WW - The New World

"Hi Sam! Lola's my new mommy!" he barked, nuzzling his hand. She petted Jirou's head. "He likes you," Lola replied, laughing.

She answered Sam's question with, "Hmm, I actually want to know why all the teachers have been taken. Mr. Highland's pet wolf is right over there." She then looked over in Kalypso's direction, who was still sleeping.
Sam raised an eyebrow

"damn thats a big hound...."

Kalypso was as large as Sam, and had a jaw big enough and powerful to tear limbs off, and looked fit enough to chase a hostile down in seconds.

"Sam went for the door

"well, shall we go and look? we might be able to find some way to track them, maybe some magical map or something?"
"Hmm... maybe there is, but we can't just leave Kalypso here. That's her name, by the way.Don't worry, she's friendly," She replied, seeing how uneasy he felt when he saw her. "Hmm... I have an idea," She said, taking back Jirou.

"I'll be back to see what happened to Mr. Marco. Tell Kalypso that when she wakes up, ok?" She told Jirou. "Ok," Jirou whined. He didn't want Lola and his/her new friend to leave. "Stay by Kalypso," Lola concluded. She put Jirou down, and he went to snuggle with Kalypso.

"Ok, where should we look first?" She turned to Sam.
"the storeroom, there must be some artefact that we can use to find them there"

the Storeroom, a whole basement, filled to the brim with artefacts, enchanted items and sealed spirits, it was dangerous, especially if they knocked something over, but it was their best chance.

he reached over and grabbed Katsura and tied her to his belt, then went out the door, heading to the storeroom.
"Ok," Lola said uneasily. She knew that was a hazardous place if something were to go awry, but she definitely knew they would find something useful there if they were careful.

"Do you know where to find it? I'm still figuring out how to go around here without getting lost," She replied. "Hey, where did you get that sword from?" She asked when he fastened it to his waist.
"got it before i left home, i just found it in a lake... i swear this thing talks to me... when i touched it, for some reason the words "Wind Breaker Katsura" flashed in my mind... so i decided to call it "Katsura"... but i can't unsheathe it"

he pointed to a large wooden door, it looked like some old loading bay door from the 40s, it opened at Sam's touch, it seemed to unlock itself.

he pressed it open, what was inside was unexpected... it was a rickety old lift, going straight down, it was like a mineshaft

"damn, the aura is so thick in here... i feel like its gonna crush my lungs..."

he walked into the elevator and waited for Lola, with his finger on the "down" button
"Huh, never noticed that before," She mumbled. She didn't like how the elevator looked so old, it was bound to collapse. She cautiously stepped in and waited for the door to close. When the elevator began to descend, it made a loud creaking sound.

She tried to take her mind off of it by striking a conversation."So you've never sheathed-er- Katsura, at all since you first found it?" Lola asked.
the creaking stopped, the elevator stopped.... then all hell broke loose.

the elevator's cord snapped, it plummeted at incredible speed, it fell faster than them, makign them almost weightless

"oh crap! oh shit! oh ****!"

soon, the elevator went through a blue light, and the elevator suddenly slowed down, it was not safely on rails on each side.

Sam fell to the ground, landing on top of Lola

"oww... you okay?"

he didn't see behind him, was another tunnel.
Lola was absolutely terrified from the free-fall when the elevator's cord snapped. She could not help but keep her eyes closed and finally opened them when the elevator finally stopped, finding Sam on top of her."Uhhh... I'm fine" she replied, blushing. She quickly sat up and looked around. "Umm... how are we gonna get out of here?" She then asked, standing up.
Sam closed his eyes and touched Katsura...

"this way"

he lead her downt he tunnel.

soon, a sensor was set off, and the lights came on, before them was a huge blast door, at least 5 metres high by 8 metres wide, and about 1.5 feet thick, this was the kind of thing used to protect against missile attacks...

on the side panel there was a hole, inside it was a sensor.

"well... might as well try..."

he stuck his finger into the detector... and unlike what many may think, the door opened!

a voice came from the sensor

"magic level - Medium. Malice detected - 0.8% shock from elevator contributing .5% malice... accepted"

inside was something out of a hollywood movie, it was incredible, it was a huge underground werehouse, robotic arms were maintaining the werehouse, they traveled on rails on the roof, and a huge central computer was in the center.

before them was a small carriage on a rail, the rails went down every corner of the werehouse, making it easy to travel in.

the carriage was circular and was cotrolled by a central seat, with many other seats facing the center.

"hop on, my lady"

he got into the central seat, it was controlled by a dial-throttle, a joystick and an on/off button, so simple.
Lola smiled. Sam seemed to be quite a charming individual, and apparently knows how this place worked, or at least, how the carriage worked. Before she went in, she was amazed by how modern it looked. She figured since there were such timely artifacts they were searching for, they should at least discover an ancient cave as a basement. But then again, there is a definite difference between a school's storeroom and her dad's library. She sat in one of the side seats. "Uh, do you know how to use that?" She asked out of curiosity.
"well, it looks simple enough"

he pressed the "on" button and the carriage began to move, he brought the throttle up, and it moved faster.

soon they came to the central mainframe

"damn, this room must have taken a few dozen million pounds to build"

(he's from England, he uses their money system)

he got to the mainframe, there was no lock on it

"this is weird... do you think the teachers were expecting us to come here?"
As Riyoshi and his giant lizard ran across the massive field, the came across a large river. Looking from side to side, Riyoshi spotted a large building and a huge bridge. Tapping the head of his lizard, the lizard turned and ran towards the bridge.

"Soon, we will be home and you can rest." Riyoshi said as they came upon the building.

Stopping in front of the building, Riyoshi leaped off the lizards back and he reached for his necklace. Holding it up to the lizard, Riyoshi muttered a few words. The amulet started to glow and the lizard disappeared.

"I want to check this place out. I want to see if i can get anything from here." Riyoshi said aloud to himself.

Turning and facing the building, Riyoshi started to walk towards the front door, when out of the corner of his eye, a door creaked open. Turning his head to look over at it, he tried to spot whatever made it do that. Walking over to the door, Riyoshi reached into his pocket and grabbed out a small red rock. Holding the rock in his left hand, it formed a small fireball. Entering through the door, it was dark, even for having a fireball in his hand, Riyoshi could not see 5 feet in front of himself. Squinting his eyes, Riyoshi tried to see what was in the dark room. Walking forward, Riyoshi went to place his foot upon the ground but there was no ground under his foot. Falling forwards, Riyoshi threw his fireball down to see what he was in. AS the fireball fell, it lit up a huge hole.

"SHIT!" Riyoshi yelled out as he fumbled around in his pocket.

Moving stuff around in his pocket, Riyoshi tried to find the one thing that would ultimately save his life.

"OH god! Hurry man!" Riyoshi yelled out to himself as his voice echoed through the hole.
"oo... huur muur.." was the echoe heard down in the werehouse.

Sam and Lola were almost at the Mainframe

"hang on, i hear something..."

he brought the Carriage around and zoomed it back to the entrance, the blast-door had closed but he could hear screams
As he found what he was looking for, he screamed out his incantation.

"From dust to diamond, protect my body and soul!" Riyoshi yelled out as the stone in his hand glowed a bright tan.

The stone glowed and started to cover Riyoshi's body. As it fully encased Riyoshi, it hardened to a diamond like hardness and he impacted with the ground. Coughing from the impact, Riyoshi lay there on the ground, not moving. The stone armor that Riyoshi was encased in started to crack and fall from around his body. The force of the impact shook the room that he was in, but not enough to cause any damage, just crack the ground underneath him.
the blast door opened, Sam came running through, his hand on Katsura.

he ran up to Ryoshi and knelt next to him

"hey, are you okay? how many fingers am i holding up? can you move your legs?"

he held up 4 fingers
Looking over at the man, Riyoshi tried to get his breath.

"You...where...what..." Riyoshi said in between breaths as he was royally confused.

He had no idea what the hell just happened, Looking around at the room he was in, he looked back at the man. Blinking his eyes to clear his vision, Riyoshi looked at the man's hand.

"You are holding up 4 fingers. I am fine now. Just not sure where i am anymore." Riyoshi replied to the man.
"uhh... you're just outside the Storehouse... you would'nt believe the things in there..."

Sam held out his small, slender hand, to help the man up

"i'm Sam... and you?..."
Being helped up, Riyoshi did not answer the man at first, but he looked for his small red rock. He could not lose that one. He needed to find it.

"Hold on." Riyoshi said as he looked around the layout of the room until he found his stone.

Walking over and grabbing it, Riyoshi exhaled in relief.

"Sorry about that. My name is Riyoshi. Storehouse? What exactly is this place?" Riyoshi replied to the man as he walked back to Sam's location.
"... uhh, this place IS owned by a multi-billionaire and it teaches magic, are you suprised there are things out of the ordinary... anyway, by what its like in there this security is worth it"

he noticed the stones and tilted his head

"huh... you use gems in your magic, i guess you- SHUT THE HELL UP KATSURA! I'LL GET TO THAT!"
"Magic, what are you talking about?" Riyoshi looked away from sam with a worried look.

Reaching up, he grabbed hi necklace and whispered to it.

"How could he know? Was it to obvious?" Riyoshi said under his breath.

As the man yelled behind him, it made him jump in place. Looking back at Sam, Riyoshi put his necklace away and placed the stone back into his pocket.

"What the hell was that about?" Riyoshi asked as he looked sam in the face.
Sam raised an eyebrow

"Well how could you not know, this place mind-wipes anyone and anything incapable of using magic the second they enter it's grounds and transports them to the other side of the bridge... could you see the bridge? only magical beings can cross it, anyone else dosen't see it and would fall right through it"

he held his sheathed sword in front of him and kept talking to it

"well maybe if you gave me a second to find out... now how the hell would you know?... okay okay, if it'll make you shut up..."

he turned to Riyoshi

"she says your name sounds japanese, she wants to know if you are japanese"

he pointed at the blade

".. her..."
Riyoshi's eyes widened as he looked upon sam having a conversation with the sheath and his explanation of this place.

"Yes, i seen the bridge, but i was merely trying to get home. I came in here to see if i could find a collectible to bring home with me." Riyoshi replied to the first question.

"And for the using magic portion, who says i can use magic? What if i just have good luck on my side to not get wiped?" Riyoshi asked as if trying to deter the question away from him.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to get his question correct in his mind before asking Sam.

"And let me get this straight, your sheath talks to you?" Riyoshi asked as he tried his hardest to not sound like he was calling Sam crazy.

Before Sam could answer his question, he gulped and proceeded to answer the sheath's question.

"The name Riyoshi is japanese, but i am only a descendant of that nation. I chose this name for my it was my grandfathers and he was the greatest warrior i knew." Riyoshi said as his eyes shifted between the sheath and Sam.
"satisfied, Katsure... and why?... damnit FINE!"

Sam began having a fit, his body began to glow, his entire body shook and began to change.

he became taller, his chest expanded, his body became more "curvy: and his face became even more Feminine.

soon, sam stood up, looking like a 25 year-old japanese woman

"i am Katsura.. the weapon-spirit inhabiting this Katana, formerly the weapon of the greatest warlords of Japan... tell me, Child, descendent of my homeland... but"

Katsure drew... herself from the sheath, and pointed "herself" at Riyoshi.

the blade was amazing, the patterns were beautiful, and the sharp edged had a strange blue tint to them, the blade itself has small "teeth" lining it, designed to do as much damage as possible.

"you are no student here... and don't be foolish enough to think "luck" had anything to do with not having your mind wiped... the power in the enchantments on this place are unmatched by anything i have ever seen... and it is constantly scanning, either the fild is broken or you can do magic.. do not deny it..."

Katsura re-sheathed herself.

"now, Sam is returning, do not feed him such foolishness and denial, or i shall return to enact punishment for lying"

Sam's body began to change again, soon he was in the exact same possition he was in as the transformation began, but this time, he was back to normal.

"ow.. my head... did you lie to me? 'cos lying REALLY pisses her off"
"Im not going to say i lied to you, more or less did not tell you everything. Yes i can do magic. But the thing is, when i do it, i feel this urge to fight and learn new magic. It is as if, there is this power just reeling me in, making me learn everything that i possibly can, but i have no idea why." Riyoshi said to sam as he exhaled in relief to see that katana be resheathed.

Looking around for a second, he reached his hand into his pocket and withdrew 5 stones. Holding them out so Sam could see them, Riyoshi took a deep breath.

"With these, i can do magic, but it was originally not my magic, nor my spells." Riyoshi said as his head hung down a little and he looked upon the floor.

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