WW - The New World

Steven was still in the room. He was merely invisible,using telekenesis to dress his shin wound using his vest. He used telekenesis to make himself hover in the air,and silently drifted out of the room. He knew better than to fight on an impaled leg. Bastard...Why did you do that? Because I wanted to. Clever bastard. No. Just determined.

Steven hovered into a nearby janitor's closet,and taken a broom,mop,and some tape,and jury rigged a crutch. Then,he teleported away from the academy.


Ezekiel approached the school's great front doors. He was in awe,and marvelled at how the mages were able to build it,magic or not. He approached the doors,as if they were on holy ground.
Reforming back into a very old place she hadn't touched in a long time, she grimaced. It still smelled of blood and jack, just as she'd left it. Though, the mix of dust had left it a tad more stuffy than before. Stepping in farther to her old apartment, she had to wonder why this was the place her last magical burst had taken her. Back into New York City, back to the condemned building, back into the last place she ever wanted to be.

Maybe because it was here, it was the only place she'd ever fought on her own. Images of a cruel demon flashed through her head, mixed with flashes of blood, both hers and his, till finally, the last time she'd been in here, Vent 'rescuing her'. Her blood boiled at the thought, and she set her foot down on an empty Jack Daniels bottle, crushing it to pieces. With her temporary anger release destroyed, she continued walking around.

It was a blood stain in front of the windows that made her stop. She knew she had left her fair share of it in this place, but that wasn't what bothered her. What bothered her, was that it was fresh.
Xavier raised an eyebrow ," Allec?" Xavier turned around slowly and everyone was gone. Xavier sighs and drags himself out of the office. Xavier wobbly stood up, his head seared as he limped down the hall to see if he couldn't find a quiet place to rest. Xavier made his way to the main hall slinking down it's gigantic walls. Xavier closed his eyes the cool marble and stone to his back.
Crouching down, she pressed a finger to the warm sticky substance and frowned, before a deep laugh made her heart stop and her veins run cold with fear. "Welcome Home, Alecia, Darling." That deadly cold voice said, sounding like it was in her ears, breathing down her neck, all around her as she slowly stood. Shaking with a visible terror to her now, she turned around very cautiously, and an inch from her face, cocky smirk and all, stood her worst night mare.

It seemed like Valentina wouldn’t get an answer as the four of them were piled onto a helicopter, taking off at no notice. Both left behind and distraught, she ground her teeth; Aenor couldn’t do anything to help Steven…but neither could she. Her mouth went taut and she decided to find her way to Steven’s office, hoping to find something there.


With her sensors active, Val noticed a few people return to the school during the time it took to locate Steven’s room. It was no one she felt like confronting at the moment so she stayed at the task at hand, examining her surroundings. After not finding a door lining the walls she trailed further into the room, eventually spotting the trap door behind his desk.

It wasn’t a traditional office, but she figured he wasn’t exactly traditional and pulled open the trap door, making sure to shut it on her way down. The room she entered led to three others, one she quickly recognized as a bathroom and after exploring the second, a bedroom.

The third room was the messiest; with paper strewn all over the desk and floor, books sitting open and cabinets over stuffed with folders. Valentina figured this was probably the best place to gather information on the mind, so she could help Steven. She sat down at the desk and peered around the room, leafing through the papers as the day went on.

Night came sooner than expected and the sound of the door opening startled Valentina from her research. Although she had been unable to find much, she had inkling that the information was there somewhere. The person who opened the door was heading down the stairs and she quickly ducked underneath the desk.

Luckily, the person went inside the bedroom instead and she heard a slight mumbling from the room, before it went quiet. Withdrawing from under the desk, she got up and went back into the hall, cringing when she saw a body occupying the bed. He gave off a familiar vibe, but she shook it off before heading back into the office and sitting down. The stranger reminded her that it was time for sleep, and she lied back in the chair to get the rest she needed.


Valentina was awoken with a blast and her eyes shot open, dishevelled in her state of wake, she eyed her surroundings.

"Who the hell are you, and why shouldn't I kill you now?"

Eyes narrowing, she forced herself up, and slowly approached the door, hearing more yelling and crashing. Steven was standing there, holding a boy up by a telekinetic force; claiming not to be a teacher and threatening the kid. Val quirked a brow, and examined him more closely; he was clearly missing an eye and had a prosthetic arm…

It had to be Steven,

“NO!” Aenor’s voice echoed the room;

His form covered Steven’s and held him, as he and the kid had an argument. Val remained rooted at the door of the office, whether from drowsiness or pure shock, she wasn’t sure. Aenor had sent one last attack out, and had knocked Steven unconscious. There was something wrong with him, probably due to the patch she couldn’t come up with, and he was acting crazy. So bent on rage that he couldn’t even notice her, watching him, this whole time….

A knock sounded at the classroom door and she panicked, there wouldn’t be only one victim; the next would be Alec, as he greeted her at the doorway. Val hurried out of the study and up the stairs enough that she could continue watching the crazed man. He had no idea who Alec was, and wouldn’t let her do any sort of examination on him and Val pursed her lips.

She wasn’t sure if it was her place to jump in, although he did readily insult his long-time friend and another fight began in no time. This time it involved three players, Alec, Steven and another who had entered the room later. Stepping out of his office, she saw Alec fire the last attack; not turning until she saw that it had in fact hit him.

Aenor’s shouts rang in her mind as well, and Steven was no longer anywhere to be seen, although he was still alive. His presence completely vanished from the room and Val crouched behind the desk as the late entrant started talking. She wasn’t sure if he was friend or foe yet, as he had protected Alec…from Steven…

How long had she been down there?

Standing up after he had left, the room was a mess and she could still easily lock onto Aenor, so she did


Brief speech in case the insane could hear her; she sat down so her focus was entirely on her mind and closed her eyes.
marco was standing before Lola and Sam

"hmm, riyoshi is missing... hang on"

Marco slammed his hand down, summoning Riyoshi

"okay, now that you're all here, follow me"

Marco lead them through the grounds, soon coming to the football field, there were 3 lawnmowers there

"guess what?"

Marco cast a heat spell, making the grass dry and cutable

"i want this entire field cut, then you will all go to class"

Sam's jaw dropped.

"the entire field?"

"the entire field.. now, get chopping!"

Marco chuckled at his own joke.

Sam took a mower

"ok guys, i'll take the east side"

Marco opened a channel to Alec

"hey Alec, i decided you were right, maybe Latrine duty can be strike 3... so i'm making them mow the footy field."
Aenor taken a peek through Steven's eyes. He saw Steven's eyelids. Either asleep or out cold. At least everyone was safe. Then,he heard a familiar voice.



Valentina! Where are you? Steven's gone mad. Did he attack you?
As Marco's voice flooded into her mind, Zaria growled a little, sensing it before putting her mind on lock down, the message she was trying to send him back cut off ,so all he got was a Mar- "Your not getting away this time, and no one is going to find you." A sudden warp, as an erasing spell on her location was completely gone, leaving her literally, no where on earth as far as anyone else was concerned.

Taking a step away from him, he grinned wider, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "What to do with my little birdie now, eh? Pluck your feathers, make you sing, clip your wings? "
The voice made Val sigh, and she lied back on the desk, where she had chosen to sit;

I’m in the school…I wasn’t attacked, but I know…

He was attacking the lot of them…I didn’t do anything…

It was like talking with an old friend, although he was much older now, it was no different than it was back then.
Do? You would've been injured. Or worse. Report this to Marco and Vent. They'll have the means to track him down. I'll keep Steven from doing too much damage...But I have no idea how long I'll last.

Aenor felt helpless. However,he always had one option...As distasteful as it was;fry Steven's brain,killing them both. Mutually assured destruction.


Ezekiel heard the sound of mowers around the side of the building. This intrigued him;mages had magic. Why use mechanical lawn mowers? He ran around the side of the building,and saw a man standing near three young people...Presumably students. He walked up to the man,and asked tentatively,
"Uumm...E-excuse me? Sir? Are you a wizard?"
Marco raised an eyebrow at the newcomer

"thats one way of putting it, i also respond to "abomination" what can i do for ya?"

in his mind, Marco was trying to regain contact with Alec, but the interference was insanely hard to penetrate.
Zeke was feeling awkward. He was only seven,but he was supposed to report to the academy. "I-I'm Ezekiel...Ezekiel Russ. I was told to come here...But...Who do I go to,here? I have no magic...I don't even know why I'm here..." Zeke avoided Marco's eyes;it would probably make him freeze in embarassment.
a slight smirk spread across Marco's face

"oh you have magic, my boy... or else, you would'nt be here... you see, there is a spell o this place which makes it impossible for non-magical people or creatures to enter... do the fact that you're here means you have magic"

he placed a hand on Zeke's head and smiled

"its ok, there have been some other late comers... but you're up awfully early, its only 5:15 in the morning"
Although Aenor reassured her that if she had helped them it would only hurt her, she still felt guilty about the encounter. Valentina listened to the warning and she nodded,

I have an idea of where Marco is…I’ll hurry.

Her eyes opened, and she rolled off the desk, more awake then she had been previously and hurrying out of the room. With a glance at the surrounding halls, she continued on, peering down corridors and into rooms before her eyes caught the window. Almost laughing to herself she began her trek outside; Marco was near the football field with some of the students.

As she approached him she called out, noticing he was with a student


He never met her before, so she was cautious in her approach.
Zeke stammered, "I-I was told Five thirty was whe I h-had to be here..." Zeke didn't have a single drop of magic in his body. He didn't even have a dormant Mage's Spark. All he had was an impenetrable mind. "T-The man in the r-robe said they wanted t-t-to study me..." Then,a woman approached them. He jumped a bit,and backed away. He felt vulnerable without either of his parents around.
Marco turned to the other newcomer

"hello there, can i help you?"

Marco placed a hand on Zeke's head... his mind was impenetrable, this anomaly must have allowed him to see the school.
As Alec shook with fear, Zaria looked over her before wrapping his arm around her waist, "Here, I have a present for you, my poor little Alecia..." Guiding her into the bedroom, her hand went over her mouth as her eyes went wide. A dead body, fresh to where it looked like it was just sleeping, was splayed out, cut open, blood everywhere.

Trying harder to reach out to Marco, she wanted to run, but the last of her magic had been spent on her transport to this 'safe haven'. As tears filled her eyes, a small spark triggered, allowing her to get a single word through the cloud, "Help."
“Well…” Valentina started,

Her mind sort of froze up on whether to explain who she was, or tell him what had happened with Steven just now. Knowing that Aenor’s life depended on her message made her ultimately choose the latter.

“Steven just went crazy…Aenor told me you could track…and help him?” she explained.
Lola pulled off Sam's coat, placed it on one of the bleachers, and set Jirou on top of it. She carried one of the lawn mowers to the opposite side, yanked the chan so it'll go on, and started to mow the lawn. She'd never recalled using one before, but it felt much harder than it looked. She mostly focused on making it look right and keeping a straight line rather than doing it quickly.

Ughh, this sucks! Couldn't we have just stuck with the demons?! She wished for one of her companions to be nearby to actually say what was on her mind.
"woah woah woah.. crazy how? like typical Steven crazy? or "holy crap he just ate an infant" crazy?"

he let go of Zeke's head.

"i think i can handle him, if you take care of our new arrival and keep an eye on these kids so they dont slack off.. agreed?"
Valentina frowned at his comparison

“Eating a baby crazy” she responded, reluctantly.

At his orders she nodded, eying the boy carefully, then the students that were being punished;

“Well, you are my boss” she jokingly reminded.

“…Please help him” she noted, more sombre

Then she turned her attention on the boy beside him, ruffling his hair.
At his question, Val frowned and shrugged;

"Aenor said to track him with your magic.." she responded.
As Aenor ended the conversation,Steven piped up. How cute. His eyes opened. They were atop the CN Tower. You listened in. How annoying. What are you going to do about it? Fry us? No...I'll wait. This Marco and Vent...They had better be strong. Or else...They'll die. Horribly. Good luck. Is that a challenge? Yes,it is. Accepted.


Ezekiel was worrying. These two adults were talking about someone eating infants. When the woman ruffled his hair,he was calmed a bit,though. He looked around,and said,
"Is there anything I can tinker with...? I-I like to tinker..."
Marco materialized behind Steven

"Steven, calm down you know this is wrong"

Marco knew this would'nt work, but he hoped to confuse Steven with simple questions, this combined with his unstable mind can help bring this under control.

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