WW - The New World

The men all tapped their wristwatches in a simultaneous motion. A helicopter came in from the side, and touched down in front of the four. "Let's go." The men all said in unison, keeping up the synergy. They moved to the side, and waited for the four wizards to get on.~David looked entirely unimpressed."C'mon, I'm hungry." He whined.~The red-haired man grinned."My name is Mephistopheles, Gabriel. I don't think you ever fought alongside Marco or Vent, but I'm an Old One General. You know, the despised demons who invade and pillage and all that. Or, at least I was. Now I reside in this realm. I'm having my fun and all, but it's about time I conquered this pathetic plane, and all it's inhabitants. My plan is already on track, and I'd like a..... Second-In Command, if you'd please. I want someone to have my back and all." He explained, playing with his hair, his piercing yellow eyes looking into Gabriel's.".... Since you're not exactly attached to any of your colleagues, wouldn't you like to help rule the multiverse? They say God's right hand man was an angel named Gabriel......." He added, smiling.

Gabriel already felt that his name would annoy him, but his personality spoke from different lengths; he claimed himself a general and told him what he had done as such. The introduction ended with the plans he had at the moment and an invitation to join his ranks. Gabriel almost laughed; he wanted him as a… second in-command?

The man was looking at him, and phrased it more simply,

".... Since you're not exactly attached to any of your colleagues, wouldn't you like to help rule the multiverse? They say God's right hand man was an angel named Gabriel......."

He had asked him smiling, and Gab smiled right back, although for a different reason; he was amused at both what he was asking, and how he thought he knew him. Although it was true he wasn’t attached to any of his colleagues, that didn’t mean he was going to turn his back on them anytime soon.

“And if I say no?” he tested the waters,

There was always a choice of playing double-agent for both teams…whatever kept him alive.
Marco grunted and got on the copper, taking a seat near the exit

"oh you guys are gonna pay for this... what are you? Nightrise? Vatican? Old Ones? Boghren's lackeys?"

he wanted an answer, bu he knew he was in no possition to make demands
Lola waitied for the signal to leave. All the while, she heard the sounds of fighting and crashing noises, and noticed that there were multiple fights around the school. It eventually grew distant until it ceased. Feeling slightly relieved, she now waited for Mr. Marco to come back. And waited. And waited some more.

She then heard the sound of a helicopter, then decided to get up, gently cradling Jirou since he was fast asleep. Kalypso was right beside Lola, so she made sure not to disturb her as well. She looked up into one of the windows, and saw some destruction to the walls and some of the ornaments that once hung around the hallway. She opened the door and cautiously walked out of Mr. Marco's office. She looked halfway up one side of the hallway, and saw no one.

She quietly ran to the other side of the hallway, and saw an open door. The wind the hellicopter made went inside through the door, blowing few bits of paper and the mess made from the combat around. She peeked her head out of the door, and saw the tips of the propellers hovering off the side of the building. She held Jirou close to sheild him from the intense wind the best way she could.

She slowly walked toward the side of the building where the helicopter was found, and peeked along the edge. The helicopter was a good distance away, but it did not limit Lola's ability to see what was on it. She found the two "men" in suits and glasses that she saw earler when trying to get to class. She also found a couple more men like them, wearing the same suits and all, incluidng one with brilliant red hair that seemed to be talking to one of the teachers. She looked inside the helicopter and saw the rest of the faculty, including the man who was speaking at the orientation, and Mr. Marco.

She quickly ran back inside the building and back inside the office to wake up Kalypso and find some help.
Flicking her eyes to the side, Alec stared at one of them as they moved. Then, as the helicopter appeared, colour in her face drained, a thing like this meant they were going far. Far was never good. Glancing at Vent, she looked back at the men, before opening a mental connection to their children.

Stay in the house. Hannah, your in charge, take care of your little brother. Do not under any circumstances go to anyone you do not know.

At any other time, she didn't worry too much about them, they had been gone before, but they always knew before hand. And, given what the man had said, along with their mode of transport, her worry was spiking. Tightening a hand into a fist, she looked at the men again, before looking at her friends, they had hurt them, she was sure. Standing there, she debated with herself, clearly, they could take down the strongest of them all, and she was in no shape to do it, but as her mood darkened, she had to wonder if maybe, just maybe, it would work....
Mephistopheles grinned darkly, his eyes glinting in the light.

A dark series of runic gears twirled underneath them, creating a rift.

Mephistopheles and Gabriel fell into the sky.

Rushing past them was the wind, passing at such high speed, the Earth beneath them seeming so distant. But, something was off. If Gabe was observant, and knowledgable in his geographics, he'd realize the land beneath them was mirrored.

This couldn't be Earth. Mephistopheles smiled at Gabe, and pointed up, into the sky they had been falling from.

There was a second Earth in the sky, with the correct geography.

But, if the second Earth had the correct geography, what was beneath them?

A mirrored Earth?


The helicopter lifted off, carrying the four strongest magical beings on Earth, and the cyborg entities that had bested them for now. Almost no sooner than it had taken off, the blades spun quicker, and trailed particles.

The blades created a psuedo-teleportation spell by using the high rotation, and unstable chemical reactions to slip into the space between times. But the difference between times was so slight, it was basically teleportation, arriving a fraction of a millisecond later.

They arrived on what seemed to be a simple meadow. Green-ish grass, and literally no landmarks visible except for the defining castle sprawling over the horizon.

But they were not on Earth anymore. This would be VERY evident to Vent, Marco, and Steven (had he been awake, and not still draped over Vent's shoulder), being able to sense the minute differences between their Earth's atmosphere and a different planet. This planet had a more stale feel, and although it was very similar to Earth, there was a different feel to even the tiny traces of magic in the air.

Vent tapped Marco's shoulder, and put his finger to his lips, which he also showed Alec. He was signaling them to stay quiet, no matter what.

Then he pointed to the Earth in the sky.

From the surface of the planet they were on, they could very clearly see almost a portrait of Earth, the planet they'd fought so hard to defend all their lives. It was completely obvious they were no longer on Earth, but from a vantage point like this, that they'd had no clue about? This was too sudden. They'd missed something important.

The cyborgs motioned for them to follow, and they led the group into the castle, into a large hall.

A man with red-hair sat upon the throne, situated in the grand hall.

"Hello, mages of Earth. Welcome to the end." He said omniously, leaning on his hand, on the edge of his seat, smirking with contempt in his eyes.


David let out a whimper.

"Hannah..... Mom and Dad.... I can't sense them anymore." He whined.

OOC - The red-haired man, for both Gabe, and the main group. DUH DUH DUH

Of course, Gabe's is wearing a white suit. And he has a name....

Scarlet nodded in agreement and took off running into a random room which just so happened to be a janitor's closet. "Jason, if you really aren't too scared of the fights going on, why don't we try to find them through the vent system?" she asked with a mischievous grin on her face. The late nights that were spent watching television had given her crazy ideas such as this particular one. If you wanted to know something, you go to the vents and spy. "If you want, I could go alone but who would protect a small, weak girl like me?" she said and put on a frown and eyes that appeared on the edge of tears.


Tobi listened to the teacher and followed the rest of the students to obvious safety. "How stupid," he said to himself. "Scarlet, why do you run off at important times?" he asked no one in particular since he knew for a fact that if he didn't know an answer about his sister, surely no one did.
Jason pouted ," You watch too many spie movies... The rumbling has stopped.. Could the battle have stopped? I think we should go to the roof.." Jason's smile was mischievious ," Unless you are scared of heights? which is a perfectly normal fear... for normal people." Jason chuckled
Scarlet shrugged. "So? Spy movies are amazing." She thought back to those late nights once more. She remembered cuddling up to her brother and begging her parents to rent a horror. Instead, they got detective and spys and the occasion comedy. "But if you're choose the place," she started to say with a huge grin on her face once more, "then you wouldn't mind giving me a piggy back ride there, would you?"
Jason raised an eyebrow smiling ," It is naturally to want to be near me... Hop on. I guess?" Jason bent over preparing to shoulder what probably wouldn't be that much weight. Jason chuckled. She'll understand what I can do after this..
Scarlet shook her head. "It's not that I want to be near you. I just don't feel like walking anywhere unless it's in the direction that I choose," she said with a smug expression. She jumped onto Jason's back, hoping he wasn't incredibly weak like Tobi was. "Ya sure you can carry me? I mean, I'm not fat but you could just be that weak."
Jason laughed , " I'm at the pinnacle of strength.. Some might say I have adonis dna." Jason began to locate the stairs that lead to the roof. One foot after the other Jason climbed the laborous labryinth he soon saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

Jason sighed , " Sweet day light... Y'know you can't always get things your way... Relationships are give in take... Pff assuming you pulled together your act enough to get a date." I wonder what type of functions this school will offer? A magical dance... Seems outrageous to even think of that.
Marco didn't say anything, but he gave this got on the throne a loot that seemed to say "cut the crap and get to the point, we have things to do"

he crossed his arms, still glaring at the new guy.
Riyoshi rode across the giant land upon his lizard.

"Got to get home. It's moms birthday." Riyoshi said to himself.

"Lets get a move on." Riyoshi yelled out to the giant lizard.

The lizard nodded as it started to run faster.
(I'm sorry I haven't been here in a long time. If someone could, could they give me a summary of what has happened since I'm really lazy and don't want to read all the posts :| )
Vicky's chest felt heavy and she feared that her heart would burst out of her throat. Not too long after her classmates had found refuge under the trap door behind Professor Adams's desk did they receive another message from their teacher to leave the room when things died down and to go and look for other adults for help. She felt incredibly vulnerable right then and it felt as if there was a bitter taste in her mouth. I'm weak, she thought to herself, clenching her fist. I can't help professor on my own. She wanted to find Jirocho right then, to leave with him and begin her training (whatever it may be) just so that this feeling of weakness would leave her. Gritting her teeth she left the room, her face flushed though she was not particularly in search of any teachers.
The red-head grinned as gears appeared below the two and all of a sudden, Gabriel was falling into a new sky. Annoyed that he both hadn’t gotten an answered and that the weirdo had teleported them into thin air, he ground his teeth. It looked like he had no choice in the manner… although he was going to say yes all along.

While they were falling, he noticed that Mephistopheles was pointing up and he followed the directional help. Earth stood in the near-atmosphere, and Gabriel feeling a little uncomfortable being that close to space, looked away. Then, he realized something, if Earth was in the sky…above him, what exactly was he falling on?

Feeling utterly confused at the two parallels, he looked back at the redhead;

“What is this…?” he started, unable to find the right words.
Sam walked by the Gym, one hand on Katsura's hilt.

he relaxed his grip, it seemed those attackers were gone, seeing as how he haden't seen any.

he went to Marco's office, in the hopes of finding clues as to who the kidnappers may have been.

the door creaked open, and Sam walked in, Seeing Lola

"you waiting for Mr Highland?"
As she ran to the office, the helicopter noise started to fade, and was nearly undetectable when she entered the office. She was ready to wake up Kalypso when she heard a voice. She turned to find a rather slender boy with red eyes right outside the threshold.

"Ummm..." The boy asked if she knew a Mr. Higland, so she looked at his desk and saw on Mr. Marco's desk a paperweight that said "Marco Highland" on it. "Mr... Highland is in trouble," she responded. "I saw him go on a helicopter with three other teachers and those men in suits," she finished, assuming that he's seen them as well.
Sam nodded

"i know, i saw him get captured... took quite a beating"

he glanced over the desk, it was somewhat unorganized, he got about 60,000 reasons from about 90 people and 43 countries to kidnap or kill him...

"never knew one man could have so many enemies"

he leaned on the desk, Looking at Lola

"the names Sam"

he held out his hand to shake
"Oh, I'm Lola," she replied, cradling Jirou in one arm to make one of her hands free. She shook sam's hand with her free hand. "I heard the whole attack while I was stuck in his office. Apparently those "men" were Cyborgs of some kind," she replied, halfway wincing.

Jirou stirred in Lola's arms and woke up, seeing a new friendly face. "Hi there! My name is Jirou!" He said to Sam, tail wagging. All that Sam was able to hear were Jirou's happy barks.
as Jirou barked and wagged his tail, sam smiled a bit and scratched him behind the ear.

"anyway, it looks like Mr Highland, Mrs Alec, Mr Adams and Mr Vent were all taken, and i have no idea where..."

he sighed, putting Katsura on the table, the gem at her hilt glowed a little bit, this was a sign of nearby magic, it can be used to detect approaching mages and magic-based attacks/traps.

he smiled a bit and let out a quiet "heh..."

"... helluva first day...."
Lola sighed. "Tell me about it. And I missed my first class because of it, finding a place for this little guy," She said, gesturing at Jirou then putting him down, where he pawed at Sam's foot. "His name is Jirou. He wanted to know your name as well," She finished, halfway blushing. She never told anyone else about any of her abilities, since the last group of people, before her adopted dad, put her out of the house for it.
"man that sucks..."

Jirou began pawing his feet, and Lola spoke

"well then, little guy..."

he picked up Jirou, holding him well but keeping distance in case he decided to scratch

"i'm Sam, little guy"

he loked back up to Lola

"we have the rest of the day, wanna do something?"

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