WW - The New World

As the light came on, and someone spoke, Hannah, tried calming herself as she wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeves. "W-where....am I?" She managed to squeak out, not quiet sure how the school picture would drop her into a bedroom as she clung to the girl.
"Well, you're in my room. I'm Lola." She replied. "I don't know how you got her either," She said.

Jirou woke up and walked over to the two. "Hi there! I'm Jirou!" He barked at the little girl, his tail wagging.
Steven strode the halls of the Academy. It was night. He had memories...Of a room,with desks and panels,and a sword mounted behind a desk. A trapdoor beneath. Office.

These thoughts were unbidden. However,he needed a place to rest. He had no idea where these memories came from. However,he welcomed them. They showed him someplace...Maybe a safe haven. Steven allowed these strange memories lead him to the room. He quickly found the trapdoor,and entered. Steven looked around the empty room,and chuckled. "I think I'll live here," With a snap of his fingers,he magically sealed the trapdoor,and fell asleep in the bed.
Nodding her head, Hannah sniffled, as her crying ceased down. "I-I went through the painting...." As she heard a dog bark, she looked down at it, before a smile broke out over her face as she reached out to pet it and scratch behind it's ear.
the old ones dragged Kalypso over the rocky and muddy ground, into a huge camp.

around there were 4 types of old ones.

wolves, most likely the survivors from Marco's attack all those years ago.

Old One assasins.

Old One hunters like the ones who captured Kalypso.\

and slaves.

this was a "gathering camp" a place for reinforcements and a staging point for Old One slavers.

Kalypso was dragged to the front of a huge tent, it was made form the hides if humans and was held up by both live slaves, and the bones of dead slaves.

the commander of this camp exited the tent... it was a wold, and oddly familiar.


back at the school, Marco finished getting dressed again.

he walked outside and the ground around him glowed a bit, and he dissapeared.

he re-appeared in the woods, less than 1km from the camp

he ran through the woods, soon coming to a ridge overlooking the camp.

he squatted on the edge, watching Kalypso

"come on Kalypso.. fight back..."
As Kalypso entered the camp, she started to shrink because she was frightened. Everyone was looking at her. A yelp was heard and Kalypso turned to see her sister get hit with a stick. "No one hits my sister!" She growled, starting to turn bigger and slowly walking towards the wolf with the stick. "How dare you!" She spoke, then pounced on him, ripping his head off, instantly killing him. Some of the wolves in the audience trembled a bit, but stopped when the commander came out of the tent. He was very big, and had a dark coat over him, so you couldn't see his body. "Who... Who are you?" She asked the masked wolf, then got into a fighting stance. "And why did you enslave MY pack?! These are MY wolves! I should've inherited them! My father is dead so they... are... mine!" She growled, but started to pant as the commander raised a paw. The pup started to shrink, but was still ready to fight. "Answer me." she spoke sharply. "Get her." The wolf answered and two guards stepped forward, grabbing the pup by her two front legs. "Let go of me!" She squirmed, then everything went black.

"What... what happened?" the pup stood up to see that she was in a jail sell. "Shhhhh... be quiet." Another voice said. "Kilani?" Kalypso asked and turned around to see her sister in a corner of the room, a big gash on her side from being beaten. "Oh no. They hurt you." She said and walked over to Kilani, putting a paw on her chest. Instantly, the wound started to heal and soon nothing was there except for a tiny scar. "Thank you." She whispered, and Kalypso nodded.
Kalypso was prodded again and again with electric batons, sending her magic flow haywire.

the leader took off his mask, to reveal a wolf head, but he stood like a human, and his arms looked human, yet like a wolf.

"aah Kalypso... to take 2 of my grunts down like that, someone must have trained you"

outside the camp, 2 guards were dragged silently into the woods by a strange shadow tendril.

one of the guards woke up, having been woken up before

"huh? what!?"

Marco grinned "yell all you want, no sound escapes from me"

Marco raised his hand and placed on the old one's head

"now, i'm gonna give you a thorough interogation, so your gonna tell me everything you know... or, maybe i'll just suck the knowledge straight out of your brain?"

"n-no wait wa-! GYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!"

having absorbed the knowledge of the layout of the camp and various other things, Marco simply killed the second guard

"now... lets go get my puppy"
Sitting on top of the school, Riyoshi pondered about his spells. When out of no where he felt a slight electrical charge.

"What the hell?" Riyoshi said aloud like he was talking to someone.

Looking around, he wondered if there was anyone near him. As he looked around, he could not find anyone but felt the shock again, this time, it came from his pocket. Reaching in and grabbing out his stones, the yellow stone was lit up like a christmas tree. His head cocked to the side in curiosity.

"It has never been this bright before. I wonder what is making it do this?" He asked himself.

Holding the stone out flat in his palm, Riyoshi looked upon the stone before it started to hover above his hand. As it hovered, it seemed to vibrate at an astonishing rate. He could feel the air just push away from the stone. His eyes seem to focus more on this as he wanted to learn everything about it. Grabbing the stone, a bolt of lightning formed in the sky and struck down upon Riyoshi and the stone.

Another lightnng bolt struck down about 500 yards from Marco and kalypso. Where the lightning hit, was a crater. Inside that crater lay the body of Riyoshi. He was still alive but just barely. The lightning stone returned to normal and rested in his closed fist.

(Bettsy, if i need to change this, let me know.)
Marco was 1000 yeards from Kalypso at this point, so it was in the middle of them 2

"what the?..."

the old ones in that area crowded around the crater, Marco cast an illusion, disguising himself as one of them, and walked into the crowd

"move it, ye slack jawed inbreds!"

the disguised Marco looked down into the crater, looking at Riyoshi

"i'll take him to the commander, ye all git back te work!"

a walking crab came up

"no you hounds get al the fun, i want a meal!"

"if you want a meal, go kill one of them mages"

"no! i want this one, the flesh is firm and... fresh"

Marco raised a hand, and in one single, glowign strike, cut the crab-man's head off

"looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!"

the other old ones began feasting on the dead old one, spraying it's insides everywhere.

the disguised Marco turned to Riyoshi

"Riyoshi, don't worry, this is just a disguise, it's Mr Highland, i helped you before... lets go"

Marco took Riyoshi's hand and dragged him away.


the Old One commander huffed at what was happening

"must have been a rescue effort... looks like it failed"
Laying in the center of the crater, smoke raised from Riyoshi's body. Faint words could be heard off in the distance and he heard one voice that seemed all to familiar. One that he heard earlier and seemed friendly. Riyoshi tried to move his body, but every attempt was not accepted. Was he paralyzed from hitting the ground?
"oh for crying out loud..."

Marco placed a hand on Riyoshi's chest and after doing a quiet chant, he said

"wound transfer"

instantly, all Riyoshi's wounds were healed, he would feel more alive then he did when he woke up this morning.

but Riyoshi would soo Marco's body shudder, with several loud snaps.

but soon, there was an odd sound, Marco's aura became insanely dark, but then... it stopped and he was fine

"ok young Riyoshi, you're coming with me... now!"

he grabbed riyoshi by the neck and pulled him along, behind a tent and out of sight

"how did you get here? why did you come here? do you even know where you are right now? answer me or i swear i'll gut you myself!"
After the spell was cast upon Riyoshi, he inhaled deeply as life returned. Before he knew what was happening, he was being drug off behind a tent.

"how did you get here? why did you come here? do you even know where you are right now? answer me or i swear I'll gut you myself!" Marco said.

As he heard this angry man speaking to himself, Riyoshi tried to distance himself bet the man was too powerful. Taking a deep breath, Riyoshi tried to calm down so he can talk to the man.

"To be honest, I have no idea about anything. First i was sitting on top of the school, then this thing happened, a bright light, then now i am here." Riyoshi gave out in a very vague answer.

He tried to not sound like a smart ass but everything that led up to his arrival sounded crazy. He has never used that lightning stone before. He was not sure if he was able to handle the raw power, and therefore kept it as a last resort weapon.

"The thing is, I have to ask you something. You said you are here to help us.....magic users. There is something that i need help with." Riyoshi said as he held his closed fist out towards Marco.

Marco glared at Riyoshi

"if you wanted help, you should have waited for tomorrow an-crap!"

he pulled Riyoshi down as an Old One patrol passed by

"this is a cam for the Old Ones, you know, the ones that my forces have been waging war with in south america?... these guys are not for rookies to take on.."

marco looked around briefly

"i'll help you later, right now i'm gonna help Kalypso... now don't you give away our possition, or 5am detention willl be the least of your worries."
(sorry guys. i have company over which explains me being gone the past few days. x3)

Lola smiled as Jirou began to lick the little girl's hand. "Well, I think it's safe for us to get you back into your room as soon as possible." She said, getting on her feet and picking up Jirou. "What's your name?" She asked as she offered her hand.
Looking back up at Lola, she smiled softly, taking the hand and standing. " I'm Hannah Hope Atererus, I'm 7." She said happily, bouncing a little with energy.
She chuckled. "Well, I'm Lola Isle, and I'm 17," She replied in the same format as Hannah's. "And this is Jirou, my puppy." She said, gesturing to him. "Wanna hold him?" She asked, trying to free her hand to unlock the door.
Kalypso started to rise in the air, but then was dropped by the electrical shocks. She looked at the wolf oddly. She huffed a little and got up from her laying position. "No duh!" The pup turned to her older sister, who nodded, then she turned back. "I.. I want to make a deal, but first I must say something and ask a question." She sighed sadly and calmly, knowing if she failed the deal, that she might die. There was a pause, but then Kalypso decided to speak up again. "Since my father is dead and my sister is somewhat hurt, I'm in charge of my pack. The thing is, is that your leader has custody over them, but they don't like it. I want them back so they can have the life they want to live. What can I do to have that happen, for I don't want to be a breeder?" She asked, afraid that the commander might kill her for asking that.
Nodding her head, Hannah looked at the puppy and smiled broadly. "That would be really nice..." Crouching down, she let go of Lola's hand, and held her arms out to the puppy, giggling a little.
"Ok, here you go," Lola said, handing Hannah the puppy. Jirou was just small enough for lola to cradle in one arm, but Hannah still had to carry him with voth her hands. Jirou wriggled happily and licked Hannah's face. "You're my new friend!" he seemed to say.

Lola unlocked the door and looked down both sides of the hallway. "Okay, we have to be really quiet so we don't disturb anyone. 'Got it, Rou-Rou?'" She whispered.
the wolf standing on his hind legs laughed

"that would be a good deal but.. first i don't deal and..."

he took off his mask, to reveal his face, it was Kalypso's father, his body had been made somewhat humanoid with the aid of the old ones

"but your father is not dead, he is right here..."

he grinned, looking at Kalypso.

"no deal, my little princess..."
As Kalypso saw her father, she shook her head. "No... It can't be. My father was killed in the attack. You... you liar!" She yelled the last word, then ran to her sister, tears coming out of her eyes. "Is he really my father?" She cried, scared. Kilani looked at the wolf and stared for a minute, then turned back to Kalypso. "Yes. He's our father." She stood up, wincing in pain. "Father. Why have you done this to us? Why have you hurt me and Kalypso. All these years you've been hiding from us." Her eyes started to grow heavy, and Kalypso made her sit down. "You are a HORRIBLE father!" Kalypso growled. She knew she only had one choice other than to become a breeder, but that was to fight. But to fight her father? The pup started to think. It was for her own good. "Deal or no deal. We're going to fight. If I win, the pack is mine and you have to be good. If I lose..." The pup paused. She was no match to her father and she only knew one way to make him say 'deal'. "If I lose, you have the choice of making me a breeder, or sentencing me to gulp death." She lowered her head to the floor.
Holding the puppy carefully, Hannah nodded her head looking up at Lola. "Okay." She whispered back, pressing her face into the puppy's soft fur and kissing it's head softly. "We'll be quiet..."
Marco looked over and saw Kalypso challenging her father.

"shes gonna get torn to ribbons... meh, good enough"

he turned to Riyoshi

"stay here, and dont give yourself away"


the father burst out laughing

"i have to be good!? Kalypso, you will never grow up, you should know, there is no such deal with me, if i lose, the Old Ones here will impale whats left of that pathetic excuse of a pack, before cutting your legs off and shipping you off to be f-ked over and over, to breed more old ones!"

the father picked up his blade, his hands were messed up as well, they looked dog-like but they also had opposable thumbs and long fingers.

"now, time to say goodnight sugar-pie"

the father leapt at Kalypso, his blade got barel an inch from Kalypso's body, but it was stopped.

Marco stood over Kalypso, he stopped the blade with his bare hand, there was a slight cut, but nothing serious

"aah that aura, you must be the one channeling power through Kalypso's runes"

"indeed i am... Marco highland, pleasure to meet you"

"i'm the commander here, i let go of my name long ago bu i am also-"

"Kalypso's father, i know"

Marco delivered a punch with his spare hand, sending Kalypso's father smashign against a nearby tree, but he was back up instantly

"not bad, for a human, but i am anything but..."

Marco grinned like a madman

"oh you have NO IDEA DO YOU!?!?"

he placed a hand over Kalypso's head, her runes began to glow intensely

"Kalypso, you can fight your father on your own, or you can protect whats left of your clan, your choice..."

the spell Marco cast on Kalypso unleashed her magic, making her as powerful as marco in his "lesser ultimate mode"
Lola quietly followed the two down the hallway. "Do you know where your room is?" She whispered quietly. If she happened to be a daughter of any of the teachers, it would have to require to actually search for where the factulty's living quarters.
"It's with Mommy and Daddy." Hannah said back, still in a quiet voice. "In a little grey house with a gate, about 15 minutes from the school, way in the back of the grounds, with the other houses...." Nodding her head, she giggled.

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