WW - The New World

Ins stared at the door leading to the reception. It only opened towards him. Which posed a problem.

He tried using his feet, teeth, basicly everything. Except for his hands. It just didn't occur to him to use his hands.

With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, he used his 'last resort' when it cam to doors.

From the shadows around the room, coils of darkness extended. Some went straight to the door, while the rest curled around the young sorcerer.

As soon as the doors were open, the shadows retreated, leaving Ins standing in the door way, hands full.

Kelmoren slowly picked his bag from the floor, a small sack carrying all of his worldly possessions. He stretched out and looked out from his make-shift camp, close to the chasm where he was supposed to go for the "Highland's School for Magic", or something of the like. He really didn't care about its proper name, and didn't pay close attention to the paper he was given. Kel walked up to a large chasm, and looked over the edge.

"Now that is a long way down. I feel sorry for the sorry fool who falls off that." He looks around for a moment, and doesn't see anything. "This is the right place, right? Seriously, why did I have to lose that ****ing paper! Or, maybe someone's just screwing with me. That really pisses me off." As Kel goes to turn around to storm off in rage, due to a wasted venture, he notices a small thing in the far distance. "Eh? What is that? A house? Or maybe an entrance?"

As Kelmoren started to walk towards whatever it was, he stared closely at the object, trying to discern what it was. It turned out his second guess wasn't that far off. He saw that it extended out into the air, and it appeared to be a bridge. "Are you ****ing me? Really? Is that rickety old thing what I have to cross? And how long is it anyways? It seems to go on forever!"
Argo stopped at a warehouse door at the end of a dark street. Glancing at his dousing watch, the gears ground to a halt with a shuddering halt. Reaching deep into the folds of his robe, he drew out a slender silver staff and head it out before him, pointed at the door. "Aperto" He murmured under his breath and touched his staff to the door. The door blew inwards, taking with it it's metal hinges. It bounced twice on the cement floor, throwing sparks where the metal door scraped, and spinning through the air, before crumpling against the back wall where it hit sounding out with a loud echoing "BOOM!".

Argo looked around the unlit warehouse, his eyes fully aglow and picked out a metal filing cabinet from the far end. Reaching it, he drew out his staff once more, but thought better of it and instead reached out and pulled on the handle. It was unlocked. The drawer slid open easily, revealing scattered unorganized papers and a fist sized dark stone that was streaked with white.

"What are you doing in a place like this" Argo asked while pocketing the stone. Satisfied with his find, Argo strode back out into the night, and soon disappeared into another realm.
Steven lifted his empty plate from the table,looked at the cooks,and said,"Delicious. This tastes just like...Before." He taken the plate and fork to the kitchen,and washed his dishes by hand,as was his habit. When he emerged from the kitchen,he asked Elvis, "Is there a substance you know of that can be described on the atomic level as being electronicaly neutral with no protons?"
"Because of everything. You hold a hatred for me just the same, regardless of what you say. It's there, subconciously it's there. You can't help it, I mean, having to 'save' someone's who's a **** up every other day will do that to you." Alec replied curtly. "As for Leslie, because she's still terrified of you. And before you say I don't know your girlfriend....we talk a lot more than you think."
"well, what about instead of feeling hate, what if i feel useful? what if i feel... dare i say, needed?"

when she said that leslie is still afraid of him, his face seemded to sink


he leaned to one side, he knew this was true, he knew she was afraid of him...

"my god... sh... what if she only accepted because shes afraid of me?"

he began to go pale, the very idea of this was terrifying him to the very core of his being

Elvis thought for a minute, then he snapped his fingers

"there is one... but it's a pain in the ass to get a hold of, what do you need it for?"
The skinny teen dragged his bags through the doorway, and over to the reception desk. There was no one there, so, he waited. And waited. And waited. And Waited.

After standing there for 30 minutes, he gave up.

He knocked his knuckles against the wood desk, loud enough that SOMEONE had to hear him. Right?

With a sigh, he put his headphones in, and waited some more.
Charolette strolled trough the school's grounds and towards the reception office, naturally in her human form. There was an aincent book there for her to pick up, one that was possibly relating to the new spirit she was researching on. In anticipation, she kept tugging on her short-sleeved blouse, a piece of her clothing set, which was exactly such as those typically worn by secretaries. The only exception was her skirt, that was a tiny bit shorter than usual. People may think that she would look cheap, but instead, her apperance was elegant and professional. Pulling a strand of hair that escaped her messy bum, she added an extra spring to her step, thinking about all the secrets that the old book material may hold.

With a soft click, she opened reception's back door and entered the room, her mid high heels tapping the typical sound as she walked to the massive desk. Snatching a very large book that was waiting there, she seemed just the same as a little child opening chirstmas presents. It was only after letting out an excited squeak, that she noticed a boy standing there.

"Oooh, hello young man, I belive you my be the cute new student. My name is Charolette Skelton, I am Marco's assistant. May I help you with anything?" As a true lady, she politely offered him her hand, resisting to urge to dig in the book right away.
A small, relived smile crossed Ins's face for just a moment.*Finally, i thought i was gonna be here for ages...* He thought to himself, before answering Charlotte's Question with his usual sleepy tone, and shaking her hand. "Uh...Yeah, i think so. I was wondering where the dorms were, and where i could grab a copy of my class sheet. The instructions and other paper works was...Erm...Eaten. By Olive." Almost on cue, the small snake stuck it's head out from the end of Ins's long sleeve, where she'd been residing for the past few minutes. Not on the handshake side, mind.

Olive (The snake) was not...normal. From what Ins and his parents could tell, it had been enchanted to have a human like IQ, and to be impossible to crush or injure through accidents. Which was a good thing, considering the number of accidents tended to happen when Her master started experimenting. In a show of said intelligence, it withdrew several sheets of mostly eaten papers from inside the backpack, as if to say "Yeah, he's telling the truth, they were eaten."
"My, don't you have the smartest little pet, dear!" Charolette exclaimed at Olive's action. "Don't worry your young head over Olive eating those papers, I'm sure copies are kept somewhere in thsi room..." She rumbled around and meanwhile set a glass bowl of exotic-looking cookies in front of the boy. "Try these, I must say, they're one of best... now are those things stored... could be up in the... or maybe..." She kept on mumbling something as she dug trough a nearby drawer, using only her right hand, as her left one was still busy clasping the book.

"AHA! Here they are~" With a pleasant smile, she handed the new student his copy of class sheet and map of school grounds. "Ok, these wil help you get around... now I belive there should be... ah, you dorm keys!" Charolette handed Ins a pair of keys, with dorm number engraved on them.

"Well, I belive that is all you need to get started. Dorms are in that direction, by the way." While talking she pointed in direction of student dorms. "But's all writen around so it shouldn't be hard to get there. Any other questions that may bother your young soul, dear?"
Alec held up a hand, looking at him. "Firstly, she wouldn't do that. That's not what she's afraid of. She's afraid of hurting you, or scaring you, or...upsetting you again, shall I put it nicely. I mean, she went through literal hell to improve herself after the last time you snapped off at her, so I guess, in some way, she's afraid of failing you..." Sitting up, despite what he may have said, she coughed for a moment, before staring at the wall. "As for your other thing, that means you have yet another thing to hold over my head. Goes along with hatred, people like to mock with what others don't have."
Kel walks up to the bridge after what seemed as an eternity. He reshoulders his bag, and starts to cross. As he begins to walk onto the bridge, the sky starts to steadily darken. It would appear as though it would soon rain, and the lower clouds started to slowly move around the bridge. It was at this point he noticed the bridge went directly though a cloud. "Oh great," he said sarcastically, "Looks like me and all my stuff is gonna get wet. And it looks like its going to rain on top of that." He rolls his eyes and keeps walking. "Watch have been just some huge prank. Considering my luck, it probably is." He continues to make negative comments and sarcastic remarks all the way till he reaches the large cloud, where he stops. "Eh... I guess I have no choice but to go through. Even if it is just a prank, what's on the other side has to be better than where I came from." He reshoulders his bag once more, and walks into the cloud.
Steven smirked. "I need it for something I'll be building. I'm going to make myself some Element Zero." He picked up a pen,and unfolded a clean napkin,and begab to sketch what he was going to build. "It'll be a handgun. With the penetration power of a one hundred calibre round,fired solid state. In a projectile the size of a grain of sand. This round will be sheered off from a large block of uranium. Depleted or not,I don't care;I'm immune to that shit,now."

He finished the complicated sketch. "The catch is that it's a mass accelerator weapon. A grain of sand sized piece of uranium is still the densest grain of sand on Earth. It'll take trumendous amounts of energy to move,requiring me to cart around a huge generator. With Element Zero,I'll be able to reduce the mass of the uranium to near zero,while it's within the weapon. When the uranium leaves the weapon,it resumes its natural mass,without losing speed. The second catch is,Element Zero is entirely fictional. I need to create it."

He looked at Elvis. "That's it. Now,where can I get me some of this substance,and how long will it take to harvest? I have some preperation to do beforehand."
Marco sighed

"still, i don't want fear to even be a factor... but i guess i had that coming"

his eyes glowd a bit as Marco looked over Alec's wound.

"looks like its pretty much clean, yu know my number and i have my mobile with me"

he stood up and walked out of the room

"Heal up Alec, if you need anything, anything at all, just call... oh and i'll have a new door for your house in a few hours"

As he walked out, he enetered another portal, emerging near the front desk.

"Carlotte, have you got that report from colonel cubbage on the western front? and whats the latest info on Steven Adam's condition?"

as he said this he piced up another folder adressed to him and he began reading it, while leaning on the desk next to his succubi assistant.

Elvis sat there, wide-eyed

"oh you have no idea, do you!?"

Elves finished his pizza with a speed no human could match, burped it out then waited for Steven to eat.

after Steven was ready Elvis stood up again

"come with me"

Elvis lead him through the corridors

"we've been working on a project simmilar to that for the last 2 years, in fact, some of our hardest hitting weapons, the "titan-smasher" cannons use something simmilar to that, but they use large blocks of uranium"

they got to a large door, Elvis put his hand on to the fingerprint-scanner and the door opened

after they walked in, they were both sprayed almost violently with cleaning-gas... or whatever its called, to kill germs.

inside, it was nearly unbelievable, it was a huge black orb, about the size of a small car being suspended by a series of blue lasers.

"this is one of the 2 biggest secrets in this facility... Element Zero, is no longer fiction my friend.. but it is very unstable"

he pointed to another door

"wanna see our other big secret?... the commander trusts you, so you have clearance"

As Kel wlaked through the cloud, the first thing he saw was 2 bright lights and the sound of an engine and osme talking.

soon, it all stopped, ans he heard a "click, click, click" the sounds of weapons being readied

he would see a figure coming from the darkness, eventually the person came into view, it was a man in this armour http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101029150506/fallout/images/c/c2/Caesarslegionmember.jpg

he had a large sword on his back, Kel could feel the magic eminating from this guy.

"Student or Staff identification, please, if you have it, then you have nothing to fear from us, if you don't then you had best turn back, this is for your own safety. sir"
Ins cocked his head to the side for a moment, before shaking it. "No Miss. Bye!" He said as he turned around and left, gear in hand. He followed the directions he'd been given, and kept checking the map just to be sure he was going the right way. Eventually he reached his dorm room. With a sigh of happiness at having finally found it, he unlocked and opened the door. There wasn't anything flash about the room. Table, beds, desks, chairs. The usual dorm room stuff. "Not for long..." Ins muttered as he placed his heavy suitcase on the bed. With a slight hiss, the locks opened, and the suitcase opened on it own. Within, electrical and...not electrical compnents lay, all organized and positioned perfectly. Beneath these lay Ins's other clothes.

The bunches of junk did have a use. Ins's other Power was controlling mechanical components, and being able to arrange them perfectly into different gadgets. He'd assembled his own computer, tv and Phone using that method. He was so good at it, he could even create humanoids, although the tended to have a mind of their own. Since he was tired, the young teen closed the bag, and climbed on to the bed for a nap. He was soon asleep.
The thoughts of how the new student is doing had to be pushed aside, as Charolette focused on her job.

"Yes, sir, the report arrived just recently." She spun around on her heals to pick up a thick envelope, neatly sealed with powerful magic and handed it to Marco.

"As for Mr. Adams, he has finished his race with Incubus on obstacle course P-16 a short while ago. The race has ended with a draw. Their timing suspassed previous record of the course for nearly 0.05 s. None od competitors where severly damaged." As much as the succubi tried to speak with professional voice, she couldn't help but to notice that there where signs of blood over him, and no signs of his shirt for that matter. "Mr. Highland... are you... who is injured?" Her tone was rather concerned, but she bit her tounge over that question the very next second. Something told her that asking that may not have been her brightest idea today.
"Alec, we had a fight earlier, she ran off and got injured when she picked a fight with Zaria, some weird gu... she's fine now, she's resting"

Marco raised an eyebrow

"really? 0.5s? huh, that must be one helluva record"

Marco looked in.

"Charlotte... the 0 was in minutes, it was 5 seconds... i know you're new to the human number systems but these things are important"

he flicked through the report, it was one of a recent engagement over a small city... it has fallen to the Old Ones, casualties: 400 humans, 600 demons and 200 others/support staff, 35 survivors. Approximately 300 old ones killed, they gassed the whole area before moving in... Civilian casualties are in the tens of thouands.

he pu the report down, and went over to Charlotte

"so Charlotte, how're you adjusting to life in the moral realm?"

Sam, haivng finished his punishment walked up to his dorm room, the door next to ihs room was unlocked

he stood in the doorway, summonign an apple from the mess hall downstairs, he bit into it, making a loud "CRUNCH"

"you do know this room, like everything else in this school is magical, right? it doesnt even apply to normal physical logic, you could make it bigger, smaller, have a high-grade computer, change the wallpaper, all at your will"
"I do now." Ins muttered, still semi sleeping. He sat up, and concentrated for a moment, Not an easy task for a kid such as him. He pictured his old bed, made of large truck tyres, rusted chain and other things as such. Suddenly, ins was no longer on the overly soft and smushy mattress. Instead, he was gently swinging in his hand made hammock, built by his father when Ins was a mere baby. It was hard, and the grooves of the tyres looked uncomfortable. But to Ins, it was the comfiest bed ever. Of all time. With a snort of amusement, he lay back down in the hammock. The rest of the stuff in his room remained unchanged.
Sam whistled, somewhat impressed... but mostly ammused

"wow, you have some weird tastes in comfort"

he walked in casually, he fell bqack, but a comfortable armchair appeared below him.

"oh yeah, this place is great... but the problem is, you can't have too many things in here at once, its like a failsafe, so dont plan on stocking up on DVDs"
Ins sat up, and thought for a moment. For the first time that day, he actually looked awake. An idea was forming within his head. Not a great idea, but an idea nonetheless. "What kind of internet does this place have" He asked, already reaching for his case of goodies. If he was lucky, he might be able to start his old 'business' up again. He'd had to shut it done about 4 months ago, due to some problems with his clientele.
"well, the connection is INSANELY fast, but good bloody luck getting some porn"

he bought a laptop into being aon Ins's desk.

"oh and using the internet to make money is strictly prohibited, that can get you a week in confinement, and creating things in your room then selling them online earns you 15 lashings"
Ins face palmed. There goes his plans...

He still had the suitcase near him. "Welp. Since im awake, i may as well get this outta the way..." Ins muttered, as the brief case opened of its own accord.

With the push of a small button, just on the side of the case, the rows upon rows of small compartments expanded, revealing every piece of circuit, chip, gear and sprocket imaginable. With a flourish, several of the parts glowed and began to assemble on the desk of the room. Within minutes, a functioning computer tower and screen sat, quietly humming. It had a very steampunk/industrial style look to them, just as Ins had planned.

He flicked his hand to the other side of the room, where the remaining components flew. Slowly, a strange, humanoid exoskeleton began to asemble. Even though it was missing large amounts of its left leg and torso, it looked as if could move. With a happy sigh, The young Mage allowed his arm to flop down beside his hammock, where it hung limp. It would be another hour or so before he'd be able to do anymore 'Mechanical' magic.
Alec sighed leaning back down again. He was rather stupid, with what little magic she had left, she could feel the blood on the inside. It was slowing down in flow, but it was still there. Sighing once more, she thought about many things, and was curious as to how she was keeping herself together so well. The small arm that wrapped around her waist answered that for her. It also reminded her that she'd need to call in one of the other highers skilled nurses to cover at the school for a day or two or twenty.


Leslie looked down at her hand, staring at the ring. Looking over at the shadow, she shook her head. "I don't know..." Padding through Grim's Wonderland, she kept walking, running her other hand over the walls. She'd grown attached to the place in seven years, and having to give it up for the surface world? Where she couldn't ignore the suffering around? Where everything moved, changed, and shifted and no place was safe? She shuddered. "I really don't know..."
Kel stares blankly at the guard for a second. "Oh yea... that paper I lost said something about this..." Kel un-shoulders the bag on his back, opens it up and starts to sift through it. "My luck suggests that I lost that too... Gah looks like I lucked out for once!" He pulls out a strange gun, something that looked akin to a sawed-off shotgun. He starts to **** the gun, when a card pops out off the chamber. "There we are!" He holds out the card for the man. He also looks at the weird gun in disgust, and drops it back in his bag. He had bad memories attached to most of what he had in his bag.
"Ah, yes, excuse me, I still havent had the time to properly study you numerical system." Deamon lady tilted her head apologetically and flashed a light smile. "Oh, do you want me to send a medic over to her house? Or would you want any other suplies sent to her?" She began to examine nearby bookshelf, trying to remember where she last set that book about human numbers...

As Marco stepped over to her, she turned and looked up to meet his eyes. "Oh, I still occasionally have some smaller problems over your technology, but I masterd the writing and language without any problem. This realm in simply a masterpiece of ever changing envoirment. I wish to expirience as many wonders here as I can. It trully is a pity for such dynamic, wonderful world to be corrupted by war..."

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