WW - The New World

Oh, great, she is a faculty child. And their houses are outside campus, She thought. "Ok, we're gonna have to find some way to leave campus..." She led them to the building exit and opened the door. "Do you know which way it is?" She whispered.
"Like I said, to the back of the property...." Hannah rolled her eyes as carried the puppy outside. "I'm sorry for interrupting your sleep, I was just trying to get to the school, but I can get home from here." Holding out the puppy, the child smiled.
Taking back Jirou, lola smiled back. "Don't worry about it, I'm gonna be fine. Besides, you're not walking home by yourself. Just tell me which way to go." She finished.
Smiling, Hannah pointed to the east. Nodding her head as she started to bounce along in the dark, giggling a little, as she patted her paintbrush in her pocket. Taking it out, she stopped and looked at Lola, before drawing a doggy treat on the ground. Reaching into the painting, she took it out, and held it to the puppy.
Jirou was happy to recieve the treat, and paid no mind to where it came from. Lola, however, noticed the trick. "Amazing..." she said quietly. She quickly noticed that should be her power. "Hmm, We should get you home now, will you take me there?"
"Sure." Hannah said, grabbing Lola's free hand and dragging her through the dark. Humming away, the child seemed perfectly at home in the dark, unlike most young children who would probably freak out. Looking up at Lola, she smiled, "Do you wanna have cookies when we get there? Mum made a lot last night."
With Lola's enhanced senses, she could see just fine, and was able to point out if the little girl ever led them to a tree by accident. But she was confident they would get there okay. "Huh? um, sure, I'm actually starving, so I'll take some to go." She said, yawning.
"Noo....you gotta stay..." Hannah said, frowning a little, as she stepped past the fence into the yard of the house. Staring back at Lola, the outside light came on suddenly, causing the little girl to jump. In the doorway, stood her mother, arms folded and an amused smirk on her face.

"Little late, ladies."
A bulky cloaked figure silently made his way through the night. It was almost earily quiet as if the figure was added by air itself to walk lively. A house was ahead keen sea green eyes glowed ahead as he got closer in closer. The figure was extremely nervous almost apprehensive about approaching the building of the most likely sleeping owner.

A green hand extended from the cloak as the entity pushed through bramble to get to his destination , " It's me." trembling the green man stepped back not knowing what to expect.
Aw, she's up, Lola thought sleepily. She walked with Hannah to the front porch. "Good-er- evening, miss," she started off, being as polite as she possibly could half asleep. "I was just helping Hannah here back home." She now noticed this sounded pretty bad. What would a seven year-old be doing out in the middle of the night? She had the concluding thought, Double detention, yay...
"Trust me, I know..." Alec said, holding a hand up, "I found her little way out in her room..." Rolling her eyes, she sighed, pointing Hannah inside, while smiling at Lola. "I thank you though, and I'm surprised you handled her so well, normally she's a bit...jumpy around people..." Shrugging, she held the door open for Lola to come in, before turning her head towards the dark.With a faint smile, she stayed at the door, a silent welcome to the man she hadn't seen in years as she kept the door open.
The man pulled down his hood and his full face came into view. Strong horns raked back sharply adorned the top of his skull surrounded by storm black hair, a strong jaw was home to a wispy goatee. Though the man was almost inhuman there was a certain air around him that could be compared to Alec or Yumi if you knew either of them.

The man smiled warmly at Alec and stepped in ," I know I have things to explain, aswell as time to make up for... But I do have reasons Alec."
"Oh, thanks," Lola replied, walking in. She gently put Jirou down to look around. He automatically walked up to Alec's side. "Hi there! I'm Jirou!" He barked, his favorite greeting to say to new strangers. "Hmm, this is a very nice house," Lola said quietly, hoping to strike a small conversation. She she turned around, she saw a new person talking to her. Someone who frightened her.
"I know you do." Alec said, "We all have reasons for why we do things, Xavier." Glancing over at Lola, she smiled softly, "Yes...I suppose it is. " Looking down at the puppy, she raised an eyebrow, before taking a step back. She didn't like animals, at all. "Now, I believe Hannah promised you cookies? " Twirling her hand in the air, a large bag of baked goods came into the room, along with a large bottle of ice cold milk, floating right in front of Lola's face.
Xavier looked at the girl whom he assumed was his niece then at someone he clearly freightened. Xavier sighed before smiling a toothy fang revealing grin ," Hi... I'm Xavier Deathlind. You are a student no?"

Xavier shot Alec a look asking if he could sit. Xavier couldn't help but chuckle at Alec's retreat from the dog he knew how much she disliked animals, which was ironic since their mother had loved a little critter for so long before a certain flood washed away the valley the old school was in.
Lola quickly took the bag and say down with it. "These wouldn't happen to be chocolate chip would it?" She asked as Jirou followed the smell to the bag.
"They would..." Alec said, before looking back at Xavier and nodding her head to his silent request. Moving into the kitchen so they would have room to speak, she let Hannah stay with Lola in the living room to play. Sliding a chair out for him, she moved towards the counter, "Coffee, tea, milk, or water?"

Giggling at Lola, Hannah smiled, "See? Momma is nice! And you get to stay." She said, happily in a sing song sort of voice.
Xavier sat down ," water please and thank you. LEt me start from the beginning then..." Xavier glared at the floor ," The council... Had been monitoring us after we went to hell and got the orbs, as you know freom your little.. er enconter with them...."
Kalypso's insides hurt as her father talked to her. All those years he was so nice to her, and now he's so mean. Her heart was breaking. "No!" She yelled as the blade rocketed towards her, but Marco stopped it. "Marco." She silently whispered, and her sister gasped. "Father! He's the man! The man who tried to kill us!" Kalypso glared at Kilani. "No he's not. He's my, he's my owner." Kilani's eyes widened. "Owner?! The man who tried to kill our pack is your owner?" Kalypso sighed. "Yes. He looks out for me. He's changed since the last time you've seen him." A hand was put on Kalypso's head and her eyes turned gold, the same color as her runes glowed. This was the most power she had ever had in her whole life. "You can fight your father on your own, or you can protect whats left of your clan." The words echoed in her head, and she knew immediately which one was right. "Fight my father.... On my OWN!" She said, making it strict that she was going to be the only one fighting. The wold turned to Kilani. "if I don't make it, always remember me and please... please don't cremate me." After that, she got into a fighting stance. "I'm Waiting!"
"Ooh, thank you," Lola replied as she took a bite. Jirou looked at her with pleading eyes. I want a cookie, He whined. lola knew chocolate made dogs sick, so she set the bag aside and turned to Hannah. "You wouldn't mind painting some more biscuits for Jirou, would you?" She asked.
Alec cringed a little, one of her hands rubbing her neck, over the perfect line of a faint scar that ran around it. "I know." Opening the fridge, she pulled out four bottles of water, and an ice tray. Setting them on the table, she pulled out two glasses and set them down. Ice cubes floating up from the tray and into the cups. Sitting down, she crossed her legs, looking at him. "So what did they do to you."

Hannah giggled, nodding her head. "No problem." Pulling the paintbrush from her pocket, she drew a few on the ground, before pulling them out and giving them to the puppy.
Xavier pulled down his cloak revealing a series of intricate seals ," Apparently they were in the market for a weapon... They attempted to control me and by extension the orb I possessed because none of them had an affinity for it... Apparently I was just a savage beast a lion in a cage to them." Xavier looked down ," They had me locked up Alec, in a sleepy fog... But one wrong move I don't remember what let me escape."

Xavier sighed ," From there I met our old teacher, Argo. You remember him? The seal master? He cracked the code and saw that the council was able to use me as their eyes and ears, however we were able to reverse engineer the seal so that we could monitor them." Xavier winced ," So many horrible experiments, but I was able to discern the location of their lab. I said goodbye to... Daelyn. Then dad and I went to ransack the place."

Xavier shook his head ," We succeeded, but the things we saw shook up dad more than me. He went traveling, you know to meditate. But I hear he has kept a steady eye on how things are going here... I don't know how. The council is very mad at losing their R&D hub, but they're pretty weakened. Even so I thought it was best to lay low for a while, after all the council is like a corrupt festering cut, it has a chance of a second infection." Xavier pulled back up his cloak smiling slightly ," We stuck it to the man."
Listening closely, Alec looked at his brother before chuckling a little. "All that, and you still have the same sense of humor." Reaching across the table, she set her hand over his. Truthfully, she didn't know what to say to what he had gone through.

She was proud, very proud, at his success and more than glad he had done what he could to destroy them, but she was shaken, and scared for him. Suddenly, she stood and hugged him tightly, not letting go. Because sometimes, that's all you could do, well, that, and add it to your very short mental list of things to kill, and bumping it up to number one.
Xavier smiled ," I missed you.. Seems you have quite the nice little family here..." Xavier raised an eyebrow ," With one on the way?" Xavier hugged his sister back for the first time in months wondering exactly how long The Council had kept him in a hlaf dead state.

Meanwhile Jason was obnoxiusly strutting up and down the front yard of the school he couldn't sleep, and was exited about how much of class students had gotten away with skipping.
Alec chuckled a little, as she let go, smiling at him. "I've missed you too." She blushed nervously, laughing lightly. "And yes...4 months left and our little, 'big' family, gets a little bigger." Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair, "Well, a little bigger than it got tonight, and both of the spare rooms will finally get some use put into them." Nodding her head, she smirked a little.

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