WW - The New World

Marco placed a hand on Kalypso's head

"ok first, i said im sorry for that, and secondly its not my fault your a little crybaby"

Marco sighed and closed his eyes

"there are 3 auras in the storehouse... one of them is Lola, lets go"

he whistled for Kalypso to come and he picked up Jirou and carried him underarm
"Am not! I am not a cry baby! Its not... Its not my fault that when you go on trips for a long time I get scared and start to cry!" Kalyspo argued, but followed her master when he called her. "Give me Jirou! He's my friend. I can take care of him. He was put under my supervision." She said, trying to sound mature.
"yeah, put in your care, but im your master, so i think that applies to both of us"

he knelt down next to Kalypso and gave her a kiss on the forehead

"and you crying because your scared is exactly why your a crybaby"
"Still... I want to hold Jirou... Please???" Kalypso pleaded. She leaned against Marco as he kissed her and her runes glowed a bit. "Well sometimes I get worried. There's nothing wrong with that!" She huffed.
Humming softly, Leslie finished the spell, Grim's Wonderland cut off from the world completely. Moving back across the grey grass, she approached her shadow before sighing. "We have a lot of work to do, you know..." The shadow tilted it's head, silently asking a question. "Well for one, I smell like a grave yard, not exactly pleasant..."

The two laughed before disappearing out of the plane of existence, and going to earth, aiming for one person in particular to speak with, the only other female adult she knew that had 'dating' experience. Alec Deathlind....or was that different now?

With a soft smile, she suppressed her power, cloaking it completely so no one would know death was among them as she walked up the path to the house. Knocking on the door, she was a little surprised as a small girl opened it. "Is your mother here?" The girl nodded her head, and pulled Leslie inside before leading her to the kitchen, where the albino woman was.

"Leslie....what a...odd surprise. I haven't seen you since..." Alec wiped her hands off on the apron she was wearing, which was also covered in flour and water. The counter behind her covered in baking things, and a lot of it.

"The eye thing, I know...I still feel awful about that." Leslie replied sheepishly, before nodding to the large mound of baked goods, "Party?"

"Nerves, actually...I've had a hell of a day... Sorry love." The woman said with a small laugh, ruffling the hair of the young child, "Hannah, this is Leslie, Leslie this is my daughter, Hannah." Smiling at the child, the reaper nodded her head, putting her hand in her pocket and pulling out a small box. Giving it to the girl, she smiled wider.

"Take care, little one." Hannah had smiled and darted off, taking the box with a charmed paintbrush in it, with her. "And I see...good habit to take up on though..." Alec laughed again, nodding as she turned back to her mixing bowl, a dark blue substance in it.

"Not really, it encourages the kids into eating sweet treats a lot, which proves I'm a wonderful health guide, right? Haha. But, you don't come up very often, so why are you here?"

"I ah, actually needed your advice on something...."

"Do tell...."
Marco sighed and dropped Jirou on Kalypso's head

"there ya go"

they went into the storehouse and came to the massive hole

"Kalypso... do you remember what i taught you on how to survive huge falls?"
Kalyspo smiled. "Thank you my sweet, loving owner!" As she walked into the Storehouse, it became a little dark and Jirou started to shiver. "It's okay little guy. I"m right here." When she approached the hole and Marco asked a question, she searched her brain for an answer. "Always land on your feet?"

(Wow.. I was watching America's got talent and this one guy jumped from 36 feet into a rubber pool filled with 12 inches of water. It was amazing!)
"thats one part..."

she could see his magic being focused to his legs

"re-enforce your legs and spine, if you dont, the bones in your legs will shoot up and impale your organs, so always re-enforce your legs and spine, and just before you his the ground, cast a "levitation" spell to reduce the momentum"

Marco jumped, he fell into the total darkness down the hole...

a few seconds later he spoke up.

"Kalipso, its about 150 meters you ready?"

just in case, he set up a magical net, it was more like a huge blob of clear jelly though, but it could still catch a falling person... or wolf


Sam turned around, back towards the huge blast doors

"oh crap.. oh crapy crap crap... we're SO dead..."

Marco's presance could be felt like a thousand hammers, it seemed to crush their auras.
Staring at Sam with a really confused look upon his face, Riyoshi held his necklace out at the lizard. The necklace glowed once more and the lizard disappeared once again.

"What you mean we are dead?" Riyoshi said as he placed the necklace back into his shirt and reached into his pocket.

Just as he asked that question, he could feel something just pound away at his being. It felt heavy and it seemed to hit like a ton of hammers, but not all at once, like a hundred at a time right after each other. Falling to his knees, Riyoshi tried to focus on something that would not hurt as much, but this seemed to not help.
Kalypso nodded. "Okay." Marco jumped and she heard a thud. Her eyes widened. "Oh no!" She whispered, but then heard him call. "Okay... I'm coming." The wolf then faced Jirou and licked him, putting some magic on him. "When I yell to you, jump. Don't hesitate." With that, the Kalypso turned toward the holl and jumped, re-enforcing her legs and spine. "Woa..." She yelped unexpectidly as she hit the jello and flew back into the air, landing next to Marco. "Okay Jirou. You can come down now." And the little pup did, landing on the Jello with a soft thud. He lay there for a second and Kalypso jumped onto the jello. "JIrou!" she nudged him softly. "C'mon bud! Your okay." She nudged him some more, tears filling her eyes. "Marco..." She turned to her owner, full of grief.
"And yeah....I don't really know what to expect..." Leslie finished, the two now sitting at the dining table, cups of tea in hands with a large plate of treats in the middle of the table. Alec smiled softly, looking at her guest while she set down the muffin she had been eating.

"Well, he has changed a lot, I can tell you that, and hey, if you ever want help getting ready or something, I'd gladly help." She offered.

"Oh, that would be lovely."

"Do you know when it is?"

"Not a clue...." Leslie sighed, sipping her drink. This caused Alec to start laughing, scaring the reaper a little. "What's so funny?"

"It's just...he would do something like that, you know? You might be in the middle of a soul collection and he'll be like, 'Now...' for all you know..." With that logic put to it, the two both started laughing then. Leslie smiled widely, picking up a cookie and biting into it.

"That probably would happen, too...god, I'd hate for that one, I really don't want to show him what the true reaper looks like yet..." Leslie mused.

"That bad?"

"You have no idea...."
When Jirou landed on the jelly, he was too small to bounce. The impact hurt him a little. "Ouch... Wow! this is so squishy!" Jirou thought, trying to get his paws out of the jelly. His claws were small enough to cut through it, and now he was stuck. When he moved one of his paws, he felt extreme pain. He felt Kalypso's head and barked "Help! I'm stuck!"

After seeing the lizard disappear, Lola quickly reacted to Sam and tuned to where they came. Marco's here? She thought. What happened to him? Is Kalypso there with him? Surely, if she's there, they had to bring- Her thoughts were interrupted by a faint barking. "Jirou!" She exclaimed, now running back in the direction they came from.
"Jirou!" Kalypso exclaimed as she looked back at the pup, struggling to get out of the Jello. "Don't move!" Carefully, the wolf stuck her front two paws right next to Jirou's paws and started to dig. "What is this stuff? Its too sticky to be Jello, but is bouncy enough to be it!" Her digging started to slow down as her paws stuck to the jello. "Marco! Help! We're stuck!" She yelped.
Marco stood still for a few seconds and sighed


he took in a deep breath

"Jirou, i know you can hear me! This Gel has properties that make it into a breathable gas when inhaled, just calm down and swim out! no-one has ever died from this gell because you can't drown in it!"

he cast a calming spell in the gel which transfered to Jirou, so he could think clearly and stroll out without any trouble.

"Kalypso... dd you really think i would cussion your impact with something that could kill you anyway?"

he put his hands in his pockets

"now we just wait for him to come out... or for him to breathe every last piece of that Gel..."

the Gel was turning into a gas as it entered Jirou's nose and mouth, it was a heavier percent oxygen than normal air so it kept him alert yet calm.


Sam darted after Lola, eventually catching up to her and tackling her


with Marco's presance several spirit-containers exploded, releasing a small gang of demons.

"aah, this is nice, i hated tha... oh" the demon pointed at Sam and Lola on the ground

"damn... hungry..."

the demon pulled out a blade and walked towards them.

Sam held Katsura, letting her aura envelop the holstered blade, so it can still cut like a normal blade.
Kalyspo looked at the gel, turning into a gas and releasing her paws. "Jirou. I'll help you." She put her head down in the gel and started to breathe, making the gel turn into a gas faster. As the last bit of gel vanished, the pups fell to the floor, Kalypso landing first, Jirou on top of her. "Ow..." Kalyspo muttered and stood up, letting Jirou climb her tail and onto her back. He curled up and fell asleep. "Which way do we go now?" She asked Marco.
"Woah. That never happened before," Lola thought aloud.

Not taking her eyes off the demon, she slowly went behind Sam and whispered, "I guess that's what you meant by 'We're dead.' Does that always happen when he comes around?"
"you sound like you expect me to have a clue..."

the demon lunged, he was fast for his size


he pushed Rose to the side and dodged just in time, his face and left leg were cut bad.

"too close..."


Marco walked towards the door, to be opened by a wave of lava coming at them.

with a single wave of his hand, the lava was cooled and solidified.

then at his touch, the dried lave became clear glass

"low level demons.. lets see how they handle..."

he looked down to the 2 Canines

"dont worry, no-one in there will die, i wont let that happen... lets just see how good they are"


the demon who cast the lava was cackling madly

"he gone he gone!"

the lead demon, one only the size of a human spoke up... this one was a woman, apart from her purple skin, horns, tail and glowing eyes, she was beautiful and her voice was so.. seductive.

"no, my dear Armak... the one who sent us screaming into oblivion is alive and well... he is just sealed out..."
"And well, what if he's not what I thought he was anymore...?" Leslie asked, worry in her voice and a sadness in her eyes. Looking down into her tea cup, she bit her lip. Alec sighed, reaching across the table and setting her hand over the reapers.

"Darling, that won't happen...I can promise you that..." The albino said softly, mismatched eyes staring at the pure black ones across from her. "And if he's too different than what you liked back then, you guys still have enough between you to remain very close friends..."

"Thanks..." Leslie said, not sounding too sure of herself, and doubting Alec's words because though the intent was good, the phrasing made it sound awful.
"Sam! Are you okay?" LOLA said, doing her best not to draw attention to the demons again. She carefully went over to him and looked at the door. She saw Mr. Marco on the other side, along with Jirou and Kalypso. "Mr. Marco, what's going on?!"

Jirou looked in the other side of the glass and saw Lola. "Mommy!" he barked. "Jirou! are you okay?" Lola asked Jirou. "I'm okay, but I missed you!"
Scarlet wrinkled her nose up in disgust as she listened to Jason rudely insult her. “I know I can’t always get things my way,” she said irritably. She got off of his back before continuing on with defending herself. “I don’t even need to get a date.” She sighed, knowing it was the truth; however, just because she didn’t need to get a date never meant she didn’t want to.

In all honesty, Tobi had always made sure to either approve or disapprove any guys that she could potentially be interested in and most all of them were shot down. And none the less, she trusted her brother’s decision not only because of her trust in him but also he was a guy and knew exactly how they thought and acted. “Who says I even want a relationship?”
Jason shrugged ," I'm just saying in any normal relationship you can't have it both ways... You may not need one but eventually..." Jason chuckled ," The heart wants what the heart wants.."

Jason made his way to the edge of the roof looking down a sly smile stretching on his face ," I'm surprised your brother hasn't been following me the whole time. I'm not the most popular here as you could probably tell.."
Scarlet shrugged as she looked down off the roof. It was a long way down before you hit anything solid, but flying face first into the grass below didn't seem like a peaceful way to go. "He's probably still in class," she said and as if on cue, her cell phone rang. Her first reaction was to turn it off, but the caller id informed her it was her worried brother checking up on her. She reluctantly answered the phone. "Hey bro."

His voice came through loud and clear. "Don't "hey bro" me. Where are you?"

She thought about lying for a bit but her consciousness simply wouldn't allow it. "I'm up on the roof. But-" Tobi has hung up just as she was in mid sentence. "Well, I'd imagine that's his way of telling me that he's coming up to get me soon," she said with a long sigh. "Anyway, you said about dating, not just a normal relationship so end of discussion."
Jason laughed ,"overprotective? Besides I doubt any student could scare me." Jason stared at Scarlet," Don't tell me you're another one of those people who are awkward about that type of stuff. I swear every girl watches some love story then expects prince charming. Maybe some people are more direct, blunt, and or harsh."
Scarlet nodded at his question of Tobi's protection over her. She started to laugh when he mentioned that no student could probably scare him. "I know for a fact that Tobi couldn't scare you. He's completely harmless," she said as her laughter subsided. "He just gets upset when I don't believe his instinct on something like boys so I cave in either way." She shook her head slowly. "I'm not awkward about it and I could care less if someone is blunt and direct. I just can be...." she droned off, debating whether or not to finish her statement. "Shy," she finally said half embarrassed.
Jason raised an eyebrow, " shy about what? I guess you can't be aggressive in everything."Jason absent mindedly slipped his heel closer to the edge of the roof. Heights never was one of his fears. Jason smiled ,"I just hope your not shy when it comes to magic."

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