WW - The New World

Marco nodded

"yeah, he can stay here"

he turned to Kalypso

"no complaining"

he glared at the new guy, his body began building up magical power

"hurry up, miss Isle..."
"Yaay!" Jirou barked, running back to Kalypso. Lola turned to him and said "Go back into the office. Stay near kalypso at all times." as a stern thought.

She followed closely behind Mr. Marco to her next class. She becme nervous and wondered, What did he want? What was it that Mr.Marco had done? Once they turned the corner to her hallway, she saw another man, in the same attire as the last, standing by her classroom door. She became more nervous, and stopped suddenly.
Valentina woke up much later than anyone else, having a spare instead of a class first thing in the morning. The woman was fine with it though, as she wasn’t exactly an early riser; both sluggish and cursing on her way out of bed. After a shower, she forced herself into some formal looking clothes and wandered the empty hallways.

It was during the second lap around classrooms she had woken up; it was too late for the two students she snapped at for hall passes. She stopped in the corridor and sighed; guess it was time to meet the person she’d be teaching under.

Drawing a paper from the back of her slacks, she read his name and room number for what seemed like the thirtieth time. It shouldn’t have been this hard considering he was the founder, but Val lost the name because of nerves. So, gathering her courage, she made her way to his office.

The office itself wasn’t where she had found Marco; instead she saw a man standing in the room next to it. He was wearing sunglasses and his hair was slicked back, Val approached him cautiously;

"...Can I help you?" she asked.


“Why… if it isn’t fresh meat…” Gabriel greeted,

“Come…Sit down…Make yourselves comfy, it is only the first day after all” he finished.

Gabriel had dressed in a suit this morning, but didn’t bother himself with a tie or even the first two buttons of his inside shirt. Relaxed, was the look he was going for and his stature followed suit; leaned back in chair, feet propped up on desk, and an unlit cigarette in hand.

“Welcome to Potions” he started, lighting his cigarette and blowing the first pull into the air.

The class was almost full, after the twins had entered; only 6 seats remained vacant, but he knew that would change after today.

“I’m not big on introductions, so just call me Stark…no Mr., no Sir… I’m not that old…”

“I only have a few rules in this class; Listen to what I say, and do what I say. Got that?” he explained, continuing to smoke.

“Any questions for today?” He purposed, eying his students as some hands went up

“…And before anyone asks, it’s not too late to get out…” he answered

“…as long as you run” he finished, smirking.
The bald man nodded.

"I'd like you to cooperate, Mrs. Atererus. Please come with us. I'd prefer not to hurt you in front of your class." He said, motioning for Alec to go with him.

The man who'd just fixed his hair kept waiting for Marco, but suddenly Val showed up. She wasn't part of the plans.

"Move along miss. I have no business with you, I just need to speak with Mr. Highland for a minute." He explained.

Vent answered the door to a straight punch in the face.

Being knocked back, he immediately used the wind to stabilize himself, and snapped forward, a rocket of a punch scattering paper all around the room.

Hope himself would have felt that one, Vent thought, as the man with the sunglasses caught Vent's punch, without much surprise from Vent. If he'd had the balls to punch Vent from the get-go, he must have some serious chops.

"Who are you?" Vent asked, as he blocked a swift, effortless jab from his new opponent, his class gasping.

"Nobody." He said simply, wrenching Vent's fist to the side and kicking, sending Vent crashing into his own desk.

"Okay." Vent spat, getting up, and taking off his suit jacket, and tie. "Now I'm pissed."
Raising an eyebrow, Alec looked at the kids, "You class is over in 10 minutes. I'll leave you to work. If any of you think about leaving early, the door is charmed to prevent that." Stepping out into the hall and shutting the door, she looked at the bald man. "Exactly where do you want me to go and who are the others in this us...." Folding her arms over her chest, though she was agreeing to what he wanted in a way, she wasn't going till he answered her questions.
Steven was deep into explaining the basics of Telekenesis when yet another knock came from the door. A heavy one. Steven sighed exasperatedly. "One moment,class. Feel free to practice Telekenesis on your things;what I told you should be enough for basic motion. I shouldn't be long." Steven approached the door and raised a telekenetic barrier around himself. A habit of his whenever he recieved a surprise knock on the door. Steven opened the door a crack,and peered out. He saw a man,in shades and a sharp outfit,and he was built like a brickhouse. Even more uneasy,Steven slipped out,and put a telekenetic barrier on the door itself. "May I help you,sir?"
Marco nodded to Lola

"Miss Isles... please get back to my office, and no matter what, unless i absolutely command it, dont leave..."

he walked back to where the new guy was

"can I help you, sir?"


as Sam saw Vent being punched, he launched from his chair, and grabbed his blade, but he failed to unsheathe it

"come on... you...."

he still didn't get that he had to call out the name of the sword before it could be unsheathed, so he stood there, holding the sheathed sword like a baton.
Lola quickly rushed into Mr. Marco's office, picking up Jirou. "You're back!" Jirou barked. "Shh!" Lola quickly replied, sitting on the floor. "What's going on?" Jirou wondered, now silently whimpering. "I don't know, but it does not look good" Lola replied, trying to get a feel of what's going on.
The bald man smiled. He liked cooperative victims.

"We're here to bring you, and a select few others to a laboratory for a few tests. I won't lie to you, Mrs. Atererus, they won't be pleasant. But, if you don't come willingly, we WILL bring you by force. Any other questions?" He explained.

The large man looked down at Steven.

"Good morning Mr. Adams. I'd like it if you came with me." He stated, almost ripping out of his suit with the mere shuffling he did whilst standing in front of Steven.

The man standing in front of Marco grinned.

"Hey there Mr. Highland, I'd like it if you came with me. I wouldn't want you to get hurt by refusing, see?" He chirped off, sounding a little too pleased with himself.

Vent picked Sam up by the scruff of his neck, from behind him, looking furious.

"Are you stupid? If a man comes in here, and knocks ME on my ass, don't try and be brave!" He snapped, tossing him back to his seat, and snapping his fingers to create a current of wind that would set him down nicely.

Turning to the rest of the class, his eyes looked intense.

"Stay here!" He said forcefully, diving and tackling the man out into the hall.

The man's sunglasses broke, and they revealed something Vent didn't expect.

The man's eyes looked cybernetic.

With a grunt, the man tossed Vent up, into the ceiling, and as he fell, the man's hand morphed.

No, that was wrong.

It mechanically transformed.

A laser beam shot up at Vent, and he nimbly dodged it by blasting himself to the side with a current of wind.

"..... What are you?" Vent asked, not sensing any magic at all.

"We're specially developed anti-magic weapons, even you don't stand a chance, Vent." He spat, his serious look twisting into a devious grin.
in an instant, Marco answered

"for what reason do you want me to come with you?"

a copy of Marco appeared behind the man, a blade to his neck

"ain't that right... Mr Cyborg?"

Marco plucked the glasses off faster than an eye can blink, to reveal the cyborg eyes.

"huh.. what are you?... Lazarus MK-3... no... at least MK-4 would be out by now..."
Alec raised an eyebrow, looking at the man. "A few." Looking him up and down, "Now, mind you, I have no intention of making you use force, I'd much rather avoid that at the moment. I would just like information before leaving. Firstly, would you be able to enlighten me on some of these tests? Secondly, why do you need us? And lastly, seeing as how you know who I am, who are you?" Smiling in a friendly sort of way, she offered him the lead to start walking, knowing they had approximately 6 minutes left.
Vicky was just jotting down the last of Professor Adams's notes when there was a knock at the door. Her brow crinkled a bit and she sighed to herself when the teacher instructed them to simply work on their telekinesis. She watched Professor Adams, hesitantly at first and tried to make it appear as though she were trying to work on the spell they had just been taught. Only briefly did she look down at the pencil on her desk to concentrate and made it rise an inch or two off of the desk before falling back down.

Shaking her head she looked back up at Professor Adams though he seemed to have left the room by then. She bit her lip and tried to get her mind off of it, though she was known for sticking her nose into business that was not her own. Her fingers shook and she tried again to focus on her pencil and make it levitate, though already she could feel her resolve breaking.
The bald man grinned.

"I'm actually not allowed to answer those questions right now. But our benefactor will be able to answer them quite easily, once we've arrived." He said, taking a few steps and glancing back. "Coming?"

The man Marco had just stolen sunglasses from pulled something from his pocket, and it instantly melded into new sunglasses. He placed them on his face.

"We aren't Lazarus. That series has been discontinued." He said snidely. "I'd really prefer you didn't make me use force, Mr. Highland."

Vent swore, as the man caught his lightning lance.

The cyborg-man yawned, twirling the lance around in his hands.

"This is pathetic, is this all the strongest mage in the world can do?" He said grinning, just as Vent snapped his fingers.

The lance exploded into a blast of lightning.

The man was thrown back from the actual force, not having been expecting such a sneaky tactic. He supposed he deserved it for being a show off....

His suit was shredded, showing bio-mechanical workings. This was no ordinary human....

Vent gulped.
"well i'm sorry but force is 100% necessary, if you intend to take me without an explaination"

Marco threw the first strike, a blast to suck out energy straight to the gut, to drain it of power

"battery operated toys... you should have stayed in the box"
Alec looked at the man. "I ask now, because I do have things to bear in mind for safety sake......" Following the man, she resisted the urge to cover her stomach protectively like she wanted to so badly.
Katie heard some noises around the school witch seemed like mild fighting... or at least a one sided fight. She got up from her desk and started to walk out from the office toward Alec's classroom knowing she wouldn't fight with child. She turned a corner to see her walking with a strange man in a suit. "Hey." She spoke out to them. "I hear violence. Whats going on." She asked with her ear twitching.

Kat finally getting up from her cat nap decided to look around campus and maybe find some food to eat. Wondering aimlessly she ended up around Vents classroom seeing him and a man in glasses fight. She quietly kept to the shadows and watched knowing she wasn't in a position to help if Vent couldn't even handle him right away.
"Move along miss. I have no business with you, I just need to speak with Mr. Highland for a minute."

With the response, Val quirked a brow but chose to say nothing, straying away from him as another man in a track suit approached. The two had a quick confrontation that made her realize he was Marco, and the man with slicked back hair wanted him. Actually, he threatened him to come with him, sounding a little too joyful to be human.

It seemed Marco had picked up on the vibe, as a copy of him appeared behind the man and his sunglasses were gone, revealing cybernetic eyes. The two continued verbally fighting with Val idling by, until Marco had sent an energy blast into the robot's stomach. Not one to steal a battle, Val settled on asking the obvious;

“You need any help?”

Although the answer might be no, Valentina traced lines on her right palm; an electric shot, formed through the fist.
Vent dashed forward, a blade of wind circling around him as he lept, straight at the sunglasses man.

The man raised his laser cannon, and fired, hitting Vent in the chest, who fell to the ground, his blade of wind dissipating. Groaning, Vent rolled over to face the man, and winked.

The man blinked, and Vent faded away. The man swore, and looked up, to see Vent falling towards him, Wrath's Door in his hands.

"Hhhaaaaaa!" Vent yelled, shoving Wrath's Door, the baseball sized orb of anti-matter held together by Vent's masterful control over magic.

The man smiled.

He lifted his hand, which glowed pure, blinding white, and caught Wrath's Door, crushing it. The anti-matter blasted everywhere, creating an explosion. Vent was thrown back into another wall.

He sighed. This guy was getting on his nerves, he thought as he spat out blood, and ripped the remains of his shirt off.

The bald man shook his head.

"Your unborn child had nothing to fear. We're not savages." He said, continuing to walk.

The man Marco just punched reeled, and grinned at the same time. Marco had no clue what he was dealing with.

His suit suddenly blasted off his body. Where Marco had blasted him was only a red mark on his skin. The bio-mechanics for this unit wern't obvious like the one Vent had fought.

The man's forearm transformed into a ray gun like apparatus. He pointed it up, and grinned. Instead of firing, a wave blasted out and bounced all around the hallway.

Magic would be shorted out and be incapable of usage in the hallway, and before this was realized, the man darted in a mad sprint at Marco, his biomechanics giving him the speed and strength far beyond what any human could possibly achieve, even in the most fantastic of stories.

He grabbed Marco by the throat, and lifted him off the ground.

"Just try and use magic, or any mechanical feature you have, you useless, obselete piece of Lazarus Project trash!" He yelled in Marco's face.
Steven looked at the man. "So,a kidnapping then? Can it wait? I'm teaching the next generation of magi. After class,and once I'm done dealing with a delenquent,then we can continue our conversation,savvy?" Steven backed to the door,gave a short bow,and said, "Adieu. For now."
The large man grinned. This one had a sense of humor.

He didn't like humor.

He reached forward, and picked Steven up by the neck, tossing him out the door, and into the wall on the other side of the hallway.

"This won't wait." He said in a deep voice, a glow encircling his body.


The man with hair as red as blood smiled deviously.

He'd perfected his cybernetics program, and watched with glee as his pawns fought the strongest mages in the world.

He'd get them here, and he'd have his fun with them. But he couldn't have too much fun, because they might die before he could put his plans into motion. He licked his lips, anxiously awaiting his chance to become a god.

Human Instrumentality was before him, and all he needed were the last few pieces.
As Steven was hurled across the hall,he saw a girl,apparently frozen in fear. When he hit the wall,his breath was blasted from his lungs,and he heard his spine and the back of his skull crack. "Damn...Alright..." He telekeneticaly casted his injuries,and suddenly,the hall was devoid of all light. He then shouted to the girl, "Run! Get out of here!" He moved with perfect silence around,using his illusion magic to grant himself sight. His phantom blades,Igni and Rudara,were projected from his arms,Igni,red as flame,and Rudara,aqua,as so many people depicted wind. They did not emit any light. He circled the glowing man,and thought to himself, Just what is he,really?
Steven would hear a chuckle, as the glowing hulk of a man raised his hand, light eminating from his palm.

"Come with me, I'd rather not have to hurt you." He said in a deep voice.

He glanced around, searching for Steven with his flashlight hand.

This one's slippery too....

He hated slippery.
Steven telepathicaly contacted every student in his classroom. There's a trapdoor behind my desk. It leads to my office. Go there for your own safety;there's someone here who needs an ass kicking. After that,Steven pulled the zweihander from it's bracket,and sent it clean through the door. It began to swing at the glowing hulk of a man;he needed a distraction,an opening. Steven ducked low and bolted under the light beam,and proceeded to move away from the sweep. He sensed no magic,yet he conjured light from his palm. Mundane tech? But how did it get so advanced!?
The hulk caught the Zweihander, and as he touched it, it was freed from Steven's telepathy.

More like..... Steven't telepathy was forced off of it.

Wielding it for himself, the man smiled widely.

"Come out, little Mage. I'd rather not hurt you." He sang, the light beam suddenly intensifying.

He swept wide and long, looking for the slippery little Mage with a sense of humor.
Suddenly,Steven remembered the kid he was supposed to be punishing. He released him from his bonds,and said telepathically, Follow the others! Facing the man,he called out, "OI! MUPPET!" When the beam of light swept over him,Steven smiled,and crushed both hands,and both shoulders. "I'd rather NOT keep the company of a Terminator." He stepped to the side,and began to silently circle the behemoth once more.

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