WW - The New World

Marco chuckled

"oh come on leslie, i love you, thats why, i couldn't wait anymore, i want to be with you forever, thats all the reason i need"

he smiled to her and leaned down, planting a kiss on her lips.
Leslie chuckled, before playfully punching him in the arm. "I'm a flight risk. You know that." She said softly. "And I know what your going to say. And you'll know what I'll say in response. I'm just making sure you understand that while you can still walk away."
"i can, but i won't"

again he kissed her, deply, hilding her waist as he did so.

after the kis, which lasted do be one of their longest, he pooked her dead in the eye

"i'm not backing down leslie... i want to marry you, i want to laugh with you. i want to make love to you, i want to have a family with you... all i want is you"

he embraced her again, holding her tight, but not tight enough to restrict her breathing.
Leslie chuckled, before bursting into solid laughter. Hugging him back, she shook her head. "ANd that will be something I never want to miss.....your way with words, I mean..."
when she leapt up, Marco managed to catch her, but he dropped his glass.

he fell backwards sh she hhugged him, and at the same time he slammed on the floor, the glass shattered.

he wasn't hurt in the slightest, and the glass could eality have been cleaned up.

he looked up at leslie, who was sitton on top hof him.. he never wanted this moment to end...

he sat up with her still sitting on him, and he wrapped his arms around her, he didnt say a word, he just looked into her eyes.
Looking at him, she smiled softly. The shadow flung something at her head before disappearing. Catching the card thrown, she went a very dark red before handing it to Marco. The thing was a hotel card for a door with the generic do not disturb saying. "Coffee?"
Marco almost burst out laughing.

"ha ha ha ha ha! oh thats classic"

he managed to calm down, and he went face-to-face with her.

"i think our first should be somewhere more... personal... maybe on the cliff top where he had out last date? my place? upstairs? or maybe right here on the floor?"

he winked to her.
Leslie went a shade darker before shaking her head. "No, no no no no no no no no no...." She muttered, moving away from him before ducking into the kitchen, shaking her head more. Pulling out a glass, she set it down on the counter before grabbing a juice carton. With hands shakily horribly, she tried to pour some, mind spinning at what he had said. As she gripped the glass a little harder, the thing cracked and she swore.

The shadow on the steps blinks a few times, before disappearing once more, terrified of what might come next.


Alec sat, long after Leslie left, in the ruined room. Her mind was completely blank, her emotions spent, and her body run down. Slowly moving from her perch she'd been on the last hour or so, she looked around. Snapping her fingers half heartedly the place repaired itself haphazardly. Writing a small note, an apology letter to the staff, she left quickly. Reforming in her own home, she sat down at the table. It wasn't long before Hannah and David popped in, and she took them in her arms and just held them. Neither of the children spoke as if they knew something was very wrong.

he got up, and followed her into the kitched, he came up behind her agan and wrapped his arms around her.

"its okay, i was joking, we won't do it unless you're ready"

he kissed the back of her neck, deciding to let it go and be happy with the fact she said "yes"... he could still hardly believe it.
Leslie froze for a moment, before nodding her head. Her shaking died down a little before she reached up, grabbing another glass and trying again. "I'm sorry..." She bowed her head a little, before turning in his arms slightly. "Do you want some?" She nodded her head to the glass, already reaching up to grab another.
"yeah, sure"

he took a glass and drank it down, keeping his right arm around Leslie the whole time.

"aah nice.."

he turned to her and smiled, then rested his head up against hers.
Smiling softly, Leslie sipped her own juice. "It seems odd." She stated simply. "How happy we are when the world is going to hell for others." Glancing out the window, she nodded. "A famine in Brazil, a flood in Italy, a petty war Mexico..."
"one thing i learned on the battlefield, is that when a chance for joy comes around, you never let it slip through your fingers, whether that be cracking a joke with your platoon around the fire, or proposing to the one you love"

he kissed her on the forehead

"we shouldnt let these things slip, even if other people are in bad shape."
"One thing I learned through Death..." She said softly, "joy is temporary and half hearted at that. And any moment one gets, no one cherishes, and assumes it is a given thing to happen, even in the worst times..." Looking over at him, she had a sadness in her eyes. "3,000 people in one day. And though the world turns without them, their few moments of joy, that everyone takes for granted, is about twenty minutes of their whole life...and no one is wiser to it...."
Marco let his hand fall to his side

"wow, what a mood-kill"

he sighed heavily, that really sucked the joy out of this moment.

"is that really how you view these things? as something trivial that might as well have never happened?"
Leslie bowed her head. "Should have just shut up Fitz..." Taking her glass, she walked into the other room, ignoring his last two questions. Walking out onto the porch, she stood, leaning on the railing. Bowing her head, she mumbled to herself, "Why can you never do anything right...."
Marco stood there, watching her work out.. well, i think the happy mood was just stabbed in the eye.

he went out after her to find her on the balcony.

he went up and stood next to her, leaning against the railing.

he didn;t say anything, but he did sway from side to sde, bumping into her playfully.

he looked at her and smiled, then swayed his hip to bump into hers.

it was like playing footsie with their sides and hips
Leslie didn't respond, just stayed staring at the ground. Shaking her head, she dragged her nails over the glass, creating deep cuts in it. "No,Marco. I don't think like that." She stated sharply. "I was raised like that. Happy doesn't stay."
Marco reached over and pulled her towards him

"well this time it is..."

he rested his head against hers

"say leslie.. since we're engaged... how about we move in together?"
Leslie looked at him,before shrugging. "I don't know....I thought most waited till after fully married?"
"some do, most people move in before that though"

he thought for a minute

"what about my family's old home? its a manor back in australia, its big, secluded, protected and i can have it repaired in a couple of days, or we could rebuild Hope's old mansion, that one is a little bit smaller on the top, but it reaches far underground and has an observatory, and more defensible, but it'll take more to fix up"

he held out his hand, and showed Alec images of the 2 places, what they look like when in good condition.

Highland Manor:

View attachment 967

Hope's manor (what i imagined it to be like)

View attachment 968

"or we could make our own place, i know a great spot up in Norway where we could build a place."

he held out his hand again, and showed her some of the mansions he was willing to have built for her and their future family.

View attachment 969

"or perhaps one in Spain?"

View attachment 970
As he spoke, Leslie felt her heart drop a little. When he mentioned Hope's manor, she twitched. "We are not taking place of him. His place fell in a glory, it doesn't deserve to be resurrected when it wasn't by his hand." Shaking her head, she looked at the others, "And I don't know....all of those are....big."
Marco nodded, understanding why she didn't want hope's mansion.

"well, i can only really do "big" things"

he frowned a little bit, he had been planning this for awhile.

"well, how about my family's old place? during the plague my uncles, aunts and cousins fled to Asguard, the magic capital, so it's vacant and if anyone should live in it, it should be a highland and his bride"
Steven sighed. "I'll have to talk to him personally,then,after I recover and get myself set up." He nodded. "Go for it. I'll be reviewing some specs." Steven closed his eyes,and a list flew through his mind.

Uranium,tungsten,tempered carbon-steel,platinum,palladium,molybnenum,irridium,infared sighting module,micro-motor,impact-resistant composite polymers,beryllium,a slurry of high protien,starch and carbohydrates.

Images,next. Swords of all kinds. Most were real world designs,but none really caught his fancy. Then he went into fantasy and science fiction.

Lightsaber,Buster Sword,Impact Hammer,Gunblade Mk II...Gunblade...

Gunblade Mk I: Revolver,Hyperion.


He chose his melee weapon. A longsword,meant to be used with a single hand...With the blade always pointing the same direction as the forearm. Designed for thrusting and slashing with finesse. Then,it's image.

(OOC: Image: http://www.estarland.com/images/products/54/28754/50200.jpg ) [Yeah,I don't know how to embed.]


His mind continued to churn for several minutes,searching for a long-distance weapon to compliment his chosen sword. Steven made no efforts to conceal his thought pattern. Anyone who looked into his mind would see,but only understand if they could keep up. Steven was also muttering,in pace with his thoughts. The pace was blistering,and sounded to the casual observer as senseless babbling and popping sounds.
The nurse put her hand on the crystal again

"sir.. if i may inquire?... oh... oh i see, thats... yes sir, devistating"

she let go of the crystal

"Mr Steven, i just had the commander tell me his plan..." she looked around briefly, then leaned in over Steven

"sir, the commander just told me his plan, and sir... i know the commander just told you but i'm going to repeat it... please sir, keep a level head, the commander will be back soon and he will begin the operation with you"

the nurse reached over and got another drill

"time to get you up, sir"

she walked behind the chair, pulled the back off it and used the drill up against a bit of Steven's spine, his nerves shot into gear, causing a quick but short jab of pain all over his body

"alright sir, your nerves are connected and your legs can support your own weight, go ahead, get up and try them out, i'll call ahead and get an obstacle course ready... since you are now beyond human capeabilities, i think we'll get you on a demon-rank course"

she got on the phone and began making arrangements

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