WW - The New World

(Its spelled "week" esme)

Marco nodded

"Oh you will Steven, but trust me, as much as you want to kill them now, you can't, the best and most productive thing you can do now is stay in bed untill your body adjusts to the new modiofications, then after puutting you through rehabilitation asnd we make sure all the nerves are still connected propperly, then you can join my army as a colonel, and we can take thefight to nightrise"

the nurse came up and whispered something into marco's ear, he started smirking .

"Steven... looks like you got another "advancement"

he pointed to Steven's groin

"extra 3 inches, compliments of the house"

he snickered, barely containing his laughter.
Steven wanted to telekenetikaly smack Marco with his own hand for that last comment,but instead,he said, "What good will that do? No one will want me. I sound like rocks in a blender,and I look like a sci-fi Frankenstien." He shot a dark glare at Marco. "And,from what Joseph told me...Colonels are desk jockeys. I don't want to fly a desk. I want to cut a bloody swath through that god forsaken legion,and make them regret their crusade against mages." He taken a bite from a bowl of jelly. It tasted of plums. "They'll regret attacking the orphanage. They've made me what I am. They will suffer. Their friends will suffer. Their families will suffer. The world's going to be pretty empty by the time I'm done."
"oh come on, once the skin grows over and your voice module gets evened out,you'll be just like you were, just looking more muscular and a smoother voice, i promise you, and Steven... i'm a monster who regularly eats my opponents aloive on the battlefield, and who is prone to violent outbirsts, and i found someone i love... and i guarantee, you'll find someone, in fact, there's an old ninja clan my family has had good ties with, i could probably get some marriage candidates for ya... its the same clan my mom came from"

when he mentioned Joseph, Marco's eyes drifted down, remembering how Meido took Joseph's form and he burned Meido in that form, with the same voice and all, without hesitation

"heh, Steven you have no idea, you can choose what kinda colonel you want to be, a young, strong man like you belongs on the front lines, exactly where in want to put you, fighting Nightrise and the old ones alongside me"

when Steven went on about how he wanted revenge on Nightrise, Marco sighed

"Steven... Me and my legion are planning something big... we're already pulling our forces out of south america, we have discovered that Nightrise is based in china and india, appparently the remnants of nightrise sheltered, protected and all-around helped the people of china and india during that bloody plague, and the people there have formed up behind nightrise, so the population of India and china, combined with the close proximity to Japan, so they can take their robotics tech and steal prototype weapons from the american bases there... those two combined with china's mass-producing capeabilities, nightrise is truly stronger than ever before, they are the worlds biggest superpower now, and we need to act, because their forces, combined with the old ones backing them, means we need all the help we can get"

he tilted his head to Stevena gain

"Steven, you will get your revenge, but for now you need to rest and heal up"

Marco didnt leave, he stayed there, and began walking Steven through some of the new functions of his new eyes, and his arms, while promising to show him the other functions after he could walk again.
After a bit,Steven asked, "Is there any platinum and palladium around? I can use those to recharge,and make this go by a lot faster." He flexed his hands,and the fingers extended to double their length. Another flex,and they retracted. At the same time,he was putting his eyes through several spectra. Thermal,ultraviolet,infared,electron,light enhancement...The works. He chuckled,then muttered, "What's next,rocket heels?"
Cracking her shoulders back into place, Alec walked through an area she hadn't touched in a very long time. Moscow, Russia. As her shoes crunched through the snow, she received many strange looks, after all, an albino pregnant woman, with no jacket, or proper clothing for the snow covered area for that matter, was certainly marked as strange.

Stopping once she got to the hospital she'd had connections with before, she stepped inside. Greeted instantly by a staff of magically trained, she was pulled into a private practice room. Left alone with only three doctors, she looked at each of them, before requesting a few things. An ultrasound, a heart monitor, bandages, a glass of water, and a spinal tap, just in case.

Laying back on the table, staring at the fluorescent light fixture, she knew that the third doctor was still looking at her, waiting for an explanation. At his cough, she held up a hand. Pulling up the edge of her shirt, she showed to him the still bleeding nasty cut that went from the back of her side, to the front, and got deeper as it went. As he started to apologize, with one of those, I don't understand sort of things, she sat up and looked at him, void of any expression, successfully cutting him off.

Leaning back down, she heard him scurry back out. She was left alone for around half an hour like that, before getting bustled into a different ward full of pink and blue ribbons, screaming women, and giggling families. Pulled into yet another private room, with machines ready and beeping, before getting poked, prodded, and then finally, put under.

Waking up into a dark room not much later, something felt different. As she flicked the lights on mentally, she waited. Within a few minutes, a nurse came in, looking nearly heart broken. "What do you remember, love?" She chirped in perfect english, reminding Alec very much of a little yipping dog having been kicked.

"The needle in my arm." She said simply, and the nurse nodded, before looking at the clipboard. Flicking her hand, she took the board from the woman rather than wait to hear her speak again. Looking it over, her face managed to frown. "Where?"

"D186. We had t- Ma'am, please, you need to sit back down!" She yelped. Alec ignored her, and after making sure she was steady enough to move, started down the hallway. Approaching the door quickly, she stopped and stared in through the glass window. Laying inside on a little blue bed, with machines around him like a monster, a small bundle lay, too small to be normal or healthy. It would be a long time before she would move.
Marco chuckled a bit

"they are powered by magic, Steven, no need for extra power, or it might explode" he joked

"and rocket heels?... OH you must mean the anti-gravity field generator and the momentum enhancements! al thats in the feet are some shock-absorbers and a "Pez" dispenser... i WISH i was kidding there"

he stood up, and streched his back

"oh well, i got some stuff to do, maybe stop by Leslie's place, seeya later dude"

he walked out and opened a portal, he was glad that Steven could crack a joke at the end, that was a really good sign.

he walked through and he was back at his office

"what the?... oh thats right"

he opened a channel to Leslie's shaddow's mind

"hey shaddow? its Marco, would you mind unlocking the place?"
Staring at the cieling, up towards the second floor, the shadow sat. Before doing as Marco had asked and unlocking the world as silently as possible. Letting a portal open next to him, it waited.From the second floor, Leslie moved pacing. Back and forth, back and forth, books swirling around her as she went.
Marco compressed and hid his power and stepped through, if she felt anything, it would be like the shaddow of a ghost, nothing to take mind of, since it was rather common.

He looked at the shaddow and smiled

"thanks, i owe you one"

nodded to the shaddow and even gave her a quick hug, then he went about sneaking upstairs, keeping to the sides so they didnt creak

soon he got to her bedroom door, through a gap on the door he could see her pacing with some books, he waited untill she was facing away from the door for him to phase through it, going invisible as well.

while she paced she would soon feel 2 large hands wrap around her waist, and she would feel familiar lips kiss the back of her neck

"afternoon, sunshine"
The shadow simply watched him, before returning to looking at the cieling.

Leslie froze, the books all clattering to the floor as she twisted in his grasp, bringing one leg up behind her as she dead weighted herself as a defensive motion.
Marco's grip was loose and relaxed, so he went almost flying back, slamming into her bedroom door, she missed his nuts by barely an inch.

"ugh... and a "good afternoon" to you too"

he got back up, and brushed himself off

"if this is how you greet me, then i'd hate to see how you'd greet someone you hate"

he became visible again, and waved sheepishly at her, a smile on his face.
Leslie turned, staring at her door as it instantly repaired itself, dust layer and all. Blinking at him as he because visible, she cocked an eyebrow. "The last time someone did that. I woke up on an alter to die." She stated simply, before nodding at each of the books as they floated in the air once again. They zoomed back to their place on the shelves that lined the entire room.
"alright, point taken"

he cracked his neck and back, that kick was really something.

"well, i just thought i would come by, pay my love a visit..."

he picked up one of the books that flew back on to the shelf

"whatcha reading?"

he had a glance in one.
Steven chuckled as Marco vanished. "Shock absorbers only? Useless,considering my forte." An image shot across his mind. A raging battle. Alec was opposite him. "Crap..." Another image. A man,bearing a very striking resemblance to Alec. "I just pissed off the entire Deathlind clan..." He remembered the blast,he remembered the boy,he remembered Aenor.


Steven looked at one of the doctors. "When you were poking around in my head,did you discover another presence? One that seemed...Stubborn?" Steven streched his arms out in front of him,and jerked his elbows down. The plates on top of his forearms flared outward like small shields. Another jerk,and they retracted.
"another presence?" asked the nurse, she turned and revealed she had the head of a wolf, her body was humanoid, not quadroped but definately not human. she was covered in brown and grey hair, her legs were like that of a wolf and a long, hairy tail.

"hmm, we did find some other energies, but we assumed that was a bit of magic stuck there when you "lost your mind" so to speak"

her eyes shot open and she remembered what she looked like

"please don;t be scared, Mr Steven, i was just hiding my true form with some magic before, i'm one of a race of people once enslaved by the old ones, Mr Highland set us free, now many of us work for him of our own free will"

she saw the arm-shields

"sir, bring them out again.. now turn your right hand clockwise and your left anti-clckwise about 20 degrees"

once he did that, he found those "plate-shields" actually bought up an energy shields on both sites, they drew power form his magic, he could feel it

"there are many other functions Mr Steven, like..."

she pulled out a manual, it was 5 inches thick, she put it on his lap

"this should explain the basics of your new functions, sir"

she lifted up the bottom of his blanket, he could feel his big toe get squeezed, and he could feel 2 small things pop out, she came back up with 2 Pez, and gave him one

"Mr Highland thought it would be funny"
Clashing of metal could be heard off in the depth of the forest. Riyoshi was taking long deep breaths as he jumped and dodged out of the way.

"You are better then i thought." Riyoshi said as he flipped in the air and landed on his feet.

Spinning around, Riyoshi held his hand next to his chest. Inside his clinched fist, was the brown stone. Smiling, Riyoshi took a deep breath and held the stone up to his forehead.

"You are going to like this one." Riyoshi said aloud.
"oh?" said sam, darting in between trees.

"you're forgetting that footwork i told you about!"

he sliced Katsura, right in front of Riyoshi there was a quick slice of "sharpened" air whipping past him, then Sam jumoed on to a tree branch and ran at Riyoshi.
As the blade of wind merely missed his hand, Riyoshi exhaled and stumbled backwards.

"I know i keep forgetting about the foot work. It is harder for me to use footwork. I am better at magic intelligence and dispersal." Riyoshi said as he rolled backwards and landing again on his feet.

Looking into the trees, Riyoshi tried to locate his friend.

"You know that you are tens of times faster then me and yet you still expect me to remember my footwork." Riyoshi said as he placed the stone back at his forehead.
"oh come on now, you're fast enoguh for those techniques! i've seen you faster than this, or has someone been having too many snack-cakes?"

Not like Sam would blame Riyoshi for a sexond even if that was the case... those snack-cakes were to die for.

by then he was right in front of riyoshi, he thrust Katsura down, who blunted herself during the swing so the worst that could happen, is Riyoshi getting a knock on the head and him falling.
After he heard the remark of the snack cakes, he couldn't help but smile. Those things were crazy good.

"Become one with terra firma!" Riyoshi yelled out as a crown formed over his head.

As the crown formed, the blade clanged with the metal crown. A quick shot of fear shot across Riyoshi's face as he seen the edge of the blade in front of his face, but was overcome with joy as the blade did not make contact with his head.

"I cant believe that you actually would attack me with that blade of yours, but all in all. Wouldn't you say? Do you like this form?" Riyoshi said with a large smile on his face.

Taking his hand off his forehead, he opened his palm and revealed he no longer had the stone in hand.

"You ready for this battle to start now? I am getting a little intrigued with this now." Riyoshi said as he grabbed the blade and removed it from his crown.

"yeah, ni-"

sam bought up his lef and kicked Riyoshi in the nads

"ooh, too bad"

he jumped and did a spinning-kick, sending Riyoshi flying off the branch and onto the ground

"you talk too much while fighting, this ain't an episode of Naruto, i won't wait for long monologues or for you to "power up""
Riyoshi laughed as he fell to the ground. Landing on the ground, he seemed to just sink into the ground rather then land upon it. Reaching up, Riyoshi pulled himself out of the ground and stood upright again.

"You see, This is where this form is great. I am strong as earth itself." Riyoshi said as he brushed himself off.

Riyoshi cracked his neck and then rubbed his left shoulder. Looking up at the trees, he pinpointed his location and pointed at Sam.

"Oh. And you can no longer hide from me." Riyoshi continued on as he reached his other hand into his pocket and grabbed out another stone.
"oh?... katsura, go sharp"

"are you sure, Sam-sama?"

"you heard him, we can't cut him now"

the blade became sharp once again, and Sam took a step back

"sure i can;t hide, but that doesnt mean i can't beat you"

sam ran, not away, but he was beginnig to circle Riyoshi, he was using his full speed, somthing Riyoshi couldnt match.
Riyoshi could 'feel' every step but his eyes could no longer keep up with the movement and he smiled.

"This is going to be interesting. Your offense versus my defense. I wonder who will win." Riyoshi said as he placed his palms together.

Clenching his hands together around the stone, Riyoshi brought his hands up to his mouth.

"The motion of the wind is always changing. Wouldn't you say?" Riyoshi said as he looked down at the ground and exhaled upon the stone.

As he exhaled, a large torrent of wind hit the ground and threw up some dirt. It was making a small dust storm for the forest floor was harder then normal. The dust cloud was only about 5 feet in diameter.
The book Marco picked up formed a face and screamed the second he opened it. Leslie took it from him gently, and brushed the spine, the thing cooing back to sleep as she set it back on the shelf. "That one in particular is on severing souls.Nasty little bugger, really, overly finicky to touch if your not careful." She looked over at him, shrugging a little, "The others on things such as a love potions, taming creatures, and reading locked minds. Just to name a few."

Nodding her head as the shadow entered, a variety of drinks floating around it. Motioning towards them, Leslie twitched out a smile in a form of politeness. "Please, help yourself."
Marco took a drink, it tasted nice.

he glanced at a pink book that was floating arund her before, ""spells of love" it said, he smiled a bit.

he walked up and hugged her, it haden't been that long since he last saw hr, but he still missed her every second.

he put his forhead up against hers, but he dindt say anything, he just smiled.

Sam sayed well away from the forrest floor

"damn, setting the ground, who knows what traps he could lay down there"

"Sam-sama, i reccomen-"

"yeah i know.."

he sheathed Katsura, and leapt to another tree, from there he got into possition, his hands began glowing, andthe placed them to his head, enhancing his vision

"i see, the ground is just harder than before, damn, if i jumped down there i can wave "good bye" to my ankles"

agasin, his hands glowed, but this time the glow reached through his body and he jumped, making him levitate very slightly, so when je jumped, which he did, he would land softly.

once he landed, he had his eyes closed to protect them from the dust.

he listened, for every sound, after a few seconds, he took off, going in a zig-zag apttern straight at Riyoshi.

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