WW - The New World

While the girl explained her repitoire of magic,he smiled. She was the exemplary pracitioner of mental magicks;subtle,yet potentialy one of the most powerful and useful branches of magic,if mastered. He wrote her affinities down,and said, "And do you wish to learn anything else,on top of sharpening and mastering your current skills?" Steven taken the opprotunity to gently poke around in her mind;he learned her name was Vicky,and caught a few omitted details;like how accurate she was with fortune telling,as well as her attempt on invading Vent's mind. This all happened in an instant,and was out before she could notice his presence.
Katie was near the back of the room for Vents speech. When it ended she was one of the first ones to exit to go and relax somewhere with her feline friend. After some time past she felt the presence of some old friends near the front of the building.

Not wasting much time she quickly moved toward the entrance and soon came to be in view of Marco and Leslie with some students. "Hey!" she called out with a wave her hair a light red as she walked toward them. "Long time no see." Katie smiled as the cat jumped up onto her shoulders with a glare pointed at Marco.
Vicky was still exhausted from her attempt to get into her teacher's head and she even felt a little sick. When asked what else she would like to learn she breathed in. "I would like to be able to learn telekinesis like you, Professor." she admitted, blushing a bit. "And, though I know it is stretching it a little bit, I would like to eventually in my life learn how to communicate with animals." She thought back to the sick bird at home that she was nursing, the one thing that really mattered to her at right then at that point in time.

"I realize that I am asking a lot of you." she said, trying not to be too eager, although on the inside she was excited that he was even listening to her. "I just come to you because I respect your intelligence and expertise in this area, as well as the things that you have done in the past." Vicky added, her face rather flushed as she said this.
Steven wrote all of this down. He tore the piece of paper off of the notepad,revealing a sheed of paper beneath that had a copy of what he had just written dwon on it,as well. Carbon paper. He tore this off as well,and stuck it in his pocket. He pocketed the pen and pad,and said, "Take that to Studen Services. They'll print you off a timetable. And,Vicky,eagerness is encouraged here. Magic is a lifelong study,and only eagerness will keep you from stagnating. Always seek knowledge,always seek the magic in everything."

With a gentle squeeze of Vicky's shoulder,and a smile,Steven walked out of the auditorium.
Vicky took the paper from him wordlessly and was only able to mutter a quiet goodbye as he walked away, squeezing her shoulder affectionately. It wasn't until a minute had passed that she realized that she had never given him her name. "Incredible!" she murmured, placing a hand to her head. Had he gone into her mind without her knowing? Vicky wasn't sure if this meant either that he was very skillful with his powers or if she were simple minded and easy to read. Taking a breath she smiled a bit, excited to be able to be under his teaching.

As she pocketed the piece of paper she left the auditorium. The next stage of that night was to talk to Jirocho. While she had gotten information from the teachers now what she was interested in was learning about these gathering spells that the boy had mentioned before. She was insatiable in her quest for knowledge and was not ready to stop for the night.
As a wolf greeted Marco, Leslie smiled softly, before looking at the other children, the two of whom looked a bit scared of her and she took a step back, before crouching down and smiling at them, a whispy smoke stirring up in her hands again as another baby animal, a tiny white puppy this time, appeared in her hands.

"Would either of you like to do me the favor in watching him for me? He's terribly precious and needs a good home, I trust the two of you could raise him to be very happy." She smiled gently at them, trying hard to come off as unhorrifying as she repressed her energy.

The sound of a familiar voice interrupting her thoughts made her look up. Seeing the hair, the face, the person, her smile widened, "Katie....It's been too long...."
Katie raised her brow to the student who introduced himself. "Katie I'm a secretary." She said to him not even looking in his direction. Her hair turned a darker Red as she folded her arms at Marco with a slight glare. Her eyes had a faint sparkle with a small smile on her face happily pissed if you will.

She interupted her bad mood to look at Leslie with a smile. "Leslie~ Its been ages." She said as she moved to her side and hugged her making sure not to bother the puppy. "It so nice to see you." She said with her hair turning into a dark pink.
Setting the puppy down gently on the ground, where he waddled over to the girl's feet, lightly yipping in an adorable fashion, Leslie hugged Katie back. "It's wonderful to see you." She giggled lightly at the hair, "Oh darling, you've changed so much and yet, this still gives you away." She gently picked up a strand of Katie's hair, before kissing her cheek and hugging her more.


Alec smiled softly at Vent, shrugging. "Well, it depends on if it's a boy or a girl. It's too early to tell yet by any test, magical or not."
Lola gasped as she saw the tiny puppy form in front of her eyes. She couldn't help how precious it was, that she picked up the pup, and brought it close to her face, eyes glistening. What she heard next shocked her. Huh? I'm alive? I saw my mommy leave when it was cold, I closed my eyes for a while, opened them, and I saw darkness, and now I see you! The puppy thought, licking Lola's nose. She lowered the puppy from her face and looked at the woman. She wondered Is this the Grim Reaper? If so, what kind of Grim Reaper is she? The puppy then asked Lola, Will you be my new mommy? Lola gently patted his head and answered Of course I will! She almost forgot her question, and saw that Mr. Marco had some more students on his hands, so she turned to the woman. "Um, may I ask you a question miss?"
Katie smiled as Leslie remembered her giving her a stronger and warmer hug. "I'm so happy you remember me. It was so long ago that we met." She finished her hug and smiled. "I'd like to introduce you to someone." She smiled as the cat moved around to face Leslie. "This is Kat. She was the spirit who shared my body for so long." She raised her hand to pet Kat as she purred and said to Leslie. "Pleased to meet you."
"Pleased to meet you as well, Kat." Leslie said happily, "And I never forget." She gave Katie a wink, before looking at the little girl again, "Of course, Hun. How may I help you?"
She was hesitant to ask about where the puppy came from, and how she summoned his spirit, she she began with her first question. "Um, do you know where I can sign up for things such as classes, dorm room, things like that?" She started. She was unsure that she would know. If she hadn't she could turn to the hair-changing secretary with the cute cat. It seemed pretty clear to Lola that the cat didn't like Mr. Marco very much. Hi kitty, she began talking to the cat. Why don't you like Mr. Marco?
Kalypso glared back at the cat on Katie's shoulders and started to growl, then bark. "I hate cats! I positively hate them!" She jumped down from Marco's arms and next to the puppy. Wow.... you look so familiar! Do I know you? I'm Kalypso!
Leslie blushed slightly, shrugging. "I wouldn't know, Hun. I don't really work here. I'm just visiting right now." She gave the girl an apologetic smile, "But I'm certain Miss Katie here would be able to help you. Right, Kate?" She looked up at her friend, smiling.
Kat looked over at Lola who was talking with her through her mind. "He is simply a jerk." She said closing her eyes and raising her chin up. "But enough about him. Who might you be my dear? Its not often a child talks with me like this." she said looking her in the eyes.

Katie nodded at Leslie and looked over to Lola also hearing her talk with Kat. "I wouldn't be a good secretary if i didn't know how to help you now would I?" She smiled with a tilt to her head moving forward toward her. "Your very cute." She moved behind Lola putting her arms around her neck on her shoulders. "How about you come with me and ill show you to your room." She smiled with her hair a vivid pink.
Vent sighed.

"Well, either way, I hope things go just as smooth as the last two." He said with a tired look. "Speaking of which, where are they?" He asked.
Alec shrugged, "I wouldn't know. They've been scampering around all day in the excitement..." Yawning, she kissed Vent on the cheek, "They'll turn up in about twenty seconds, they always do when we mention them..."
David Joseph Atererus came 'scampering' into the room, just as his mother had decribed.

"Mommy, Daddy! Hannah's teasing me!" He tattled readily, latching onto his mother leg, arms around her waist.

Vent sighed.
Following quickly after him, Hannah Hope Artererus ran in, "Daddy, he was pulling my hair!" Clinging to Vent's leg, looking up at him with large green eyes tearing up.

Alec chuckled softly, patting David's head.
Marc sighed

"Kalyps0... what did i say about hating things?... "you don't hate your enemies, that just makes them stronger""

but still, he rested a hand on her head and scratched her behind the ears

he turned to Katie

"wow Katie... last time i s aw you,i was giving you a silk Kimono and i was giving Leslie a red chinese dress... whatever happened to those i wonder..."
Another cloaked figure walked the halls of the institute; carrying a cardboard box towards the classroom she had been assigned. The few students the red-head saw all avoided her, but her eyes were on them as they passed her. Underneath the dark cloak, she wore a white formal shirt, a black ruffled pencil skirt and red pumps that clicked with every step.

The sound stopped when she reached her door, the same one that held all other belongings behind it, Room 346. A sigh escaped her as she pushed the door open and dropped her stuff on the desk, peering around the empty classroom.

Teaching…that was new for her, and she hadn’t expected it when they had given her a call; the last time the five had met she was crawling around in Steven’s mind. Joining their quest for only a short time, keeping a tab on her, as they had been able to find her.

The cloak came off, swinging around to rest on its hanger, and she opened her first box, beginning the task of unpacking. First was the name plate, which she slid into place on the door;

Professor V. Becke.*


In another region of the school, Gabriel Stark sorted out the potions; making sure to label them in his unruly handwriting. If the students were to go anywhere near this section of the room, they would probably end up dead. He was actually a little bit confused as how he got the job, as the last time he dealt with solutions was in chemistry.

Textbook questions it was, and there seemed to be an array of ratty old books covering the wall-shelf; all the money that went into the school, you think they would be able to afford some new books. The rest of the classroom seemed foreign in comparison, flashy metal tables with cauldrons, tongs, and other laboratory gear.

Gab grinned, his first year of teaching, it would be like the first round of experimental lab rats; hopefully not as many of them would die, but heck, it was a potions class.

The thought reminded him it wasn’t his only class; so he walked up the stairs, out of the messy room, and down the three hallways that led to the training area. Unlike his old ‘friend’, room 109 was in the basement of the school, the stairs that lead down were near the back entrance. The hallways' to his other class were already etched in his mind, as Gabriel was terrible with direction.

The training area was a mess; most of the dummies were charred and some parts of the wall and ceiling were hit too. The white-haired man laughed**, the second class looked almost as bad as the crypt library he had in potions. There was one dummy left standing un-charred, and his laughter stopped with its discovery; the spell was out of his mouth before he even registered it. The dummy burst into a flame that matched the one next to it, the burnt sections even mirrored. At least it went through the same pain as its companion now.

[[OoC: *I'm not sure if their all prof.'s or what but oh well~

Valentina Becke teaches Devination, and the Magical Self Defense: Offensive sub-category

**He was born with it, he ain't old >C

Gabriel Stark teaches Potions and the Magical Self Defense: Defensive sub-category]]
Steven strode off to his classroom. There,he'd instruct students in the arts of magic. Illusion,Telekenesis,Pseudomagic...And the broad branch of Mysticism. His room was custom built; Each desk was equipped with a special panel on the front,which magnified whatever was on the stage or the blackboard,and nothing else. In fact,it censored anything else that wasn't a person. The desks also had a built-in clipboard,and had a large surface area.

The room itself was very much like an auditorium;all students had a clear view of the stage and blackboard. His desk,set at rear stage right,was a mess. However,several things were plainly visible,such as his name plate,and a photo of his late friend and brother figure,Joseph Ray. Behind the desk hung a massive sword,a zweihander. It was a showpiece,and he had a thing for swords. He would have degrees as well,if it weren't for the fact that he only learned how to read four years ago. The clock,which was digital,hung above tha blackboard. "Come Monday...I'll be teachng children magic..." He sighed and shook his head. "They'll hate me. But they'll love the result."

Steven popped open a trap door behind his desk,and descended into his office,and began to organize everything there."Why does it look like Hurricane Oscar tore through here?" With a thought,his telekenesis moved everything to it's proper place...Only for Steven's souped up desk fan to blow it around again. "That's why...I shouldn't have let Vent enchant that thing..." Steven turned it off,then reorganized his office. "Now,if Marco didn't Scrooge out on paperweights,we'd be in buisness..."
Jirocho sighed as if he just escaped death, getting his true intentions revealed, especially this early, would be disastrous. He wondered what the teacher meant when he said a girl was waiting for him when Jirocho remembered the girl who was talking with the teacher before Jirocho had arrived. He must've meant her.

' This is going good, found a good teacher and hopefully some good comrades to make the search easier. ' He thought to himself just before another voice popped into his mind.

' Dumbass, freaking dumbass, you're just being used. The second they find out your actual motives they will kill you and *he* will have gotten away with everything while you rot in the dirt, wormfood. Don't do this! '

He stared for a while into a group of approaching students, he could hear them ask themselves what was wrong with this kid but he didn't pay attention to it. He was too busy wondering where that voice came from and what in God's name the voice was talking about. That voice made no sense, nobody was using him, he was doing this on his own...wasn't he? His mind started to waver and he held his head clutched in his hands as if he had a terrible headache.

After some time the distortion and confusion faded and he regained his composure before going to look for that girl.
Hi Kalypso! I havent seen you before. In fact, I don't know how I got here, the puppy answered, squirming in Lola's hands.

I'm Lola, What's your name? Lola asked the cat, But was quickly interrupted by Ms. Kate, who was now closely behind her. She was quite uncomfortable with her approach.

"Ummm... Sure, ok then." She answered. "I'll be here when you're ready."

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