WW - The New World

Sam sighed

"Riyoshi, i just want to know what got into you before, i dont want that to happen again, because if you went haywire, one of us would die, and the survivor would probably end up too wounded to survive more than an hour"

h had the stones in his hand

"I just want to know if these stones made you like that... if not, then they're yours again!"
Opening his eyes again, Riyoshi and the lizard stayed in one spot and just looked at Sam.

"They did not do it to me. I was thinking that since you had your power plus katsura's power and you had it in combination, then i had to over power my own skill. I had pushed myself way past my breaking point then i guess i blacked out. I don't even remember launching the fire skill." Riyoshi said.
Sam looked into Riyoshi's eyes, moving around the stones in his hand.

"... alright... thats ok"

one by one, he began throwing them up to Riyoshi, each one was a perfect throw, each aimed at Riyoshi's chest, easy to catch

"now get that damn lizard out of here!"
Catching his stones one by one, Riyoshi put them in his pocket. Kneeling down upon the lizards head, Riyoshi stared Sam in the face.

"Like i said before. My bones ache and i am going to have this little guy here travel with me till i get to the house." Riyoshi replied.
Blanched and more tired than before, Alec reemerged into her 'office' and flopped back down on the chair. Rubbing her stomach gently, she smiled gently. "It's a good thing your a nice distraction...." She murmured, before pulling a key from a 'hole' in the air. As the whole closed, she stepped into the blind realm itself.

Sitting in there, she twirled the key in her fingers before flicking it up into the air. A lock clicked. "It's been long..."

"Too long..." A voice responded, passive and dark.

"I require your assistance."

"Tired of being weak already?"





"Shut up." Alec's eyes flashed purple, and the voice died out, and suddenly, the blind realm to her lit up in it's natural setting. Moving through quietly, around sleeping beasts, she blocked out the voice laughing in her skull and opened a portal to a new, empty place. A small little field countinents and hours away from everyone and everything. It wasn't wise to be alone, but, she wasn't now was she? And she had some 're-acquainting' to do.
Sam sighed

"alright, alright"

he re-sheathed Katsura and strapped her to his back again

"alright so, where is this house?"
"Anywhere but here. I just need to get somewhere so i can rest." Riyoshi replied to Sam.

Placing his hand upon the lizards head, the lizard took off in a full run towards the building. Leaping and grabbing a hold of the wall, it started to climb up the building. Taking in short shallow breaths, Riyoshi held on to the lizard at it made quick movements. As it got to the roof, it ran and jumped from building to building.

"Take us somewhere safe boy." Riyoshi muttered out.
Sam watched the lizard go, luckily it was like a Gecko, so it didnt damage the building... or else with a lizard that size, a whole side of the wall would collapse.

"Sam-Sama, do you really think it's wise to just let him go like that?"

"i dont know, Katsura... but i think we should be ready to act.. just in case"

"thats good Sam-sama... may i ask?... where did you learn how to unsheathe me AND how to use my flame ability?"

"... i really dont know, i didnt think about it, it just did"

"good, thats how i work Sam-sama, you are learning well"
A dark shadow spread over the field, and Alec twisted her hand, the whole thing rising up into a large tower as spiders cascaded down the sides. Taking in deep breaths, sweat was already forming on her brow. Moving her hand back, the thing shattered, and rained down blood, before halting mid air. The droplets contorted, and formed together, creating a skeleton around ten feet tall. Moving both her arms, she made sure she could still control the mimics, before releasing it back into the shadow form.

As they returned to their proper 'owners' she sighed. "Lot harder than I remember...." She mumbled. Only to get a snarky reply in her skull. Flexing her arm, she called forth the markings to her flesh and traced the one on the palm of her hand. Her eyes flashed violet, and the skin and muscle on that arm started to die away into just stark white bone. Flexing the joints, she nodded her head, before the flesh came back. So, she could do basics, but nothing more. It 's what years away does to you....makes you weak....well, weaker....
Marco was back at his place, he looked down, some of the other teachers were at work, most were in his employ both here and his army, from healers (potions) tacticians (maths) and others... so easy to find those with qualifications if you really look.

his microwave went off and he took out his tray of butter chicken and rice, put them into a bowl and pixed them up.

he then grabbed a can of Vodka and sat in front of his big T.V, putting on a DVD of family guy.

"haven't relaxed like this in years..." it felt good to have people on hand to do things for him... like his Elven Maid Shiani... speaking of which, she forgot to clean the cupboard with his plates last tuesday.

he lay back, kicking his feet up, he took a swig of his vodka can and left it floating in the air next to him, and with a simple tap, the bowl hovered to his side and the fork moved itself, to shovel some rice and chicken into his mouth whenever he wanted it, same with the vodka can.

"oh yeah, nothing can ruin this, not even..."
Sighing, she sat down in the grass, focusing a little. Dare she even try the strongest spell she'd ever created? No, not if she couldn't even fully 'mutate' herself. Her skills were rusty, and she knew full well of that fact, and sudden, she recalled when she was a kid. Her and Marco and gotten into a little spat and she'd done quite well for herself back when her powers had just been forming and she didn't know what to do.

Alec smiled faintly. Checking the watch on her wrist, while gently rubbing her stomach, she opened a mental link. "Marco?"
"... not even Alec butting in at what i'm SURE would have been a killer punchline... what do you want, Alec?"

the fork shoveled in some rice and chicken
Alec frowned a little, maybe this was a bad idea. "I simply wanted to know if we could....for lack of a better word, spar. For old times sake. Though, I understand if you wish not to..."
"no no wait, i'll spar"

he took down all the chicken and rice the guzzled down his can of vodka]

"okay, hang on"

he wiped off some of the rice off his shirt then teleported to alec, he then opened another portal

"here, it leads to the central command training centre for my forces"

ps: sorry for the wait
"I see..." Looking at him, Alec frowned a little. "I'm sorry for interrupting you." Bowing to him, she inwardly cringed a little. Always did that to him, it seemed. Standing up, she smiled faintly up at him before entering the portal he had opened.
"ah its ok"

he walked through the portal, coming to the other side.

on the other side, it was a huge concrete building, to Alec's right, there wase at least 500 mages, all sparring in over 100 smaller arenas. to her left, there were both mages and non-mages practising their spells and aim with assault rifles.

Marco and Alec stood in the centre of an arenas the same size as the others the other mages were sparring in.

"okay, lets do some warmups, something basic, close your eyes and focus some of your magic to just behind your eyes, then focus it forward, into your eyeballs, this will allow you to see the magic around you..."
Alec smiled faintly, nodding her head and doing it with ease. The air indeed was thick with magic, looking at Marco, she tilted her head. "You have....dark magic about you....is that normal?" Shaking her head, she stopped with the prying eyes of 'extra' vision.
"Alec, Dark, Evil, Bad, Light and Good are all relative to the person who is viewing it... do you think the dark is evil because you can't see in it? do you think lava is evil because it kills people and destroys property? what about a disease?"

he stopped and sighed

"but back to the point, from your perspective, my magic is indeed "dark" but do it again"

he focussed, his eyes glowed a bit, and this time his aura was pure light, like looking into a sun, even though on the outside without the enhanced vision its just his eyes glowing a bit.

"would you call this "light"? would you call this "good"?"

he stopped again

he held up one hand, and a stream of magic came from it, going up his fingers, into a single insanely sharp point

"focus your magic into your hand, and then focus on making it "sharp" like this"
"Marco, I do not mean it like that...I mean, you have a sense of....dead about you, I believe." Shrugging, Alec pulled back the sight and looked at him. "And No, I wouldn't. If I did, it would mean I view my own brother as a thing of evil, part of one of my children hellish, and a particular demon as god like. Truthfully, I'm more terrified with the lights on, than off. I'd rather not see what's hiding..."

Doing as he said, Alec pulled forth meido, sharpening it in her hand as best as she could, which meant sharp and thin, over long and pointy, while her eyes stayed violet.
"okay good... now Alec, i want you to use that, and thrust it straight through my chest"

he pointed to his chest

"relax, i get decapitated on the battlefield pretty much weekly,it's fine, stab me!"
Staring at him, Alec frowned a little, quirking her eye brow. "If you say so..." Moving her hand, she slammed it against his chest, purposely missing anything vital like she knew how to, and rather, go for a nerve center instead.
Marco moved as she thrust her fist in (thats sounded SO SOOOO WRONG!!!) so her fist went through his heart

"Alec, what did it just tell you? i get f***ing decapitated weekly! dont bother avoiding the vitals!

she felt an insane pain, as he did the same to her, but through her stomach

"ooh too bad"

he bought up that hand and sliced her head in half.

a few seconds later, Alec would find herself standing again where she was when Marco told her to enhance her vision

"we found that most trainees died during training, so each arena has an enchantment on it, as soon as 2 people enter it, neither can "die" all that happens is the "dead" body disappears and is re-formed, fully alive after a few seconds"

after seeing her reaction

"dont worry, i checked to make sure it was working just before i "gutted" you, you're completely fine, now do it again and dont worry about vitals, come at me to kill me!"
Staring at Marco, she blinked a few times. "Your insane." Shaking her head, she ran a hand through her hair, "Can anybody please tell me why I just realized that?" Looking down at her hand, she frowned a little. "And you've known me how long and you still think I have the drive to try and kill you why?"
"dont ask me, i thought you knew... considering i'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence... i dont understand how you keep forgetting that"

after she said she didnt have the drive to kill him...

"i thought you wouldnt, but i had to see... think of that like a test, now do it again, this time, aim for my heart"

he opened his arms, ready to be impaled
"Because the few times I've seen you violent...it was in a method of protecting, not hurting...." Alec replied softly. "And You know....I always failed tests like that....went back later and charmed the system to fix the scores...." Drawing forth a longer, sharper magi point, she frowned. Holding up her hand from where she was, she thought of an old trick she'd used when she was younger, and suddenly, the point, fired off from her hand and aimed towards his skull, a second going towards his legs, a last, going towards his heart.

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