WW - The New World

As the airship went down faster, Leslie grinned darkly before casting a sealing spell on it as Marco's words touched back to her. Jumping from the ship as the spell completed, she nailed the ground with ease, the earth cracking slightly under her pressure. "One little monkey and now he's dead." She muttered to herself before looking at Destruction. "The angels are very pissed off at us right now."

"Let them be. I could care less if their feathers get ruffled or not."

"Be careful."

"So, I heard your seeing a human, that human, actually..." Destruction sneered, flicking his hand towards Marco.

"It's nothing."

"Watch your back, Little Reaper." Destruction grumbled, before dissappearing in a large crack of thunder. Shifting out of her skeletal form, she looked at Marco with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry...."
Marco tilted his head

"why are you sorry?"

he saw her skeletal form fade away, but he already knew it was Leslie.

he walked up to her, and put a hand on her shoulder

"why are you sorry?"
"That you had to see that...and meet him." Leslie replied softly, an odd feeling going through her chest as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "And for killing so many of your men...."
Marco actually hesitated to embrace her back when she said that, but he did, and he held her close.

"Leslie.. remember what i told you on our date? you are a natural force,you didn't take sides just as your shouldn't its that simple"

he put a hand on her chin,lifted her head and landed a kiss on her lips

"i will never resent you for anything Leslie, you should know that by now, anyway, something like that is part of your job, and that other guy... well, he sounds like an elitist ass, but thats about as far as i've deduced"
Frowning, Leslie pulled away from him. "Doesn't make it right." She muttered, slowly walking through the battle field, holding a hand out as occasional puffs of white entered her hand. "I'd much rather you be mad at me....honestly. And no, he just doesn't like humans, they take his job from him very easily, after he lets out a nice hurricane he's generally decent."

"And Marco...I was under order not to interfere." She said, pausing in her steps. She knew what happened last time she had kept something from him, and didn't plan on doing it this time.
"your right, its not right, but you aren't a force of "right" Leslie, you are a force of neutrality... not to mention "right" is all relative to a person's point of view, no matter what, to someone we are "right" and to another we are all "wrong""

a slight frown came over Marco's face

"who's order?... and if you were told not to interfere"

he stopped himself for a second, trying to not sound like he was making an accusation

"then why did you interfere? if you were under orders not to and all..."
"Though we can choose to not take sides, we have the right to issue orders of non interference. I couldn't tell you which one sent it out, it might not even have been a suit for all I know. And because Marco. I didn't think we'd have to go that far." A hint of an emotion cracked through her voice, sorrow, before it returned to the lack of it it had. "I despise watching mindless violence, and I would give my own life to make it stop. That is why I broke the order, Marco."
"mindless violence..."

Marco chuckled

"mindless violence... ever since humanity's ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from god, to justice, to simple psychotic rage... mindless violence is as much a part of human nature as scratching ourselves or picking our teeth, of course this doesn't mean its a good thing, its terrible but..."

he sighed.

"Leslie, the moment you put your hand on that scythe, you accepted the responsibility of being the grim reaper, i dont want to sound condescending here, but you need to straighten up, and do your job!... morality, free will, so long as you hold that scythe, Leslie... those things are irrelevant"

he swallowed, feeling kinda guilty over saying that

"i'm sorry Leslie... i love you, you know i do, but i think you had to hear that"
"I don't think you know how many reapers have held this job, Marco. Before my father, the yearly amount was over 10o,000 reapers, all interchangeable." Leslie said quietly. "Regardless of how well we do our jobs, if we disregard everything, and never lay a hand in affairs that have nothing to do with, or not. I've never been the strongest, you know that. But even for the most heartless, this 'job' is overwhelming, and the only thing you can hope for, is that when you finally crack..."

Closing her hand as the last of the souls were collected, she stared at the ground. "You can forget everything." The scythe deformed back into the shadow, sporadic and barely there anymore. Looking at it with sad eyes, she gave Marco a glimpse of everything a reaper delt with on a daily basis. Children, barely a week old in their mother's stomach, innocent by standards, women, men, didn't matter, even animals. She'd seen everything, and yet she'd lasted almost 7 years.

"You don't forget any of it, Marco. Never. It follows you wherever you go, regardless of if it's my job or not...the weight it puts on your mind never stops growing. From the first life you take, to the last...the first one I had, was a child...not even two years old. He'd been shot by his own parents and thrown in a lake. If you think someone can just straighten up with this, every single day, you are sadly mistaken. And don't even tell me about those that you've killed, you at least have a reason, the only reason I have, is that it's my 'job' requirement."
as the images flowed into Marco's mind, his eyes shot open, his arms were shaking.

by the end he fell to his knees at Leslie's feet

"i... i'm sorry leslie, i.. said that like ti was so easy but all these..."

he was still shaking, after barely any time at all

"Leslie... i'm sorry, i'm so sorry i even tried to make light of this... please... let me carry this as well, leslie... you should'nt have to bear all this on your own"
Seeing what it did to him, Leslie closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that to you...." She said quietly. Crouching down next to him as she pulled him back to the school, into his room with the rest of the magic she had. Gently rubbing his back, she sighed softly. "I'm so sorry..."
"no dont be... i'm glad you shared that with me"

he bought up a hand and placed it on Leslie's hand.

"thank you"

he held her hand up a bit and kissed it

Meanwhile at Central Legion medical centre

"Doctor Akagi, Kalypso is beginning to flatline!"

"what!? gether on the opperating table now!"

they did so, they took Kalypso out of Stasis but kept her unconcious

the slowly cut her open, the advanced healers were standing by

"okay sh... she's dead..."

a rub had snapped off and impaled her heart, Kalypso was dead

"s.. should we tell the commander?"

"i'll do it.."

Back at the house, just as Marco kissed Leslie's hand, the phone rang, Marco put it on speaker

"Doctor Akagi, what's Kalypso's condition?"

"commander... i'm sorry, she's dead"

Marco went blank for a second, then he hung up.

he put his head in his hands, he couldn't help it, he began to cry, his best friend in the world, the one he loved just as much as Leslie, (but in a different way of course) was dead, and he couldn't help her.

his tears began to come between his fingers and drip onto the table, this was too much, even for Marco. he tried not to sob, his entire body shook, he felt this was somehow embarrassing, crying his eyes out right in front of Leslie like this.
Leslie gently rubbed Marco's back, not really caring. She didn't know why he was like this,as she didn't know how close he and the dog had been, but she knew it wasn't good, and so, she had no reason to care if he cried, because really, if it hurt him like this, all she wanted was to be there for him regardless. Slowly moving over closer, she wrapped her arms around him, tucking his head under hers and just gently rocked back and forth, like that, while in the back of her head, she was forming a plan of the rule breaking kind.
Marco stopped as Leslie held him, having gotten a hold of himself again.

"t-thank you, leslie"

he wrapped his arms around her as well.

"i love you... so much"
Leslie nodded her head, " I know..." Kissing his forehead, she frowned a little. Hugging him tightly, she sighed. "I'm sorry, Darling...."
Marco's eyes widened a bit

"umm... sorry for what? if its about that thing with the soldiers, i thought we were past that"
"No. For what happened..." Leslie said, frowning a bit more. "Did the pup not create tears for you of sadness?" Looking at him, she seemed bemused.
"ah... sorry about that, i'm not exactly used to people saying "i'm sorry" for grievances"

he forced a smile when looking at her.
Leslie nodded her head, before setting a hand on the side of his face. "Stop." She pulled his 'smile' back down before standing up. "Unfortunately, As much as I want to stay here to help....I have more work to attend to." Nodding her head to him, she stopped only to hug him for a brief moment before disappearing, in her wake, a coin lay on the ground. Reforming at random, she sighed dragging her hand through her hair. First Marco and the pup, and now children. Again.
before she left marco said

"hey Leslie... thanks"

he picked up the coin, and looked over it.

he smiled a bit, remembering his 7 year search, every single time the trail got cold, one of these coins would always turn up, and never before that, only when all hope seemed lost.

he kissed the coin then tucked it into his pocket, then smelled himself, he stank like one of the old ones.

"time for another bloody shower"

Meanwhile, Sam was running across the rooftops, away from a gang of bullies, in his arms he held a teddy bear.

"almost there"

he jumped across a gap between 2 buildings, the 3 mage bullies continued right after him, clearing the gap with ease.

"damnit damnit damnit"
Riyoshi was walking down a hallway that seemed to go on forever. As he walked, he looked upon the 5 stones in his hand.

I know each one of these stones has unlimited energy. But am i only truly powerful to tap into a small fraction of them? Riyoshi thought to himself.

Continuing to walk, the stones started to vibrate and move around his palm as he focused upon them. Each stone lit with a dim light and slightly elevated off his palm, they circled each other. As he took a deep breath, the wind stone lifted up higher then the others. Exhaling his breath, the stone leveled out about an inch and a half above his hand. Now with a puzzled look upon his face, he stopped walking and studied the other stones. The remaining four stones spun in a counter clock-wise manner while the wind stone spun in a clockwise pattern.

"Well that is odd." Riyoshi couldn't help but mutter out loud.

Reaching his other hand up to grab the stones, they each separated an inch away from each other. Now in a honeycomb pattern above his hand, Riyoshi couldn't help but think something was about to go wrong. Nothing has happened like this since he was on top of the school and was instantly teleported away.

"Oh no." Riyoshi said as his eyes opened wide in fear.
Sam took the fire escape down the side of the building, the 3 bullies close behind

donw below another one of them was waiting

"i got him lads!"

Sam jumped, using a slight burst of magic to break his fall as he rolled and kept running

"i dont got him"

he ran across the open courtyard, there the bullies were faster, they almost caught up to him when he burst through a school door into the building.

he went up the stairs to the 3rd storey and turned into the hallway

"come on you smug f**ks"
Stopping in the middle of the hallway, the stones stop illuminating and fell to his hand. Hearing the screaming, Riyoshi looked behind him to see a familiar face.

"What the hell are you screaming at?" Riyoshi asked.
"behind me!" he shouted, the 4 bullies were right behind him, none of them noticed riyoshi

Sam's face was not full of fear, instead he was 100% focussed, like one of these bullies while getting chewed out by the teacher.

on his back was Katsura, unsheathed, she was giving off some possitive energy, clearly happy that Sam didnt have to resort to using her.

he ran past riyoshi and stopped, and so did the bullies

Sam kept low and stopped, the momentum of his running made him slide a bit

his eyes glowed a bit and his throat expanded

he began throwing up gallons of water, like a fire hose, all coming from inside his body, up his neck and out his mouth.

while spraying his eyes went to riyoshi and he nodded, symbolizing "now!"
Smiling at Sam, Riyoshi threw all but his earth stone in the air. Bringing the earth stone close to his mouth, Riyoshi took a deep breath. His skin started to get dark and rigid like it was becoming a stone itself.

"Sand storm!" Riyoshi yelled out as fine sand shot out from his mouth.

As the sand collided with the water, it made a mud mixture. Seeing the water over power the sand, Riyoshi charged more magic into his spell. More sand poured from his mouth as it continued to mix with the water. As the mud completely covered the bullies, Riyoshi caught the other stones and nodded at Sam.

Putting the other stones away in his pocket, he kept the fire and wind stones in hand.

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