WW - The New World

With the dog resting fine, Alice decided to tour the school. "I should find a dorm now...before it gets too hectic." She stopped to read the map to see which way she should go. Continuing her quest for a dorm, her eyes fell to the floor, avoiding eye contact with other students.
At the site of Marco, the woman grinned from behind the cloak.Standing there, fading in and out like a shadow caught in too much sun, there but not. Watching Marco, she moved around him, not close enough to touch, circling him. Her aura was too different for him to read it as her, she knew, she was even too different physically to be considered the same person, really, and it made her wonder, did he change at all? As she stopped back in front of him, Leslie Fitz bowed.
Kalypso walked around the hallways, looking for her master (Marco). She hadn't seen him in a while, and was still wanting to become a bigger, stronger, and more powerful wolf. "Marco?" Kalypso asked as a new scent came to her. She traced it, and found Lola. "Oh! Um... hi there!"
Marco had changed, his body was more mature, his skin was tanned, his black stubble went with his jet-black hair

this girl's aura was unusual, but not something he had never seen before, it was the aura of a soul-reaper... he last felt this during his defeat of Dispair, when he summoned the god of death to seal the hole to hell and kill dispair, but this was even more powerful.

when she bowed, he did a smaller bow in greeting.

"what do you want here?... there's nothing for you here.. no death... no suffering.. so why would a Reaper come here without those present?"

his voice was demanding, yet there was no hint of anger or even annoyance.
She shrugged, as she straightened, looking back at him. With a peacefully sad voice, she spoke, "I was told I would find someone here, someone who has cheated death many a times, and has sent more than his fair share of souls to me.....One such Marcus Highland...." Her scythe clicked one against the ground, in a custom he should know all to well, when a reaper clicked their weapon against the ground, it meant you were running out of time before they moved into action.
"you're looking at him..."

he summoned up an almost demonic-looking Desert-eagle, he held it to his side, ready to do

"can we do this away from the school?... this place has enough to worry about from terrorists, rednecks, anti-magic hooligans and religious fanatics... may i recommend...the ruins of the Vatican?"

(i hope to cover that in the 5-year transition RP, it involves a pre-emptive strike with Marco and his army)
When she opened one of the heavy front doors to the building, she was amazed at the interior and size of the school. She walked around, looking for someone, preferably a teacher, to ask questions to, and hopefully recieve valid answers. As she continued to walk around, she heard a voice very close to her, and it sounded very much like someone shorter than her. She turned around and looked down, and saw a rather odd colored wolf talking to her.

"Oh! Hi, uh..." She became rather confused. She knew she can communticate with animals mentally, but a wolf talking to her? That definitely would take some getting used to. "Um, do you know any faculty I can speak to? I have some questions," she asked the wolf.
"Of course...." The reaper replied, before letting the wind sweep her up like dust as she disappeared, trailing across land till she ended up on the edge of the place, waiting for him.
Marco opened a portal and turned to the students standing around

"you will all learn to open portals as well, be patient... and if anyone comes looking for me, tell them i'll be back in 5 minutes"

he walked through the portal, emerging about 100 paces from her, they were in the main courtyard of the ruins of the vatican, everywhere there were broken crosses and broken bodies, the bodies of men and women, Templars, Fanatics and the soldiers of Marco's army, not a single tile was un-cracked and not a single pillar was unbroken.

"so.. lets do this.."

he pulled up the pistol and fired at the head
Slasher wakes up and looks around he thinks to himself phoenix. He yawns and exits the classroom he goes into the hall and sits down wondering what he should do next he then gets up and goes to the training hall he trains for awhile then sits down and meditates "im so bored" he says to himself. "What to do" he says.
The reaper nodded, moving forward the bullet whizzing just past her head, taking the hood off as her blade went out as the space closed, stopping directly at his side, the scythe's blade resting on his throat, not hard enough to cut skin, but the intent that she could easily do it was clear.
with a bit of perception, she would have noticed the handgun at her temple at the side of her head.

"Leslie... about bloody time"

he lowered the gun, and looked at her, a small line of blood came from a thin cut on his neck, nothing serious, and Leslie knew that.

he opened his arms

"can i get a kiss for waiting so freaking long?"
The scythe lowered, and Leslie Fitz looked up at him with solid black eyes before she started laughing. A few moments later, she was hugging him tight enough to crack his back, still laughing lightly. After a while, she let go of him, settling for kissing his forehead. "So, I'm forgiven?"

he kissed her on the lips, there was no tongue but it was long..

after that he let her go, but still held on to her.

"gotta be honest... i thought i would never see you again"
"Almost....?" She quirked an eyebrow, folding her arms as she leaned back, her scythe 'floating' as she balanced on it, using it as a 'wall' to lean on. "How Almost.....?" Her smile faded as he talked more. "I left these," She held up a coin, "To ensure you that I was fine. I always planned to come back after I fixed myself."
Marco held up a coin from the pouch

"but... what does this say?"

he pointed to the words above the love heart above them, they were written in the spirit-language and appeared to be a complete mess to mortals
Leslie laughed lightly, smiling at him. "I'm sorry." Running a hand through her brown hair, she looked him over before sighing. "It's been five minutes...."
Marco glanced at her brown hair

"say Leslie... why did you colour your hair? last i saw it was either Blonde or pale white..."

he touched her hair, and the parts that he touched turned back into the silky white from when he saved her from the Creeper's grasp
As his hands moved and the hair changed colours, the second his hand passed over the spot, the brown started seeping back into it. "I didn't.....it comes with the job.....the white base is what's keeping it from being black...." Leslie chuckled softly, before snapping her fingers, a portal to the school opening as she led him through it.
Marco smiled, and went with her, they came out at the school.

"you know... brown really dosen't suit you... i could make it full-black... but of course, you could do it better"

he smiled a bit, while behind her he noticed something, he parted the heair on the back of her head and saw the mark of a Reaper.

"so.. working for your dad now, eh?... at least it must be better than being sold around"
(slasher- Kalypso is a wolf, not a person)

THe wolf jumps as Slasher greets her, and turns towards him. "I'm Kalypso!" She smiles.
"My dad is dead. I took over." Leslie said with a hint of hatred in her voice at the mention of the man. Her hand tightened into a fist. "The talk of the new Grim, the reaper of demonic natural, so unreal he's never been seen, not even the royal guards could catch him as he took the king's son's light. It's all true...." Grim being what the head reaper is called, "I don't like black....not on girls."
"but you like it on me?"

he kissed the mark on her neck, and put his arms around her, to calm her down.

"maybe you should keep it white... black and white, yin and yang... poetic"

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