WW - The New World

Vent face-palmed.

"You and your mother....." He sighed. " Still, very good, is it a summon, or molding?" He asked, actually unable to tell.
"A mold." Hannah smiled before the thing started bubbling and snapped back into magical energy, making her fall on her butt, after tripping over the stand. Tears instantly ran into her eyes as the scrape on her leg started bleeding, leaving at that moment, about 5 seconds before she started to really let out a good cry.
the bell rang, the 1st classes were beginning

"well, better get going, so many students to whip into shape, so little time"

he walked away, heading for the large Gym, several students were already heading to their classes



please have student-characters display what class they are heading to in your next post!!
Alice walked to her first class, Runeology, and sat in the back again. She twiddled her thumbs while waiting for the others.
Vent snapped his fingers, healing water covering his daughter's newest minor injury.

She'd inherited a lot of him....

"Keep working on that. I'm no expert on molding magic, but if you focused more on a base form, and take your time with the creating, it should prove more stable. Once you've got the stable creation process, then you can move on to faster creation times." He explained, as he carried his daughter up to bed.

"And if you want, you can sit in on one of my classes tomorrow, okay?" He told his daughter. "Just bring David along too."

With that, Vent put his daughter in bed, and pulled the blankets over her.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He said in a loving tone.


The next morning was awful.

Vent didn't even have time to shave before class. He snapped his fingers, and water doused his hair, as it washed itself quickly.

That Alec, keeping him up all night.....

"I've got an early class, honey!" He yelled from the door, booking it out and around the corner from their campus house. Heading to the main building, and his classroom, he checked the schedule.


Sweet. He liked that class. He wished he could have found Professor Argo, the one who had taught him Runology. He'd have made an even better teacher.

Walking into the classroom, still looking scragly, but clean, Vent smiled for his students, and sat down in his desk.

"Morning class." He said, seeing at least one familiar face from the orientation. "Seems like a great turn-out, Eh?" He joked, with only five people in the room to hear his jest.
umm, okay, lets assume its the next day

from the room next to Vent, just before Vent went into he school Marco ran past him

"Morning Vent, just doing my morning laps, seeya in the teachers lounge later!"

he kept running, he had 2 laps to do, yet he was never late.

5 minutes before class started, Marco made it to the gym, it was impressive, yet nothing like any other Gym, no dumbells, the walls, floor and even roof were padded and there were ropes all over the place, it looked like a monkey's gungle-gym, of course, it was perfect for Magical combat training and Phys-ed in a magic-school.

as soon as the students began coming in, Marco was doing some paperwork, he was wearing a full tracksuit, and sneakers, his hair was tied up, and his bears was trimmed.

he hated wearing those clothes, but he loved to make an example of anyone who laughed.


In Vent's Runeology class, the door slammed open, and Sam burst in, his sword strapped to his back, and he was wearing the school uniform, the blue pants and blazer, with the white shirt, red tie and casual shoes (he wore blue sneakers to match the uniform), just like instructed.

he panted and looked to Vent

"i'm sorry sir, i got lost, and my map was torn up by... i'm sorry"

he took a seat at the 2nd row back and sat his sheathed blade next to the wall
Kalypso jumped as the bell rang. The little wolf fell to the ground and yelped. She stood up and started to follow her master to the Gym. If she was going to learn to be powerful, one of the first things she needed was to be fast and strong.
Marco petted Kalypso

"you've come a long way Kalypso, compared to when you first pledged me as your master, you've become big and strong"

he scratched her behind the ear.

"but you still sleep on my bed... not exactly big and strong if you don't use your own bed" he said, joking
Alec smirked watching Vent rush out, before readjusting the clock back to it's normal time. 5 minutes till class actually started, not zero. Getting up, she brushed her back into a tight bun and magiced on nice clothes. After leaving the kids out breakfast, she walked down the hall, heels clicking on the tiles of the hall before stepping into her classroom, knowing this morning was going to be Health.

As she set up, as a few kids came in, she chuckled lightly, seeing their nervousness with the floating objects around the room like lungs and hearts. Pulling out a stack of paper, she started passing it around putting one on each desk. "Name, five facts you know about the human body, five myths you've heard about what heals wounds...."
Kalypso smiled. "Say.... Where are you going to sleep? Are you going to put me in a kennel with the other animals?!" She started to panic. She hated kennels and she never wanted to be in one. Not after the science lab.
Vent raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry young man, the class hasn't started yet. I'm giving another five more minutes for people who might have lost their way on the first day." He explained, writing 'Runeology' and his name on the board.
Lola went and followed the lady to her dorm. Once she got there, She readied herself for bed, also finding a place for her puppy's new bed. "I think I'm going to name you Jirou, Do you like that name?" She asked him. "I love it!" he replied, barking happily. "Ok, Jirou it is. Time for bed," She finished, putting Jirou in his bed. She finished putting her books for tomorrow in a pretty looking backpack. It was awfully nice of the secretary to give her one. As she set her backpack to the side, and heard a jingling sound. "Jirou, it's time for bed. No more playtime," She said as she turned to him. "Awww..." He whined as Lola took away his new toy, a ball with a bell inside. "You'll get it tomorrow. Goodnight." Lola said to Jirou as she settled herself for bed and turned the light off.


Lola woke up early for school the next morning, and she couldn't find her class schedule. Great, now I have to get ready quicker so I can run and get a new one, She thought. "Where are you going?" Jirou asked. "I'm heading off to class," she replied, putting her shoes on. "Can I come?" he asked. She patted his head and said "Sorry, pets aren't allowed in class." "Please?" he asked, now with pleading eyes. "Sorry Jirou, I would love to bring you, but pets can'tbe in the classrooms," Lola replied. "But, I don't want you to leave me," he whimpered softly, now at Lola's feet. "Hmmm... Maybe there is something I can do," She answered, putting her backpack on and picking up Jirou and his ball. She left her room, looking for either Mr. Marco, Ms. Katie, or Kalypso, as well as someone that can give her her schedule.
Marco chuckled

"and what about that mattress i bought you? you were thrilled with that for the first few days, but then you started jumping back onto my bed after you thought i was asleep"

he petted Kalypso again and stood up, he saw a young girl running past the door, she looked lost (it was Lola)

"hey you!"

he walked out of the Gym, coming up to her

"you look lost, want some help?"
Vicky was starting to become accustomed to falling asleep on the balcony lately, ever since she had taken in Poppy. When she awoke that next morning she was freezing and didn't put up much of a struggle at the aspect of going inside and having a hot shower and something warm to eat. She dressed briskly, not yet having the same magical advantages of her teachers. After leaving some bird feed out for Poppy she grabbed her keys and left her apartment.

She had already handed in Professor Adam's reccomendation letter to the office and would be attending one of his classes first. As she reached the school grounds she stopped and took a deep breath. Vicky was both excited and nervous to be attending her first magic lessons moreso after her conversation with Jirocho the night before and her promise to help him find more gathering spells. Would Professor Adams know? Would anyone be able to tell? She almost checked her uniform to see if there was a scarlet letter of sorts, anything to reveal her secret. Shaking her head she laughed nervously and then nodded her head.

Everything that she did now was for herself. She had reason to want to be stronger, to become the best that she possibly could. Anyone could understand that. Feeling a little mnore confident with herself she walked into the school and then checked her schedule to see where her first class was.
After having searched for quite a while, Jirocho had given up and had went to his dorms where he instantly crashed, laying in an odd position on the bed with his clothes on. After his regular horrible, unexplainabe nightmares that ranged from going about him being a puppet on strings that cut him deep if he tried to resist or run away, to being a dim light in an otherwise horribly nauseatingly colored "darkness" with nowhere to go and no sense of direction.

This night it had been slightly different though, it was the usual nightmare but this one had a twist. The ending was relatively positive, sure, he was a puppet being controlled by some macabre puppeteer but this time instead of running away or resisting, he crawled up the string towards the puppeteer, confronting him head-on.

Unfortunately he didn't knew how the battle ended since he woke up the second the battle was about to start. Quickly washing his face, brushing his teeth and "combing" his hair with his hand, he left towards the Healing-class. He didn't knew to what extent this Healingclass was going to be about spells, maybe it would be just some 1st Aid - Kit knowledge-stuff, but he needed to speak with the Headnurse fast so he figured he should at least come to her class out of courtesy and with a 2nd layer of getting-on-her-good-side, since everything Jirocho did was for his own benefit, be it in the long or short run.

So he ran towards the Headnurse's class and quietly stepped in and seated himself near the front row.
Kalypso rolled her eyes. "That mattress? Its way to small for me now. and anyways, it wasn't comfortable! I could feel the coils!" She joked around. When Marco walked over to Lola, Kalypso followed. "Hey! Its you again! Lola, right?"
Steven rose from the trapdoor behind his desk in his classroom. The trapdoor led to his office,which was also attached to his quarters. He was clean,and shaven. His hair was in a rogue knot again,and he wore a brown/black/white plaid vest with a front pocket over a white long sleeved shirt. His pants were black dress pants,and his shoes were also black,and semi-formal. Steven also wore a bandana,plain and white,over his left eye socket.

He saw the room was nearly empty;he checked his attendance sheet,and noted that he'd have a small class;a dozen students if perfect attendance was maintained. He placed sheets of paper on the desks adjacent to the main stair ramp for his auditorium styled room,up to the sixth row of eight. The sheet of paper asked for some basic info. A name,date of birth,goals in life,how magic will help,and for how the student best functions in class. While he done this,he used his telekenesis to write down Telekenesis,Illusions,and Mysticism:The magicks of subtlety and the mind on the blackboard,along with his name, Proffessor Adams,AKA Mr.Adams or Steven/Steve.

He taken his position behind his desk,and waited for the next bell to sound.
After she handed out the assignment, Alec returned to the board writing one through five on the two of the three conjoined large white boards. On the last, she wrote Home Work, then a page number, section 53, review questions, all 75. Turning back to face the class, she noted those that had shown up, not many, but then again, not many wanted to be in this class. Even if they did, unless they were serious about it, they wouldn't be able to stay very long.

Folding her arms behind her back, she was all serious and if one had known her mother, they'd find the two so similar it was terrifying. Walking through the rows, she stopped to look at the papers she had handed out to see what kids had written choosing a few, like Jirocho, to go write their fact on the board.

There was no real exchange between Vicky and Professor Adams when he entered the classroom. From Vicky there was a mumbled "Good day, Professor," out of respect and perhaps he nodded a good morning to her as well but other than that things were quiet and Vicky found that she liked things to be as such.

Only a few other students had arrived (though the way Professor Adams behaved suggested that it wouldn't be a very big class regardless) and there were only faint scratches of pencil against paper, filling out the answers that had been given to them. Vicky was able to fly right threw the first couple of questions though had to really stop and think as she got through the rest.


Name: Victoria Sinclair

DOB: November 22, 1992


To develop my abilities and ...

To gain further understanding of my abilities and use them to ...

To become better acquainted with my ability and use it to give back to...


How magic will help: By becoming more aware of my knowledge and prowess over my clairvoyant abilities I will learn how to properly prepare for spells and how I can bend my strengths and weaknesses to my will.

How I best function in class: I am at my best when I am given work to do. I like to be given my lesson and will study it 10 times and over until I have come to an ultimate plateau of perfection. I give 110% to my powers and learning how to control them.


Was it really possible that she didn't have any real goals? It was true that eventually she wanted to learn telekinesis and also how to communicate with animals but how would that benefit the magical community? Why did she want to learn how to communicate with animals other than to heal the sick bird she had been tending to? The only answers that seemed to come to her were negative, that she was selfish and full of herself and was simply drunk off of what the power could bring her. Vicky frightened herself with these thoughts and tried to shake them from her head, though a small voice seemed to taunt her, reminding her of her deal with Jirocho.

Vent sighed.

For all the hope and promise he'd seen yesterday, he felt a negative energy from within the school today. His sensory abilities were always at a constant peak, ever since those crazy days long ago. It made it nigh impossible to sneak up on the mage, but he always felt like he understood more than he should. Just being able to feel the energy of those around him made choosing courses of action less and less simple.

But for now, he supposed he could begin class.

"Now!" He started, awakening from his reverie. "Can anyone explain to me what the basics of Runeology are?" He asked the class, crossing his arms.


A black haired man with sunglasses stood before the school, grinning like a madman. He seemed out of place here.....

Strolling into the front gates, he glanced around, and looked at his watch. It was gonna be time to start soon.
Jason looked at the piece of paper he held in his hand. It had clear directions to the classrooms of the academy which he obediently followed. Jason had already missed orientation yet was in no hurry to get to class.

When Jason finally reached the door to his new 'learning opportunities' he promptly kicked open leaving a scuff mark on the door a loud " Yo!" rang through the room as Jason stepped in. Jason looked like he had just gotten done in a bar brawl his hair was dishevelled and uneven on oneside and his clothes were a mess. Though he had been provided a nice shirt it was untucked and rinkled. Jason's tennis shoes seemed to be the only spotless thing on him. Despite all this Jason exuded a confidence in reality he didn't have. In the first few days of school he figured he should get a 'reputation' going.
Steven waited until each student looked like they had finished their paper. "Very good. I'll take those;they'll be invaluable for me to teach you." He magicked them to his desk,got up,and said, "Good morning class. I'm your Professor for this year for,what I call,the 'Mental Omnicourse'. Don't let the name intimidate you;the course simply lumps together the three branches of magic I teach,due to limited interest in them seperately. Though,something tells me that the classes teaching Destruction magicks are filled to bursting...." Steven allowed the laughter to course through the room.

"I pulled in twelve filled sheets,so that means we're all here. So no role call." Steven approached the center of the stage. "First,note the panels mounted to the front of each desk. They magnify the stage and the board,and censor EVERYTHING ELSE. Also,if they break,simply hold the broken pieces to what's left,and it'll mend. Finally,there's a clipboard mounted to the desks." Steven waved a hand,and a bright ball of spinning colours appeared above the class. "Illusion." Another wave. The massive sword behing his desk was moved,and it cut the ball in half,causing it to vanish. "Telekenesis." He then spoke to their minds,with the sword now back on it's bracket. "Mysticism."

"These are all amazing magicks,but are NOT for the weak of mind!" He then made his bandana and left sleeve invisible,revealing a prosthetic arm from the shoulder,and an empty eye socket. "For a weak mind leads to a lack of control. An a lack of control brings injury." His sleeve and bandana reverted,and he said, "First,define for me,in simplest terms, 'Telekenesis','Illusion',and 'Mysticism'."
There were only a few gasps in the classroom as Professor Adams revealed his prosthetic arm and empty eye socket to the class and they were quickly quieted and chastened by the people sitting near them. Vicky was amazed with the lengths that her professor had gone to so that he could perfect his craft and almost felt her chest swell with excitement that she was being taught underneath the skills of such a person.

After being given their first assignment for that class Vicky tore out a fresh sheet of loose leaf and began to scratch down her definitions for illusion, telekinesis and mysticism.

Illusion - The ability to manipulate reality to create an imagine or feeling in a person(s) mind.

Telekinesis - The ability to use control/manipulate objects with ones mind.

It was only mysticism that she was having trouble defining, it being something that she had never come across before. Vicky wrinkled her brow a bit, tapping the paper with her pencil as if that would somehow bring forth an answer.
('Cause mo said he was gonna go thur.....)

Alec jumped as the door cracked open, and a student came through. Her hands started tightening into fists, as she looked at him. "Sit down, please." She said, rapping her knuckles on an empty desk before holding her arms over her chest. Her look was that of someone very serious, and not to mess with.

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