WW - The New World

Marco sat down, taking the glass of tea.

he sent a message to Kalypso, telepathicaly

"hey Kalypso, just hang tight, ok girl? i'll be back soon, looks like only i was taken here so you just lay down and i'll be back in a bit"

he sipped the tea

"hmm.. minty..."

he sat the cup down

"well then, what do we need to talk about?"
Leslie took a cup of tea as well before the shadow sat back down. Sipping it, she gazed at Marco seriously. She wanted to do this right, and hoped that her years spent learning would pay off greatly, particularly the book on how to manage people with short tempers.


his hand went slowly to his pocket, and began rubbing the ring... no... this was'nt the time

he took a deep breath

"i guess this is to be expected.. i mean, its been 5 years after all... things have changed..."
"Seven years, Marco. Seven." Leslie corrected him, crossing and recrossing her legs as she leaned back in her chair slightly. Taking another sip of tea, her eyes never looked away from him. "And yes, Us. We left things rather torn between us, on a rough edge. And, in our time apart, I'm very sure the two of us have grown, learned new things, have more experience."
"yeah about that..."

he sat foreward, taking a deep breath

"i.. i should have handled it better, i mean, you said "yes" but i was too freaking immature to accept it.. and when you kissed hope..i thought i would never forgive you... but it took barely 2 days and i was looking for you again... all i found were those coins, i've been wanting to apologise all these years, Leslie... every day i've been wanting to find you and say "i'm sorry" but.."

he sighed, knowing he was heading straight to a circular rant.
"No, I'm glad you did say no. Very glad, actually." She quirked an eyebrow as he mentioned Hope, though she didn't touch that subject, as far as she was concerned, what had happened was between her and him and that's it. "And you needn't apologize, no harm was done."

Waving a hand dismissively, she leaned forward, setting her cup down. "What I meant by this was simple. We don't know each other any more."
"what do you mean?..."

he was clearly confused, but soon he got it, and he sighed.

"so... where does that make us stand, then? are we still... lovers?"

his hand gripped the ring in his pocket, terrified of what she may say next, and eager to ger it
"I don't know Marco." Leslie admitted. "We were, I know that. And I know I still care for you, but, through the years, it's a spark that has dulled, and though I've thought of you many times, the imagine in my head is seven years outdated. Even your appearance has changed to wear you don't seem the same person."

Looking away from him for once, her eyes settled on the book self, on a cover of a book she'd found and loved. The Notebook. "But, I believe we have a chance. We may be familiar strangers at the current, but I have trust that, at the very least, we could try to relearn."
Marco smiled a bit

"i'm willing if you are"

he reached over and held her hand

"how about a date? that would be a good start"

his voice had a bit of cheer into it, trying to lighten up the sombre atmosphere in the room.
Looking over at Sam, Riyoshi took in a deep breath.

"What's so wrong with that elevator?" Riyoshi asked wondering if he would get an angered reaction out of Sam, or even Katsura.

"Jungle i say! Let's go to the jungle!" the voice screamed at Riyoshi.
"just.... i dont wanna use it again...."

after thje voice yelled, Sam looked at Riyoshi

"let me guess... another freaking artifact..."

3 singing voices came out in unison from a shelf

"ooohh oooh ooh, the necklace sings to the young man, but he-"

Sam interrupted


there was an effeminate voice from the 3 singers

"... rude"
Taking a step back from Sam, Riyoshi had a little bit of fear for the anger that just unraveled itself out of Sam.

"I guess you can call it an artifact. I would not call it that though." Riyoshi replied to Sam.

Reaching up and grabbing a hold of his necklace, Riyoshi removed it from his shirt and help it out towards Sam.

"I do not call this an artifact." Riyoshi said again as he awaited Sam's reply.
Kalypso laid down on the floor of the office. "But I want to-" She stopped. He doesn't want me around right now. Fine. I don't care! I'll... I'll just go find a new owner. The wolf stood up and looked at the portal. IT was starting to fade away. Soon, a whining noise was heard. "Jirou! Come with me!" Kalypso grabbed Jirou by the scruff of his neck and leapt into the portal right before it dissapeared.
"That would be nice." Leslie said, before a screech sounded from the crystal ball. Glancing back at it, she removed her hand from his before picking up the blade again, pulling out a string from the ball, she clipped it before handing it to the shadow, who repeated the same process as before. Twirling her fingers, a coin dropped through the ball into whatever it was she was seeing. Pulling a sheet over it, she looked back at Marco.

"Work, never dies." Chuckling at her pun, she looked back at him smiling. "Any place, any time, any where. Your choice." She said lightly.
"S... so this is Grim's Wonderland, huh? There isn't anything tha..that could scare us!" Kalypso said confidentally, then walked into a spiderweb. "AAAAAAA! Spiders! Help! Get them off of me!" She squirms in the web, trying to get it off of her.
(and yes, she was here all along) Lola giggled at the singing trio. "No need to be mean" she said lightly. She then thought about the clock and how it glowed when she touched it. That moment raised curiosity.

"Hey," she started off. "Is there any way to know if you have the same magic an artifact has?"

Jirou was terrified of the feeling of the spider web, that he ran from Kalypso in a different direction. He continued to run into spider webs, feeling more terrified each time because he couldn't see them. When he ran into one with a spider bigger than his paw occupying it, he ran back near Kalypso, crying. "Where are we? I want to go home! I want my mommy!"
Marco leaned over and kissed Leslie.

"untill then..."

he walke outside, (according to Sweetypiepenny's post, shes there as well so..) he saw Kalypso caught in a web

"Kalypso! wait up!"

he wan over, casting a bunch of spells, taking out the Spiders, he then got up to Kalypso, and pulled the webs off.

"sorry about that, Kalypso... i was kinda... dragged away there"

he wiped the webs off her, and petted her on the head

"lets go..."

he transported her back to the front of the school

"sorry about not spending much time with you, Kalypso... how about we go for a walk? as my way of saying "sorry"??
Kalypso sighed as her owner helped her out of the web and transported her back to the school. "Thanks. A walk would be nice." She smiled, the frowned urgently. "Jirou! He's still there! We have to help him! Oh no!" She closed her eyes and telepathacly said to Jirou, "Jirou! We're on our way to help you! Hold still!"
Leslie sighed, frowning deeply as Marco left. Leaning her head back in her chair, she had felt two of the presences in her world leave, leaving a third. She wasn't sure how they had gotten in, and would make sure to fix her spell's blunder for future references. The reaper certainly did not need any people not welcome in her world and if a simple pup and creature had gotten in, she was going to have a lot of trouble on her hand.

Stepping out onto the porch, she saw the small pup and sighed. It was the puppy she had given a girl before, looking well fed and nicely treated. "Hello..." She said lightly reaching out and touching the pup who was soon transported back next to it's owner.

Looking back into the sole house, she nodded at her shadow who followed outside sweeping aside the cobweb that turned into nothingness once more. At the farthest edge she could go in her grey bleak 'Wonderland', with the shadow on the other, they started a spell, feeding in both demonic and reaper power to seal off her world completely till only she could get in, or out.
"that other dog?... why? where is he?"

he looked around, he couldnt see the other dog anywhere, nor cold he feel Jirou's presence
Looking over at her, Riyoshi just listened in, nodding his head in acceptance to the question.

"Yea, is there anyway to tell? Cuz i was able to use all the one's that i have picked up, so i want to know if it was dumb luck for me, or if i was 'guided' to these ones." Riyoshi asked towards Sam.

Pulling his necklace out of his shirt, he brought it close to his mouth and chanted a few words. As he pulled the necklace from away from his mouth, it started to glow. Before them both, stood a large lizard.

"Like i said, I do not believe this to be an artifact, but if it was, i am not aware of this." Riyoshi said as he climbed aboard his giant lizard.
Kalypso looked at Marco. "J.. Jirou. He was in the Wonderland. But now... He's being transported somewhere. I could feel it." All of a sudden a poof of smoke appeared next to Kali. Jirou appeared and looked around. "Jirou!" Kalyspo ran over to her friend and hugged him.

(Jirou appeared next to Kalypso, and not Lola because Lola told him to stay with Kali.)
Jirou appeared back near Kalypso. He was happy to be back in Mr. Marco's office, but he really wanted Lola more than ever now. he started cryin again, saying "I want my mommy! Where is she?!"

"I don't know either, but something weird happened when I picked up one of them. Something that never happened before," She responded, looking at the large lizard. She wondered if it had some natural thought, even though it was summoned.

"Uh.. Hi there, lizard" she said to the lizard, waiting for a response. Meanwhile, she continued talking to Riyoshi. "I thought all artifacts are items withholding magic, so I guess that makes your necklace an aritfact, but I'm not sure. I've never used one before." She finished.
Marco shook his head and sighed, but that didn't hide the slight smile on his face.

he placed a hand on Jirou's head, and petted him.

"its ok, we'll find her"


"not all are items holding magic, most just hold the... what many could call "souls" or "spirits" of mortal people, so not all contain power"

Katsura spoke up

"there are some which are both, they are solid magic, like those gems, and to help contain that power, those artifacts are given personalities, like me... but i'm not solid magic, all my magic is contained in the hild of this blade... i often question the nature of existence when this comes to mind..."
"Oh you do, don't you! I know what its like to miss your owner so badly that you start crying. I'm going to contact your mom right now!" Kalypso smiled, then closed her eyes. Lola! Lola! Do you hear me? Lola?

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