WW - The New World

Alec smiled faintly, before sitting down on the stair steps, pulling him with her. "You know, how did you end up in Hell...I mean, I saw you with us back here on the way back from this place....so what happened when we left?"
Vent sighed.

"I didn't actually come back. That was an illusion that managed to get back with you, to make it seem like I'd made it back. I had to fight my way off that strange planet." Vent explained, his right hand balling up into a fist.

"..... He'd tried to appeal to me. Apparently he must have thought I'd be the easier to convince of his grand plan to rule both worlds. That guy, he..... He's not right. He may seem all there with the planning and brains, but his logic is so flawed. So I fought." He winced, his arm touching something.

"What happened with Zaria?" He asked gingerly.
Listening to him, Alec bit down on her lip, sighing faintly as she wrapped her arms around him, sending small laces of magic into his system whenever it sparked back up in her dry system. "Well, I went back to my old apartment on an anger whim....and he was just there. He'd ah....been waiting apparently, showed me the sick things he calls presents as always....he didn't do anything though, before you ask...it was like, he was there, and I could feel him on my skin, but he couldn't connect it...."
"Look, I don't even know if he was real...." Alec responded sheepishly. "I mean...when I told Leslie, she said he was still in dead central buried under miles of bedrock..."
Riyoshi had ventured up to the top of the school once again and sat at the edge of the building looking off in the distance.

"What am i doing here? I have done nothing but get in trouble." Riyoshi said to himself as he reached his hands into his pockets.

Grabbing out the stones, Riyoshi just looked upon them while deep in thought.
Marco hit the ground

"Damnit Kilani, enough waiting"

Marco cast a spell on Kalypso, Making her unconcious and preserving her body exactly as it is now, so she can be helped later and teleported her away.

"there, the medical staff at my Army's base will recognize her and they can help"

Marco stood up and delivered a kick to Kilani's head

"dont freeze up like that you useless mutt!"

Marco teleported away, leaving Kilani alone, he re-appeared in his room.

he sighed heavily, and opened his cupboard, and pulled out some clothes

"some bloody sister, she asks for help then refuses to tell me what to do..."

he got a suit, with a tie and all

"what is this a meeting?..."

he threw away the tie


(sorry sweetiepiepenny, i had to think up some reaction to the prolonged silence.)
Laying there for a little longer, she didn't move till the shadow pulled her foot and dragged her off of it. Pointing at a clock on the wall, then moving over to the mirror, and writing backwards his name, Leslie blinked a few times. That's right, she had something to do that night, didn't she?

Looking at herself, she frowned a little. She wasn't exactly nice looking, but she didn't know what would be nice or pleasing. Looking at the shadow, who seemed to sigh, she forced herself to smile. Suddenly, she had a silk purple top getting thrown at her and a pair of black dress pants. After changing yet again, she started to randomly do her hair, just for the sake of it.
Marco lay out his clothes, a black silk shirt, a black jacket, black pants and white sneakers. there was also a blood-red rose nextt o the jacket

"that should do it..."

he left the clothes there as he went into the bathroom, and started the shower, took his clothes off and began washing himself.
As she finished with her hair, she stared at herself for a moment, before frowning as a thought passed her mind. Pretty and Happy. She didn't really get what it meant, and just shrugged. Looking at the shadow, she smiled again, though this time it wasn't forced. For some reason, something felt normal to do that to it.

The shadow suddenly tapped where it's lips and eyes should be, before pointing towards the dresser. Getting the hint, she started to add on as little makeup as possible, something not quite right with the way she put it on, put she couldn't put a finger on what it was about it.

As she sat there, fully ready, she tapped her foot up and down. Staring at it, she had to wonder why it was she did that. Was it not normal to sit and wait?
with the aid of various spells, the loofah, soap and shamoo all worked at once, making Marco's shower incredibly quick.

he exited it, and tepped himself on the head, all water instantly evaporated off him, leaving him completely dry.


he walked back to his clothes, and began getting dressed.

it took barely any time, as much of the clothes put themselves on him as he fixed them up, making them look good

by the time he was finished, he was in a full suit but the jacked was un-buttoned as well as the top 2 buttons of his shirt and he wore a necklace.

"now where is it..."

he got the ring he once made and placed it on top of his drawer, ready for when he needed it.


he looked at the clock, it was right on 6pm

"hmm, give it 15 minutes, not too early that i seem like an on-time freak and not too late for me to be seen as lazy"

he poured himself a glass of scotch and drank it down, then another but he stopped at 2, just enough to calm his nerves, this was in fact his first date afterall.
Finding herself staring at the clock, Leslie grumbled a little, before looking over at the mirror. She didn't know why, but something seemed off. Standing, she started to look at the outfit again, trying to get it to rest properly.

Silently, the shadow slid off, smiling it's invisible smile as it disappeared, reforming in a dark shadow in Marco's room. Stepping out, it bowed to him. Ready to escort him in to collect it's owner for the plans.
Marco smiled a bit to the shaddow

"i guess its time, i have an idea, so you just stay quiet and mask my presence until i make my presence known"

he placed a hand on the shaddow's head and used it to open a portal to Leslie's home.

he went through, and silently walked up behind her.

he bought his hands forward, and wrapped them around her waist, and kissed her on the neck

"ready to go my love?"

at this time, he was completely oblivious to the fact he had no emotions.
The shadow nodded, masking his presence completely as he had asked.

Leslie shivered as his touch, but otherwise remained unmoved as his sudden appearance. "Of course, Marcus...." Smiling up at him, for the same natural sense she had with the shadow, she looked back at him before a rush of words spilled over her mind, leaving her dazed for a moment before she shook it off, looking at him.
as she turned around, Marco returned the smile and landed a light kiss on the lips

"Leslie, are you feeling alright? you sound.. off"

her almost statue-esque feel and the fact she called him "Marcus" made him feel uneasy.

"well either way, you look absolutely beautiful... but then again, you always do"
Blushing for a reason she couldn't place, Leslie nodded her head. "I don't feel anything, Marcus." She smiled up at him again, a sort of warm buzzing feeling in her stomach making her have the urge to giggle like a young child would. "And you look stunning yourself."
Marco's eye twitched a bit

"what do you mean you can't feel anything?"

normally he would back away a bit,but he didnt, he he still held her, a look of worry came across him.
"Exactly that, I feel nothing." Nodding her head, as if to verify what she said, she moved out of his grasp and looked over at the shadow, before frowning a little. She couldn't place it, but something in the way he looked at her brought about something unpleasant. A word flashed in her head, guilty~
"dont feel anything?... wha.. how?"

he was getting mixed signals, she said she felt nothing but she clearly showed interest before.

"Leslie, please tell me, what do you mean by you dont feel anything? simply "i dont feel anything" does'nt really explain much"
Looking at him, she cocked her head for a moment, debating her words. Suddenly, she levitated a book over to them. Flickering through the pages quickly, she settled on the page of a heart transfer, and pointed towards subject side effects.

"Under use of this spell, the transferred heart retains a blank slate of no emotion to avoid a system over load in the receiving host. After transfer, the host remains in said state, unable to connect or feel emotions, though they can be triggered and receive dull remembrance around certain objects. "

Looking back at Marco, she smiled, "Make sense?"
Marco had a look at the page explaining it.

"i see..."

he put the book down, there was actually a slight smile on his face.

"you do know that emotions are in your brain, right? your heart just pumps blood"

he closed the book and tossed it casually onto her bed

"suppression of emotion is a common defence mechanism, a bit of Stimuli and you'll recover in no time"

he placed his hands on her head then rested his forehead on hers, and looked into her eyes at "point-blank"

"you forgot how to feel, and so, i'll remind you"

he let go of her head and he took a step back, they were standing on a cliff top, the waves crashed onto the shore below, and the setting sun made the water all the way to the horizon shimmer like a billion orange/yellow diamonds.

to her right there was a small picnic blanket, with a bottle of chilled wine, and 2 glasses

"shall we?"
Listening to him, Leslie had to smile for the same natural sense way she had before. She remained completely neutral over the scenery change, "Of course."
Marco went with her to the blanket, he sat down next to her, he poured a glass of champagne and offered it to her.

"here, i had an old wine expert in the army find the best bottle he could, nothing but the best"

he then poured himself a glass, then put the bottle back in the ice bucket.

he smiled gently to her.

"so, whats it like, being a reaper and all?"
Accepting the glass, she smiled softly, looking at it, before looking back at him as he asked a question. "It is...difficult. And...." She frowned for a moment, before using a word that had flashed through her head. "Unsettling? And dangerous. You make many enemies doing what I do. Many people retain a hatred towards death for taking those they loved when it was required, after all..." Pausing, she looked over the edge of the cliff, breathing in the air, "What is it like for you, a battle mage and a teacher..."

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