, "Sorry about that...Found my friend." After a bit of walking,he asked, "You're a demon. Normal humans fear and loathe you and your kind. Why do you work alongside us?"
Elvis thought for a minute

"... i know i keep giving credit to the commander but... it was him that convinced us"

he raised his arm.

"here, et me show you"

there was a flash, and Riddle found himself looking over a scene, demons, hundreds and hundreds of demons, mainly succubi and incubi, with their human victims, pouring their demonic energy, into the humans, poisoning their minds, having the human women bear their young, and having the male humans "give" children to the succubi (in a manner of speaking)

untill, the gate to the huge, humid, stiking room opened, and alone figure walked in, wearing normal clothes, it was Marco.

he was quickly greeted by a succubus, she was big too, barely even human-looking, standing a full 3 feet over him, her big tail swaying lazily behind her legs.

"ahh human, and what an attractive one too, to come here of his own free will, you must be tired, come, sit, we will show you pleasure eternal"

Marco remained silent, he just walked around her, she followed

"yes, take a seat, be comfortable..."

but he didn't sit down, instead he turned around and raised a hand, he let out a powerful blast, blowing the Succubus into the wall 20 feet behind her.

the others all stopped, glaring at him.

"i came here for your help, not for sex!"

one of the incubi stood up, glaring at Marco

"a human wants our help!? why?"

"because you know the threat the old ones face, they have returned and without you, the world of mortals will fall!"

"so? we'll just come up and take as many humans as we want when the human military fails"

"yeah, thats a great long-term plan!"

the incubi and succubi went silent

"the old ones want to domainate humans and enslave us, and gress what? if they do, they will make all human women barren and the men... "useless" to say the least, humans will be grown by them, like crops to work their minds, no more healthy humans for you, they will all be flesh-and-bone, sickly and dying, is that what you want?"

Elvis let go of the illusion

"that was the start, he knew how succubii and incubi worked, we know now he never intended to give us healthy humans, that was all a ruse, to get us to listen to him, so he could make his real point"

he raised his hand again, casting another illusion for Steven to whitness.

this time, it was over a bloody battlefield, Incubi, Succubi, humans and old ones, a great battle, still raging.

Steven could see Marco, he was fighting with a claymore, swinging it around with east, precision and skill, spraying the insides of his enemies all over in a twisted ballet.

to his back, was the head Incubi, they were covering each-other

"when the hell is the main force getting here!?" shouted Marco.

"any moment now!" replied the INcubi.

as if on que, the horns and battle cries of demons could be heard over the hill, as reinforcements swarmed over the hill, flanking the enemy.

there was a timeskip of almost an hour.

Marco was sitting on the enormous corpse of an enemy "tank" looking at the demon commanders

"this war is costing too many of our own, this is not our battle"

"yes it is"

"no it isn't, give us one reason to believe it is?"

Marco sighed

"you're part of this world, aren't you?... look around you! humanity is in serious trouble, and dont you think that the old ones will come for you next?"

te commanders thought for a minute

"if you wanna go back to your shut in humid stinking cave with your brainwashed (censored) then go! go and hide your head in the sand! go and have your fun while we die"

"so what? humans hate us anyway!"

"because you've given us no reason to like you!"

it was silent for a moment, but soon, one of the succubi, a demon-looking one with cracked black skin with red underneath and long, clawed hands and arms, spoke up.

"i'm staying..."

then another

"i'm staying"

then more and more, the succubi and incubi weren't chanting, they were all just saying at the same time

"i'm staying"

and eventually the commanders as well

"for the good of our people... we're staying"

Elvis broke the illusion once again.

"and thats how it happened... he faced us on our own terms, he appealed to our pride, and now, succubi and incubi are actually quite liked in the legion!... we never really felt "hate" for humans, we just never saw them as equals... until now that is"

Meanwhile, Marco got a snowball in the face and he slipped over, landing on his ass.
Steven nodded. They were at the workshop now,and the materials were present. "The man's a diplomat,I'll hand him that. No one may like him as a person,but he can sure as hell forge an alliance pretty damn fast." He sat down at a workbench,and started to make a casing out of titanium. After a few minutes,the casing was complete. It was round,the size of a DVD,and about two and a half inches,one face to another. He looked at it,and said, "Personal Shield Module. If it works,it'll deflect anything coming at it over a certain speed threshold. That can be tweaked." He picked up one of the gaseous Eezo samples,and inserted it into the center,and began to insert capacitors,wires,and several other components. When he closed the casing half an hour later,the center glowed a gentle blue,and made a gentle humming sound. He opened a panel on his chest,and retrieved two wires. He said aloud,while addressing Minerva, "I'm plugging in my prototype Personal Shield Module. It should operate on electrical current,and respond by massively increasing the density of the air three inches away to the point it isn't penetrated."

He plugged in the module,and immediately felt a sharp pain as the wires connected,but then it passed. He turned to say to Elvis, "It will recharge on it's own if it's inactive for a few seconds. It WILL shut down if it takes too much heat over a short period of time. And it only works on physical objects,like bullets. Lasers and flamethrowers will ignore the shield,and concentrated UV rays will short them out. So if Nightrise has a Sun Gun,tell me now."

He walked down to the end of the range. "Assault rifle,5.56mm. Center of mass. Hit me."
Elvis didn;t hesitate, he picked up the assault rifle and instantly took aim and began firing.

his bullets were all aimed at his chest.

Elvis held down the trigger, eventually emptying the magazine.

"finished, shall we move it up a bit?"

he turned around and picked up a .308 sniper rifle from a nearby table.

".308 sniper rifle, hollow-point round, head shot... shall i continue?"
Steven saw the custom HUD indicator for shield strength,displayed as both a bar and a percentage,drop under the fire. After the magazine was emptied of all thirty rounds,the shield was at just over half. After a moment,a blue envelope surrounded Steven,made a sound between a buzz and a woosh,and the shield was recharged. "Magnum round. More power."
Elvis shook his head

"switching to Armour-piercing round"

he took aim, he held the gun more stable than any human could, and it was pointed between Steven's eyes.

"Headshot firing in 3... 2... 1..."

the gun was fired.

Elvis took out the magazine and put in another bullet

"next, explosive round, ready?"
The round hit the shield,and was deflected into a nearby wall. "I hope no one was behind that." The shield was dropped down to 75%. "It'll take four .308 magnum rounds from rifles to drop the shields. I think we just sniper-proofed the Legion." The shield recharged. Steven smirked. "Go for it. After that,we move up to 7.62 machine guns and .50 cals. Then we go to 40mm grenades,and 84mm rockets." Steven braced himself,leaning forward slightly,crossing his arms in front of him.
"alright.. 3...2....1..."

he fired the round, it hit Steven's shield and exploded, burning his face a little bit but the shock and about 99% of the head was deflected

"alright, moving up to 50cal... hollow point"

he armed the weapon, and fired, again it was deflected, but it almost pushed through.

"Next, Armour Piercing"

he loaded it."

how you holding up there, Mr Adams?"
The explosive round made him stumble backwards,and knocked out a good 75% of the shield. It recharged,and he was hit by a hollow point .50,and taken out half of the shield. "If that's AP,don't fire. It moves just as fast as the hollow point. We'll get the same drain." He pointed at the minigun,which was chambered for 7.63mm "The ultimate test. Those were around since Vietnam. I can guarantee Nightrise uses a lot of them. If the shield can take the minigun until it overheats,then I think we can say ballistic weapons have become outdated."
Elvis shook his head

"Actually we've got something better"

He went up to the Intercom, and pressed the button

"hello?..." the rest of the chatter was too quiet for Steven to hear.

"okay just a second..."

soon the dor opened, and a man came in carrying a large crate.

the crate was open, and inside... it was like a minigun but... different

"this is the "Minigun 2.0" we call it "the Dragon Stopper" it fires rounds similar to those fired by the normal minigun, but it fires 50% faster, 70% more accuritely, with less recoil and a staggering 200% greater impact"

he put the minigun on a stand, it was so heavy even a demon couldnt fire it accurately without a stand.

he armed the weapon and hooked the bullet chain into it


Elvis tightened his grip on the handle of it, after Steven's answer, he squeezed the trigger, firing rounds at a terrifying pace.
Hanging up the phone, Alec sighed. She couldn't do this anymore. Looking in at Hannah on the couch, she frowned. Could she really even do that....

Leaning her head against the wall, she closed her eyes. She was running an internal scan once more, and sure enough, what she was looking for was there. A very large crack in the emotional grid, one which couldn't be fixed, and created two alternative planes, two people. Yumi had done the same thing back before she had ended up with amnesia.

"Good idea..." Alec mumbled softly. It was the perfect time to recover, while still being perfectly 'fine'. Pushing herself away from the wall, she grabbed a jacket, and against better judgement, started for the school, treading the soft snow quietly and carefully.


Leslie and the shadow reformed back in the basement, and upon another sip of the now cold potion, she was pulled back into her body. "I still don't know what I'm going to do. But, if this has any decent affect, I'll be able to manage a week topside before it gets to much."

"And then you come back to me, and we'll fix it." The shadow said softly.

"Yes, but what if I-?"

"You won't kill him."
Steven's jaw dropped at the sight of the monster. "Holy crap..." When Elvis pulled it out and pointed it at him,Steven composed himself. "Hit me." Then,the storm of fifteen thousand rounds per minute came at him in full force. Every round found the target. They bounced away,leaving craters wherever they came to rest. Each impact put a dent into the shield. His eyes widened as the strength dropped into the single digits. Then,the minigun stopped firing with a loud CLUNK!,with smoke rising from the ends of the barrels,and the motor which spun them,while the barrels were glowing white. The last bullet impacted,and a shattering sound rang out through the room.

The shield strength indicator read 0%. Steven looked over himself,and was unmarked. He slowly raised his head,and smirked at Elvis. "I think it's safe to say that I've rendered our toops invulnerable." After a moment,he asked, "Should we test anti-tank explosives? Just to be sure?"
Elvis looked over the Minigun then at Steven

"huh... not bad, yeah i think i know a better place to test our latest projectile weapons, and we can also test our new energy weapons as well"

Elvis walked to the door and waited for Steven to catch up.

"the next place is just outside the facility, lots of open ground, much better for testing these things
Steven shook his head. "By definition,this shield can't stop energy weapons. It's a Kinetic Barrier. It can stop bullets,rockets,swords,and fists,if set to a high enough sensitivity. But lasers,fire,and plasma are pure energy. Unless we're talking particle beams. Those can be stopped. In theory." Steven walked to the workbench. "Besides,would Nightrise have those kinds of weapons? They contorl all of Asia. With those kinds of numbers,they won't be able to get the resources to arm every troop with bleeding edge energy weapons." He looked at the workbench,and then he looked back at Elvis. "Besides,why WOULD they want an energy weapon? It's been scientificaly proven that kinetic weapons are simply more efficient."
"energy weapons dont burn people like in movies Mr Steven, they are microwave weapons, essentially, energy weaons kill people from the inside-out"

soon they were on a hallway leading the other practice area

they got outside, it was a perfect place for these tests.

"alright Mr Adams, just stand in the red area, i'll get some weapons prepared"
"i know sir.."

he picked up a large shoulder-mounted weapon

"okay, this is a high-powered explosive launcher... o "the fat man" as the commander nicknamed it, it launches a small but incredibly powerful projectile at approximately 4 times the speed of an SR-71 reconicance jet"

he took aim

"the rounds are also explosive, sir"

he fired the round, it was the size of a tennis ball but it weighed 4kg and it was heavy as hell, comign at Steven's head at the speed described before.
Steven was hit by the projectile,and it exploded. The explosion wrapped itself around the kinetic barrier's envelope,and dissipated. The shield didn't fall. He looked at the display. "I wouldn't call that a conventional explosive. I lost 75% shields. Let's try something more conventional. Got a Carl Gustav 84mm? If the Canadians use 'em,then I can assume the enemy uses 'em." The shield recharged with it's customary "Bzwoop!"

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