WW - The New World

Loal looked back at the girl, now walking away. "Probably someone curious about last night," She said between bites of her cookie. She continued to wear the jacket on her back like a cloak. "Y'know, I had to sneak out of the building last night," She brought up, sighing.
Sam sighed

"am the only one who actually freaking slept last night!?"

he shook his head

"oh well... 4:50AM... that Riyoshi guy better turn up, or Mr highland will f-k him up like he did to those 3 demons yesterday"
Setting down her cup, Alec sighed, before feeling a tug at her shirt. Glancing down, she smiled at Hannah, before picking her up. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Getting the shake of a head as a response, Alec sighed, "Wanna go for a walk with me then?" Hannah nodded her head slowly, yawning a little. Soon, Alec had Hannah in a warm coat, and a hat, and the two were padding across the school grounds, stopping every now and then for a bit of a 'teaching' moment.
"Ehh, I don't think it'll be that bad. Why did this have to be at 5 in the morning anyway?" She said, grabbing another cookie. "Speaking of, what do you think our punishment would be?"
marco wandered from around the stadium and saw Alec and her daughter, Hannah

"morning Alec, isn't it a bit early for little Hannah to be out of bed?"


Sam sneezed

"well think about it, its a helluva lot more uncomfortable to be punished at 5am than say, when school finishes, it means its cold and we're all tired, so its very unpleasant... just as a punishment should be... or that what i think at least"
Lola chuckled. "Very true, this does seem like punishment enough. I just want it to get it over with," She sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Jirou is lucky. he doesn't have to deal with the time. At least, not very much." Jirou was now sleeping in Lola's arms.
"It's a little early for all of us, actually....but, she didn't want to go back to sleep, so I figured I'd tired her out a little...." Alec said, while Hannah tiredly raised a hand a mock shooted Marco, her usual greeting to her 'uncle'. Looking at him, she raised an eyebrow, "What were you doing last night?"
Marco did the little hand-gun thing top hannag as well, but when he did the "chk-chk-boom" a big rose came out of his finger and dangled in front of Hannah's face, he like doing little things like that.

"well, kalypso get in some trouble wiht a freaking camp of the old ones, she got reunited with her clan, who i slaughtered a couple of years ago, and now there is a pack of giant wolves behind the stadium deciding to either leave to stay"

he sighed

i got a couple of students who broke into the store room yesterday tee'd up for punishment.. any ideas? maybe make them clean my army's latrines? any other ideas?"
Hannah smiled a little, sniffing the flower before sneezing and curling up into her mom's shoulder, making the older adjust the way she was holding her. Alec nodded her head, " I see. You sure that's a smart idea, leaving them alone? I mean...we have a lot of kids in this place after all. And as for those few, it's their first time getting in trouble, and it's not like we didn't go exploring into places we weren't suppose to as children. Or do you not remember the liger in the trap door ceiling? Just, scare them or something, I don't know. Just....don't push it too hard, okay? With all that's happened, and Borghen still being out there, we need them to want to learn, not be afraid of the teachers, true?"
Marco chuckled

"i won't push them too hard... i'm just makign them clean latrines, i'm not making them fight a freaking giant"

he glanced over his shoulder

"no, i got a clone of mine watching them... those wolves no, one step out of line, and i destroy them, like i did last time... they aren't stupid enough to try anything"
"That's a lot for kid, you know." Shrugging, Alec looked over towards the school for a second. In particular, the west wing's highest tower "Why not show them it? It's the perfect example of why you don't wander in this school."
Marco put up a hand

"Alec, this is my method, please don't make me change it, because you will just get dissapointed... you know i COULD just sew them up into a human centipede.. i've done it to captured old ones and creeper drones.. heh, sew them up for a day, and they sing like birds when you cut their mouths loose... but luckily i have no intent to do that to any of the students"
"Fine. I'm not going to say a thing, it was a suggestion, and you asked for it." Alec shook her head and started walking again, noticing that Hannah was asleep, kissing the kids forehead, she did a small spell, Hannah disappearing and reforming back in her own bed nice and snug. Tucking her hands into her pockets, Alec kept walking, heading for the school, before pausing and turning back, "And you do realize...these kids are just that. Kids. And no kid needs brutal raising. Those that do....well....go read the Red Dahlia, you'll see what they end up doing..."
"i read it... horrible things, thats what a brutal upbringing gives you... but there is a difference between brutal and disciplined, and i walk that line"

Marco sighed, taking out a pack of cigarettes

"dont worry Alec, i wont be brutal to the kids... something like cleaning the latrines builds character, makes them thing about what they are doing... we both know thats what we needed back then..."
"God no. I turned out fine..." Alec said, "And I'm proud of it. Because I can tell you know, learning it the hard way got me a hell of a lot stronger than I would have been, so I can say I'm pretty damn sure I didn't need it. You didn't either, you know." She chuckled a little, before running a hand through her hair and leaning against the school, sighing as she started to take a few deep breaths, a calming method.
"oh? and how many times have we gotten into trouble because we didnt think before acting?"

he took another puff of his cigarette

"we'll never agree on anything..."

he leaned on the wall

"the time... 4:57... still a couple of minutes, better hold back"
"O..okay." Kalypso said, somewhat scared. As he left with her sister, she yelled something, but he couldn't hear her. "So you wanna fight, huh? Bring it." She laughed a little and as her father charged, she quickly sidestepped to the right, making him bash into the wall. Quickly, Kalypso ran out into the forest, gathering berries and putting them into a big leaf. Just like Marco had taught her, she started folding the leaf into the shape of a gun. A pound of paws were heard and two eyes glared in the forest. "Stop being so chicken!" Her father called after her. "I'm not!" She growled and started to fire the berries. A thump was heard and Kalypso somewhat smiled. "I killed him!" She laughed and ran over to the wolf on the ground. "I... I killed my own father." The wolf's emotions fell over her and she started to cry. "I'm sorry. I did it for the own good of it." She said.

A paw shot up from the father and grabbed Kalypso by the throat. "I can't believe you still fall for that trick!" He laughed and walked towards a stream. "no." Kalypso gasped, knowing she wasn't a very good swimmer and that the stream's current was very strong. She was starting to lose hope when Marco messaged her. "For Marco!" She yelled, and kicked her father in the ribs, making him let her go. She back-flipped off of the dad to the other side of the stream and closed her eyes for a second. Marco! She growled, sensing what he was doing. Are you going to smoke all your life and die from lung cancer? Stop it! With that, she opened her eyes and dodged an attack that her father had done. "Too old to fight now?" "How many times have I told you? Respect your elders!" "Your not an elder! Your an idiot!" Laughing at her own joke, she didn't notice the paw rocketing towards her. THe wolf flew back into a tree, her nose bleeding. Her father got a direct shot at her nose and took the chances. "No." Kalypso felt sick and the world started to spin around her. "I have to do it for Marco." She growled, then an idea popped into her head. Marco! I'm putting you on speaker! She said, meaning that she would let Marco hear everything that was happening. "Come here you rat ball!" She growled, standing up, but fell down. "Whats the matter... Weakling!!!!" As the father got closer to Kalypso, she swiped her paw under him, making him fall to the ground. "Me? I think you have the wrong pup." She growled and stepped ontop of the wolf. She kicked him in the chin, then poked one of his eyes out with her claws, making him blind in one eye. "Stop! Stop!" He pleaded. "Reason?!" Kalypso asked. "You win." He said. "Reason?" "I'm a failure." The father sighed. "Thank you!" The pup smiled and stuck her claw into his heart and pulled it out, causing her father to die. I did it Marco! I did it for you! She said happily, then transported to the school. "I... I did it." She told the clan. "Kalypso." A wolf called her name and pointed towards a group of wolfs huddling around something.

"Kilani. I killed him. We're free." Cried Kalypso, her head on her sisters chest. "Its worse enough that I had to kill father, but you can't die. I won't let you." Kalypso's ears flattened on her head and she placed a paw on her sister. "I"m doing something that I couldn't do 'cause father stopped me." She said and did the wound replacement thingy. Kilani started to heal, and Kalypso started to break. She did something very noble, knowing that she didn't have the special power to heal herself. "Thank you." Kilani said and kissed Kalypso. Kalypso closed her eyes hard and tried healing herself, but it only worked a little. However, she still lived.

"Oh Marco! I'm alive!" She yelped happily and ran over to her master. Her nose was still bleeding, and she had wounds where she was wounded, but she was okay.
"But we grew because of it. Do you really think that without having to act fast and learn on our feet in those times we got in trouble, didn't have an impact on how powerful we are now? You know, if we had stayed within the rules, we would be like normal mages, and we would never have been able to do the things we've done. And yeah, we probably never will, but that's what makes us the perfect pair of friends." Alec jested, with a small laugh.

he saw kalypso coming

"hey Kalypso..."

he knelt down to Kalypso's eye level.

"hey Kalypso, look at this..."

he pressed his arms against his chest, and then he spread them, there was a glowing orb.

"i know your happy to see me again, but remember i did kill your tribe before... and if they side with the old ones again, i will do it again... so, if you still want revenge for what i did, or what i may possibly do in the future, now if your chance, this is my unprotected essence, you could crush it if you wanted..."

this was the only chance for revenge he would give Kalypso, and she was the only person he would give the option of revenge to in the first place.
As MArco talked to Kalypso, something grew over her that wanted to crush the essence, but she couldn't. He was her owner. He protected her at all times. "No." She told him. "I.. I wont do it." She smiled at him, but then winced as a pain went through her body. The wound replacement was complete and it started to take over her body. She limped over to Marco and licked him on the cheek. "Thank you." She said and rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes shut and she started to breath slower.
Seeing a pup show up and speak with Marco, Alec slipped off into the school unnoticed. Walking through the halls, she had to wonder how Steven was doing. Cutting down a side wall, she knocked upon his classroom's door, "Hey, Steven, can I speak with you for a moment?"
Riyoshi waited for marco to return. IT was very nerve racking knowing that he was in a spot that he could easily die. HE was not new to magic or anything but the few spells that he did know, would so not be able to take these things down, well according to marco. Thoughts started to race through Riyoshi's mind. That lightning stone, what happened to make it do that? HE has never seen that before. His only known ability with that stone was an instantaneous burst of electricity for puncturing. His magic seemed to flow evenly through his mind and the stones. He did not understand any of his magic, just that if he watched it, he had to learn it. It was not a matter of self control to learn it, but more like his body went into auto-pilot. Sitting behind the tent, Riyoshi opened his hand to reveal the yellow stone. Focusing upon the yellow stone, Riyoshi tried to make it hover like the last time.
A voice drifted down to his ears. It was a woman's. It was vaguely familiar...But he didn't know...Steven's eyes opened. Someone found him. A kid...And now this woman,too...And they both knew his name...And are acting like they knew him...

Steven got up. He was surrounded by the huge mess that was the office;boards of wood littered the floor,papers and books littred the floor,and there was a large hole in the ground. "I need to work on my marksmanship..." He leapt up to the room above,and looked through the door. A woman. A pregnant woman. He approached the door,and taken a position beside it,on the hinge side. He called out, "Who's there?"

Meanwhile,Aenor gained access to Steven's vision. "Oh,no!"
"Alec." She said, to him asking who it was. Running a hand through her hair, "Look, I know it's early and I probably woke you up and I'm sorry. I just...you blacked...it's the thing that happened yesterday, you looked sick and I wanted to know if you were okay or if you needed anything."
Steven's eyes narrowed. Aenor was in dismay. He was too weak to stop Steven again,and had no access to his mouth yet. He knew where this was going to go,and he was helpless. "Come in,come in..." Steven opened the door,and walked down the stairs towards his desk. Through the abdomen,then straight up. Cleave her in half. Aenor was horrified. How does it feel to know you're powerless? Steven,don't do this! She's your friend! I don't even know her! They're acceptable casualties. I just need to find a way back to that place,and kill this 'Faust'. I won't let you. You have no choice.

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