WW - The New World

The shadow looked at him for a moment before shrugging. Truthfully, it didn't know if it had a name, it had been alive far to long to remember. Holding up a hand when he asked the second one, it shook it's head before sliding out into the other room. Pulling things out to make coffee, it turned and waited to see what he would like.
"uhh, lots of cream and lots of sugar, thank you"

after the coffe was bought in, he took a sip

"ah thank you..."

he turned to Shadow and looked over.. "her" he guessed by the figure

"so then, shadow... suince you dont sem to have a name, is it okay if i just call you that?... anyway, i haven't seen a spirit like you before, not wandering int he underworld or limbo, and i've never seen one quite like you wandering around cemitaries, come on, tell me about yourself"

ihe sat the coffee down, he had already drank 1/3rd of it.
The shadow fidgeted a little, before looking at him. Shrugging once more, it held out a hand. A small, smoke like circle screen formed, before scenes started to play through it. Starting with the very first reaper making it, before flickering through the various different reapers, varying between just an object to make their job easier, to a 'person' to try and make the job more bearable and everything in between.

It started speaking, like someone was flickering through different songs, speeches, and expressions, just picking up a word here and there. "I have nothing about myself to tell. I am solely a creation along with Wonderland. The white rabbit, if you will. I know not my name, or true meaning. I just am."
Marco thought for a minute

"i think therfore i am... i guess that would describe you best"

he took another sip of the coffee.

"tell me, do you ever have independent thought? or are you a contruct made solely to serve the current head reaper?"
"Both." The shadow said simply, "I choose not to speak that which would anger the reaper. The current is nice enough to allow me to speak freely. Others have silenced me completely. " Running a hand over it's mouth, it reformed 'scars' over where the look of needles and thread had been, before they dissolved again.
Marco looked at the stitches, and he sighed heavily

"wel, its good to see leslie has been treating you well, at least in comparison to your previous masters"

he finished the coffee.

"tell me..."

heput the cup down and then sat his hands on the table, turning to the shadow.

"honestly... since you have independent thought... what do you think of me? a mortal dating your master? i won't hurt you no matter what you say, and this can stay just between us"
The shadow thought for a moment, before letting out a strange thing, equal to a laugh. "It makes her happy. So I do not mind. Truthfully, you do worry me. A loose cannon is what comes to mind, or the quiet before the storm. I could not tell you why. The fact I let you in so often without direct permission is proof alone that I enjoy you."
Marco chuckled a bit

"thanks... i think a quiet before the storm suits better"

he took a deep breath and reached into his pocket

"tell me, you've seen how leslie acts on her own, what she says when i'm not here..."

he pulled out the ring, it was the one he made himself

"do you think she'll say "yes"?"
"When she took over. The very first collection of books she took into reading where that on marriage." The shadow said quietly, knowing full well that Leslie had had that ring for a long time, so she must have returned it. "I do think she would...." Looking over towards the bookshelf, she pulled a book off called, The Notebook.​ "She said you were her Noah...."
Marco looked at the book, he smiled

"yeah, this is a favourite among some of the troops... one night, i was surposed to fill out payment forms for some beurocrats so they could keep their mouths shut, but instead my former assistant bought this in and said i may want to read it... so Leslie is my Allie..." he set the book down softly.

he moved the ring in his hand, he swallowed, clearly even just thinking about proposing made him incredibly nearvous
The shadow smiled in the only way it could. Placing a hand on his shoulder, it nodded it's head. Standing, it pointed to it's heart, then it's head, a silent form of wisdom before dissolving into the shadows and moving to a different room. The sound of footsteps coming up the gravel walkway, enough of a hint on it's own.
Marco curled his fingers around the ring, then took a dep breath.

just as the door handle turned, Marco turned around in the seat.

"welcome home"

the second he saw her face, he was smiling gently.
The first thing to coming home and seeing him, Leslie smiled in response. Despite having her hair destroyed, dark circles under her eyes, and a few new bruises from the process of trying to calm their friend down, she looked, in all ways, happy. "Hello...."
Marco stood up and walked up to her, hugguing her, after that he planted a kiss on her forhead.

he didnt say anything at first.

"Leslie... sit down, there's something we need to talk about"

he gestured toward the chair he was on just before.

after she sat down, she would see Marco's hands were shaking, at first he just stood there, but slowly, he got on one knee and looked up to her.

slowly he held up his fist and opened it to reveal the ring

"Leslie Fitz.. will you marry me?" he was planning on making some big thing like "will you make me the happiest man in the world.." and the such, but when the time came, which it just did, those words escaped him, and all he could do was ask.
Leslie just stared at him, her face going a very deep crimson. Bowing her head and looking down into her lap, she suddenly moved forward. Wrapping her arms tightly around him, she was crying so hard she couldn't even make a noise.
When she looked down, Marco's heart began to sink.. was he wrong the whole time?

when she got up and hugged him, he had no idea what she was doing, he thought she would be excited, that maybe she'd just say "yes i will" but instead..

he was still as a statue when she came down and hugged him, but he slowly returned the embrace... this was not how he imagined it would go down, he was just hoping she was crying in joy
"Oh....god, Marco..." She managed to squeak out in a cracking voice, too overloaded to form the right word. Pulling back from the hug, a big smile on her face, she ran a hand over her left eye. Trying to say it, it wouldn't come out, and she just hugged him again, hoping that would suffice as her yes.
Marco returned her smile and the sexond hug, but he didnt let it last.

he gently pushed her away a bit, so there was some space between them, then, he grabbed her left wrist and slowly bought it up.

he slid the ring onto her finger slowly, it was an absolute perfect fit.

after this, he launched up, holding her up by hugging her.
Leslie let out a small squeak of a surprise as he hugged her in a hold that took her off her feet. Giggling a little, she wrapped her arms around him before an audible pop made her look towards the stairs. The shadow sat, with a bottle of champagne and a few glasses.
Marco saw the shadow with the champagne and chuckled a bit

"shall we?"

he took Leslie by the hand and walked over with her, and got 2 glasses, and gave one to Leslie.

"shadow, would you mind...?" (pouring it for them, he meant)

ater it was poured

"so... to us!"
The shadow nodded, before pouring them glasses, raising her own empty one to his toast. Leslie chuckled softly, nodding her head. "So charming, love..."
"well a man's gotta be charming once in his life"

he put their glassed together and took a sip.... it felt so good to finally propose after all that waiting.
"I suppose..." She said softly, taking a sip. "May I ask what brought this on though?" Taking a seat on the step below the shadow, they looked at him, then at each other, then back at him.

he paused for a bit

"when you pass souls, you always show such care and love for those souls and well... i dunno, seeing how you care so much for them all, i just couldnt wait anymore"

he then shrugged a bit, it sounded stupid, but thats all he could think off, appart from "i love you and i couldnt wait any more"
Leslie nodded her head, going silent for a while just sipping the drink. Suddenly, the shadow cracked it's head back and a song started playing. Turning and looking at it, she chuckled. "Your enjoying this aren't you?" The hand held up with posed in a way of meaning, little bit.

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