WW - The New World

"Oh...." Leslie said quietly, before just nodding her head. Truthfully, she didn't care so long as he was happy, and since it was his first choice in what he had shown, he must have been proud of it. Staring out into Grim's Wonderland, with it's heavy fog blocking the horizon that would lead you no where, she started to think.


After a while, she sent her children to sleep, it being much to late for them as it stood. Sitting there alone, she thought about the day, and everything she'd love to do about it. None made sense. Bowing her head into her hands, she sighed. Vent was off again, and she grew terrified of the idea of telling him,Xavier wouldn't understand, Marco utterly despised her, and Steven....he was out of the question completely. "Bloody hell, Deathlind...."
Marco leaned over and kissed her on the cheek

"i know i do this every time, but i better go... i got somthing big planned for nightrise and i need Steven's help.. and i really need to apologize to Alec, i was being a real **** to her earlier"

he walked to the steps and descended them a black fortex opened up in front of him, to take him back to earth.

he looked back to her and smiled, he gave her a wink before walking into the vortex, it closing as soon as he went through.

he re-emerged outside Alec's house

"huh... well, while i'm here"

he walked up to Alec's door, lifted his arm and knocked on the door 3 times. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!
Leslie nodded her head, blowing him a kiss before turning back into her house as he left. Looking at the shadow, she raised a hand, before the two laughed. "Your a brat..." She said, sticking her tongue out, the shadow just nodding.


Lifting her head at the sound of a knock, she drew up what strength she could to move. Making her way to the door, she cracked it open, saw Marco, and shut it once more. "Not interested." She muttered, before padding back into the other room. She didn't need to deal with his high and mighty speeches of how much of a failure she was right now, and she didn't know how well her patience would last if he did.
Marco sighed as the door was shut

"Oh come on Alec! i just wanted to say sorry for how i treated you back then!"

he stood there awkwardly, hoping the dorr would open again
Pulling open the shade from the other room and staring out at him, she growled a little. "The prideful Highland. Apologize? Don't even waste your breath you unforgiving git." She barked back at him, clearly on very rocky ground for moods.
Marco shook his head, she was gonna be a tough nut to crack.

"well, yeah i'm trying to apologize, i'm not good at it but i'm trying!"
"No your not. Your trying to clear your conscience because your too perfect. Whoopty fricken do for you." She snapped back. "But some of us, aren't buying it."
"come on Alec, i'm trying to tell you i'm sorry! i got carried away and i said some things i seriously regret now!"

he looked at the window where Alec's voice was coming from

"Kicking me, and hitting me, while screaming, before trying to drag me off to one of your, your dead man walking camps isn't just getting carried away." Alec responded. "It's utterly disgusting." Sneering a little, she continued. "And telling someone their basically a nothing when they've kept you and your friends alive for years? Or even daring to say what they did or didn't do when your just showing off how godly you are? That's just pathetic."

"Yes Alec, you're completely right, i had no right to try and drag you off, i had no right to call you useless after all you've done for everyone, i had no right to do any of those things, i should have beaten Meido, healed you and taken you home to rest, instead i got high-and-mighty and i said and did horrible things"

he looked away, as if he was looking at alec.

"I... I just wanted you to know that i'm sorry"

he walked away from the door.
Alec watched him for a moment, before turning to go return to her study. About two small steps away from the window, she collapsed. Curling up into a bundle of pain, she pressed a hand to her stomach. Pulling one away, she saw red, meaning the wounds in her side were still kicking. Not having the magic left to even attempt stopping the bleeding, she just sighed, and forced herself to stand again. Taking a few more unsteady steps, she nailed into the wall. Stupid move on her part, trying to move after knowing what they had done.
Marco was about to open the portal but he sensed something... something he haden't felt in a littlw while.. blood being spilled, his blood magic reacted to it.

".. Alec" he said, quietly, before he turned around and ran at the door.

again, he knoocked on the door, well, it was more like a banging

"Alec! i can sese the blood coming from you! let me in, i just want to fix it, nothing more!"
Barely even hearing what he said, Alec just stared at her feet. Using the wall as a brace, she started to slide down it into a sitting position. Looking at her shirt, not only her side, but the incision marks were bleeding as well it seemed. Taking in a slow deep breath, she shut her eyes. As the pressure in her hands started to die down, her breathing leveled out more and more.
he banged on the door a couple more times, he could feel more and more blood spilling from her, he closed hi eyes to listen, her breathing was softer as well... not good

"Sorry Alec, i'll get you a new door, i promise"

he hardened his skin, and punched the door knob, breaking the lock, he then pushed the door open, tearing out the lock from the wall

"Alec!" he yelled as he saw her.

he ran up to her, looking over the wounds... even though Alec was an albino, he could tell she was "pale" from blood-loss.

"hang on Alec, i'm gonna make you all better"

he was going to do "wound transfer" but he figured she wouldnt want that, he instead took off his shirt and began wrapping it around her wounds

if she resisted, Marco just knocked her hands away, telling her to relax, if she moved too much the bleeding would get worse
Cracking her eyes just enough to look at him, Alec moved her hand only to get it swatted away. Feeling more pressure on her wounds, she hissed slightly, tensing greatly, despite he weakness in her bones. The sound of tiny feet coming down the stairs, and a tiny ping on the wall behind them, caused her to drag her eyes over to Hannah, pink magic gun formed on the ready. "Step away from mommy and brother now you...meanie!" She yelled, directing it towards Marco.
marco looked at Hannah, he tried to speak in a soft voice, but hat wasn't easy, since this was his first time doing that

"Hannah, i know i'm a meanie, but i'm helping mommy this time, i dont wanna hurt her, come on sweetie, put the gun down and go back to bed, momm will be all better by morning"

he watched hannah, hoping she didn't cry or use the littly pink gun, even though it looked like a toy, if hannah lost control of hermagic and fired, it could end up hitting alec and further complicate things.
Hannah looked at him, not believing him for a moment. From what she had seen, which wasn't much, was that mommy was hurt, and he was the only one around and was near where the blood was coming from. Stepping down another stair, she frowned, leveling the gun with his arm. "Why should I trust you?"

Alec raised a hand, and shook her head. "Bed. Now. Hannah." She stated, trying to speak as authoritive as she could, which didn't work very well. Instead, Hannah took a seat on the couch, gun still in her lap, looking like she was ready to wait as long as needed. "She better be okay by morning." She muttered gruffly.
Grenades,grenade launchers,rocket launchers,missile launchers,rocket/missile launchers,machine guns...No,they need two hands.

Handguns? Too weak...Hand cannon? Too heavy...Unless...

He dove into fiction,once more. Thousands of designs flew through his mind. He closed in on some high tech ones.

M-5 Phalanx. High power,laser sighting...Mass accelerator weapon...Kicks like a camel...Some modifacations are needed...

Then he felt the jolt of pain. He came back to his senses,and felt thirsty,and his jaw was sore. "Was I talking?"

Then she said something about a demon-grade obstacle course.

"This'll be fun."
"she will be Hannah, i promise"

Marcdo lifted Alec up, taking her to the kitchen, where he lay her out on the kitchen bench, after sweeping away all the other things like cutting boards and the such

he pulled out a knife and looked down at Alec

"Alec, this is gonna be so wrong, please forgive me"

he began cutting at Alec's clothes, throwing them asside as they were taken off.

soon he was finished with that, and he was able to focus ont he wounds

he looked through the cupboards, every house had a first-aid kit and it was always in the kitchen.

he found it, and opened it up, he took out a bottle of disinfectant and a roll of bandages

"Okay, time to get down on this"

he grabbed a glass and filled it up with water, then he want to Alec's wound, and poured water on it to clean the wound, followed by making a small flame on his finger and scorching the holes, instantly sealing them up, then applied the disinfectant and the bandages.

"Okay done, alec i know you dont like "you have no choice" things but... i'm staying here and i'm gonna keep an eye on you tonight, and on this, you have no choice"


the nurse stood at the door

"good, then hop up, you'll be racing against an Incubus on obstacle course P-16"
Steven smirked. "Time to test the hardware." Steven hopped out of the bed,and strode confidently to the door. He followed the signs to the training courses,and entered Room P-16. He saw the Incubus. "So...We're racing. Ready for a challenge? I know I am." Knowing Marco,the course is going to be dynamic...I need to keep my eyes open...Lest I turn into a greasy smear on a wall...
Not even noting the burning across her skin, she began to dip between the colourful and moving, and the black and silent. As the two states of minds flickered between each other, she mumbled a faint, "why help when it's my fault..."
"because its not your fault, Alec, you're not a fighter and you never will be, because you're a healer, a lover, not a fighter"

he tighened up the bandages, thay pressed painfully against her new burn marks.

"you better not walk, i'll carry you, we can't risk those wounds coming open"

he scooped his arms under her shoulders and knees


he carried her out of the kitchen and this time, lay her out on the couch

he put his hand above her, and a small blue light bean to shine

"i can't do anythign in the way of healing, but if i transfer some of my magic to you, maybe your body will heal itself..."

as his magic poured into her, Alec would begin to feel stronger and stronger.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The uncubus stood 6 foot 9 inches tall, a giant.

his body was muscular, an athletic built.

his skin was black, and he had white markings all over his skin, like tattoos.

"huh, i though i would be racing a woman"

the nurse turned to Steven

"dont take it personally, he's in incubus, all he can think about is human women"

the course looked simple, but looks could be deceptive

"okay this is the course, first, the hundred-metre dash over the blade-grass"

this grass was special, it was as sharp as razors, many people had steeped on this grass, fallon on their face and died from the thousands of small, incredibly sharp blades

"then comes "the muffin monster""

the name came from the pet-name for a grinding machine in "30 days of night" where several gears could crush and tear appart anything that got into them, and there was a gap filled with these killer-gears and 2 ropes to swing over them with.

"then the hellhound cage"

where they have to get past a bunch of viscious killer houds in a cage without killing any, nd without getting pulled down and mauled to death.

oh yeah, the Demon Course was on a 'whole 'nother level from the human/elf/orc courses.
Systems check...Optic filters: Operational.

Shock absorbers...Operational.

High Performance Muscle Fibre Weave...Operational.


Activate eyeshields.

What appeared to be polarized sunglasses lenses slid over Steven's eyes. He couls still see clearly,and the lenses would ensure he could keep his eyes open at all times. He turned to the demon,and said, "Try to think about something other than sex. Like what'll happen if you fall into the kennels." He flexed his hand,and the fingers extended. Another flex,and they retracted. He taken position at the starting line,a low,compressed stance,ready to launch with as much force and momentum as he could muster.

the Incubus launched with a force that was equal to Steven's.

he laned on the grass, but somehow, he actualy got the flat sides of the grass and he launched himself again, reaching the end.
Steven hurled himself into the race,feeling the stabbing pain of the grass as it dug into his feet. His legs exploded into action,sending him forward at incredible speed,keeping pace with the incubus. Steven's estimate about the imcubus' speed wasn't off;he knew the demon would be a challenge to race against. Steven was flitting though different optics,trying to reach a tactical understanding of the track.

The incubus was unhurt. Well,damn...Lucky bastard. He was neck and neck with the Incubus. He noticed that the Incubus' legs were already white hot,according to his thermals. Either Incubus legs are always like that,or the Incubus' legs aren't getting enough oxygen.

He had a sneaking suspicion the former was true.

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