WW - The New World

Scarlet and Tobi quickly picked two seats that were right next to each other. They both sat and listened in their own ways. Scarlet listened to the first couple words of each sentence before zoning off while Tobi concentrated on every single word that came out of the teacher's mouth. Tobi's mind was racing. He thought it was completely improper to talk to a teacher without referring them to either Sir, Ma'am, Mr., or other such titles. When the teacher decided to add his little comment on running away, Tobi could feel his palms start to sweat with nervousness. When he asked for questions, he felt compelled to ask about his nonchalant smoking that had been banned from his previous school. Leaning forward in his chair, he whispered to Scarlet. "Ask Mr. Stark why he is smoking and if it is allowed."

Scarlet nodded her head, the routine was something she was used to. Tobi was the brains and Scarlet was the mouth. Unlike him, she enjoyed the idea of a laid back teacher such as this. The smoking was something that didn't bother her either and the fact that he had tried to strike some fear and jokes into his students just fascinated her. Her hand went up, ready to ask Tobi's question.
There were only a few hands in the air, and his eyes rolled around the room; kicking his feet off the desk, he closed his eyes and waved his cigarette around the room. The random choice slowed to a stop and his eyes popped open, quirking a brow at his choice of an empty desk.

With a sigh of annoyance, he laid his arms on their rest and launched himself out of his chair and onto his desk. Pulling his hair out of his face, he clambered the desks and landed on the twins’ desk;

“Looks like you’re lucky number one” he noted, noticing the two were closest to the empty desk.

Leaning down, he blew smoke in their faces

“…What is it?” he asked, tapping his foot semi-patiently.


The electricity left her balled up fist, jumping on the descent down to the ground and Valentina cursed, realizing what the wave had done. It was a little too late, as the robot had Marco up by the neck in the hallway, and she was left standing without magic.

The only weapon she had extended into the full length staff and she ground her teeth; there was no way she could take down the robot. Helping Marco out was a different story, though, and she approached the cyborg’s back cautiously. The armour seemed to have no fatal flaws, and she almost reached out to trace it before remembering why she was actually here.

Wounding up, she hit the back of the cyborg’s neck with the bulkier end of her weapon and with some dexterity, she had climbed. Her weapon rotated fast, the sharp end coming down at his arms joint, hoping for anything. In the back of her mind she tried to remember anything non-magic she knew and came up with zilch.

All she could do was try.
Tobi almost jumped out of his seat when the teacher decided it was appropriate to walk on desks and blow cancerous smoke into their otherwise clean lungs. The smoke entered through his mouth and nose which sent the young boy into a coughing fit. Scarlet patted his back, half concerned and half annoyed with the teacher. I mean, who blows smoke into other people's faces. If they wanted smoke in their face, they'd get their own cigarettes. With a roll of her eyes, she looked back up to the teacher so she could ask Tobi's question. "I would like to know why you are smoking in class on school grounds? Is that allowed?"
Jason laughed he was free! It must of freaked out some of the students to see someone suddenly appear out of thin air, but then again they were wizards and witches he supposed.

Jason growled ," What are you all looking at get the heck out!" Jason sprinted out the door bashing it aside he ran past another door with people in it ," Are you all bleedin death?! Get out!!" Jason laughed as he kicked the door open delivering his message.
Marco lifted himself up, and kicked the robot in the head, hoping to get dropped

"damn this bugger is tough!"
Vicky's suspicions were confirmed when Professor Adam's sent a mental message to all of the students to leave the room through a trap door behind desk. She watched as other students got up though she felt something keeping her there. Unfortunately she knew right then that she wouldn't be any help to her professor, though she felt like a horrible student leaving him alone to whatever menace he was facing. With one last longing glance at the door she left with her classmates through the trap day, narrowly missing the zweihander as it was taken off the wall and presumably sent to her teacher.

Sam jumped from the window, he grabbed the pipe on the side of the building as he came out, and began sliding to the ground

"i gotta get help..."

he landed in a tree, and jumped from it to the ground and went running for help for Vent.
Vent had stopped relying on actual magical techniques at this point. A little bloody, he was funneling his magic into his physical strength, and that little bit seemed able to match this bastard. For now. Blocking a jab with his forearm, Vent went for the straight kick, but the man grabbed his forearm, and lept acrobatically over Vent, then used the momentum to lift Vent over him, and slam him into the ground. Things wern't looking good.That's also when the man started grinning."We have Alec, Hero. You better come with us." He said, looking down on Vent.Vent stood up, his eyes turning yellow with the demon blood activating. His canine teeth elongating, and his nails turning into claws.He swiped at the man, leaving gashes in his arm. His other hand slammed into his chest, smashing him into the ground with unbelievable malice.With that, he returned to normal, his eyes darkening to green."You lay a finger on her, I'll make sure to personally eradicate every single one of you." He spat, backing up.The man coughed, and sighed."Good, c'mon."~The man felt Marco's kick and Val's attack at the same time.Twisting, he used Marco like a weapon to smash Val, sending her crashing into the wall. The ray-gun like hand that cancelled magic transformed yet again, becoming more akin to a gun. He lifted it, pointing to Val. A shot ran off, and a hole the size of Val's head appeared in the wall, beside her own head.Still holding Marco, the man glanced up at him."Will you come yet? Apparently, Alec Atererus is cooperating." He said snidely.~The telekinesis attack of Steven's was harmlessly repelled by the glow surrounding the man.He dove, and caught Steven's leg, with inhuman speed and agility, especially for such a bulky man. Pulling Steven down to the ground, he slammed the Zweihander up to it's hilt in the ground beside Steven's head."I don't want to kill you. Stop resisting." He said.
Marco thought about it for a second... he had Val hostage.. a few years ago, he would happily sacrifice a bystander to achieve results... but he was'nt that man anymore... he loosened up.

"fine... i'll go just don't hurt anyone who dosen't have anything to do with this..."


around the corner of a building, Sam watched form the side of a building

"what?... Mr Highland's aura... its gone..."

his sword began to speak

"his magic is still there, and it is strong enough to crush that... thing... but it's being suppressed, like a powerful warrior lost in a cavern... the power is useless..."

Sam looked at his sword

"you can speak?"

the sword was silent for a second, then spoke again

"i am the spirit of this blade... i know how you may unsheath me... bu i will not tell you now... for you will try and save that man from that inhuman... thing... and so, i shall tell you in good time"

seeing as how he could'nt help Marco, he ran along the wall, coming to Val, he clutched her shoulder.

"are your legs broken? we need to get out of here"
Marco came crashing into Valentina’s perched figure and she was knocked back into the wall, tumbling over herself. Quickly managing to gain her bearings, her ribs and back hurt, and a new gun was pointed at her face, connected to the cyborg’s arm. A shot rang off and she flinched away, but felt no pain; only smelling the burnt fumes from the wall behind her.

"Fine... I'll go just don't hurt anyone who doesn't have anything to do with this..."

Her fist tightened, staring at the two before she heard footsteps approaching her, and looked up to see a kid running towards her. As they came in closer, she realized it was a teen and he or she, she couldn’t tell, had bright red eyes. They clutched her shoulder and asked a simple question, which made her legs twitch in response;

“No, they aren’t…” she answered.

Although Val didn’t want to leave Marco alone with the cyborg, especially when the former had agreed to follow, the creep was using her to his advantage. Threatening her life was the only thing that made Marco stop, and now that a kid was there, well…

On to her feet, she mussed her helpers’ hair, thanking him silently, before she shot a look back at the two figures.

“Lead the way” she offered, not really sure where they planned on taking her, or what they would do.


The male of the table started coughing up a fit and Gabriel smiled, maybe it would teach him to ask his own questions. It didn’t take Gab long to figure out that the sister was only speaking for her brother, she was hardly paying attention to him. After patting her brother’s back and rolling her eyes, she had finally asked their question, which made him smile again.

“I can smoke where ever I want” he answered, laughing

The laughter stopped short when the sound of the shot rang through the class and some of the students started whispering. Taking a step off the desk, he crouched to look at the door and saw nothing, like he expected. Too lazy to check it out, he turned towards the scared students and spoke;

“See… that’s what could happen to you” he patted his hip suggestively, although he carried no firearm with him.

“Any more questions?” he begun again and although hands’ went up, he chose to ignore them

“Yes, I am single…but, I’m way out your league and yes those textbooks in your desks are yours, as ratty as they may be” he explained.

“You’re not allowed bathroom breaks in this class, you’re not allowed food or drinks in this class, if you’re sick…don’t bother showing up. You will be working in partners for labs, and let it be noted that I also teach magical self-defense, in case you want to change that course too.” He continued

“This isn’t the class to be crying, whining, or butt-kissing in; although I do like compliments paid in tenth-fold” he finished.

“With this, let’s begin” he announced.
Steven growled,then had an idea. If it worked,he'd be free to plan;he knew that if he was being targeted,the third most powerful mage in the world,then Marco and Vent,and possibly even Alec were targeted as well. If it didn't,well...He always had plan B.

"Mind helping me with an experiment,first?" The zweihander was pulled from the ground and sent back to the room,as Steven sent to his students It's safe;in five minutes,leave the room and inform any adult you find;Professors Adams,Highland,and the Arterius couple were abducted.

Then,Steven focused on his experiment;he applied subtle telekenetic force rapidly on the hulk of a man,causing him to vibrate. Steven had a theory;if he could make this man vibrate at such a high enough frequency,he'd either fall apart,or melt. He also knew this would take an incredible amount of energy,so he dismissed the darkness illusion.
Alec nodded her head once more, before turning it as Katie appeared. Not wanting the woman to get hurt, she smiled softly, "Training. These kids are gifted, really. Some have already been able to master spells that took us ages to come up with." She said, laughing lightly, the perfect believable image, though what she was was an utter lie.

Looking back at the man, she followed him on his right side, keeping him within her limited sight at all times. "So, may I know how you found me, at least....? Or if you had others here you needed, and if yes, whom? Though, I do have an idea....."
The obnoxious sounding voice traveled down the stairs and into the students' ears as the teacher simply ignored the warning. The twins exchanged looks and decided which action to take. They both thought that the other was thinking the same thing they were. While Tobi stayed sitting calmly at their desk, Scarlet ran up the stairs and out the door to the messenger. Once she got to him, she felt compelled to ask a few questions. "So now what is going on and where exactly are we running to?"
Jason put his arms behind his back with a toothy grin ," I don't know but I'm out of detention so does it really matter?" suddenly Jason got a mental message ," Well things are getting interesting" Jason looked puzzled "It's safe;in five minutes,leave the room and inform any adult you find;Professors Adams,Highland,and the Arterius couple were abducted?"
Scarlet put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "Detention? On the first day?" She smiled. "I think you're bluffing." She knew for a fact that getting detention wasn't hard. Her friends always came to her when they wanted to complain about how unfair their detention was. "People can get in trouble for even being a certain time late for class. Big deal." Not able to help her curiosity either way, she asked, "So why did you get detention? Not that I care of anything. I just want to see how silly of a reason it is."
Jack exuded charm through a smile , " Well I vandalized school property of course.." Jack stuck his hands in his pockets ," YOu see when I want to do something, I do it.. You could say I already now what will happen." Jack had a mischievious glint in his eyes ," You'd be surprised by my... dumb luck."
Scarlet wasn't affected in the least by Jason's attempt at charming her. In fact, if anything, it was funny. Unable to take him completely seriously, she let out a small laugh before regaining her composure with a grin this time. "So what did ya vandalize Mr. Hotshot?" she asked, sarcasm leaking into her voice. With his last few statements, she just got confused. "Wait.." she muttered, staring down at the ground while tapping her head. When she looked back up at him, she asked "What do you mean you know what's going to happen?"
Jason sighed ," Smashed jars in mizz Artererus' class... A bunch a guts fell out.." Jason narrowed his eyes at the question ," I only found this out recently but... I have slight quantum precog... Which means I can see many of the possible outcomes of situations before they happen..."

Jason laughed ," Yet I never know which will actually happen and I'm a sitting duck when I get visions... Whatevs, someone once said knowledge is power.."
Scarlet shook her head. "Why would you smash jars? Dummy," she said before started to walk away from the class room. I mean, why stay if you were running out of class to get away from the danger anyway? "And shouldn't we be moving? Ya know, to get away from the impending danger that is awaiting us?" With her comment aside, she continued walking away, wandering if he'd follow after her or just stand there.
Jason laughed ," Some jars just need smashing... How else am I going to release stress?" Jason followed after the girl ," I can't control the power..." Well at least not without incentive.

Jason smiled ," What are you scared? The teachers probably have the attackers preoccupied.."
Scarlet smirked when she heard his foot steps hurrying after her. She could really care less if some guy had smashed a few jars to relieve stress. It wasn't life threatening. "I don't really understand your "power," she said, making air quotes with her fingers at the word power. "But don't try to use it as something to brag about. Kay?" she asked with a smile. Her smile turned upside down at the insulting comment that he dared to throw at her. "I am NOT scared!" she growled.
Jason smiled ," Maybe you don't need to uderstand about my 'powers'" Jason crossed his arms ," Fine... Prove it... Show me you aren't scared because walking away from the battle is certainly not doing that..."
"That's the thing," Scarlet said, "I don't understand them." She put it bluntly, not worried about seeming dense or just plain dumb. Her objective was to get out of that class with that rancid smoker and worry filled brother. If the danger climaxed to such an extent, she was sure he was safe in a trusted teacher's capable hands. With that, her mind cleared out all worries of Tobi's safety for the time being so she could think about her and her future actions concerning the situation at hand. This kid was getting irritating and interesting at the same time. He seemed to need a good kidney punch to knock his ego down a few knotches. "I will not walk straight into the battlefield," she said. "But it's not because I'm scared." She smiled. "It's because I'm not stupid like you."
Jason shrugged ,"stupid is the best kind of luck... I doubt you can say you truly aren't even a little scared because Im gonna bet you've never seen true pain."
Scarlet shook her head. "How can I possibly be scared when you didn't even explain to me completely what is going on. I mean, do I even know your name?" she asked, realizing how little she even knew about this random stranger who appeared screaming at their classroom doorway. "I am not afraid of something I have no clue about. I am not aware of any danger without having complete knowledge of it. So, care to fill me in?" she asked with one of her eyebrows raises.

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