WW - The New World

"jeez, ease up alec... Leslie may say you're mental, but i dont think so"

he put the broken things in the bin

"Alec, look... your pregnant and you just had a close call with someone who was obviously an enemy, it may not have been Zaria, it may have been an illusion"

he took a seat

"but dont you go biting my head off just because i wanna know what the f**k i hauled you out of!"
"Look, I don't know okay. Just a horrific nightmare with a man I saw killed with my own eyes. Hell, it could have been an illusion, I really don't even know anymore, I just....he's dead, Marco...I shouldn't be seeing him anymore..." Her voice cracked, as she put her head in her hands, shaking slightly as she tried hard to get the images out of her head.
Marco sighed

"Alec... things are never as easy as simply "i killed it" its not that easy with me, and its probably not that easy with others as well"

Marco thought for a minute

"how do you know it was really Zaria? it could have just been his body being controlled by a necromancer, or maybe it was a demon taking his form, have you considered that?"
"Because he knew my name...I don't just mean Alec either, he knew my real name...." Running a hand through her hair, she shook her head, "I really hope your right...I'm too old for this." Leaning back in the chair, she sighed as she puffed out her cheeks. "I mean, really, I want a break....and if you dare say the years we spent building the school were a break, you've never raised a child before."
"heh, i wouldn't dream of saying that..."

Marco leaned forward

"you think you have problems? i'm a 30 year old virgin, the one girl i love has been missing for 7 years and odds are it'll be another 7 years before i can bed her... oh god i'm so pathetic"

he sighed, this was the first time he ever told this to anyone.

"i won't lie... i have needs, and if things dont work out with Leslie... i'll have to move on without a moments pause"
"We can easily play the 'Who's life sucks worse game' between the two of us, you know....but I'd rather not, And yeah, that does suck, but I doubt your luck is bad enough for that." Sighing a little, she chuckled faintly. "You know, she's worried about things going wrong too...she spent most of the night after you had asked her to go out fretting over on the top side, as she calls it about it. Thought she wasn't going to be good enough for you...or that she'd scare you...and hey, techincally, i'm not even suppose to be telling you this, but....I can feel where your at so...."


From the shadows outside the room, a tear drop hit the ground as a shadow figure dissolved into thin air, back to it's proper place.
"well, of course to a degree i'm scared of her... well, not realy afraid of HER but more afraid of what she could do..."

Marco leaned back

"no.. she's good enough... i see her as the true goddess she is... not as some fling or as the grim reaper... i love her Alec, i wanna marry her, i want to have a family with her but... i dunno where to even start, like how to propose and a few.. other things that i dont wanna go into details with you.. no offence"
"I get that dude, I really do." Alec replied, looking back at him, "And no offense taken, I wouldn't want to talk about that either...." Looking down at her hands, she sighed, "And mate, I'd tell her that's what your...afraid of, she might be able to reassure you away from it. And as for starting it? I don't know, just...say it?"
Marco sighed heavily

"i guess so... thanks for hearing me out Alec"

he thought of something

"Alec... how about i read your mind? then i could see this Zaria guy for myself... how about it?"
"Yeah...any time..." Alec muttered, before twitching a little as he mentioned reading her mind. She ran a hand through her hair, before sighing. "It ain't pretty, I can tell you that now..." Sighing again, she started to idly play with her wedding band, spinning it around her finger. "but...go for it...."
Kalypso tried to get up, but couldn't. Her grey fur started to turn white, and the black parts of her fur started to turn grey. The wound transfer had gotten ahold of her and it was strong. (I don't know how to explain that...) The wolf tried to open her eyes, but they were closed tight. I cannot die.... Marco would be devastated. I HAVE to live. Kalypso told herself, but was very weak.
Leslie listened to the recording the shadow had stored in it, frowning a little. Marco...would move on if she wasn't right for him? She felt her heart drop. She had already been so worried about not being what he expected, or that she'd scare or bore him, and now, there was the actual threat of what she had never wanted to admit to herself.

Closing her eyes, she slipped back into the grey scale house in her grey scale world, and began to pace. As worry washed over her, her form began to flicker between that of a skeleton with glowing eyes, shrouded with a torn cloak, and the fleshie form she held at almost all times.

Looking back at her shadow, she frowned. "Please tell me you found something for me to do..." The shadow nodded, before drawing her to the crystal ball. On the inside it showed a scene, a horrifying, sick scene. Shutting her eyes, she mouthed a silent question, and got a silent nod in response.

Warping out into the top side, she never noticed the gleaming eyes with the cloaked energy staring through the windows. As she stepped foot onto a place that smelled of blood and rotting flesh and despair, Leslie shivered. Extending her hand, the shadow distorted itself, before spreading out along her arm, into her hand, then out into the air as it extended at a jutting sharp angle.

Her form of flesh shattered into the skull. Eyes swimming with a look into the world of the dead, glowing a deathly red, she stepped across the grounds, towards the barn. Phasing through the side of it, she let out a hollow laugh, as the man screamed in fear. Reaching a hand out towards him, she beckoned to him, only to get an axe thrown at her. As the thing ripped through her, she cackled.

Pulling it out of her non existing chest, Leslie extended the scythe and let out a howl that chilled the man's very being to the core. The man scrambled away from her, but to his dismay, she warped and appeared right in front of him. Catching him in a bony hand, she wrapped the fingers around his neck, drawing the scythe over him as destroying his soul. Dropping the body, she started towards the room with the innocent souls trapped inside. Two steps later, she had been knocked in the skull hard enough to make her form change back to flesh as she hit the ground, everything going black.
Marco extended a hand, nad placed it gently on Alec's head

"okay... one... two... three!"

he read her mind, but soon he let go, he collapsed to the ground, holding his hand, it had been burned to the bone, and for the first time in years, marco felt pain.

"damnit! that bastard must've put some safeguard on your mind, all i got was some shock-images and a scorched hand... sorry Alec"

he got a message telepathically from Kalypso, a sign of distress.

"Alec, i gotta go!"

Marco teleported away, soon re-appearing beside Kalypso

"damn kalypso, what happened to you!?"

he placed a hand on her and instead of performing wound-transfer, he gave her some of his magic, he fed it into her, making her resistant to whatever was happening to her.

"its ok, Kalypso, you're gonna be fine... he magic will be uncomfortable for awhile, but you'll live"
Nodding her head as Marco left, Alec sighed and stood. He would have done that too.... Running a hand through her hair, she rubbed her stomach in thought. Wait...didn't she still have that old photo graph. Ducking out of the room, she moved quickly down the halls, going into the teachers tunnels back to her home. Coming back out from under the stairs, she paused for a moment hearing Hannah giggling away in the other room.

Sighing, Alec followed the sound into the living room. Smiling softly, she crossed the room quickly and picked her up in a hug. "Guess who?" The child giggled again, turning in her arms as she hugged her back with a yell of Mommy!
Kalypso tried to say no, but couldn't. Don't try giving me magic. Nothing will help. The wound transfer is already completed. Just leave me here to die. Kalypso telepathically said to Marco. Her fur was almost all white, and her runes were fading. "Kalypso! No!" Kilani yelled and ran over to Kalypso. She then looked up at Marco. "Why would you teach her that trick? That awful trick! Now instead of me dying, its her!" The wolf's eyes started to water and she layed on the ground. "I know a cure to this." She whispered sadly, then looked up at Marco. "Will you help me with the cure?"
Marco looked to Kilani, desperation in his eyes, his best friend was here dying, he would do anything

"whatever it takes!"

he continued to feed magic into her, the wound transfer was immense, it wouldnt stop until her body was in the propper disfigured shape.

and although he couldnt heal it on his own, what he was doing was buying her some time.

"and i didnt teach it to her, she's seen me use it, she must have copied it!"
"So, Grim's a she?" "Who knew?" "I thought it was a man like the others." "How disappointing, killing a woman isn't nearly as rewarding..." Voices swarmed through Leslie's cloudy head, as she tried to process what had happened. But, rather than open her eyes to find out, she kept herself looking blacked out till she could figure out what was going on.

Given the tones, octaves, and way of speech, they were deziens of hell. And mixed with the odd sense that she couldn't move, it was them. Slowly cracking an eye open, she was right. Who knew so many demons loved the prince so much?

"So your joining us again, are you my pet?" A very clear, precise voice drilled into her ears. He. Hadn't. Died. A hand dragged over her shoulder and up her neck, before a hard sting nailed her cheek. Cracking her neck back into place from the slap, she glared at Damien, song of Lucifer.

Keeping silent, she got a cocky grin on her face. That he promptly tried to beat off. Never once did it falter. The deziens around her howled before sure enough, he gave them the order to attack. Blades, claws, teeth, beaks, what ever they had dug into her flesh and still, her grin remained.
Kilani nodded and went to Marco's side. "First, we're going to have to put Kalypso somewhere where she will be in good care. It has to be with someone you trust very much." She looked at him. "Someone... who you love."
"someone i trust, someone i love... there are many kinds of love, Kilani, we could take her to Leslie... my girlfriend's place, or to Alec, the school nurse... i trust them both and i love them both, in different ways... will they do?"

he pumped more magic into Kalypso's body, giving her a few more minutes before the spell resumed.
Her grin remained as blood covered the ground, in some parts of her bone clear and visible. Pain was ricocheting all through her body, and as one of the demon's dug his hand into her chest, and pulled out her beating heart, she actually laughed.

Damien grasped it, glaring at her, before squeezing it. Her laughter cut short as her eyes filled with pain and fear. His hand tightened more, before the thing was crushed in his hand, and her head dropped, eyes going lifeless. He laughed, as he cut the ruined heart from the few veins and arteries keeping it connected, the last of the reapers blood hitting the floor.

As he turned away, the deziens moving to guard posts respectfully around him, he looked at one that had not done a single attack. "Go ahead, feast. I am through." Waving his hand over his shoulder, the beast moved closer to Leslie. Unhinging it's jaw, it reached forward and ripped an arm from it's socket, before swallowing it hole.

A few moments later, the creature doubled over in pain, causing the deziens and Damien to stare back at it. Slowly, he started to rot away into a corpse of just skin stretched tight over bones with a huge gaping hole in the center of it's chest, not a drop of blood felt in him.

Leslie's arm, completely unscratched and looking like it was new, crawled back up to the body, and reattached itself. "What the hell is this!" Damien roared, flashing from his spot to directly in front of her. Yanking the head up, he stared at lifeless eyes, nothing more than a corpse, but what the hell had just happened.

Suddenly, the cry of a Dezien behind him made him bring his head around. He was writhing around on the ground, clutching at his skin as if he was on fire but none could be seen. A few moments later, body charred to nothing more than ashes, another started to scream in agony, clutching at his throat and reaching our for the air before falling over dead, water pouring from his mouth out of his lungs.

"What sort of game is this!" Damien roared again, as one by one his followers fell. One boiled alive, another bled out through cuts that weren't there, till only he remained.

"Your all alone." Damien wheeled back around, staring at the corpse of the woman he had just killed. She was still dead, so who was speaking. "Your all alone, with no one to save you this time." He stared around the room, moving from the corpses, and aiming for the door. "You have no where to go." He clutched the side of his head, screaming for it to shut up.

"If you want it to stop, you know what to do." A humming noise started up, and soon voices, tenors, basses, altos, and sopranos started to chant out, drilling into his skull as his eyes widened in madness. "You know what to do, Damien...you know how to make it stop. " Slowly, the corpses of his followers started to move.

Crawling towards him they went, reaching out to him, grabbing a hold of him, all chanting for him to be one of them. He reeled back in disguist as he stood, before feeling two arms wrap around him softly. A hand guided his head to where Leslie's corpse hung. "You know what to do, you know it'd make it all stop, you'd feel wonderful, Damien, truly." The other hand pressed down into his own, allowing him to feel a slick cold metal object press into it.

Grasping it tightly, he spun around, staring directly into a skull with crazy red eyes looking back at him and the second he did he couldn't look away. Slowly, he felt the darkest secrets in his mind unlocking, and shoving themselves to full attention. Everything he despised, was ashamed of, couldn't hope to be roaring in his skull.

"You know what you must do." The skeleton seemed to say, and Damien's hand tightened on the blade that had been pressed into it. Bringing it up, he stared at it, before plunging it deep into his heart, dragging it down, and repeating over and over and over, till he fell to the ground, his insides ripped beyond repair of his powers, his black blood pouring over the ground. And on the alter of the dead, no demon of any strength could hope to bring him back to life.

As the skull reaches down, and takes the blade back into it's bony grasp, it stepped over the dead bodies, to the that of the female. Brushing a hand down it's face, the skull seemed to smile as it melted away into a black shadow. "You've done me well, friend." As their hands met, the two melded together and disappeared. Stepping out into the bleak landscape of Wonderland, the skeleton moved forward, with each step, a bit of colour springing up under it's feet. A red so vibrant and deadly, only one thing could have caused it.

Stepping into the house, up the stairs, to the last room on the right, a shadow trailing it on the walls and ceiling, it threw open a wardrobe. Pulling out a little red thing, matching the bone prints of blood trailed across the ground behind it, it's form started to meld and mesh back into something recognizable.

Stepping in front of the sole mirror in this world, Leslie Fitz, with a gaping hole in her chest that dripped blood like no tomorrow, stood, holding up a red Chinese dress, something she'd cherished and loved since the day she had been given it as well as the last physical thing connecting her to her love, while a shadow danced around behind her, also holding something red. Slowly, the two turned to stare at each other, before linking hands together, swapping the items, a "heart" for a heart.

Placing the beating heart the shadow had given her to her chest, tendrils of darkness snaked out, wrapping around it and pulling it into the empty space as flesh started to form around it, till the only indication of an unnatural happened was the little black 'crack' running across the spot directly over her new heart, while feeling a little numb inside, a dull loss of emotion going over her, leaving her a blank slate of nothing but memories and thoughts and functions.
Opening the door slowly, Vent crept into the house, a sheepish look on his face. Hiding his presence from his wife and daughter he could feel, he snuck upstairs, cradling his injured arm. He needed to fix this as well as he could before Alec saw it.....

Too late. He only felt David just as he saw him. Since when was his boy that adept at hiding magic?

"DADDY!" David screamed, leaping at Vent, and knocking them both down the staircase. They floated gently to the bottom on a gust of wind, but Vent winced.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" David screamed in question, clinging so tightly to his father that Vent was having trouble breathing.

Shit... was all Vent could think. He knew Alec and Hannah would have heard that.
At the scream of her son, both Alec and Hannah turned towards the doorway, Hannah instantly squirming out of her grasp as she ran towards her father and tackled both him and her brother in a giant leap. Raising an eyebrow, Alec folded her arms over her chest, not making a move to help him with the kids, after all, she rather wanted to know as well.
Vent struggled under his children, eventualy having to resort to magic to get them off. While they floated in spheres of air, and off of him, he took a few deep breaths, trying to act like his left arm was fine. He glanced down quickly to make sure the sleeve was all the way down to wrist, and looked up at Alec from his sitting position on the floor.

"Honey.... I'm home?" He more asked than said, rubbing the back of his head while looking up at her apologetically.
Nodding her head, she let out an, Mhm, and a none to pleased sounding one at that. Walking past him, she moved into the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of tea, already way over the amount she should have as a pregnant woman, not that she really minded.

Glaring out the kitchen window, she magically popped the air bubbles holding the kids.
Vent rushed up, and right to her side, stopping her from sipping the tea.

"I'm sorry, Alec. That's all I can say right at this point. I had to fight through Hell to get back, but I did it....." He explained in very few words, wincing as he let his left arm down, and sighing right afterwards, because he knew Alec would have noticed.

"I love you." He said with a small smile.


David's head tilted slightly to the side, and he grabbed Hannah and started dragging her upstairs.

"Mommy and Daddy should have some alone time so Daddy can explain why it's not his fault and they can kiss and everything will be better." He explained to his older sister with the sage tone only a self-assured ten year-old could muster.

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