WW - The New World

"oh Leslie i.. i.."

he placed a finger to his head and when he pulled it away, the tip glowed softly

"here... i guess you only heard that part.. here's the rest"

he placed the finger on her head, it began at the point that she left.

she could then see and hear him telling Alec how he saw her as a goddess, how he wanted to start a family with her and all the rest.

"Leslie, i don't know what i was thinking when i said that first part... but i know for certain, what i just showed you is the truth and i still feel it"
Leslie's face went a very dark red, an odd sense of warmth, was it, filling her. She didn't get why though, and looking down at his hand as it touched hers, she frowned a little, not knowing what to say in response. "You, ah...ignored the question."
Marco chuckled a bit

"there are a few students i've got my eye on, some show potential, others... i just gotta make sure they dont burn the place down"

he hoped showing that was'nt a bit too much.
Leslie giggled softly, "I'm sure, with you guiding them, they'll turn out just fine. Maybe greater than you. But maybe not." She attempted teasing him.
"greater than me?.. now that would be a dream come true"

his eyes looked down a bit

"a student surpassing the teacher is the greatest thing any teacher can hope for"
"I know..." Leslie said, nodding her head, " And, if I am correct, the boy with one of my coins might just do that..." And that was the only hint she'd give. But, even though she didn't know the child, she did keep track of her coins, so she had learned a few things, but not enough to identify him properly. "After all, your a wonderful teacher."
"carries around a katana? looks like a girl? that would be Sam"

Marco snort-laughed as she said hes a good teacher

"not really, i just put them in situations and let them solve them by themselves"
"No, you have said some wise words, Mr. Highland." Leslie said, odd pangs of something that felt good going through her as she remembered sitting up unseen and unsensed in the back of his class, simply listening to him teach. "Now, what have you done in your time spent not working, for either job...?"
"well, i've been mainly trying to bail out everyone, it seems like for every thing i do, something else comes up to keep me busy"

he lay on his back, and put his hands behind his head

"i love this place... it's beautiful... like you"
"Ah, it must be..tiring." Leslie responded, before her face went red again, as she looked up at the sky. "You speak strangely Marcus. Please, do not take offense, but a person can not compare to nature, it is on it's own level of glory." She paused for a moment, "But...thank you."
Vent rolled his eyes.

"We'll figure it out. We always have before." He muttered.
"I suppose..." Alec murmured, before leaning closer to him and kissing his cheek. "So...what plans did this man have for you, anyway?"
"Faust? He..... He wanted me to regain Umbralus and become a soldier for the Greater Being, or some religious sounding bullshit. I told him I'd never get Umbralus back, and he was shit out of luck. It ended poorly for me. He's got wicked sword skills....." Vent explained, wincing as he picked his wife up, and carried her upstairs. His arm burned in protest, but he'd have this little pleasure.

"I got put in a holding cell, after we'd managed to knock eachother out. When I woke up, he was at it again. I told him to let me out, and I'd think about it.... Then I booked it. Apparently he's a little too trusting. Anyways, making my escape, he managed to inflict this nasty wonder you just fixed up on me, and I slipped through a portal I'd torn in the fabric of time with my will. I'm a little burnt out, sweetie." He explained further with a grin on his face.
As she was picked up, Alec made no protest, not really wanting to upset him further and just settled for listening to him. "He must have wanted you rather badly then, to go against you in a fight...." She mused, looking up at him, as she laced the rest of what magic she had into his system, never having liked him wounded or injured. "But that's incredibly brave of you to do, and completely understandable on the burnt out part."
"i guess we all have those little crosses to bear though"

he tilted his head to her and smiled again

"you seem kinda tense, relax a bit"
"He may have wanted me, but I want nothing more than you." Vent replied in kind, feeling Alec's magic, and breathing deeply.
"I suppose we do." Leslie said, looking over at him for a moment. "I'm not tense..."


Alec chuckled a little, "Is that so? At least this means you have your head straight..."
"says miss tense"

Marco reached out and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down with him, so she was lying beside him.

he rubbed his nose up against her and placed a light kiss on her lips.
As she was pulled down, Leslie sighed, "I'm really not tense, your just imagining things..." Sighing again as she was kissed, she stared up at the sky. "My dearest friend...if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars, and sit together, now and forever..." She spoke lyrics to an old song, ending it short as the words that followed seemed a bit gutsy to say, and looking over at him, she smiled faintly.
"Well..." She blushed faintly, looking away from him for a moment as she broke out into a large smile for no reason she could place. "It's from a movie....The Nightmare before something or other...."
Marco smiled as she smiled as well

"you mean the nightmare before christmas?"

he stroked her hair slowly

"you said you lost emotions,so whats that big grin doing on your face?" he joked
"Something like that, yeah..." Shrugging, "I can't place a reason to it. It just seems right to do." Shaking her head, her smile died, as she looked back at the sky, moving her head just so, to pull her hair away from his hand.
Marco stopped stroking her hair as she moved it away.

he put his hands behind his head, and looked up, the sun had gone down by now, and the stars were becoming visible

"i love this place... i found it on a scouting run, we were tracking a group of Old One slavers and we confronted them on the peninsula just over that mountain to the east"

he stopped, not wanting to bore her with tales of the war.

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