WW - The New World

Vicky felt a little awkward sitting on the bench outside waiting for Jirocho. It had grown considerably dark out with only a thin sliver of silver moon to light the way, hardly with any aid of the stars. Would he be angry with her for wanting to talk to him? She didn't know him at all aside from his name and that he seemed to hold a talent for these gathering spells that she had never even heard of before. It was possible that he didn't like being asked about this skill of his and perhaps she was going right from the frying pan into the fire with her explosive first impression at the school.

Shaking her head she decided to play things cool. She would only keep him busy for half an hour maximum and then she would go home. Whenever she would see him in the future she would wait to have talked to him on four separate occasions before asking him about gathering spells at all. It was silly of her to be so calculative over how she was going to talk to him but she was curious and wanted to ask him so many things without being rude. People tended to shy away from this who were rude and used them for their own gain.
After some running around and questioning people for a brownhaired girl with glasses, he finally got to hear that there was such a girl sitting on a bench outside the main building at the inner courtyard so he walked rapidly towards one of the exits that leads to the inner square and fortunately enough he found her there.

Approaching her with his cheerful smile and waving, he sat down next to her and introduced himself as 'Jirocho, a new student here'.

" I heard you wanted to talk to me? What's up mate? " Everything about him was friendly and relax, but everything was a coldhearted calculation that came natural to him. It didn't matter to him, except for the occasional ache in his body and weird voice that questioned everything he was doing, he didn't feel bad about his manner of handling the path he was on.
Vicky was almost about to get up and look for Jirocho herself, impatience starting to get the better of her when he seemed to appear right there beside her. "Oh, hello," she said, looking up at him with a reluctant smile at first. Seeing that he was being warm towards her she decided that she didn't need to put up any pretenses and that he seemed willing to be there and answer a few questions for her.

"I'm Victoria, but most people call me Vicky. I'm also a new student here." she said, briefly looking away from him as she got a hold of herself and calculated how she wanted to ask her questions. "I was also at the orientation and your question really caught my interest," Vicky admitted, looking up at him a bit shyly. "I've never heard of gathering spells before. I thought that I was out of the loop until I saw one of the professors asking to see you and realized that maybe I wasn't the only uninformed one." Coughing a bit she looked away from him, a little nervous to ask her next question. "I was just curious as to what they are and if it was hard for you to learn." She wasn't sure just yet if she wanted to learn herself.
Jirocho looked amused at Vicky's shy manner of speech and behaviour as she asked him about Gathering Spells. Jirocho seemed as if he was thinking how to put it, and to be fair, he was...just not like a normal person would. He was trying to find a way to make it irresistable, he needed allies in his search and this was a perfect opportunity.

" Hmmmm, well, they are like magic cheatcards...Does't matter how powerful, rare or of what branch the spell comes from, if it's on a Gathering Card you can cast it. You have to contract it beforehand though, with a little bit of blood smeared on the card, just a small cut in your finger would do. "

After saying that he shows Vicky his ring with the small triangle at the bottom to cut open his finger fast, and his indexfinger which was repeatedly cut.

" The more Cards you have, the more cheatcards you have and the more spells you can cast without limitation or preparation. "

" Does this sound like something you would want too? " He asked, with a friendly tone in his voice but inside he was burning for a positive answer.
As the students and faculty dispersed from the auditorium, Tobi and Scarlet exchanged dumbfounded looks. "What do we do?" Tobi asked in a small, hard to hear voice. Scarlet shrugged her shoulders as she looked around at the possible hallways they could travel down. "Scarlet, I'm serious!" he said, raising his terrified voice. "We need to know our schedule and we need a map and our dorm rooms," he said, his voice getting softer and softer with each word he said.

Scarlet's lips curled upward into a devious grin and she said, "We'll just wing it." That same phrase had always given Scarlet a burst of excitement; whereas, it made a wave of fear wash over Tobi. Before he could object, his twin got up out of her seat, and dashed down a random hallway. Tobi considered either yelling or running after her but by the time he had decided to yell, she was already too far away. Without any other choice, he took off in a dead sprint down the same hallway as his sister. Since he had always been faster due to his longer legs, he caught up with her in no time at all. However, Scarlet had locked onto a group of students who she figured knew more than they did. Just as she was about to stop and greet them, she realized she couldn't stop in time and ended up colliding with the one boy in their group, Slasher.
Vicky was only being shy around him because he was someone that she respected. He had something that she didn't which made him more powerful and it intrigued her. Right then it was like being a little girl all over again and learning how to do a trick on her bike or how to make a tye die shirt. It was something that she didn't know and therefore she had to learn about it. As Jirocho began his explanation she was incredibly quiet, hardly breathing so that she wouldn't miss a word of what he said.

Any spell?

She had turned her back on everyone whom she had ever known after learning about her magical prowess and was only now realizing that she was nothing compared to other sorcerers. Even a first year like herself still had more knowledge and power over his magical skills. When he had finished explaining he looked up at her and asked if it was something she wanted to learn. It was like dangling candy in front of a child's face and while Vicky tried to keep herself composed she couldn't help but nod her head. "Y-yes..." she whispered.
Slasher had gotten up and looked at the girl who had collided into him " what the hell you should watch were your going" he says he then puts his hand out to her " my name slasher you are?"
Scarlet let out a weak laugh as she let Slasher help her up. "I am Scarlet. It's nice to meet you, even in that circumstance which doesn't happen all the time by the way. Thank you though for helping me up," she rambled on. Even though Scarlet seemed it, she wasn't always the best in social situations which caused her to ramble and scare others away a lot of times.

Tobi came up behind her and covered her mouth with his hand. "Hello all," he said in a cheerful voice. "I'm her brother, Tobi. May we ask you a few questions if you don't mind?" His eyebrow twitched slightly as he tried not to seem his usual nervous self. "For example, where are you all headed to?"
" Great, then I'll help you find and collect Gathering Spells. We can hunt them together and we'll divide them fairly, is that ok ? "

He asked her politely and with a charming smile on his face while stretching his hand out. He probably needed her more than she did him, but he couldn't let that show or it might come back and haunt him later on. As he held his hand stretched out, the voice came back.

' What are you doing? Going to use this girl for your own benefit and then dispose of her? This isn't you, Jirocho, come to your senses already. You aren't yourself right now, realize that before it's too late. '

His eyebrow twitched slightly and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he kept his hand stretched out and kept his friendly smile on his face, but he felt like crying...he felt like he was going insane, what was going on? Is the voice right, is something bigger than his own plan going on or what ? He needed to figure this out, better sooner than later.
Vicky thought of all of the spells that she was unable to do and how weak the spells were that she could cast. Her temple still throbbed after being pushed out of her professor's brain and it actually pissed her off to think about how easily she had been brushed off. By joining Jirocho she would be able to become stronger and better than she ever could have before. Finally she would be able to learn healing spells and how to communicate with animals and anything else that her little heart pleased. Only briefly did she think about Professor Adams and how her respect for him. Had he seen a potential in her? His recommendation letter burned in her pocket.

Shaking her head Vicky took his hand. "Deal." she said, her eyes never leaving his. There was a pained look on his face but right then she was too excited herself to ask about it. She wasn't entirely sure what she had gotten herself into, all she knew was that she would become stronger out of it.
" Great! " He exlaimed happily. He was happy about the voice leaving him for the time being and for his first comrade-in-arms. Then suddenly his heart ached, it felt heavy and beated hard against his chest. Like he was having some sort of heartattack. It felt like it was bursting with something, Jirocho couldn't explain it, all he knew was that it hurt so much it made his eyes tear.

" Haha, sorry, I guess the excitement about making a friend got to me. " He lied as he whiped his eyes and smiled broadly.

" It's getting late so I'm going to head to my dorms, I'll talk to you soon ok Vicky ? " He lied again, he was going to see the Head Nurse, something was wrong with him and he needed to get to the bottom of it.
It almost felt like there was a bond between them right then. Seeing his eyes teared up she had to look away as she teared up, almost feeling his pain. "Yes, I understand." she said softly, wiping at her eye. "Goodnight, Jirocho." she said, her heart feeling heavy. As she left him she realized then that he was the only friend that she had as well. It felt lonely returning to her apartment away from the campus.

As she flipped on the lights she heard a faint chirping from her balcony and smiled a bit. Turning on the light she walked out on to the balcony and saw a little bird perched on the small handmade birdhouse. "Poppy," she greeted, stepping forward to affectionately run a finger along the little bird's beak. "I have some good news." she said, letting the bird hop into her hands as she took a seat on one of the chairs on the balcony. "Soon I'll be able to fix your wing." she said, looking out at the sky.
Scarlet would have had steam erupting out of her ears if she had been a cartoon character. With one swift elbow to Tobi's stomach, he was sent to the floor to hold his now hurting stomach. Scarlet looked back at him, decided he was fine, and cleared her voice so she could speak. In a cheerful tone she said, "We're looking for answers such as where do we go and how do we get our schedule. Besides, it's no fun spending the whole time here with each other. I don't know why he followed me."

Tobi glared up at her, daggers in his eyes. He was about to lose it and he would have, if he didn't have the pressure of others nearby sending him into his shy character once more. Instead, he reluctantly stood up and kept his arms crossed. "Yeah. What she said," he mumbled so no one could really hear him.
Vent patted his daughter's head as he used a subtle wind magic to listen in on Jirocho and Vicky's conversation. The wind simply carried every word they spoke back to him.

These Gatherer Cards were quite the enigma..... Vent decided he'd do some research, and figure out exactly why Jirocho was so driven to find them, and their origins themselves. When he held the card, he had felt a lingering touch, a promise etched into his skin.

The promise of power. Jirocho and Vicky were both far too ambious, it seemed, and they would fall under the same spell Umbralus has cast on Vent, all those years ago. The promise of power was too much for an immature child, trying to be as grown up as they could....

That's why he had taught Jirocho the Eternal Flame. Vent hoped for the time being that it would provide a substitute for the boy to use, to feel how using his own strength felt, instead of relying on those cards. The fact he'd taken to it extremely well hadn't surprised Vent in the slightest.

But, his family was in front of him now. He could worry about students later, it seemed.

"You two need to stop acting like children. You're growing up, so I don't want anymore silly fights." He chided, pulling Alec and David into a big family hug.


David sniffled.

"Yes Dad." He mumbled, still latched onto his mother's waist, then pulled into a hug, which he enjoyed greatly.
slasher said "well ill be on my way now see you two later" slasher walked down the hall then took a left he didn't exactly know where he was going he just sort of walked around he walked to the head nurse and greet her and decided to greet her he opened the door and saw someone " oh hello there you two well I just came by to say hello and um" he says he then looks over to the boy and says "hello there you are".
"Yes Daddy...." Hannah said quietly as she pushed into the hug inadvertently, squished right up next to her brother.

Alec chuckled softly at them, whispering something in Vent's ear as she was pulled into it as well, "They are just children, dear...." As someone spoke, she looked over seeing a student, the one who had made the flames. Looking down at him, she smiled softly, "Hello There...."
Vent chuckled, picking up his kids in an arm each.

"I'll take these two to bed." He said to Alec, giving her a quick kiss, as David struggled valiantly. "Funny how he's in here already, eh?" He added quietly, referring to the boy who made fire, one he and Alec had identified as someone bound to see her a lot.

With that, Vent winked at Alec. "I'll be waiting, my sweet." He said, as David made a small barfy noise with a smile.

Leaving the room, David yawned, and slumped over in Vent's arms. He rolled his eyes. The kid was too much sometimes.

Setting his elder daughter down, he patted her head again.

"I think you're grown up enough to walk, right?" He asked, grinning.
Alec smiled at Vent before laughing lightly as he carried the kids out. They were a lot to handle, but gosh darn, he was the one who had asked for them. Watching till the door shut behind him, she looked back at the flame kid and smiled, "Need any help with your scheduling? Finding a dorm? Bump your head on the way here?" She chuckled lightly.

Out in the hall, as she was put down, Hannah frowned for a moment before sighing, straightening out her dress and walking, though she kept her grip on Daddy's hand before soon finding herself yawning, "Daddy, I don't want to get to bed. I'm not tired yet...." Another yawn came from the small child. "Besides, if I'm all growded up, doesn't that mean I get to stay up with you and mommy too?"
Vent smiled.

"You wouldn't like staying up. It's boring. Your mother and I don't do much....." He lied through his teeth to his daughter. If he had it his way, she'd never have to worry about what to do when you stay up late.

"..... But, since David's already asleep, you can stay up for an extra hour if you promise not to tell him." He smiled, feeling a bit sorry for the sleeping kid in his arms. Next time, he'd make sure Hannah fell asleep first.
Hannah smiled widely, nodding her head, "Okay. I won't tell him a thing." The very idea of getting to stay up, even just a little bit later, made her very happy. "And if it's so boring, what do you and mommy do and why don't you go to bed too?"
Katie smiled warmly at Lola and tugged on the back of her shirt. "Anytime your ready. I can have you all set up within thirty

minutes." She said letting go of her and walking over to a fork in the hall. "I'll just wait over here." She smiled giving a wave to Leslie as her hair turned light orange.
Vent's brow furrowed. He'd walked right into that one.

"..... We practice our magic. Your daddy isn't one of the strongest mages on the planet for the nothing!" He said, flexing for show. It wasn't actually very impressive.... But hey, he could be a lot worse.

Sighing, he let go of his daughter's hand to fumble with the key.

Alec had put some sort of new enchantment on the door. It always took him a while to figure out how to get past hers without a key, and this one was proving stubborn. He hated using a key, but his lovely wife insisted.

Getting inside, Vent snapped his fingers, and a breeze carried David up to his bed.

"Sooo, Hannah, have you been working on any spells lately?" He asked, sitting down on the couch.
"Oh...." Hannah frowned, before accepting it as true. As her brother was put to bed, and her dad sat down, she smiled happily again. "I have I have." She giggled a bit, before putting her hands a little apart from each other and focusing really hard, before a little flash of light sparked through and a little gun, perfect size for her and pink was in her hand.Holding it out on it's side, she showed Vent, beaming that it worked really well.

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