WW - The New World

Marco sighed and sat up

"we first came across them while training a new platoon, i chose to give a lesson personally... we were stopping by an elven archaeological dig, and we found it was mostly empty, nothing was burned down, and only the old were killed... the rest were taken, so we decided to track them down... we tracked them for three days over the mountains, all on foot, on the second night, we stopped just near here, there are still signs of our camp just behind us, and on the third day, we caught up to the slavers, they were about to unload their cargo onto one of their boars... we destroyed the boat with Mortar fire before the slaves could board, and in the panic we rushed them, they were unprepared and up untill the ship sank they were overconfident, so they went down easy... most of the slaves lived, one even joined my army, the rest went home"

he nodded his head a bit

"thats that little tale... the summary at least"
"I see..." Leslie looked over at the land he spoke of. "A lot of blood rests in this soil then...? Even though it is to what you call enemy...."
Marco nodded

"sometimes you have to spill a drop of blood, to save a gallon, if we let them go, those elves would suffer a pain worse than death, and they wouldnt be the last"

he pointed to where the camp was

"you see? the fire pit? the area where the sleeping bags were? i slept right here, on this spot in fact, the troops slept back there"

he pointed over

"that place we raided was a popular pickup area for future slaves, the blood of dozens of innocents lays there, and the blood of 10 old ones and 20 of their human followers"
Nodding her head again, Leslie breathed in deeply, laying a hand in the grass as her eyes flashed red for a moment. She could see the remnant of those that had died, watching the brutal destruction of each one, before a single drop of blood fell from the corner of her eye though she wouldn't have been able to explain the tear.

Retracting her hand, she sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. After being silent for a moment, she looked over at him. "Does it happen often."
"yes, very often... and thats one of the lesser conflicts, sometimes the main force will encounter a large horde of Old Ones trying to push north... those engagements lead to thousands of deaths, but thats war, Leslie... simple as that"

he put an arm around her shoulders

"you are death and i am war, we go together..."
"And even though we may fit...to others we do nothing but ruin..." Leslie mused, leaning into his shoulder and sighing. "Can we be Mr. and Mrs. Claus instead?"
"oh i wish"

as she rested her head on his shoulder he rested his head on her head

he sighed, the stars reflected on the water.

a huge wave crashed in to the shore, and a light spray of salt water came up onto them.
"We really are such an odd pair, and I suppose one thing has never changed...." Leslie smiled faintly, it was something, despite not knowing why, that she couldn't help but do around him. "We manage to fit perfectly, without knowing more than the surface."
"heh yeah, been a rocky road so far, when we first met all i was, was my dad's son, a snobby rich kid, and you were a timid little girl.. now look at us"

Marco got comfortable like that, the moon was full tonight, his mind wandered briefly to how the werewolves inthe army must be acting up, but then again, at the first sign of a full moon, they all run into their cages
"No. You were a gentleman when I met you. Hard headed and strong, and completely terrifying but good." Leslie corrected him, looking out over the water. "Marcus....what is your favorite song...."
marco chuckled a bit at "terrifying but good"

"hmm, well i dunno i guess "ain't no rest for the wicked" by "cage the elephant" what about you?"
Leslie smiled softly, giggling a little. "That...wouldn't happen to do with how well it suits you would it?" After thinking for a moment, "Follow you into the dark. By Death Cab for Cutie. Colour?"
"dark purple and red, like that dress i gave you... i dont know why i like those colours, i just do... what about you?"
Leslie felt a pang of something go through her, was it....guilt... her mind echoed. Sighing, she kissed his hand. "I prefer...pale gold and soft blue...."
as she kissed his hand, Marco kissed her on top of the head.

"beautiful colours. what about hobbies? any of them?"
"Well, I told you I picked up knitting, I don't ever really have time for things like hobbies though....I've tried learning how to cook if that counts...and I picked up piano again....I remember having to play it for..." Leslie frowned, she rarely brought them up but she really couldn't stop now, because he'd press more into it. "For those I used to serve as a child. One of the few times I never got hit.....what about you?"
Marco kissed her on the cheek

"i'm sorry Leslie... no-one should hit a non-combatant especially not in the state you were back then"

he though for a minute after she asked back

"well...believe it or not, i've actually taken up pottery, painting and kung fu, and i've developed my own cooking skills as well"
"It's fine...it's what growing up was like, it's not like I had known anything else at the time, so no harm done..." Leslie said quietly, before looking up at him. "You like pottery?"
"you grew up like that, and the fact you dont know the damage is the worst part"

he wrapped his other arm around her for a few seconds.

"yeah i do like pottery, but i still seriously suck at it"
"Think of it like this...if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have met you..." Sticking her tongue out for a moment, she giggled a little. "How do you even do it...pottery I mean, do you use a wheel or shape it with your hands...."
when she stuck her tongue out, marco decided to be a total creep and he quickly kissed her tongue before it went back in.

"you use both, the wheel keep it moving so none of it sags, and you keep your hands stationary and use them to mold the shape... its hard to explain, i'll show you one day"
Leslie's hand nearly nailed him across the face, stopping only a few inches from it, before she gently patted his cheek and just nuzzled herself into her side as she shivered. "That...would be nice."
"i'll be sure to teach you then, maybe next time you come around to visit?"

he cuddled with her for a bit longer, but something made his entire body tense and his eyes shoot open.. a low growling.

he turned his head slowly, seeing a whole pack of large wolves, as big as kalypso surrounding them

"Leslie... it may be time to get outa here, i think this if this pack's territory""
Hearing the wolves as well, Leslie nodded her head. "Yes....I suppose it is...." Standing slowly, and offering her hand to Marco, she kept herself angled towards the wolves, but never made eye contact with them.
Marco took her hand, and in front of the wolves, he held her hands and kissed her again, before disappearing in a flash of light.

they re-appeared at the bottom of the steps in front of Leslie's home in the wonderland.

"home sweet home, my love"

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