WW - The New World

Steven squinted his eyes at the huge orb of suspended,solid Eezo. He saw a thin,scintilating blue aura around it. A corona of gaseous antimatter. "Holy hell...You've actually done it..." He looked at Elvis. "I need two gaseous samples of Eezo." Then Elvis asked if he wanted to see the other secret. "Yes...I would. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to make use of it."
"don't send a medic, send an actual doctor"

as she said how she was dissapointed that such a world could be corrupted by war, Marco nodded.

"yep... Nighrise burns down forrests,, the Old ones poison the water, and the Legion blows everything up... its terrible"

Elvis nodded, gesturing for Seven to follow him

as he walked by a scientist, Elvis grabbed him by the shoulder

"Hey Dr..."

"Doctor Ivanof"

"right, Mr Adams here is a personal friend of the high commander, and he needs a sample of the new element for a prototype weapon"

"okay then, i'll have to check Mr Adam's clearnce but if he clears then it'll be no problem"

Elves gestured for Steven to follow him into the next room

"Behold Steven... the only computer that could outsmart every other computer in the world put together, including human brains"

they opened the door, and it didn't look at ll like a computerit looked like a living, breathing organism, shifting around in a huge clear tank, there were several terminals around it

"go ahead, access it, it doesn't have Artificial Intelligence, it has REAL intelligence, but no emotion whatsoever"
Steven was in awe at the thing. "A bio-computer with a wetware CPU? Incredible..." He stood in front of the bio-computer.





StvAdm: I am Steven Adams,Proffessor at the Highland Institute of Magic,and personal friend to Commander Marcus Highland. What is your name or designation?
"RRKLVOOS-9984472-XA - Codename "Minerva""

Elvis nodded his head

"the Roman name for the Greek god of knowlege, it seemed fitting"

Marco closed the folder and put it back on the desk

"ugh, what a day..."
After a while, Alec forced herself to stand up, leaving Hannah curled up on the couch. Checking the watch on her wrist, she nodded. Moving slowly into the kitchen, she put on a pot of tea and waited, leaning into the counter. Grabbing one of her homemade baked goods, she nibbled on it, before putting it down and coughing the rest of it back up. "Okay....maybe not such a good idea...."

Cracking open another cupboard, she rifled through till she found a small bottle of pills. Looking at them, she nodded. Of course, these were normally for battle field work should it come up again, but she rather needed it to try and fix some things up. Uncapping it, she grabbed one and bit down on the end. The sudden power surge of healing magic that ripped through it nearly knocked her flat out.

Catching herself on the counter, she steadied herself before shaking her head. The sound of the pot letting out a whaling shriek brought her head around. Suddenly, she was staring back through a glass pane, staring at the small child with the monster around it. Falling back against the counter, she shook her head, and just curled up crying.
StvAdm: Minerva...Fitting. How long were you in operation? What intel do you have on Nightrise?

Steven was intrigued by Minerva. It is,without a doubt,an incredible piece of machinery. He'll need to find a way to incorporate her into his equipment.

Wireless networking should do...I just need some insane bandwidth...
"Opperation... for 2 months 14 days 2 hours 53 inutes and 15 seconds... 17 seconds.... 19 seconds"

it stopped counting inside the tank, one of it's many little parts twitched"If i were to tell you all i know on nightrise, it would take 3 months, 1 day, 7 hours, 36 minutes and 34 seconds to explain all, please specify what you want to know about nightrise, Vague questions like the one you posted will take too long to answer"

From Marco's request earlier, a doctor arrived at Alec's house, he knocked on the doorframe.

"excuse me, is anyone home? i am doctor Westmire here to see Alec Atererus?"
Steven nodded.

StvAdm: Understandable. I'm looking for hive locations,current WMDs,defense status,and any plans they may put into effect in the near future.
At the sound of a voice, Alec was pulled back into the kitchen, and she looked up. "Come in..." She said about as loud as she could. Picking herself up off the floor, running a hand over her eyes, she shut off the tea. Waiting for the man, she stood there, bracing herself with the counter.
"Processing... 4 current "hive" locations, Hong Kong, Beijing, New Delhi and Cairo... Current WMDs, 6978 cruise missiles, unconfirmed if nuclear or hydrogen, biggest current plan, the launch of 3 Satelites, each armed with approximately 300 hydrogen missiles, current plan has a counter planned, Steven Adams is a crucial part of this couunter-strike, only commander Highland or his senior staff have clearance to explain this"

Elvis sighed

"yep, thats ust like the high-commander, never bloody tells us anything untill it's time to act"

Alec would hear the footsteps.. but she saw no-one, and the footsteps were so rapid.

soon, she could hear something climbing up the side of another bench... and then she saw him

Dr Westmire wasn't human, he was a insect-like creature, as tall as a jack-russel terrier, with 6 arms and huge, staring, black eyes

"Ah! Mrs Atererus, you should be resting now! come on, lay down and i can see what needs to be done"

even though he was so small, his voice was amazingly loud
Alec turned, and looked at the thing. Blinking a few times, she sighed. "Honestly, you shouldn't have to tell me what I need to do..." Her eye twitched faintly, as she grabbed a cup. "Would you like some?"
"Ma'am i know you studied under one of the best healers in recent history, but i am here to give an outside opinion from a fellow professional, self-diagnoses are rarely accurite in the matters of injuries, since people are often biased to think of things as being better than they are, or worse, i am here to give an outside opinion and have a closer look at the wound to see if there is any previously unseen damage, thats all"

after he was asked if he wanted a coffee he thought for a minute

"i'll need a smaller container, i don think i can handle an entire cup (considering he was only a bit bigger than one) and i take it with no sugar, but a little bit of cream"
Steven chuckled. He turned to Elvis,and said, "Marco fights an enemy that threatens everyone on the planet. I think he has a right to minimize intelligence leaks." He turned back to Minerva.


[[//"Dossier: Steven Adams Cybernetics.TXT" COMPOSED//]]

[[//SENDING TO: RRKLVOOS-9984472-XA "Minerva"//]]

StvAdm: Are you compatible with any of my systems? I wish to couple my data input augmentations to you,so I can recieve faster,and better,intel on the field.
Pulling out a shot glass, she filled it with tea, and slid it over to him, along with a small cup container of cream. "I don't do biases, I do analyzes. Until you can turn your vision field, or lack of, into one large scanner more powerful than anything a human has created, I'd rather not here about them. In fact, I can tell you at the moment, I have several 4th degree burns running across my sides keeping blood inside, two severed main veins, and three arteries are torn. The wall of the cervix and womb are still cut open, and will remain so for about three weeks as per all c-..." She cut herself off, shaking her head before continuing.

"As well as the muscles laying over top of it. However, the slight internal bleeding from my right side, though not bad, might be a bit worrisome." She set her hand over it, and the doctor could see in her blind eye, a screen field reflected in it, of facts and data and vitals. "....two more hours approximately and it could actually cause some damage." Looking back at him, she folded her arms, one hand gripping her glass. "And I didn't study, I was raised. Now, do you really want me to humor you still, or do you still believe in biases? By the way, just from you being in my line of sight, I would note that your allergic to nickel, and that sniffle you get at night, that's the start of a flue you can knock off early with ....half a teaspoon of bourbon. Don't doubt it, it works wonders."
"Steven adams, as well as you're full body augmentation costing 9.34 billion american dollars,, approximately 98% of your systems are compatible with current Legion technology, including me, since you are such a large investment, the remaining funds for your full opperation went towards future add-ons, a remote uplink to me included, the brain implant needed and the chest signal amplifier/scrambler is ready for instalation, please request one of the scientists to install these for you"

the Doctor whistled

"alright, you don't have a personal bias like most people, but i would still like to see these wounds, and if possible, see if i can treat them"

he drank up the tea in one gulp after pouring in a little bit of cream.
Shaking her head, "Fine...." Shrugging, she set her glass down, and tugged up the edge of her shirt as far as the wound spread, and showed him.
Steven nodded.

StvAdm: Alright. Thank you for that info. It'll be a pleasure working with you in the future,Minerva. I'll be in touch.

Steven kept the wireless link open. Minerva would be his best friend on the field in the future. It'd be best to learn about her as much as possible beforehand. He looked at Elvis,and said, "She seems nice. Can't wait to work with her." He nodded to the door. "So,what's your job here?"
Elvis raised an eyebrow

"my job? well, i'm a 34th recon shock troop... and lucky for you, before you regained conciousness, the commander said if you decided to help us, even if its to achieve your own goals, the 34th recon is to be at your disposal, so i'm now a soldier under your command, sir"

Elvis gestured towards a group of scientists

"I'd reccomend asking some of those guys to install the components... or shall i speak formally, sir?"
Steven scoffed. "Red tape gets in the way." He smiled. "Recon AND shock troop? Those seem like opposite roles,to me. Recon gathers intel,while shock troops go in heavy,and raise Hell." He leaned against the wall,and said, "Mind explaining that one to me?"
"well, 34th recon is VERY different, essentially, we are closer than an "infiltrate and exterminate" force, this unit started out as a propper recon force, but over time, it just changed more and more untill it became like it is now, but the name just stuck"

Elvis shrugged.

"thats pretty much it... contradictory i know, but we don't see any real problem with it"
Alec tugged the shirt back into place and nodded her head. "Thought so..." Leaving him there on the counter, she took her drink, and padded her way back to the living room. Settling down next to Hannah, and leaned back a little and just closed her eyes.
Steven smiled wide. "An assassin team. Elvis,I'll make sure you and your team get the good action. If what I make works out,your team will be outfitted with it." He flagged down a doctor,and asked him how long it would take to install the Signal Booster/Scrambler.
"Yes sir!" went Elvis, clearly glad to finally be under a commander with some balls.

the scientist looked remarkable like Charles darwin, wth the huge beard and all

"ah yes Mr adams, we all know your face around here, now each should take about oh.. five minutes to put in, its a simple "plug and go" mechanism, if you would mind laying down on that table over there i could di it right now"

he gestured towards an empty table

"Harlan! get me the Minerva parts for Mr Adams!

Dr Westmire followed Alec into the other room.

when she lay down, he cast the numbing spell on her, and he began to cut away the burned flesh

"alrighty here lets see.. hmm, the wound is actually supprisingly clean, who did this to you, my dear?"

he pulled out several medical tools and a small light, he opened up the wound and looked inside, a spell in his hand sucking out all the blood that came forth.
Opening an eye and staring down at what he was doing, she quirked an eyebrow. "I never said you could cut me open you know...And I don't appreciate it in the slightest."
Steven nodded. "Alright. The sooner,the better. I have a few things to make." He looked at Elvis. "I need you to get a few things. Handgun,rifle,rocket launcher,and grenade launcher. Load non-lethal rounds. I'll be making a shield generator,among other things." Steven hopped onto the table,and laid down,awaiting the procedure.

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