WW - The New World

Staring at Marco, not bothering speaking, she just watched him. Following his movements with her eyes, she tried to spark a spell again, but this time, not even flickers of power went through. Her eyes moved to the orb, and watched the thing turn to dust, showing there was nothing inside of it. A subconscious laugh rang through her skull.

he grabbed her by the hair and loooked into her eyes, he looked angry but Alec knew him, she could see he wasn't angry, but he was terrified for her.

"what the F**K HAPPENED THERE!?"

he held up some of the black sludge.

"this isn't Creeper-sludge, this is something else, now spill it Alec"
Flicking her eyes to him again, her mouth twitched up into a small smirk. "Nothing..." She muttered, before returning to her silent state. Keeping her stare focused at him, her irises would occasionally flicker to a purple. The laughter in her skull increasing.
that smirk wasn't Alec, and something was up with the eyes... why was it always the eyes?

he sighed, and placed his hand on her head, he began reading her mind, but all he got was a strange laughter, it was dark, and evil, he pulled his hand away.

"well well, looks like i'm making some progress already"
"Are you now?" A strange version of Alec's voice hissed as the eyes solidified into a dark purple, the skin starting to cover itself in markings. "Are you really making progress or did you just let your friend die.....?" Her head snapped up, her whole body moving like his stun spell was never placed. With fangs baring through, she stared at Marco, "Your choice."

his fist flew out, smashing into Alec... or whatever this thing was's face, sending her/it flying back.

"oh dont be such a crybaby, i only shattered your Jaw"

from his back, 3 large tails seemed to sprout, they sucked the light from the area around them, something even the pure darkned form before wuold be envious of

"now... what are your terms for letting her go? and dont try and cry about a broken jaw, i know you can fix it in a second... whatever you are"
Cackling as his fist connected, the wound disappeared the second it was caused. As her form shift finished, a young latino woman, smooth stomach and luscious curves, border-lining succubus, stood up, staring at Marco. "Terms? I don't do terms." Turning away from him, she laughed , giving an offhanded wave. "Thanks for killing her only mode of resistance. Your truly a saint of worst intentions."
"oh i think you will do terms...especially considering..."

a barrier went up around them

"especially considering that you can't escape, you cant change realms, yu cant teleport away and you cant just walk through this barrier... i can sense Alec inside you somewhere, and i'm gonna bring her out"

he cracked his knuckles

"your quite a looker you know that? like some of the succubi in my army... frisky ones they are, have to lock them up every night or else they get into the barracks after lights-out and keep whole platoons up all night, if you know what i mean"

he grinned

"just something about their figures, their tails, their horns, their glowing eyes..."

he shook his head

"sorry, i get hit with so many charm spells by them i sometimes drift off, now about terms... ah yes! release Alec now or i'll kill you, thats my term, and your rebuttal?"
"You can try. " Meido said simply as she stopped walking. "And they have nothing on what I can do..." Looking over her shoulder at him, "And I suppose you can, yes, not that it could do you much good. The council took the magic, you took her free will to move, and I took over. She's dead as far as your concerned. "
"well, if she's dead then i'll just have to bury her!"

he launched at her, thrusting a fist at her head, but at the last moment, he pulled his fist back, spun around mid-air and kicked her.
As the kick connected, Meido seemed ultimately unaffected. Alec's weak presence however, flared up in a sign of pain before dying back down. Looking at him, she smirked. "Try harder, I dare you."
"huh.. alright"

he went at her again, and connected an uppercut sending her one foot airborne, he placed a hand against Alec's stomach, then he jumped back.

"huh, your not carrying Alec's child, good, that means i dont have to hold back... control art restrictions level 1 through 12 release"

instantly, his presence became almost crushing, his ees glowed red, his skin had a visible aura... this power was pure manevolence, pure greed, gluttony, pride, envy... and wrath above all.

he raised his hand and a shaddowy hand streched out, grasping Meido by the head, raising her high above the ground.

"bye bye"

he sent a shock through her system, preventing her from changing at the last second to Alec, and he began bashing her against the ground.
Meido just cackled, every time a wound came inflicted, it disappeared, the inner presence giving off a signal near screaming. "You don't learn do you?" Taking the beating, she just remained a mix of laughing and smirking, pure mocking of him and his motions.
Marco gritted his teeth

"se doesnt resist, because it's alec taking all the punishment... normally i wouldn't stop, just heal her later, but she wants that baby to be born, and i can't kill it... think Marco, think..." of course all this was in his head.

suddenly his eyes shot open, thats it! the inner-sanctum! where only people's presence and conciousness exist, a place outside time and space... and already the imposter was in the perfect possition.

suddenly the black arm holding the imposter solidified, and several smaller arms shot out and grabbed the imposter, holding her limbs appart, even smaller hands holding every individual finger, another arm held her tongue out, herarms were stretched out, the legs eagle-spread.

and then, the arms began drawing her in, Marco's body seemed to open up, a pure black vortex inside him

"come here kitty kitty kitty"

he drew her in, soon her hair was caught in the vportex and the rest of the body followed, she couldnt resist.

soon the body was completely inside the vortex, and it swallowed Marco from the inside-out, leaving no trace of any of them.

Soon, Alec would find herself in a pure white room with 2 doors, one leading into a huge maze, the other leading to the exit, the "other one" was nearby and Marco was guarding the exit

"now i can burn you out without any risk to alec"
Standing in the room, staring at Marco, Meido grinned. So he wanted to play this game then. Hearing a gasp next to her, she slid her eyes over and laughed a little at the sight of Alec. Completely ignoring Marco, she looked at Alec and grinned. As the witch looked back, she went pale seeing a horrible horrible thing, backing up, she hit the other door that led into the maze. Meido stepped towards her, and Alec turned and bolted through it, a look of terror filling her eyes.

Turning her focus once again to Marco, Meido laughed. "Then do it..."

Marco flicked his wrist, Meido's tongue exploded in flames, leaving scorched pieces of her tongue all around the outside and inside of Meido's mouth.

"amazing how easily the tongue becomes a bubbling puddle of grease, isn't it? how's it feel?"
As the pain filled her mouth, Meido stared at him. A sneer formed on her face as her tongue stitched back together leaving it just throbbing. "Just delightful...." Flicking her hands out, the room was flooded in deadly spiders, leaving everything just looking like a wriggling mass of black.
marco didnt even glance at the spiders, he flicked his wrist again, this time the flames erupted from Meido's insides, blasting out her mouth, melting her throat and tongue, tearing her stomach appart and boiling her stomach acid and letting it flow over the rest of her internal organs

"cut the crap Meido!"

he glanced at the spiders, and with a single wave of his hand, thety all melted into a huge black mass, which immediately began burning into nothing.
Searing pain, insane searing pain filled her, and almost the second it started, her body was healing again. Left with a dull ache in her body, she glared at him before running out the door Alec had gone. In a room like that, she was at a disadvantage. Turning a corner and another, she formed a plan realizing what this was. Stopping, she shifted, and waited.
marco was hot on Meido's tail, in several corridors Meido got completely scorched and blown against the end of the corridor by Marco almost every time she paused to think about which way to go.

"come out Meido, keep hiding and i'll burn your bone marrow!"

he got to a corner, and found the burned flakes of flesh had stopped, he lost her

"oh well..."

he began walking down the corridors, watching the corners, he started by taking a left, then a right and so on...
Hearing Marco's footsteps, Meido stepped out, coughing and holding her side. The only difference, she didn't look like Meido, no, she looked like Joseph. "Marco...." Another cough and a look of pain, as he fell to his knees. "Help...."

He flicked his hand, setting Meido's bone marrow alight just like he said he would, flames tore from the inside of Meido's skin, her blood boiled, her sweat boiled and evaporated inside her skin, her brain fluids boiled as well, and the flames scorched her on the outside as well.

"i didnt know Joseph that well, but he was a good man, and you dare disgrace his name by taking his form? you disgust me!"

he flicked again after she healed a bit, blasting her entire front with intense jet-flames, ripping the skin from her bones faster than it regenerated.
Screaming in pain, Meido's form switched back. Forcing herself to move through the pain, she shifted her arm. It shot out, clawed and scaled like a dragons aiming for his throat.
as she charged, marco tilted his haed and raised one hand with 2 fingers pointed at each of Meido's eyes.

Jet-flames erupted from his fingers, scorching her eyes, making the surface black and flaky in less than a microsecond, the flames burned deep into her eyes, hitting the back of her sockets do the flame went directly onto her nerves, and some of it came back, brning her eyes from the inside out, as well as the outside in.

after half a second of this, marco blasted her back, again blackening her entire body with burns.

"you charged me? ME!? my specialty is close-combat! andf you tried charging me with such a patheticly slow and weak strike, without even trying to protect yourself! you're barely worth killing!"

he blasted again, sending her scorched body slamming against the end of the corridor

"go ahead! run! the fun has only just begun!"
Grinning as blood poured from her eyes, she cackled. With them reforming, she moved quickly, disappearing, quite literally into nothing. Moving in this form through the maze, flickering about from time to time she changed tactics. She'd been near him enough to know his worst fears, and that was what she was aiming for. Reforming, boots clicking against the floor, she walked slowly, cautiously, checking everything.

Alec heard someone approaching, and moved back on a corner, waiting. Testing it, she could feel her magic there and formed a spell. A bullet of magic formed at the tip of her finger, she waited till they were next to her before moving out and pointing it up at them, staring at none other than Marco himself.

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