WW - The New World

for some reason, Riyoshi could hear the voice coming from Katsura as well, since he had seen her true form.

"aah, these gems are magic compressed into a solid form... very rare, this is the most i have ever seen at once"

Sam looked at the seathed blade

"but you've seen a lot more around, i bet"

Katsura giggled

"out of context, that would sound dirty"

Sam sighed

Katsura got serious again

"even if you can only use the stones, a non-magic being would just see them as rocks, and they would have no way to access the power within them, you ARE a magical being, Riyoshi-san, just like Sam-sama or myself"
Looking at the blade, Riyoshi took in a deep breath.

"I do apologize for lying to you about not being a magic user, it just i get crazy around magic." Riyoshi replied to Katsura.

Picking up the red stone, Riyoshi placed the others into his pocket.

"When i got this one, i fought my father for it. His power with this stone was enough to cast a fireball and he had told me that was all the power that resided in it. That fireballs were the strongest thing it could cast, but when i killed my father for the right to have this stone, i realized that he did not truly understand this stone." Riyoshi replied as he placed the rock in his right hand.

Muttering a few words under his breath, the stone started to glow.

"This is what my father knew about the stone." Riyoshi said as the stone turned into a small ball of fire.
As Sam and the newcpmer were talking, Lola decided to look through the artifacts. She was amazed by all the magic possibly made, even ones she never heard of before. By then, she was far enough for them not to see of hardly hear her, but she could see them, and still hear their conversation. Someone without her abilities would only hear them as a series of mumbles.

She continued to look at them until Sam began to yell at his sword, Katsura. She did recall him saying "I swear this thing talks to me," so she just went along from there, feeling a bit more comfortable about her animal communicating abilities.

She continued to look at the artifacts, and noticed a large, fancy clock. It looked exactly like her father's clock, except bigger, with much more detail. As she went out to touch it, something strange happened. The clock started glowing, and the ticking grew louder. That never happened before, she thought. Throughout all the times she held her dad's clock, its function has never altered in any way, let alone glowed in her hand. She only played with the clock before she and her dad "Bonded". Afterwards, she hasn't seen much of the clock, and assumed he hid it from her. Knowing this, she quickly, but gently, let go of the clock. She highly doubted that she recieved that much of his powers at that time, but she was in no mood to take any chances.

Right after she put the clock down, she looked up at the pair. Taking Sam's place was a woman. As she looked on, she saw the woman turn back into Sam, then saw the aura of the woman go into the sword. Katsura's the spirit in the sword! She exclaimed in her head, now approaching the two. She headed over to the newcomer and greeted herself.

"Hello there, sorry for wandering off. I'm Lola,' She said.
Sam nodded to Lola, the last traces of Katsura's form disappeared

"ah, Riyoshi, this is Lola, Lola this is Riyoshi"

he got back to his feet and looked at the fireball

"so each stone can do only one spell?"
Looking at Sam and the new girl, lola, Riyoshi keep the fireball going.

"That is not it. This is all my dad knew about this stone. I have since figured out a lot more. But i can not do it here." Riyoshi said as he canceled the fireball and placed the stone back into his pocket.

Looking over at Lola, he bowed.

"It is good meeting you both. Now can we get somewhere else. Somewhere more open. I am not liking these confined places." Riyoshi said as he stood upright and looked at Sam.
Sam nodded, and began walking towards the blast-door, opening it up, revealing the warehouse again, he walked inside

"Katsura hates this place, she says the other Artifacts are teasing her"
"What are the artifacts?" Riyoshi asked Sam.

Placing his hand upon his necklace, Riyoshi took in a deep breath.
Alec looked at the man as he spoke, before shaking her head and glancing over at Steven. He hadn't woken up, and that wasn't a good sign. Something...seemed off. Moving to his side, she gently placed a hand on his back and started a small, but powerful, healing spell and a body scan. Her eyes soon seeing a screen that wasn't there showing facts about him, like heart beat, blood sugar, iron levels.


Back on earth, a dark shadow moved near the school, whisps of smoke wrapping around it. A cold air around the person, chilling anyone close enough to it to the bone. Leslie was looking for Marco, hand tight around something she had spent a long time looking for as she gazed into her 'crystal ball' watching the shadow. But, she couldn't sense him, or...anyone for that matter through her manifestation. Slipping into the school, the shadow moved to the office that had his scent all over it.

Soon, he found Marco's room, and on the pillow of it placed a hand. Leslie dropped the object through the ball, and the shadow disappeared completely, leaving no trail, no scent, nothing that it had been there. Looking down at her empty hand, a small circle imprint still there, she wondered if that was the proper thing to do. Closing off the ball, she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she gazed across her small domain of 'Hell'.
Lola continued to follow them back inside the warehouse. As she followed, she felt a faint chill. Although faint, she instantly recalled where she felt it. It was her first day, where she met the "death-lady" that gaver her Jirou, her puppy. She wanted to make sure Jirou and Kalypso was okay, then she also remembered she had a rather close association to Mr. Marco.

"I know where to get someone," She said, grabbing Sam's arm. She knew if the sensation continued, she could find Leslie in hardly any time.
Aenor felt another presence. "What? No! This is disasterous!" He went to work,trying to fuse himself with Steven's psyche.


Steven woke up. He pushed violently against Vent,and sprung off of him,with Vent falling to the ground. Everything was blank;he saw nothing.
"Telekenesis works upon the functions of mass,energy,and force. The energy required,and energy output,the working portion of telekenesis is a function of the moving object's mass and impact force,to the power of the practitioner's level of power,as demonstrated on the Adams Scale." His vision was clearing...Everything was twisted,and in black and white.

He turned to face the man on the throne. What he saw filled him with anger.
"A demonstration is in order,Man of Burning Shadows." Steven raised his right palm,and Marco was raised several feet in the air. The magic force was irresistable;Marco was helpless. Steven threw his arm forward,towards the man on the throne. Marco was hurled with bone shattering force at the man.

Steven then raised his left arm. Cyan panels of light appeared around the arm,moving up and down,and around the arm in short,jerky movements. A red cone of these panels spun in his palm,with the point pointed to his palm. Within,an orange ball grew. It was an illusion. It had to be. Anything other than Illusion or Telekenesis would explode in his face.
Vent yelped as Steven suddenly sprang to life.


The man with red hair sighed, and snapped his fingers, time within the room freezing.

"We can't have you all lose it quite yet.... My name is Faust. Keep me in your thoughts. This has been a warning of worse things to come." He spat ominously, snapping his fingers again and teleporting the four mages back to Earth.
Kalypso twitched a bit and woke up with a start. "Marco!" The wolf searched around the room, then started to shrink back to the size of a regular puppy. "Jirou! Where's Marco? Where's Lola?" Her voice was shaky and scared.
Riddle, i refuse to Acknowledge your post, you didn't ask permission for controlling my character and so i choose to ignore it.


Marco emerged outside his office, unaware of what the hell happened, he was taken, then nothing, then he was dumped back... what the hell!?

he walked in, seeing Kalypso

"hey girl! sorry about that, some bad guys came around, dunno what they wanted but i'm back!"

Marco could feel a cold energy, pure death... like a city killed by a plague, with the bodies still warm.

a smile spread across his face, he expanded his aura, so Leslie could feel it


Sam shrugged

"i have no i... wait... she says the Crystals are calling her a ****"

he let out a "woah-nelly!" as Lola grabbed his arm

"what is it, Lola?"
Leslie glanced back down at her crystal ball, as something stirred in it. The shadow she had sent to the school was going crazy with sensing. Smirking, Leslie waved her hand, the shadow darting towards Marco's side, leaving the ring on the pillow. Rather than show up there herself, she had an odd want to bring Marco to Grim's Wonderland for a bit so she could speak with him. Suddenly, the shadow sensed some thing else's aura. Leslie raised an eyebrow, telling the shadow to stop and return. The shadow followed orders, stopping in the middle of a hallway on it's way down to it's target, before disappearing and reconnected with it's owner on the other side. Closing off the connection to the surface, her aura in that place died out completely.

Sighing, she rubbed the bridge of her nose. She didn't want to pull him if he was with someone, she had no way of knowing if it was a student or not anyway. Sighing, she leaned back in her thrown like thing, and stared at the grey sky. "...I need to colour this place...." She mused to herself.
Looking over at Sam, Riyoshi's eyes got real big.

"They called her what! How do i make them shut up! I do not want her to come back out!" Riyoshi replied with a sure tone of fear.

Reaching in and grabbing a hold of the stones, he thought by squeezing them real tight, it would suppress their thoughts, or communication.
Katsura spoke to Riyoshi

"relax young one, such groundless insults are useless against me, i believe Sam misinterpreted it"

"how so?"

"i said that they are insulting me... but i never mentioned any impact of their ramblings"


"thats alright, Sam-Sama"
Kalypso peeked up from behind a bookshelf, tears staining her muzzle. "Marco? Is that you?" She looked the blurry figure standing in the doorway. Tears blocked the way of her sight path and she couldn't see that well. Slowly and carefully, the pup made her way towards her owner and nuzzled up against his legs.
marco knelt down and hugged Kalypso

"you big baby.. why are you crying? because i got in a bit of trouble? you know it takes more than that to stop me from coming back"

he petted her on the head and smiled

"still, good to see i was missed"

he send out a beacon to Leslie, it was invisible, more like a radio signal, but its origin and destination was from one magical "Signature, to another.

Marco's to Leslie's

he stood back up, and picked up the ring

*whistle* "come on Kalypso, we're going on a little trip"
Exhaling in a huge sigh of relief, Riyoshi slouched his poster a little bit.

"So where are we going now?" Riyoshi asked as he looked around the building they were in.

I hope it is nice like the jungle we were just in. the voice said, not realizing that other magic users could here it.
Kalypso shifted a little. "I... I thought I lost you. I heard someone say that you were taken away and that you might never return." The wolf pup licked Marco's hand and stepped back a little as he opened up the portaly. "Grim's Wonderland? But... isn't that where the dead people go?!" Kalypso whined. She was scared of dead people.
Marco chuckled

"not at all, its where the grim reaper lives, but i'm on.. very... VERY good terms with the Grim Reaper,

he rustled the hair on her head, waiting for Leslie

"man, i'm kinda nervous..."


Sam shrugged

"i'm going to the mainframe, if we can pull up a map, then we can find an exit... i sure as hell ain't using that elevator again"
Sensing Marco trying to connect with her, Leslie sighed. Looking down at her shadow that shrugged back at her, she stepped onto the porch of the bleak dead house. Cracking her scythe against the ground, a portal opened connecting her world and earth's, more precisely, the area around Marco, and Marco only.

Turning away from it, she knew it would close in a matter of seconds anyway, she moved back into the house. Setting down at her crystal ball table, her shadow wriggled itself up to the other seat and took a sip of tea out of a chipped glass that set there. Crossing their legs, they waited.
Marco found himself in a flat field, a few acres across with a creepy house in the middle.

he sighed

"Sorry Kalypso, looks like i'm taking this little trip alone"

he began walking to the house, ignoring the mirages and the echoes, focussing only on the house.

he went up the front steps, and ame to the front door.

he pushed the door, it swumg open withoug a creak, inside was Leslie and her shaddow sitting on another chair.

he nodded to them

"hey Leslie..."
Kalypso whinned as Marco dissapeared. "Why can't I go with you? Please?!" She pleaded. She hated waiting for Marco to get back from his little 'trips'.
"Hello Marco." Leslie said without looking up from what she was doing, snipping a string from the crystal ball very precisely. As the blade she was using sliced it cleanly, she handed it to the shadow, who moved from it's chair to add it to a growing ghost white blanket as a scream echoed from the crystal ball.

Turning herself in her chair, she fully faced Marco, motioning towards on of the many chairs in the room. "We need to talk." As the shadow returned, it carried a tray with a pot of tea and three glasses on it and offered it to Marco.

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