WW - The New World

"Oh ok, I- Oh!" She exclaimed when a boy walked up and greeted himself. "Hi there, I'm Lola," she replied to both of them. She answered Kalypso's question with "Umm, I don't know who Marco is, let alone many, well, all of the students here. If you can't find himin the building, my best bet is that he would be right out on campus. I can help you look," She said. If "Marco" was a teacher, she could easily kill two birds with one stone, and have her question answered. She then turned to the boy. "Wanna join us?" she asked him.
"Of course...." She leaned into his side, walking slowly. She had a premonition someone was looking for him and she was steering him towards them, "I suppose...." A few seconds later, the colour was bleaching from the hair. "Though poems rarely do anyone good.I mean, all the great poets were crazy and are now dead....."
Alice retrieved to key to her room, and went inside. It had one bed, a bathroom, and a small TV. With nothing more to do, she exited again, locking the door. She simply looked out towards the courtyard. Alice sat on one of the stone benches and watched a few butterflies dance in the air. She leaned back, still sitting up, she dosed off.
Marco laughed

"crazy and dead, just like life, a big mess of insanity with a sudden end..."

she could feel his stubble on the back of her neck, as he hugged her again

"sorry, its just... i can still hardly believe your back..."

the students around them were horrified, one was the aura of pure death, the other was one of a monster, and both were together... a union of darkness.
Leslie chuckled softly, before looking at a student. Raising an eyebrow she motioned for her to come forward. The student did. Placing a hand on the child's shoulder, she used her other to create a small wispy cloud that condensed into a baby kitten, the kid's eyes widened a little at the adorable thing as it was given to her. "Take good care of it, okay....?" As the child ran off, less scared than before, the others calming down a bit, she looked back at Marco.

"Is it bad to do that? Give a spirit a second chance....?"
Marco let go of her and shrugged

"hey, i'm not the grim reaper its not my possition to say.... now where the hell is Kalypso, she usually comes running"

he just realized, Leslie haden't met Kalypso yet

"oh i have a pet/apprentice wolf named Kalypso,,, should have seen her when i first got her, so small and adorable..."

unless they tried to kill him, like muppets, Marco had a soft spot for small animals, especially Kalypso when she was a pup
Leslie chuckled softly, "That's cute, and so like you." She pulled Marco around a hall corner, and lo and behold, they was three children, two human, one wolf. " I believe that is who you were looking for?"
Kalypso's runes began to glow, this happened whenever Marco was in a close proximity.

he stood there, waiting fro Kalypso to notice him and come running over
Vent eyes took on a quality that hadn't been there in years.

A dark quality.

"Well done." He said, his eyes betraying him, the green pupils almost seeming to darken. "You have an unbelievable amount of control. You're a mage just like me." Vent explained.

"In my experience, there are three types of wizards. True wizards, who have inate understanding of magic; mages, who exert masterful control over their spells; and savants, who display overwhelming power with their magic. Just like me, you are a mage. Control, over your magic and yourself will always be your greatest ally." He explained, giving Jirocho another quick lesson.

"... I hope you take a few of my classes, Jirocho." Vent asked of him through suggestion. "You might need to be prepared for when you search out other Gatherer Cards." He added, patting the boy on the shoulder.

"Oh, right, that girl over by Professor Adams was asking me about you." He said with a wink. "She was saying something about potential, and seemed quite interested in you."

With a playful punch to the arm, Vent started to turn away.

"Go see that girl, and enjoy the rest of your weekend, Jirocho. I'm expecting to see you bright and early for class Monday morning." And with that, Vent went back to Alec, and rubbed her belly.

"Any ideas for names, honey?" He asked, smiling.
Steven watched as a girl approached him. He smiled warmly,and offered his right hand,his real hand,for a handshake. Then,the image wavered and vanished;one of Steven's personal favourite illusions. He broke invisibility beside the girl. "Hello. I'm Proffessor Adams." Steven,for real this time,offered his right hand for shaking. "So,what would you like to know?"
Vicky was just approaching Professor Adams when he offered her his hand. It was just as she took it that he vanished and she stared wide eyes at the void where he had once been. She soon felt warm breath against her hair and jumped back a little, her hand at her heart. Shaking her head, she tried to get her wits about her, not wanting to appear like a wide eyed weakling in front of her teachers. Taking his hand, she smiled a bit.

"Professor," she said softly, looking at him very seriously. "My magical skills are the most prominent in clairvoyance. I know that this is a field that you are quite skilled in and I only ask that I can grow to have a stronger control over my powers while under your teaching." she said, bowing her head a bit. Her temple still throbbed after being forcefully kicked out of Professor Vent's head and she wanted to be able to fight back against that in future, instead of being thrown aside like a floppy rag doll.
Slasher walks away from everyone, and goes into the training hall and sits down for awhile. "Lets see what i can do" he makes three flames appear around him, then he combines them into one and throws it at a training dummy. " That was nice" he smiled then he grabs his right hand and sends out a blast that stays in place he then puts his hand into the blast and makes a sword of fire" i finally can do it" he said with joy he laughed and runs toward a training dummy and slashes it he then throws the sword at one of the training dummies and makes it explode "wow" he says "didn't know i could do that" he then pretended that his hands were guns and started shooting fire balls at each dummy "nice he says" to himself he then sits down and waits for awhile.
Alice was as still as stone. Few people passed her, but when they did, they questioned whether she was even breathing or not. She opened her violet eyes after awhile. She couldn't really train, only able to create illusions and all. Not really knowing what to do, she stood and let her legs carry her anywhere.
"Ok, ah, what's your name?" she asked the boy, but then he walked off somewhere else. She sighed, then turned to Kalypso and saw the wolf glowing. "Er... Kalypso? you're glowing," She responded, now knowing that this was definitely no ordinary wolf. She then looked around and saw a man, who strangely looks like a fictional celebrity, and a woman who reminded too much of Death himself. They were both smiling and looking in their direction. "Ummm, is that who you're looking for?" She asked Kalypso.
"Huh? Oh, it's you again, I'm Lola," she replied to Slasher, still wondering why the wolf was glowing. All she could really focus on now is the couple looking at them.
Kalypso looked up at her runes and saw that they were glowing. "Marco's here!" She whispered happily, then started to look around, trying to find the boy. A head popped out from behind a wall and Kalypso's mouth turned into a big smile. "MARCO!!!" She yelled and ran towards him. The wolf jumped into Marco's arms and cuddled with him. "Its so good to see you!"
"Oh.. I haven't properly introduced you!" The wolf says to Slasher and Lola. "This is Marco, my owner." She smiled at her owner. "Marco, this is Lola and Slasher."
As Lola saw Kalypso run for the couple, she saw that she was looking for them after all. The young wolf jumped into the man's arms, as the ghastly woman looked on. Lola was already afraid of her, but she figures she can give her a try, unless the woman started negotiating Lola's soul. She turned to find Slasher and found him sitting nearby. The man looked old enough to be a teacher, so she turned to him. "Um, hello there, Mr. Marco, can I ask you a question?" She asked him, catching the name Kalypso have her.
Steven smiled. "A mage of the mind? Interesting." Steven pulled a notepad from his back pocket as well as a pen from his vest pocket. Using telekenesis to write something down,he continued, "What else can your mind do? And what are you interested in learning? But remember;what you can do now is what I call your 'Natural Affinity';anything you learn,if anything at all,beyond that will be much less potent,and often more difficult to control,than your Naturals." He stopped writing,waiting for the girl to continue. "Chose carefuly. Some people are entirely unable to learn new magicks,simply due to how their brains are wired. I can't do much outside of Telekenesis and Illusion without Pseudomagical devices. Other spells literaly explode in my face." He then added,reassuringly, "However,I've been told I'm one of the very few who have a rare condition called 'Lazerus Syndrome',which is the cause of my disasterous ineptitude at most magics."

Steven sighed,and said, "But I digress,and I don't want to intimidate you. Do you wish to learn anything other than the basic magicks of the mind?"
It felt good to be in the presence of another mage who had the power of clairvoyance. Vicky wouldn't admit it to most but the first time she had realized her power had been the most frightening experience of her life. Now that she had someone experienced and in control of their powers to talk to she felt safer and more at ease. "I can read minds, though it depends on how far the person is from me. The farther away they are the softer their minds voice is." she coughed. "And depending on the individual it is very easy for them to push me out." she thought back to Professor Vent and rubbed at her head which still ached a bit. Continuing she added, "I am also able to briefly take control of another persons body, although not for very long. It also should be noted that whatever happens to the body I am possessing happens to my body as well."

She was about to shrug off her last two gifts (which she hardly continued gifts at all) but decided that she might as well come clean with her professor. "I can also read auras," though she briefly thought back to Jirocho and how she could only vaguely see his auras shape. Blushing a bit she coughed and then added, "And I am able to predict the future. It's silly though. I'm just adept with tarot cards and palm reading. But anyone can learn that." She just happened to be very accurate with it.
Slasher looks towards the women and is stricken with fear he suddenly gets up and says "hello Mr.Marco my name is Slasher" he smiles "how are you?"

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