WW - The New World

Kalypso nodded as she teleported to the nurses office, helping Sam to the bed. "Are... Are you okay?" She asked, not knowing what else to say.
"And I mean, it's not like you can screw up that badly, right?" Alec said cheerfully, looking at her guest, before Marco's voice flooded into her head. "Well...speak of the devil. Leslie, I really hate to do this to you, but I have to leave you for a bit. Seems some kids got hurt and I have to go take care of it."

Rolling her eyes, Alec smiled at the reaper before fading into a smoke, reforming in her office with her white lap coat on, and a pair of blue rubber gloves. "Alright, I'm going to need all of those not injured out now, and you " She spoke towards Sam ,voice full of command much like someone Marco would remember. "I want you to ramble, I don't care about what and don't question my methods, just do it." Holding a hand up, she placed it on his forehead, sparking a bit of scanning magic that would show the vital signs the second he started talking.
although i dont care to type his entire ramblings this is what Sam rambled on about.

that freaking storehouse

the fact that he couldnt see the school onh his way there untill he was in the courtyard.

and how weird that casserole tasted last night.
Alec had nodded her head, his vitals showing up nice and bright as he ranted. He had some problems, but not many. "Your lucky kid..." She said, as she closed off the scan, setting a hand on his stomach and applying a little magic to it to dull the pain. "Normally, most kids who come here need to have surgery or something....you, are one of the very few, who get away with this.." Flicking her hand, she held out a jar of a sludge like thing. "Wash with it tonight. You'll be healed by tomorrow."
Sam nodded sheepishly

"o-okay, thank you Mrs Deathlind"

he took the sludge and walked out of the office, thanking her again.

outside he ran into Kalypso

"umm... can you please give me a hand back to my room?"
Nodding her head, Alec sighed, before disappearing out of her office, and returning to Leslie's side in her chair, "So where were we?"

The reaper, completely unphased as it seemed, simply took a sip of tea and said, "How wrong it could go...which, thinking about it, very badly..." Alec raised an eyebrow, before the girl continued. "I mean...what if I slip up and say something I'm not suppose to....or, god, what if I bore him?"

Alec burst out laughing.
Lola began to breathe heavily, snorting with each exhale. Enraged, she snapped off the pendant and grabbed Jirou by the cuff of his neck. She ran over to the entrance of the storehouse and looked up. Taking a chance, she jumped up and grabbed a softer part of rock with her claws. She continued ascending the elevator shaft until she met the hallway again. She remembered leaving her backpack in Mr. Marco's office, but she was in no mood to go back there. Instead, she headed straight for her dorm.

When she managed to open her door with her paws, she plopped Jirou on his bed. "Go to sleep. Do not leave the bed," Lola demanded, and jumped out of the window. From there, she landed on a tree, climbed on a higher branch, and jumped on the roof. She pensively began pacing along there. She felt chills on her body, then decided to lean against a chimmney. About a minute later, it rained. She could not believe the day she went through. How could she fight off a demon leader with her knowledge? She doesn't even know any combat magic. Hell, she hasn't even gone into any of her lessons this morning! She wished it would all be over by tomorrow, that it would be the first day again, and she wouldn't have to deal with the near-death experience, or the confusion of having all the teachers missing.

Unfortunately for her, the combination of adrenaline, rage, and the remaining entity of the demon made it impossible to fall asleep. She could not help but cry now. She hasn't felt this lonely since after the incident when she was six. She did not want to think about that time, and it made her cry even more. She just wants today to be over...
Sam limped back to his dorm, clearly visible from where Lola was, there was a trail of his blood behind him, he was leaning on Kalypso.

"damn... is this what happens every day here?... i guess is shouldn't be surprised, i mean i'm already talking with a wolf!... no offense"

they came past the girl's dorm, Sam saw Lola, he raised an arm and waved to her, he tried to smile, but his jaw was f-ed, at least at the moment.
Kalypso saw Jirou as she passed Lola's dorm. "Hi there!" She spoke, then looked at Sam harshly as he said that he was talking with a wolf as if he was crazy. "Hey... Stop talking and get to your dorm." She then started to hear crying, since she had a really good sence of hearing. "Oh! DO you hear that? Someone's crying!" Worriedly, she threw Sam onto her back and darted towards his room. "Hurry and get in. I have to see who's crying."
Igni laughed. "Nothing changed? You used to be a goodie two shoes. You just killed every person on that oil platform. In cold blood." Steven was silent,for a moment,then said, "They went to kill me." "You exploded one of their heads." "He was weak." "Everyone is,compared to you." "Your point?" "Exactly."

As Steven soared across the Gulf,a ship came into view on the horizon. Using illusion magic,he zoomed in on the flag. "United States navy..." Rudara appeared in Steven's other hand,unbidden. "My turn?" Steven didn't bother dismissing either demoniac sword. "We'll see."

Steven streaked by the ship. It was a destroyer. Steven had his arm,the one wielding Rudara,outstreched to the side. Behind him,a length of razor winds followed,cleaving the ship in half. The upper portion slid off,capsizing the bottom half. Steven smiled as the sailors screamed,shouted,and panicked. Then,he vanished.


Steven reappeared in the grounds of the academy,still holding Igni and Rudara.
"Efficient." "Humph. No fun" Steven brought the two swords together,striking them roughly on the pommels,where the demons' heads were,prompting a collective "Ow!". "Shut up." He then dismissed the swords,and walked inside.
Jirou looked up at Kalypso, and wagged his tail. "Hi Kalypso!" Her replied, "Lola's just up on the roof," he said, a little less than enthusiactically.

As soon as Jirou told her location, Lola jumped back on the tree, shaking her fur dry. She heard two more people walk in her room, and she was worried about Jirou. She can now see them clearly from her open window that it was Kalypso, and winced at a bloody Sam.
Sam smiled sheepishly and nodded his head to Lola.

"think you had a hard day..."

he looked down, and sighed

"uhh... i think i'll stay on here, i dont want to drip blood all over your floor"

he didnt like riding Kalypso, he preferred walking, or running.. or riding a bike...


Marco was below, all around him the storehouse was putting itself back together, the demon corpses had been disintegrated and the floor was clean again.

"ugh... i need to put more security features down here... maybe something to hack off the limbs of intruders?... thats right, dismemberment kills normal people... keep forgetting that..."
Lola jumped back in her window, but not before shaking her fur dry again. She walked over to Sam, put put her paws on his shoulders, and kicked his hair clean. Her healing attempt didn't help much, but at least it stopped most of his bleeding. She then dropped from Sam's shoulders, and layed down next to her bed, as an invitation to sit down. She remained in Kalypso-clone form to avoid having a conversation. That, and she never changed form before, and wanted it to last because she wasn't so sure she could do it again.
sam slid of Kalypso's back, he spread a towel over the bit of the bed he sat on

"so... nice room"

he honestly had no idea of what to talk about.. aside from..

"helluva first day"
Lola decided it wouldn't hurt to talk to him, so the tranformed back into a human. She was completely wet, her clothes were worn, and her hair and face were dirty from crying on the roof.

"No sh*t," she replied. She was never a big fan of swearing, but there was no point of being polite now. Besides, anyone else would be pissed if they almost died a few hours back. Especially if it was avoidable.
Sam understood that shit happens, he didnt feel bad abot it, or tomorrow's punishment.

"ah cheer up, look on the bright side, we're alive, aren't we? thats gotta count for something"

he sighs, wiping some wet hair off his face.

"the nurse gave me this salve to rub on my wounds, she said it will heal me overnight... or t least, im pretty sure it should stop infection..."

the rain his washed his wounds clean, he loked down his arm at the long, deep slice from that huge brute's sword.

"that was insane.. those things were completely killing us, and Mr Highland just killed them in seconds... one of them even cried... do you think we'll ever be that strong?"
"I have no idea," Lola replied. "I don't even think I have any combat abilities at all, except for healing I guess. That has to be useful for someting right?"

She took the jar from Sam's hand and examined it. "Interesting.... It looks like molasses. And this heals all of that-" referring to Sam's overall condition -- "In one night?"
"thats what the nurse said..."

he scooped up a bit and rubbed it on a smaller wound on his arm.

Sam fell off the bed, moaning, as if he were having sex, his face was in extacy.

"oh god, oh god..."

suddenly, he stopped.

"woah... magic healing feels... awesome..."

he sat back up and got to his feet

"if the rest of this stuff works as good as that, then i'll be at full strength tomorrow."

he stretched a bit, accidentally opening a wound.

"i guess i should be getting back to my dorm, i dont think the other girls here would like me being here after all that noise."
After a while more, Leslie sighed. "It's late....you need your rest, and I know your kids are still up..." Her solid black eyes looked over towards the door where Hannah's eyes were peaking through. Caught, the child ran back up into bed.

"It's fine..." Alec said, as the two stood. "It was nice catching up with you though, can't see why we're not better friends..."

Leslie tapped the side of her eye, with a faint chuckle. "Hey, be careful will you?" With a nod in response, Leslie smiled, and stepped outside. Walking across the grass, she looked up at the dark sky and smiled. Tendrils from the ground rose up, and wrapped around her, and soon, she was gone.

Rising up out of the ground in Grim's Wonderland, she glanced down at her shadow. "We have a lot of work to do tonight..." The two nodded at each other, before all the light in the small little world disappeared, the only thing was a faint glowing redish yellow light, two of them, small and right next to each other like little flames. And soon they too, disappeared as the pair went back to earth, across the world from before, and stood on what looked like a sort of killing ground.
Lola could not help but giggle at Sam's reaction of bliss. "Looks like someone's having fun," She replied, her face red.

She followed with Sam's last statement, "Yeah, there's probably some neighbors listening through the wall right now. If anything, they can just walk right in," She finished with a chuckle, tilting her head to the open door.

She began to yawn. "Yeah, it should be best if you get going. Not that I like having you around, but I need to take a shower sometime tonight. We have quite a day ahead of us..." She said with a sigh.
(sorry for not posting. I take it that we are all in the nurses office?)

Walking down the hallway, Riyoshi looked for a room that would resemble a nurses office. He hated being in a new place for he did not know anything. Looking around real quick, he thought about casting his new magic spell to race around this corridor but if he did this, what kind of damage would be left in it's wake? Sighing, Riyoshi slumped over and proceeded to walk slowly around the hallway before stumbling onto the nurses office door.

"ABOUT TIME!" Riyoshi yelled out as he reached for the handle of the door.
Sam nodded


he could hear murmuring, bug he didnt think any girls saw his face on the way in, he needed another way out

"uhh.. Kalypso, can you give me a hand out the window?"
As the two talked, she heard them say, "Do you think we'll ever be that strong?" "I am." She muttered low enough so they couldn't hear. As her new friend asked her a question, she looked at him oddly. "Out the window? Are you mad?" THe pup popped her head out the door, the chain on her foot jangling. "There's no one coming. Why don't you just come out the door?"
Lola finally stood up. She looked down at Kalypso. "Apparently, the salve Mrs. Deathlind gave him has... 'awesome' healing powers," She answered with a smirk. "So awesome, in fact, he drew the attention of the girls next door."

She then turned back to Sam. "Is this an attempt not to start any rumors about us?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "If so, don't worry about it. Let them say what they want, but I'm not allowing anyone to jump from my three-story window."

Jirou was already sleeping. He began squirming and squeaking and moving his paws. He was dreaming he was a big dog, running in a field with other big dogs like him.
Kalypso smirked and let out a puff of air. "If I had a dorm, I wouldn't want anyone jumping out of it either." She then walked over to Jirou. Since he was squirming and squeaking, she thought he was having a bad dream. "Jirou. wake up."

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