WW - The New World

the 2 figures did something, but it was'nt expected.

they didnt fire, they just stay there, not moving an inch

"sir, we've been detected... very well sir, commencing coverup"

the barrel of the gun was twisted, and then something was put on the end, and it looked like a blowtorch.

if anything, they didnt look like assassins, but instead they looked like thieves preparing for a heist.

the girl sat the meal down

"My father will appreciate the thanks.. he tells me all the time, when he first met the Commander in Pakistan... he was in a mosque, praying and those demons came in... instead of fighting them,most of the people in the mosque turned on each-other, then the commander came and saved us... of course i was barely 10 at the time, but i remember, my legs were broken and he pulled me out of the rubble and carried me to safety... after that my father joined the legion... and a month later his leg had been bitten off by a giant worm"

she looked out the window

"ugh... that could be trouble, i will call the police Herr Steven, you get some rest"

she waked out, the 2 across the street were waiting for their order to kill...

Meanwhile in south america, Marco was fighting on board one of the enemy airships.

"activate the anti-magic field! he f**king ate henderson!"

the field was activated, and marco's aura dissapeared

"anti-magic field...clever"

he continued to fight, butnow the enemy had the upper hand
Steven quirked an eyebrow. "Thank you,young lady. That would be prudent..." He sat down at the table,watching the scene unfold. What are you two up to,eh? He taken a bite from each helping of the meal,being wary of any odd taste.
in the hallway, the girl rolled up her sleeve and touched a button on her watch

the 2 cmmandos got a message

"has he taken it?"

"yep, he should e feeling the effects by the time we're ready"

they put the barrel back on, and loaded the rifle, then aimed it at Steven's chest.

Steven's defence field was still there, but it was unstable, it's power was fluctuating. the food had tasteless poisons in it!

they fired the huge rifle, at a moment that steven's defence was weak straight at his chest.
He saw the men point a tube at him again. I knew it... He saw the muzzle flash,felt the bullet,heard the bang,in that order. His shield,although weakened,was still nothing to sneeze at. However,the bullet still penetrated his skin. The back end of the slug was poking from his chest;it was stuck in his sternum. "Well,HELLO TO YOU,TOO!" He pulled himself from his seat,and called to them, "You bastards chose the wrong guy to **** with." Steven used telekenesis to ease himself through the window. He noticed it was sluggish,and chunky. Looks like I have to rely on a sword. He continued to hobble towards the men,now brandishing Rudara as a Katar. "Make a storm. I don't want a single bullet flying straight." "Easily done."

Rudara used his powers to spin up a cyclone around Steven. If they wanted to kill him,they'd have to get close. "Come at me,bro."
the commandos watched

"those swords are a problem"

"shall we activate the anti-magic field?"

"that has no effect on demons, which i'm guessing those things are"

"Orders, sir?"

"simple... it was an honor knowing you, Private Ziao"

"you too, Corpral Lin"

Lin walked out, pulling out his blade, it was shorter than Steven's blade, but it was sharp and tough

Lin ran at Steven, his sword ponted forward.

just before he got in range, Lin jumped, while in the air over Steven's head, he jabbed down, aiming at Steven's neck,
Steven watched the men,and was amused when one of the men drew what appeared to be a butter knife. The man charged,and Steven stood his ground,slowly raising his arm to deflect. When the man leapt,Steven exploded into action,using the flat of the katar to slap the incoming blade away,then quickly brought his light weapon upwards,under the man's ribs. "Nice try." He saw an emblem tattooed on his neck. "that emblem...It's vaguely familiar..." He thre the man's body off the katar. "An it incites...An insatiable rage." He looked at the other man. "Die." Steven let go of his crutch,and put all of his weight on his uninjured leg,and summoned Igni as a katar. He assumed a loose,low stance,bouncing lightly on his uninjured leg. "Face death,and fall."
Lin landed, Steven's blade punctured his skin bt didnt get deep.

"its over"

he ran at steven, he kept low and at the last second he jumped at Steven.

instead of stabbing him however, Lin grabbed on to Steven and clung to him.

"its over"

there was a slight "beep" and the man exploded, the bombs in his armour detonated, like a pound of C-4 at point blank range.
Steven felt a powerful surge in the back of his head when the hands touched him...Then the man promptly exploded. Steven was hurled backwards,and he dropped Igni and Rudara,which promptly vanished. Between those times,Steven had put as thick a wall of telekenesis between him and the man as possible. It worked. Barely.

Steven flew to the wall of the hostel,and hit it like a tonne of bricks,then fell to the sidewalk,back against the wall,with a small,cracked crater within,with Steven slumped below,back against the wall,head down,arms splayed to the sides. Blood ran freely down the back of his head,both nostrils,and both eyes. A nub of bone was poking out of his previously impaled and cauterized leg,which was also bleeding profusely. God,dammit... He was alive. Barely.
the other commando came up to Steven.

"no chances" he siad in english.

he pointed his shotgun to Steven's head, but rigt before he pulled the trigger, his face seemed to explode out, then he fell, there was an african-german man behind him with a smoking M14ebr rifle.

he ran up to Steven and looked over him

"Mach dir keine Sorgen Freund, du bist unter Freunden jetzt"

a small truck came up and some more came and gathered around him

"Holen Sie ihn auf der Bahre" said a woman.

the others ran tot he truck and came back with a stretcher.

one of them put a needle into Steven's neck

"Dies wird taub den Schmerz"

they got him on the stretcher and loaded him into the truck, it was full of high-tech things, they soon got to work on Steven's wounds.
as he passed out, he was put on various life support systems

"dieser Kerl ist in einem schrecklichen Zustand"

"verbinden ihn auf die Sauerstoffversorgung"

"er ist Bluthusten! Holen Sie sich die Vakuum-Röhre!"

and so on and so forth...

Meanwhile back in south america

Marco ran through the airship, there was a dart in his back, and his right arm was limp

"poison!? why did it have to be poison!?"

he ran into another corridor to find an entire squad waiting

"oh damnit all..."

he was hit by a barrage of tranquilizer darts, knocking him out.
Sighing, she looked back at the order given from the three other guardians. Would it really be wise to make all angry at her? A power flux about three feet from her made her laugh.

"You should know, Reaper, that it wouldn't." A deep male voice said. "But I suppose an equal divide would be perfect in our case."

"So is that an approval?"

"Always, Little Reaper."

Standing, the shadow moving like crazy, Leslie snapped her hand out and grabbed it by the neck. Instantly, it turned into her blade. A throaty laugh made her skeletal form grin in the most eerie way it could. Not even looking back at the guardian of Destruction, she leapt towards the field, with him right by her side.

Bouncing off of each other's power waves, they landed in the middle of the battle field, a crater of power spreading out over the ground the second they touched earth. In tandem they spoke, "Your time to fight has ended, stand down or die."
of course, the Legion believed she was just another Old one, probably an elite one, and the other was probably another.

the old ones also thought this, probably an elite one, maybe even the 2 remaining generals, or even Aides to the king.

the troops fired on Leslie and the other, the old ones charged into the remaining legion forces and the airships continued their barrage.
"You made your choice..." The two spoke again, before giving a single nod, The Reaper aimed for the troops, Destruction aiming for the Old ones. Bringing her scythe forward, she stopped the bullets in their track before firing them back at the army double the speed. Destruction cracked his hammer into the ground, splitting the earth on the Old ones side right under their feet.
there was a pink mist of blood and bone from the Legion troops that died, but they didnt stop, one of the elven scouts ran at Lesile, and swung her short but sharp elven blade at her.

at the same time, several ranged troops fired bolts of magic at Leslie.

many of the Old One's infantry fell to their deaths, but some had gotten out of the way and were moving in on the flanks.

the Airships began to change their fire from the remaining Legion troops to the 2 reapers. small rockets and .308mm rounds rained around them.
The pair went back into the air, turning around each other as they sent attacks spiring back at where they came from. "It's time, Little Reaper." Destruction said in a strange near quiet tone. With a nod from Grim, they grabbed each other's hand before setting the heads of the weapons together, murging them into a large staff. Both channeling power through it, all that they had, and in Grim's case, both magi and demon as well, before letting out a large unstopping burst of power that arched up and rain like poisonous drops of rain from the sky. Powerful enough to bore through metal, burn through skin and bone, and kill plant life on contact, and with a nearly a space not covered by it, very hard to avoid.
the spell was incredibly effective, it took down both the Legion troops and the Old Ones, and even one of the 3 airships.

one of the airships, the one that captured Marco began to pull away, retreating.

the other remained stationary, it didnt fire nor did it get any closer, it just sat there.

On board the retreating airship, the subdued Marco was dragged into a large room at the base of the airship

a man in a chinese suit appeared in the darkness

"Marco Highland... Heir to the DataDyne corporation, the ones who drove Nightrise underground... yet thanks to that... plague you bought around, DataDyne.. Died, and we became heros... such a turn around and all thanks to you"

"peh! Nightrise... how many times have you come back now? three? four times?.. dont you get it, you can't win!"

"and nether have you!... you can wound us easily but killing nightrise?... you may as well try and hold the sun in your bare hands..."

"so what exactly do you want with me? i'm your enemy and all, but do you think anyone will be intimidated by you capturing me?"

"oh no, not at all... we just want you for a meeting... our "bosses" would like to see you"

"aah, the Old One lords, tell them that unless they want to negotiate their surrender, tell them no dice!"

this went on and on...
As the two touched back down, they stared at the carnage they had created and grinned. "We have two more little birdies that broke our rule...."

"You grab the moving one, I'll send the other one straight into the ground." The reaper nodded, as the two ran forward, the remnants of the 'rain' giving them a slight charge again though not much. Kicking back off into the air, they aimed for the airships, neither knowing what they were going to do to them.
The airships were made to withstand Physical and Magical damage, but a reaper's powers were something else entirely.

the stationary Airship's bridge was empty, in fact, the whole damn thing was empty! it was all automated! all remote controlled!.

after this, the airship exploded with incredible force, shattering an entire mountain, and sending a shockwave so powerful it also dangerously shook the other airship.

"Sir! Decoy2 is down as well!"

"well damnit, what the f**k are those th-"

there was a loud CLANG as the airship was boarded by the agend of destruction

"what the hell is happening here!?"

inside the interogation room, Marco chuckled

"you hear that? its the sound of your death.. its coming ever so slowly... and i know the footsteps of a reaper... and there is one reaper i know who-"

the Destruction Reaper crashed through the roof

"-is definitely not him!"
As the ship Grim was after exploded, she cackled, using the force to send her right after Destruction on the other one, purposly staying on the outside of it, as she walked towards the front of the airship and the control pannel of it. Destruction landed onto the 'floor' of a level in the ship. "Surrender or die." His voice boomed out.
the man in the white waved and disappeared

"hologram, figures..."

Marco tilted his head

"okay I surrender, i know not to screw with a reaper, i'm dating the Grim after all"

he tried to struggle out of his bindings

"uhh... mind cutting me out of here? eh?.. buddy?.. pal?"
"The little reaper has an interest in such a treacherous life form?" Destruction sneered down at Marco, before snapping his fingers as the ropes burned away, "I am not your 'pal' " Turning on heel, he took off, occasioncally cracking his hammer against a pipe or two.

Grim leaned down, looking through the window at the people in the control pit, the skull grinning madly as the red souls swirled in delight. "One little monkey bouncing on the bed."
as marco stood back up, he rubbed his wrists.

"uhh, thanks... ****"

he opened the door, outside there were nightrise staff working like mad, but none noticed Marco

"uhh... which way to the magic-canceling device"

a woman came running by, she didnt even look at Marco

"third floor room 7-A"

"thank you!"

Marco walked through the crowd of busy workers, all painfully unaware that their worst enemy was walking among them.

he got to the Stairwell and began moving up, getting to the third floor, up there things were less chaotic, but still...

he got to room 7-A and walked in, the magic canceling device was switched off with a simple turn of a key

"huh, easy enough..."

he opened a channel to Leslie

"Hey Leslie, you'll never guess what, i wasjust captured by nightrise on this freaking Airship, and one of your reapers busted me out.. he was a real **** as well"
"Get off the airship Marco." Was all Leslie replied, as she nailed her skull through the glass, and slid into the control pannel, the workers inside screaming madly. A few moments later, the window out was completely red and not a noise was heard. Dragging a scythe through the control pannel, she felt the ship lurch downward.

Destruction grinned darkly as humans around him tried to flee as he sent his hammer in every direction he could, causing a lot of damage, before he sparked out of there and back onto the ground at the lurch.
"get off the... your on the airship too arent you!? where are y-"

the Airship P.A system came on

"abandon ship! abandon ship!there is a monster on the bridge! we have lost control, everyone evacuate now!"

"... your on the bridge aren't you?"

the Airship shook violently and began to tilt down

"okay, evacuate, right!"

he ran out into the hallway, and ran like a madman, looking for a way out.

"oh screw it!"

he placed a hand on the inside of the hull, and as his hand moved, the metal was cut.. it was vulnerable from the inside.

soon the hull was broken and air was escaping. Marco liquified himself and leapt out the opening, solidifying before he hit the ground

"okay, Leslie, i'm free and clear!"

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