WW - The New World

Steven whirled around,blasting Marco back with telekenetic force. He hovered,and threw his jury-rigged crutch off the rooftop. It fell to the ground far below. They were atop the world's tallest free-standing structure. "So. You must be Vent. Or are you Marco? Doesn't matter." Wristwatches appeared up his arms;they had paladium batteries,which extended the magical life of any mage in contact with them. He wasn't able to conjure before. After that,a nugget of platinum appeared in his hand,which he squeezed. He felt reinvigorated.

"You're an obstacle." He summoned Igni and Rudara,in the form of broadswords,and a multitude of longswords appeared behind him,like wings. "And obstacles exist to be destroyed." He swung Igni,greating a wave of flame,then Rudara,making a wall of wind. The longswords started to whirl around Steven,in a defensive manner.
Marco examined Steven's blade formation.

this strategy was incredibly effective, but these are blades, physical objects, what is needed is something their effects can't damage... a gas or something similar.

Marco placed his hands against his chest, and soon, his entire body turned into a thick black smoke, which made a b-line for Steven.
Steven smirked. "Gasses are made of particles. I can move particles." Using telekenesis,he started to exert a force on the very particles making up Marco's being,and supplemented with incredible winds from Rudara. The tower flexed,and screaming could be heard below. "Try harder." More swords appeared in the air,around the fog bank that was Marco,moving very erraticaly,but always pointing towards him.
Marco's "body" split apart, scattering all about.

but soon, his body re-formed into a solid mass.

"Come on Steven, what's gotten into you? its me, Marco! the one guy you can't drink under the table!"

Marco's body began to change, his limbs changed into strange moving shadows with slight red glowing spots.

"you know those swords can't hurt me Steven, and you know your telekinesis can only keep me back, but you can't keep it up forever... face it, you can't beat me!"

Marco launched himself again at Steven, crashing into his sword guard, he consumed the swords asn reached out, grasping Steven's head

"enough Steven!"
Steven smiled under the palm. "I don't know you." He delivered a punch to Marco's chest,supplamented with telekenesis,and a ray of fire erupted from his knuckles. He followed up with a thrust kick to Marco's chest. "But thanks for the data." Then,Steven vanished. Gone.

You knew you couldn't defeat him. My leg was impaled. I had to run. I need to wair for it to heal. Even at your best,Marco Highland would've killed you. Doubtful.
Marco hovered there, the wound in his chest already gone

"damnit... no trace"

he landed back on the tower Steven was on

"ugh... i better give the others a heads up"

he got another fraction of a message from Alec.

"looks like today's work ain't finished"
Zaria laughed coldly in her ear, loving her reaction as he kissed her cheek. "You like it? That's wonderful...here, I have something else to show you..." He guided her past the bedroom, into the bathroom, which was also covered in blood. Hanging from the ceiling by their tails was thousands of living, writhing rats, teeth gleaming as they stared at her. As her knees started to go weak, she looked up at the demon, watching him grinning and inhaling slowly, taking power from her fear.
Marco boosted the power to reach ales, all he needed was a nanosecond to pinpoint her.

his message was

"Alec, answer me right the f-k now!"

the message was strongly worded and to the point. exactly what was needed.
Through all the fear, a few words of a sentence cracked through, most notable the f bomb. Mentally trying to get a message through, another cracked one slipped out over the cover, a simple -Co. Suddenly, Zaria wheeled her around, and brought her back to the living room, past the dead body, and back to the kitchen section of the aforementioned room. Pointing to a spot on the floor, he chuckled, "Here's where I almost killed you....lovely isn't it, can't you feel the emotional imprint left, just amazing...."
his message had been recieved, that was all he needed.

he opened another portal and so he could go.

the portal opened about 300 metres above the building Alec and Zaria were in

suddenly, in the room, everything went dark, not pitch-black, but darker, the air itself began to feel heavy and several junkies began screaming hysterically something about "its the madness"

Marco's aura could be felt descending fast.

soon, me appeared in a loud "boom" in the next room over where alec was not a minute ago

"Alec?... captors?... if any captors are here, just surrender and i'll let you off with a light beating... and by "light" beating i mean "with a sledge hammer"!"
The second Zaria felt a magic portal open, he vanished, taking the dead body, the rats, and the blood with him leaving no trace. So by the time Marco had appeared, no one was there at all, and it just seemed like a ruined apartment, fitting to the condemned building that it was. Alec fell to her knees, breathing in shaky breaths, a hand over her heart, panic filling her, as it had all those years ago. It was a combination of a kick in her stomach, and Marco's voice that made her stand, "M-marco...?"
Marco came in the room, after looking around for a second for any ambushes, he ran to Alec's side.

"oh damn, Alec, are you alright? who did this?"

he ran a hand over her obvious wounds

"dont worry, you'll be fine, some healing ointment, and if i do my "wound transfer" on your internal bleeding, and physically, you will be fine"

he put one of her arms over his shoulders, using himself as a crutch.

"who did this to you?"
For a moment, Valentina thought of his question and turned to Marco for anything he might’ve had. Unfortunately, the man was already gone

“Uh, I only have my staff…and it’s sort-of-broken” she supplied.

When she had attacked the robot with the weapon, it became both dented and the length of it was broken. She hadn’t the time to think of it back then, but it was the only thing left behind by her mother. Digging in her pocket, she pulled out the trinket and breathed into her clenched fist; immediately the staff came to size, she managed to catch the top part with her left hand, while the base remained in her right.

“Doubt you could do any tinkering on it” she said,

Turning it in her hand, she examined the object sadly.
"W-wound...transfer...?" Alec blinked a few times, she hadn't been hurt by Zaria, had she...no, but she supposed she did get scrapped up with the spat with Steven. Shaking her head, she knew they were nothing then, and there was no internal bleeding of any kind, and it was something she could easily fix once she regained her powers after a nice deep sleep. As he asked again who did it, she stared at the ground, eyes fixed on an old stain. "...Zaria..."
Zeke quickly examined the staff,and taken out his tools;watchmaker's sccrewdrivers. "I'm not too handy with wood...Got anything...Less magic?" After a moment,he said, "I'm Ezekiel Russ. Are you a teacher? I'm here because the wizards want to examine my head..."
Valentina shook her head at his question; she barely carried anything mechanical on her, not even one to sport a watch. The boy interested her though, as he seemed very interested in the inner workings of things. Something seemed slightly off about his presence but Val couldn’t quite tell what it was;

“Yes, I teach Magical Self-defense…and Divination” she responded.

“The name’s Valentina…and what’s wrong with your head?” she questioned.
At his explanation, Val quirked a brow

“It sounds weird, but I wouldn’t know…” she answered honestly.

“The mind isn’t what I read, rather the palm or teas leaves..” she explained,

Then she offered him her hand, as an invitation.
Marco teleported alec to the medical bay, and handed her a crystal

"here, this should give your magic a boost, you can fix yourself up, right?"

after giving her the crystal, Marco walked to the door.

"i'll come back and check on you later"

he teleported again, this time re-appearing near Zeke and Val.

"sorry about that.... quite a mess, that was..."
As Alec was left alone, holding the crystal, she stared down at the floor, shaking like crazy. As a hand settled on her shoulder, she screamed, only to get wheeled around by none other than Leslie who held an equally surprised look on her face.

"Alec, snap out of it, what's wrong with you?" The reaper asked, still keeping her hold on the pregnant woman. Alec shook her head, and hugged Leslie tightly, not letting go. Muttering something into her shoulder, she started to shake less and calm down a bit. "Oh, hun..."

Pulling Alec back a little, keeping her hands on her shoulders she stared at her, the fear in the woman was visible, as were the few scrapes here and there. Putting her forehead to hers, she drew the wounds out as black bandages wrapped around them, before disappearing, giving her a slight magical boost as well. "What happened?"

Alec took in a shaky breath, looking at Leslie and offering a weak fake smile. "....I...got a visit." She took another breath, not sure if she would get the same ignoring response here as she did with Marco. "From..a demon named..Zaria....."

Leslie frowned a little, eyebrows pulling tight, before she shook her head. "Impossible...that demon is sealed under five hundred miles of hell rock in a zanite tomb, there's no way he can get out, let alone visit you, Alec."

Alec shook her head again, "No, I saw him....he ******* touched my skin, Leslie. What do you think, that I imagined that?" Leslie bit down on her lip, she would have known the second he had gotten removed from his eternal prison , and she had gotten no warning flag of any kind, and she knew Alec could be a bit...overactive with her mind.

Kalypso didn't follow Marco as he walked to the football field. She lay on the floor, eyes closed and her breath was little. She coughed a little, but then stopped. "Marco." She whispered, but he probably couldn't hear her. Help me. Her eyes filled with tears, but then stopped. She had to learn to do stuff alone, but this was serious. Help me Marco! She said to Marco in her head.
Marco sighed and decided to go back and check on Alec.

on his way he opened a channel to Kalypso and heard her calling for help

"Kalypso, why are you so upset? come on, follow my aura, i'll meet you at the nurse's office"

he got back into the main building and walked down the hall, towards the nurse's office
Looking at how angry her words had gotten Alec, Leslie had taken a step back. "Look, Alec, I'm not lying, I'll even go check in on it right now, okay?" Before the pregnant one could get a word in again, she vanished.

Alec's hand tightened into a fist before she nailed the wall, the shelf falling from it and it's items shattering and clanging onto the floor. "What the hell!" She screamed.
Marco walked in just as the items hit the ground

"dont worry i'll get it..."

he grabbed the small brush and shovel and began sweeping up the broken items

"so, do you wanna talk about what the hell happened back there?"
Staring at Marco as he strolled in, Alec cracked her knuckles. "Do I really look like I want to talk about it? Because according to your girlfriend, I'm just completely mental!" Falling into the chair generally reserved for patients waiting to see her, she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "What did you want, Marco..."

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