WW - The New World

Jack laughed," Ignorance breeds fear y'know...." Jack sighed shoving his hands into his pockets," We've been infiltrated some bad dudes took some teachers big fight all that crud. Yet they expect us to sit by and watch."
"Great," she muttered to herself. "First day of school and this happens. Just wonderful." Scarlet continued her endless complaining and rants in her head, an often occurrence for when she got annoyed or frustrated with something. Jason's attitude was really pushing her. She stopped, turned around, and faced him. "I am not going to intervene in this no matter how much you mock me or say I'm scared." she growled. "And on top of that, you haven't even told me what your name is and why I should trust you." She stood with her arms crossed and a frown on her face, waiting patiently for his answer.
Jason smiled, " I never said you should trust me sweet heart." Jason smirks , "but if you must know I'm Jason, Jack Chase." Jason shrugged ," What about you? You just another drone who thinks they can find their calling here?" Jason chuckled as the corridor rung with battle.
"Sweeheart?" Scarlet's eye twitched. "A calling here? I don't think so. If you must know, my name is Scarlet Maxwell." Even though you could hear battles off in the distance, her only concern was this Jason guy who seemed to have a huge ego. "As for my calling, it could be to kidney punch you. I guess it all depends how far you push me, honey," she said with a smirk.
Jason winced , " ouch that hurt. Like I haven't heard that one before... DOLL FACE." Jason shrugged ," I wouldn't fight trouble maker with violence... It tends to make them excited... But I like that you've got that fighting spirit haha.."
"Doll face??" she screeched. Instead of thinking of a witty comeback or punching him in the kidneys, Scarlet resorted to the Tobi method. She took a deep breath and counted to ten. "Listen, I don't want to fight you and if you dislike me, fine. Just go out and say what you think of me." She sighed before continuing. "You're irritating and have a huge ego, Mr. Chase, but you aren't completely horrid. There. I feel better," Scarlet said with a smile, letting her temper calm itself.
Jason grinned , " First time I've heard that. Where I comes from your either completely horrid or a little punk." Jason smiled , " I honestly thought you were the latter... But this school and everyone in it is in the gray that area between black and white... Bottom line I like someone who can tolerate my greatness."
Scarlet shrugged. "Well, where I come from, people are generally kind and honest to each other. Sounds like you grew up in the wrong town," she said, spacing back to her home and missing it already. Even with the obsessive knitting Grandmas and the obnoxiously loud little kids, it wasn't a bad place to be. She felt her eyes getting watery so she stopped her trip down memory lane. "Your greatness?" she asked. "Who could possibly tolerate an ego such as yours?"
Jason smiled , " probably no one... Even my own mother died when I was born perhaps unable to endure what I'd become. Really bad luck yes but not the worst.. You will see my life is very much one of those cheesy inspirational ones with a mean streak. Oh yes it is lonely at the top." Jason laughed he sounded ludacris at best.
Scarlet grimaced, actually feeling bad for the guy. What could she say? She was a sucker for a tale of loneliness and sadness. It just about broke her heart. "I'm sorry..to hear about your mom that is," she said softly. "Surely there isn't anyone who cannot put up with you." After debating his ego for a minute she decided on her something. "Listen, if you need a friend, you could always come to me," she whispered as she averted her eyes to the floor, not certain what she was commiting to exactly.
Jason sighed, " I don't remember her at all... It is okay. It is just one big test." Jason forced a laugh out ," the only person who can be friends with me is a strong willed person. I'd be glad to know someone ALMOST as driven as me." Jason shrugged ," But I doubt we can er... Talk soon they take smashing magical jars seriously here. I'm sure I'm only off the hook until the professors come back. I don't know if I should be scared,amused, or excited."
Sam nodded, and took Van from the area, around a corner

"that new guy doesn't want us... looks like he wants Mr Highland"
The huge man laughed."This glow prevents all magic from affecting me, Mr. Adams. I figured you'd get it after nothing happened when you attacked." He shook his head, standing Steven up straight, and motioning for him to follow.~(Time skip, by like fifteen minutes)Once the four teachers had been corralled out front by their attackers, Vent nodded to Steven and Marco, and immediately took a defensive stance beside Alec. "You okay?" He asked, gripping her hand.At the same time, he spoke to Steven and Marco telepathically. 'okay, this is ridiculous. I say we figure out a plan for when we meet whoever's in charge.'~David woke up with a yawn, and stumbled out of bed.Mommy and Daddy were already teaching, so he'd make himself from cereal. He beamed at his own independence, and set about getting dressed.
Marco nodded and communicated telepathically

"you know guys... this is probably like, 99% my fault... i have made a LOT of enemies, and it would make sense for them to take you guys too"

he looked at the guys behind them

"these guys aren't Lazarus... they seem to be completely automated, i could sense a brain, but it was artificial... this could be bad"
Steven was on the verge of passing out;he was drained. "Marco..." he groaned, "Stop being so goddamn full of yourself...We all have enemies. You're not special anymore." Then,he passed out.
"I'm fine..." Alec said simply, her eyes were looking them over before she sighed as Steven blacked. "Honestly, you three...." Looking back at the man that had escorted her out, she motioned towards her friend with a glowing hand, "May I?"
At first, Gabriel thought the annoying voice was one of his students, but then the girl of the desk he was just standing on, ran for the door. When other students got up, and looked at him for guidance, he shook his head.

He had no idea what the kid was even warning them against, but he was sure that he could protect these kids from it. Dropping his cigarette, he stepped on it, and came to the conclusion he could protect them just as good outside. So, he head over to grab a few vials from his desk and turned towards the rest of the class.

“Don’t panic, but we’re going to be leaving the school…if we run into something, don’t play hero, that’s my job” he explained.

“Now, all of you group around the staircase” he ordered, grabbing a flask from his second drawer and pocketing it.

On his way to the stairs, he grabbed a book off the shelf and flipped through to the proper page, touching his kids on his way by. Silently counting in his head, he made his way up to the third step; muttering the final incantation, that sounded like Latin. The group would be forced together, and a visible barrier, something akin to steel, would round them. Then it would fade as if it was never there, but Gabriel knew it remained;

“Follow me. Stay close.” He ordered, starting to climb the stairs.


Valentina followed the kid, but wasn’t watching him; her eyes were focused on the classrooms they were passing. No one was in any of them, and the hallways were empty too. At her leader’s comment she questioned,

“Do you know if anyone else was taken?”

Although preoccupied with her own battle, she was sure she felt other magic fluctuate throughout the building.

“Where are we going, anyways?” she asked

Although she trekked through this school many times, the way they were walking confused her and she was clueless as to where they were going.
Vent sighed."Let me, honey." He said, picking Steven up and gently slinging him over his shoulder. "Steven's right Marco. But just about taking the blame. You're totally special. Special ED." Vent said jokingly aloud, attempting to raise spirits a bit by being his usual self. He was feeling pretty drained too, he could understand where Steven was mentally right now.... This was embarrassing.~Before Gabe and his class, stood a red haired man. He wore a white suit, contrasting the other invader's black ones. He had no sunglasses, but had yellow eyes. The same kind of eyes Vent got when his demon blood boiled up. "Gabriel." The man said with a smile. "Can I talk to you alike for a minute?" ~David couldn't reach the milk.... So much for independence. Running up to his sister's room, he bounced on her bed."Sis! I need you to reach the milk for me." He said, a little down he couldn't do it himself.
Shaking her head, Alec set both of her hands to glow, and pressed them against the two, knowing Marco would protest to being helped out by her. After fixing minor cuts on them, and giving some energy to them, she sighed, looking back at the men, before raising an eyebrow. After a minute of looking them over, she shrugged, mentally releasing the lock on her classrooms door.


Hannah let out a groan as her bed bounced, nearly sending her out of it. Pulling her blanket over her head, she pushed her left foot out, pressing it against David to get him to move. "Five more...minutes..." She yawned out.
"who said about being special? i'm just saying that i've made the most enemies out of anyone here, and its likely that one of them has taken us"

he sent a horrible screeching sound over telepathy to both Vent and Stephen

"thats for acting like douches when i'm just throwing out possibilities"


"i think Mr Vent has been Taken, we know Mr Highland has been taken, we need to find Mrs Alec..."

he looked in the rooms as he passed them, some other students were still wandering around, looks like others took cover after those... things attacked.

he soon came to ALec's classroom, they burst through the door, to find... nothing, she was gone

Steven didn't recieve the telepathic screech;he was still out cold. His mind was a mess;long strings of disjointed thoughts,punctuated with complex equations involving force,energy,and mass. Random,single-frame memories,and blinding flashes of light. There was no audio,no colour. Only black and white frames,bright flashes of light,thought and equations.

And in the center of this swirling mass,entirely undetectable,stood a sigle figure,clad in a ragged gray robe,clutching a pair of scimitars;one red,one aqua. "What is happening...?"
As Valentina followed him, she listened to the list of name’s and where they were heading. The classroom was devoid of teacher, though, and she motioned for the kids that remained to get out of there. Vent…Alec…Marco, all three of them were captured, but there was a number four to reckon with, after all..

“Steven” she noted,

Turning away from the health room, she started down the hallway. Opening a metal link, just to be sure, she spoke into the recesses of her mind;

Steven? I’m not sure I did this right…but, this is Valentina…where are you?”

Ever since she had walked his mind with the help of Aenor, the two shared a mental bond; although not one to be a telepath, she found his mind easy to lock onto. There was something strange about this instant though, as if his mind wasn’t…responding…or completely there; when she walked passed a hallway, the vibes picked up, following them seemed to be the answer.

On the edge of leaving, she turned back to the boy who she’d been following;

“I’m going on ahead…you should get to safety” she warned, not really sure what else to say.

With that, she continued to follow his mind, almost losing it when a telepathic attack hit it, luckily she was close enough that it didn’t matter. They were in front of the building, and she hid behind the corner to remain unseen, sighing in relief that they all seemed fine. Even Steven, who was being carried by Vent, just seemed tired rather than anything else.

His mind was a different story, still a chaos of thoughts that didn’t match up and ideas that ran free; she was able to find who she was looking for though…



Gabriel froze in position, quirking a brow at the insolent fool who dare stand in his way, vibrant red hair made for an easy target.

“Gabriel” he spoke,

His yellow eyes seemed to gleam under the florescent light, and Gabriel reached for another cigarette, only to tear it apart and toss the tobacco towards his students. He listened idly to the white-suit’s request, before speaking his mind…like always.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your name?” he questioned,

“And we can speak alone as long as you want” He started, giving him a cocky grin.

“Go along students”

“Towards the back” he finished,

Then the two remained, facing off in the small hallway above his classroom

“I’m waiting…” he baited.
In the swirling mass,a voice cut through the dark-a female voice. Only one other person ever interacted with Aenor. "Valentina. It's been a while. Time is short;Steven's mind is tearing itself apart! I'm doing what I can,but...There's only so much a man can endure in life before crossing the brink." He turned inside Steven's mind,and suddenly Val's vision saw Aenor's face;saddened,anguished. Defeated. He was the spiritual manifestation of Steven's indomnitable willpower,and he was defeated. And then the image was gone.

"I need a plan. A patch. And fast."
Aenor’s face appeared in Val’s mindset and her breath caught in her throat, both confused and a little emotional. Eying Steven from around the corner, it was hard to believe he was going crazy from where she sat. Aenor probably didn’t realize what was happening outside,

“Steven’s not even close to me right now… he’s been captured along with Vent, Marco and Al-” the thought stopped and another began.

“Alec knows healing, does she not? Can she fix this?” Val questioned, semi-rhetorically

“A Patch” she repeated to herself, lightly hitting her head against the wall.

“Aenor, I’m no good with plans” she cursed at herself,

“If…I manage to get him free…Only for a moment…Can you take it from there?”
she suggested, not sure what else to say.
Sam nodded, and ran out the door, pretending to get to safer, but in truth he was runnign to the front of the school.

another student came around the corner, Sam dodged around him, he was used to dodging like that whenever the servants at the mansion would come after him.

he got to the front of the school, he watched from the bushes, appart from his blazing red eyes, he blended in perfectly.

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