WW - The New World

Seeing as how Mr Highand was gone, and the grass had been mowed in all aread, Sam looked around and called out to the other 2

"hey guys, looks like its over, lets put these things away"

he pushed the mower to the door of the store room

"uhh, im not going in this time"

he left the mower outside the door

"i better get to class, anyone know what classes are on today?"
Hannah let herself be dragged up the stairs, not really caring either way.

Alec glanced over at him at the exact moment he winced. Quirking an eyebrow, "Sorry isn't going to cut it this time, Vent." She said simply, before sighing and staring at him more, already body scanning him for injuries and locating one on his arm. "Take your shirt off. Please."
Vent couldn't help but grin.

"I know it's been a while...." He joked, taking it off now that the kids were gone, revealing a horrific tear running from his uper arm, past his elbow, down his forearm.

"It got so deep it hit bone." He mentioned offhand, wincing at moving it. "... And, on another note, what will cut it? Because 'Sorry' and 'I love you' are really all I have to counter fighting for my life." He explained a bit further.
Alec shot him a look, as she grabbed his arm none to softly, looking at it as she sighed. Lacing her fingers with the little magic she had in her system, she began to weave them over the skin, drawing it together and numbing it, as she magically stitched it shut and started to speed up the healing process the best she could.

"I. Don't. Know."
Vent ground his teeth as Alec worked, not saying a word. He felt light headed already.

".... Alec.... You can't seriously be mad at me, right?" He asked, his eyes slightly pained, but not from the physical side. "..... You haven't said 'I love you too.'" He added with a gulp.
"I'm sorry, but I haven't exactly been enjoying my time with a missing husband, a child running off in the middle of the night, almost getting killed by Steven after being called a whore, and having Za-" Alec cut herself off short, as she kept weaving her fingers over his skin, while her other hand started to wrap it up in bandages. "and why the hell should I have to say it?"
Vent's eyes widened.

"First thing's first. Who called you a whore? I'll rip their throat out, so it's that much easier to eat their words. Secondly, I'll beat some sense into Steven myself, if I have to. Thirdly, I'll help discipline our kids too. Fourthly, if you were about to finish the name I think you were, can we sit down first? And lastly, you should say it because you do." He summed up all his points into one go, his legs going slightly numb.
"In that order, Steven did, something's very off with him, and I wouldn't worry, Xavier was apparently taking care of it. Discipline isn't the problem, trust me. And go sit down." Alec said roughly, not even commenting on his last point as she pointed towards a kitchen chair, picking her tea back up as she finished his arm and near draining the thing before pouring another cup.
Vent went and sat down, a little quickly, because his legs gave out.

"He's not even my main concern, Alec.... I know you're mad, but you're seriously refusing to say 'I love you'?" He asked.
"No. I'm not. You should know how I feel about you, that's that. Don't use it as an excuse to make me less angry and expect me to say it back, because it's utter bullshit and you know it." Alec spat back.
Vent bit his lip.

"I'm not using it as an excuse.... I'm just saying it because I like saying it." He replied, sinking deeper into the seat.

Yeeaaaap..... No doubts on who wears the pants in this marriage....

With a sigh, Vent grimaced.

"He's back?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Crap way to say it then." Alec replied, before her hand pressed so hard into the cup she was holding that it cracked. "Yes. He is."
Vent's eyebrow raised, in a none-too-amused way.

"What do you mean, crap way to say it? I nearly died coming back to you, and I'm gonna say it anyway I want, whenever, wherever I want." He affirmed, but avoiding Alec's gaze, looking at thie stitching job on his arm.

"And if he's back.... Can we beat him this time?" He asked, shaking his head as if already knmowing the answer.
"I. Don't. Know." Alec responded, biting back her response to his first retort. Simply setting the cup down in the sink, ignoring the small cuts from the ceramic shards biting into her flesh as she moved towards the stairs to go tuck the kids into bed.
Vent followed after her, a little wobbly.

He grabbed her, however gently, and proceeded to very slowly take the pieces of ceramic from her hand.

"I'm more sorry for not being here for you than anything else in my life. But I promise nothing will ever keep me from you again. No matter what...." He told her, holding her left arm at the wrist, and his right hand grasping her shoulder.
Watching his hand taking out the shards, Alec sighed, eyes going blurry as tears filled them. "Don't promise that, please, don't..." Moving closer to him, she kissed his cheek, moving her hand out of his grasp as she hugged him gently, "I love you too." She whispered softly.
Vent let her arm go as he wrapped his arms around her as well.

"Nope, still promising." He let out, a tear going down his own face.
Hugging him a little tighter, Alec sighed. "I'm sorry." She muttered, not having a clue what else to say to him.
Marco smacked Kilani

"dont tell me what to do, unlike you, this is actually doing something possitive!"

he reached under Kalypso, and tried contacting Leslie

"Leslie, can you hear me? it's marco, we have an emergency"
As a voice filled her head, Leslie frowned and growled deeply, the shadow going haywire. Pulling on a shirt and a pair of jeans, she responded without much emotion, "What emergency, Marcus."
Marco had panic in his voice

"its Kalypso, shes dying! we need help!"

he didnt even notice she called him "Marcus"
"I can't help if it's alive." Leslie responded curtly, as she looked at her shadow and sighed. Falling over onto a bed, a sheet of dust raising into the air, she sighed. Moving her fingers idly, making cobwebs, she truly didn't know what to do with herself.
Marco cut the connection wth Leslie

"DAMNIT! shes not gonna help us!"

he placed a hnad on Kalypso's head, trying to relax her in some way

"its ok Kalypso, we're here"
After the students' sentence was finally done, Lola picked up Jirou and went inside. She continued on into Mr. Highlander's office in a trance-like manner to grab her backpack and Jirou's tinkle ball. As Lola reached into one of her pockets, Jirou had awaken from the sound of his favorite toy, and wriggled. "Ball!" He seemed to shout. When Lola pulled out her schedule, she unfolded it and looked at her first period class. Let's try this again, ​she thought with a yawn.

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