WW - The New World

Jason smiled " ooh a desk right by the teach? Don't give me any special treatment?" Jason easily slid into his seat only one eye open as he leaned back in the desk a sigh escaped his mouth as he continued to flash a sly smile to the teacher.
Steven saw the students pull out paper,and he chuckled. "I'm sorry for the confusion,but I meant to tell me--now. Raise your hands,and I will call upon you to answer. You may write this down,if you wish,however." Some people raised their hands,and gave their answers;all were wrong, "Too complex." Steven said. "Simpler;simplest! The most primal element of the magic branch!"
Her eye twitched once, before she returned to checking over papers, text books coming off the shelves in the back and setting gently on the desks of the students, while the few she called up finished writing on the board. "Open to page 3, 896. Copy the chart into your notebooks." The next thing to set on the students desks were colored notebooks, everyone's a different colour with their name printed on top. Moving back to the front of the room, she corrected what had been written on the board to be medically accurate before looking back at the class to see who was doing their work.
Jason looked up from the paper work staring Alec in the eye before returning to write. Copying charts was boring to say the least. Jason wasn't by any means a healer, all the pain he caused was evident.. He had to get out of this god forsaken class. Jason eyed a floating glass vandalism always works.

Jason smiles raising his note book and chucking it into the glass a brain of some sort landed on his desk, and Jason wrinkled his noise in disgust the smell was incredibly foreign to him. Jason cuffed his hand by his ear to hear what he expected was coming.
Vicky put down her pencil and briefly looked up at Professor Adam's before looking back down. It wasn't that she was shy about answering her teacher, it was more that she was uncomfortable with answering when she couldn't answer all of his questions. Noting that no one else was raising their hands she cleared her throat and put her hand in the air.

"Professor," she said, her voice wavering at first before she got a hold of herself. "Illusion is the ability to manipulate reality and bring forth an image or feeling in a persons mind. Telekinesis is using your brain's power to control or manipulate on object," she hesitated as she reached mysticism, still unsure of what it is. "Mysticism is..." she bit her lip, drumming her fingers on her desk. It was so rare that she came uninformed.

She never liked to play around with her teacher's time, always looking down on her classmates that did. It was also against her own policy to make up answers which only further wasted the time of her teacher and also made her look bad. "Mysticism is power of the mind," Vicky was unsure as she said this and was afraid of what Professor Adams would say in response. Her respect for him was staggering and she felt tongue tied and idiotic for the first time in her life. "Mysticism is something that I want to learn- that I need to learn." She sighed underneath her breath, "Obviously."
At the sound of shattering glass, Alec's head snapped up. Eyes landing on the brain, students recoiling away from the goo, and the broken glass, her hands tightened even more. As she looked at none other than the student who had come in late, she sighed. Waving her hand, a new jar appeared, the brain getting put back in it as the liquid reformed around it, cleaning substances coming out to cover the desk and floor.

While this was happening, Alec had marched over to the student, yanked him out of his chair by his ear, twisting it as she did so, and dragged him over to the door, "Class, We will be back." Dragging him out the open door, she walked fast, not carying if he could keep up or not. She opened a mental connection to Steven.

It seems you have an early visitor, Mr. Steven. A vandalizing punk with an attitude problem. Broke the Ignars brain jar with his notebook... Where would you like me to leave him for you when you have the time to deal with him? Pausing in her steps, as she awaited an answer, her grip on the kids ear increased.
Steven smiled at Vicky's attempt. "Valiant,but still too complex." When no other attempts were forthcoming,Steven nodded,and said, "I suspected as such." He walked around the stage,keeping the students engaged. "Illusion is,simply put,making light do what you want it to do. Illusion is simply manipulating what someone,or many people,see. Telekenesis is the magic of motion. Full stop.It can be a bandage. It can be used for welding,via vibration. If you can move it,telekenisis can do it for you."

And then,his smile broadened. "And Mysticism...Is EXACTLY that. Magick which stems from the mind." The chalkboard was cleared in a cloud of dust,and it began to form a diagram for his next explanation,and a piece of chalk danced across the board,finishing it. "Mysticism and telekenesis,unlike most magicks,have no visible manifestation,beyond that they do. Telekenesis makes things move. Mysticism is applied directly from one mind to another. Illusion changes what one sees,and that is the only thing I teach that has a visual representation."

He looked at his students. "I will warn you now. I am a tough teacher. I will expect your very best. If I have to,I will force it out of you by riding you like a rented mule. Also,if I find that your brain is incapable of performing one or more of these magic branches,I will give you something to work on." He looked at the students in turn. "Are you ready for the first lesson?"

He was slightly surprised when Alec contacted him via telepathy. Bring him into the room-quietly. Gag him if you must. I'll keep him in the class,unseen and unheard until class ends. Then I'll tell him his punishment. I'll set him straight.
Vicky felt flushed at first when he told her that her answers had been too complex, being unused to not giving exactly what it was that the teacher had asked of her. She couldn't hide the smile from her face however when he told her that her definition of mysticism was spot on. Nodding her head she allowed herself to revel in her happiness for only a second before snapping back to reality and listening to Professor Adams.

He was exactly the kind of teacher that she was hoping for when she had first decided to attend the academy. A teacher who would show no mercy and weed out the weak while at the same time giving more power to those with potential. Vicky could feel her fingers itching to begin to take down notes or do whatever it was that he had in mind for the class. Her desire to be taught was insatiable and she was willing to dare Professor Adams to quench the thirst.
Sam spoke up

"uhh, runeology is the practice of using runes, and Runes are magical symbols, used the channel the energies around, depending non the une used, like the rune for "earth" can be used to manipulate the earth around us, and when combined with the rune for "heat/fire" it can be used to make lava, and that is just the start, many runes can be combined to create powerful forces... at least, thats what i think it is"

he say back down, fully expecting to be hit over the head with the words "no you freaking idiot" being yelled at him
The woman was surprisingly strong as Jason was quickly yanked out of his seat feet dragging head throbbing. Jason had no idea what punishment he could possibly recieve that he hadn't had before. Oh if only he knew. Jason's head was already throbbing he began to think if the teacher didn't let go soon he'd loose an ear.

The whole idea of anyone actually noticing Jason so early on in the midst of many students some what amused him. " you're pretty strong..." Jason winced and managed a sort chuckle.
Vent nodded.

"You're close. Runeology is simply channeling magic through runes to achieve various desired effects. It's not quite as simple as 'earth rune + fire rune = lava'. Runeology has much to do with how the caster, or scribe in this case perceives how the rune should work. The scribe, a wizard of Runeology, can make next to anything happen as king as they can see the logical connection through thinking or a strong memory to their rune. For example, right now, I'm tracing the rune for wind." Vent said, as he traced the rune for wind in the air with a glowing finger. Suddenly, the rune flashed, and a mirror image of himself appeared.

"The logical chain can go something like this: I'm highly attuned to wind magic, it's actually the easiest and earliest magic I learned. So, it's my favorite. Through the strong connection I have with wind, I manifested an image of myself with the wind rune. Of course, this is very, very high level Runeology. Before you can make connections, you need to learn how to base your runes in various powers, learn how to control the runes, and be able to flawlessly, and I mean FLAWLESSLY draw each rune you might ever need. But don't worry, I'll teach all this to you." He explained, smiling.

"So, to begin our first lesson, I want everyone to write out a few words they would want to know the rune for. You will memorize, and try to write out on paper one of these runes to be graded. This is a simple exercise, no magic yet. So, everyone choose a few words, the look up the rune in your Spoken Language to Rune dictionaries." He explained the lesson, snapping his fingers, a dictionary appearing on each student's desk.

"A word of advice." He added. "Simple concepts are represented as simpler runes. For example, 'light' will be easier to write than 'quantum metaphysical ascension to godhood', for anyone with bright ideas."
After having put a fact on the blackboard Jirocho went back to his seat and looked around to see if anyone was writing something down, to make sure that he would leave a good impression and not that of an airhead or a punk, like the late-coming kid who just broke a jar with a brain in.e

' Gotta love these tools. The first to die. Spellfodder. '

He thought to himself coldly as the kid was yanked out of his chair by his ear before him and the teacher stormed out the class.

' Ok, how to make me stand out as one of the good kids? Oh I know, the moment I hear someone near the door I'll start picking up the shards of the broken jar. '

He smiled at foolishness and naievity of the teachers, they might be strong, but they were too welcoming and openhearted. As he thought that, the voice came back and made him instantly realize why he was here in the first place. He was completely lost in his way of life.

' Fool, you think they're the ones who are naive ? You arrogant little boy, get your mind together...not that you can, can you ?! You weak little shit. I'm getting enough of this, I'm close to giving up on you and letting you dwell in your misery until the moment 'HE' gets enough of you and disposes of this pathetic little TOOL. '
As Steven responded, Alec nodded her head though he wouldn't see it. Looking back at the kid as he spoke, she raised an eyebrow. "This is nothing kid." A second later, she activated a spell she'd used on her kids many a times when they had been bickering and loud when they needed to be quiet. It forced the vocal cords to stop making noise, which meant, this kid could scream and make as much noise as he wanted, but nothing was going to come out.

Dragging him down another hallway, she headed for Steven's classroom. Outside the door, she looked down at the kid before smirking, "Try not to die." Rapping her knuckles against his forehead, a low level immobilizing spell went over him. As she knocked gently on the door, she whisked up a small stack of papers to make it look like she was here for a business drop off.
Jason laughed ," Time to build character? I can tell you I have little of that...." Well you would two if life was one big dangerous test..

Just before Jason went limp he mouthed ," no promises..." Jason crashed to the floor he didn't struggle almost as if he expected himself to be subject to magical punishment.
As someone knocked on the door,Steven leapt up to it with telekenesis. He opened it,and saw the student on the ground. "I'll take care of it." He made the kid invisible,and asked, "Papers? What for?" He used telekenesis to magic the silenced and immobilized kid to a back corner seat.
"Work. Forms to fill out for student evaluation at the end of the week to see if changes to schedules need to be made." Alec lied through her teeth, never once showing that was why, though Steven would know when he looked at the papers that were completely blank. Sending them to his desk without stepping foot, she nodded her head, apologized for interrupting his class, and shut his door back tight.

Moving down the hall ways again, she returned to her classroom. Looking around at the students, most just sitting their afraid, she raised an eyebrow. "Charts finished?" When she got a collective yes from the class, she smiled. "Now, we learn fun stuff. " Going up to the board, she pointed to the first fact, " 'The human body can not live under intense conditions. These conditions are extreme heat and cold, under water, and any place without oxygen.' Which is one hundred percent true, if you are just human. As the witch or wizard you are, you'll find these conditions become more malleable, and easier to get around. Would anyone like to give an example?"
"Huh? Oh, hi Mr. Marco. Hi, Kalypso," Lola replied. "Umm I am a littlle lost, mostly I lost my schedule, and I don't know which class I go to first," She answered. "Also, Jirou doesn't want to be alone, but I can't take him to the classroom. Is there any place I can keep him, at least until my recess?" She asked.

Jirou also saw Kalypso and barked."Hi, Kalypso! My name is Jirou!" He stated, announcing his new name. "Wanna play?" He then asked, dropping his tinkle-ball and squirming to get down.

(Ooc: Jirou is a Japanese Spitz, whoever's wondering.)
As the teachers taught and the students learned, the man with the sunglasses sat outside, and his jovial grin disappeared. It was buisness time. He sighed.

His watched flipped open and revealed a bunch of intracite workings and mechanical fancies. It displayed a holographic screen. A bald man, also in sunglasses was displayed.

The man sitting on a bench in the Academy's campus, undetected and unoticed spoke up.

"Begin the operation." He said simply.

The bald man nodded into the two-way communicator. He was in the school's halls, and he walked to the door of the Health room. Knocking on the door, he waited outside.

A man with straightened hair brushed a comb through his hair, winking at himself in a mirror, then putting his sunglasses back on to match his suit. He walked out into the hallway outside the gym. He crossed his arms and looked at Marco patiently.

A very large man knocked very forcefully on the door to Steven's classroom.

The man from the front was suddenly knocking on the door to Vent's classroom.
Katie woke up in the morning with a smile on her face ready to take on the world. She jumped out of her bed and touched up her hair and cloak before leaving her room to inspect the halls and students. She passed by a few skippers along the way and quickly put them in line making them return to class. After a some time in the halls she finally wondered around to the office and sat at her desk working and awaited a time when she was needed. Wearing a smile and humming to herself wile she worked diligently to make sure everything was organized and done right.
Marco glanced at the newcomer

"please wait outside my office, i will be with you after i'm finished with this young lady"

quietly, he cast a detection barrier, the second this new guy tried anything, Marco would know about it, he expanded his personal shield to cover Lola, Jirou and Kalypso, the shield wasn't the strongest, but it could deflect at least one of any attack.

Marco nodded

"come with me, we'll look up your schedule on the system and i'll print you a new copy"

he gestured for ola to follow him, along with Jirou

soon as he got into the office he accessed his computer, and soon got to the timetables

"umm... first and last name?"
As a knock came to her door, Alec's eye twitched. "Read section 7, page 34." Moving to the door, she cracked it open, looking at the man. "May I help you..?"
"Um, Lola, Lola Isle," She replied, looking behind her at the stranger. Jirou was no longer in her arms, but instead following closely behind, tinkle-ball in mouth, wanting Kalypso to play with him.

"Umm, Mr. Marco? do you know who that is?" She wondered, now focusing on the man that was waiting for him outside.
"that was someone who you should avoid at all costs..."

he got her timetable, printed and handed it to her

"here you go..."

he didn't look at it, his mind was too focused on that stranger.

after handing it to her, he walked out

"come on, i'll get you past that creep"
"Ok..." lola said, now looking at her schedule. The first class was displayed as "TelekIlluMyst." It looked rather odd, but she had an idea of that it was. "Umm, I think I belong in... Telekinesis now?" She said quietly, ready to walk out the door. She then heard a tinkling noise behind her. Jirou was running towards then, ball still in his mouth

"Oh, Jirou!" she exclaimed. "I almost forgot... do you know where he can stay until I get out? Can he stay with Kalypso?" She asked.
After waking up and meeting, Tobi and Scarlet headed down one of the numerous long hallways that the magnificent school of magic possessed. "Potions." Scarlet read aloud so her brother could hear her speak. They had made a special request to have all the same classes so Tobi wouldn't get lost and he could keep Scarlet from ditching. The two headed down the hallway, Scarlet walking quick paced and with a reason as Tobi lagged behind like a lost puppy. "Which room is it again?" Scarlet asked, her voice sounding similar to a tourist who was forced to follow a tour guide with no sense of direction.

Tobi gave her a glare before glancing back down at the map that had been entrusted to him. It would have been a piece of cake to find a certain room in their old school; however, this one had countless doors that adorned the long hallway that was entirely too long for them to imagine. "It should be right around..." he said, tracing down the lines on the map when he slammed right into Scarlet. "Why'd you stop??" he asked with a grimace. Scarlet gave him a look that told him to check the door they had stopped in front of. The door would lead them to their first ever class in this new exciting place.

Scarlet was the first to move when she reached over and grabbed hold of the doorknob. With a turn and a push, the door opened and revealed a set of stairs that led to the potions classroom. The two made their way down the set of stairs without a word. They both gaped at the classroom when they finally reached it. It wasn't like their mundane middle school that had posters hanging up about determination and success. They both spotted the teacher but neither of them could feel the blood circulating to their legs.

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